Chapter 258: Chapter Two-Hundred and Fifty-Eight: Still Unconscious

Yun Nan avoided her gaze and said, “For some reason, someone crashed into us, and then I think they kidnapped us, but I didn’t get a look at them. Have you called the police?”

Xiang Yang’s expression turned serious, and she answered, “When the accident happened, Shi Nian was on the phone with Chang Yuan. Chang Yuan heard the crash and immediately contacted Shi Ke. When Shi Ke’s men rushed to the scene, the kidnappers had already taken you both away. The road you guys were on was a side street with too few surveillance cameras, so it took us a while to find you. The police are looking for them—the kidnappers. I’m sorry it took us so long to save you.”

Yun Nan finally felt relieved when she heard that. “I was so scared. I thought I was going to die in that d*mn place.”

Chen Yao’s heart ached, and she uttered, “Don’t say that! Knock on wood! You and Shi Nian had a close brush with death; things will only look up from now on! I’ll invite a feng Shui master over tomorrow and get them to check the feng Shui from your house to your car to your work office!”

Yun Nan chuckled. “Grandma, when you get in touch with the feng Shui master, please tell them that we have a screenwriter named Annie who likes metaphysics very much. Ask them to go and have a chat with her, and she can write a script about it.”

Chen Yao glared at her and chided, “Leave work aside and take care of yourself first! You have to keep yourself well and healthy, you hear me? Your mother owes me a lifetime, which you have to pay! You can’t leave your grandpa and I alone!”


As she spoke, Chen Yao’s eyes reddened. Yun Nan stretched out the hand not hooked up to a drip and held Chen Yao’s arm to her chest. “Okay, Grandma! I’ll definitely take care of myself. You have to take care of yourself, too, and live to a ripe old age with Grandpa.

Chen Yao stroked Yun Nan’s head, feeling a myriad of emotions in her heart. Heaven knew that when she heard the news of Yun Nan’s accident, she felt like she got struck by lightning and almost collapsed then and there.

Xu Yun’s eyes also reddened. Seeing this, Yun Nan gave Xiang Yang a look. Xiang Yang smiled and said, “Grandma, Mom, you can relax now that Yun Nan and Shi Nian are fine. Go home and get some rest; you can visit them again tomorrow and bring some delicious food with you!”

Chen Yao was still slightly worried and couldn’t bear to part with Yun Nan.

Xiang Yang smiled as she helped the elderly woman up and handed her over to

Xu Yun, saying, “Don’t worry; Shi Xiu and I are here, and so are Shi Ke and Chang Yuan. There’s no need to worry; you two should take care of your health, too! Leave everything to us youngsters! Just prepare some good food for us; hospital food sucks!”


Xu Yun nodded. “Alright, we’ll go back and prepare some food.” She helped Chen Yao along and left, her mind set on the task her daughters-in-law gave her.

Only after they left did Yun Nan finally dare to groan, “Xiang Yang, it hurts!”

Xiang Yang quickly rushed to her bedside, held her hand, and teasingly comforted her. “Aww, there, there, sweetie! There, there, little Yun Nan—”

“Shut up!” Yun Nan giggled, both annoyed and amused by her.

Xiang Yang laughed and asked, “Are you thirsty?”

Yun Nan nodded. Xiang Yang poured her a glass of warm water, mixed in some honey, and fed it to Yun Nan with a straw. The two then began to have a quiet chat.

“You were unconscious for three days,” Xiang Yang told Yun Nan. “You have a fracture in your left leg, and two of your ribs are broken. Fortunately, your internal organs weren’t damaged. Otherwise, if you had internal bleeding, I’m afraid we wouldn’t have been able to save you. The place where you two were locked up was very far from the road where you crashed; we had to use police dogs to find you.”

Yun Nan immediately sensed something was wrong and anxiously asked, “What about Shi Nian? He was more seriously injured than me and was running a fever when I came to after the crash!”

Xiang Yang lowered her eyes before seeming to have made up her mind and looked up and said, “Yun Nan, Shi Nian… He’s still unconscious. But Mom and Grandma don’t know yet.”

Yun Nan froze, and tears fell from her eyes as she muttered, “His injuries are more serious than mine. When the car crashed, he used his body to protect my head. He also has a fever.”

Xiang Yang patted her hand, wiped away her tears, and informed her, “He suffered multiple fractures, and four of his ribs are broken. What’s most concerning is his head injury; there’s internal bleeding. But don’t worry; the doctor said that he’ll be fine so long as he wakes up this afternoon.”

Yun Nan’s eyes widened. “What if he doesn’t?”

Xiang Yang hurriedly reassured her, “Of course he will! He’ll definitely wake

Yun Nan wasn’t assured and struggled to sit up, saying, “No, I have to go see him!” Her movements jolted her ribs and sent a sharp pain through her, making her scream.

Xiang Yang quickly got up and pressed Yun Nan back onto her bed, scolding anxiously, “What are you doing?! You’re still injured. What if you knocked a bone out of place, and it healed wrong?”

Tears welled in her eyes, and Yun Nan cried, “I have to go see him. I have to wake him up! He—he’s waiting for me to wake him up!”

Unable to dissuade her, Xiang Yang relented and called the hospital staff. Before long, Yun Nan was sitting in a wheelchair, her arms wrapped in thick gauze and her chest fixed to a special frame to prevent her broken ribs from being squeezed and shifted out of place..