Chapter 606: Two Mission Lines

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[Progressive Mission: Finding the camps of the five major curse races.] [Advanced Mission: Assisting the six star races in repelling external enemies.]

[Difficult Mission: Searching for the main camp of the Poison-Curse race.] [Nightmare-level Mission: Rescuing the children of the Pentagram Continent.]

[Hell-level Mission: Assassinating the leader of the Poison-Curse race, Wu Ren.]

[Challenge-level Mission: Crushing the Poison-Curse race and expelling them from the Pentagram Continent.]

Wang Ye browsed through the ten refreshed missions.


Outside the stone house, Dongheng Wanyi and Qjng Yu pushed open the door and walked in.

“Have you all received them?” Wang Ye immediately understood their purpose. “Why are these villains capturing the children of the Pentagram Continent?” Qing Yu was very angry.

“They might be conducting a dangerous experiment or scheming something big,” Dongheng Wanyi said. “The Poison-Curse race is not only cunning and deceitful but also proficient in various curses and poisons. In terms of intellect, they are second only to the black dwarf race among the devil’s five lackeys.” “This is the real mission in the Primordial Mission Hall,” Wang Ye said. “The missions on the Pentagram Continent.”

It wasn’t just the Primordial Star. The Infinite World of Slaughter also had identical missions.

They had previously encountered their disciples.

“Yes.” Dongheng Wanyi nodded. “Because we’re newcomers and not Undying Lifeform, only basic progressive missions were displayed before.”


“Why are they open now?” Qing Yu was surprised.

“It should be because team three has just reached 100 mission points and completed an advanced mission,” Wang Ye said. “The Primordial Mission Hall deemed us capable of executing higher-level missions, so they’ve all been unlocked.”

The third team led by Jiu Gedi was very stable.

Although they were slower than our team and the second team led by Xian Yuyan.

However, they completed the missions very smoothly, and like our team, all five members were unharmed.

Jiu Gedi was very suitable to be the captain.

“Wang Ye!” The stone house door was pushed open.

“What?” Qifeng Zhenqing and Jiang Yichun rushed in. When they saw the three people inside the stone house, they were slightly surprised. “You guys are so

“We just received them,” Dongheng Wanyi said.

“Sit down and let’s discuss,” Wang Ye motioned.

The two girls nodded and sat down on the ground.

“Let’s go!” Qjfeng Zhenqing said urgently. “I want to rescue those children as soon as possible.”

“No, your injuries haven’t healed yet. It’s taboo to fight with injuries,” Jiang Yichun said. “Not only will it affect mission efficiency, but it’s also likely to get you killed.”

“It’s okay!” Qifeng Zhenqing said quickly.

Wang Ye gestured for her to calm down. “First, I need to confirm one thing. The missions on the Pentagram Continent have always existed and are constantly changing. They were released long before we knew about them.”

“We’ve seen many human cultivators in the Barbarian Star Sub-continent, as well as disciples from the Infinite World of Slaughter,” Dongheng Wanyi added.

The three girls nodded.

Wang Ye said, “So there was no need to rush. We weren’t saviors, and the Pentagram Continent wouldn’t collapse without us. The human experts from all factions were diligently completing their missions. We just needed to focus

“Alright,” Qifeng Zhenqing agreed with Wang Ye.

Wang Ye continued, “Everyone knows that the Undying-level missions are divided into ten danger levels. With our team’s strength, we could only handle up to the fifth level, the nightmare-level mission.”

“As for the hell-level mission and the highest challenge-level mission, we won’t consider them.”

Dongheng Wanyi added, “They would involve Eternal-level experts.”

“So what should we do now?” Jiang Yichun asked directly.

“That’s right, Wang Ye. With so many missions, how do we choose?” Qing Yu

“Although there are numerous missions, if you look closely, there are essentially two paths. Moreover, we’ve already encountered both of them,” Wang Ye explained.

“The first path is the mission assigned by Senior Ning Dan. It involves assisting the six star races of the Pentagram Continent in repelling external enemies.”

“The second path is what we stumbled upon earlier. It involves destroying enemy camps and rescuing the children of the six star races who were captured.”

Everyone nodded in understanding.

“Based on rational judgment, we should choose the first path,” Wang Ye suggested. “Earning mission points would be more stable and easier. Our narrow victory last time doesn’t guarantee our survival next tune.” “Besides, both the Poison-Curse race and the camps of the five major curse races are located in the vast wilderness. Finding them is like searching for a needle in a haystack without any clues.”

“But as a team, let’s decide together. The minority will follow the majority.” “I choose the second path!” Qing Yu raised her hand without hesitation. Qifeng Zhenqing looked to Wang Ye for approval, and upon receiving his nod, she happily stated, “I also choose the second path!”

“I have no objections,” Jiang Yichun said calmly.

“Then let’s follow our instincts,” Dongheng Wanyi said straightforwardly. “Then it’s settled,” Wang Ye confirmed.

“You guys decide,” Jiu Gedi said with a smile as he looked at the four members. Hui Zhi clasped her hands together.

Qing Xuan and Zhao Xingyi locked eyes, sparks flying between them. “Do you dare to compete again?”

“I’m not afraid of you!”

Jiu Gedi shook his head with a wry smile.

After glancing at the mission list, he closed it.

With the two time bombs, he decided to stay put in the puppet star race’s territory and focus on some simple tasks.

However, with their combat prowess intact, even if they played by the rules, it didn’t mean they had no chance of winning.

“It’s not over yet,” Jiu Gedi said with a light smile.

Sky Star Sub-continent.

“What? Searching for the spirit curse race’s camp?” Hao Lang, with a huge scabbard on his back, couldn’t believe it. “Is it so audacious? That’s not like you, Captain Fairy!”

Piao Baibai looked at Xian Yuyan. “Although you’re the captain, shouldn’t there be a reason for us to trust you?”

Xian Yuyan, composed and serene, explained, “Wang Ye destroyed the death curse race’s camp, killed the high-ranking Undying commander, eliminated more than ten medium and low-level Undying Lifeforms, and rescued hundreds of children from the barbarian star race.”

“No wonder the mission points spiked so much,” Hao Lang realized suddenly. “This guy is quite something!”

Piao Baibai understood. “So you’re not convinced? But our team’s mission points have already surpassed the first team’s.”

Xian Yuyan, with a hint of sword intent in her demeanor, nodded gracefully. “What he can do, I can do too. My mind is made up, but you can decide for

“Let’s kill them,” Wen Rou stated, her words gentle yet brimming with killing intent.

“I love this adventurous side of you, Captain Fairy!” Hao Lang exclaimed enthusiastically. “Finally, we can venture into the wilderness and have some real fun!”

Piao Baibai chuckled heartily. “Then let’s go and have a good fight together. To be honest, I’m also not convinced by that guy stealing all the limelight!”

Xian Yuyan nodded gently.

“Our chance to catch up has arrived, Baiying!” Zero was thrilled.

“Do you know the location of the camp?” Dong Baiying asked.

“I have no idea!” Zero replied promptly.

“Do you know where the children of the six major star races are hiding?” Dong Baiying inquired further.

“Absolutely no clue!” Zero replied con

Dong Baiying was at a loss for words.

! his head.

“But there’s someone who does!” Zero grinned mischievously. “Who?”

“My god-sister, Jiang Yichun!” Zero asserted confidently. “With her ultimate talent, ‘Super Perception,’ as long as she leads the way, we’ll find the Poison- Curse Race’s camp!”

“She’s on Wang Ye’s team,” Dong Baiying reminded him.

“Why don’t we just bring her over?” Zero patted his chest confidently. “She listens to me the most. As long as I ask, she’ll immediately switch sides!”

“Absolutely!” Zero exclaimed confidently. “Let’s go! We’re heading to the Barbarian Star Sub-continent!”

“Don’t make a fruitless trip,” Dong Baiying cautioned.

“That’s impossible! If my sister doesn’t come, I’ll change my surname to yours!” Zero declared boldly.

Wang Ye’s group split into two teams.

Dongheng Wanyi and Jiang Yichun went to explore the other four sub­continents, while Wang Ye and Qing Yu remained in the Barbarian Star Sub­continent.

Only Qjfeng Zhenqing continued to recuperate.

“Wang Ye, why don’t we go together to gather information?” Qing Yu was puzzled.

“Jiang Yichun has the ultimate talent ‘Super Perception,’ which makes her the most suitable for gathering information,” Wang Ye explained. “And with Wanyi accompanying her, the two of them can handle any crisis. If we’re just gathering information, we don’t need too many people.”

“Are we going to continue killing the death curse Undying here?” Qjng Yu asked.

“Yes,” Wang Ye confirmed. “After one camp was destroyed and hundreds of barbarian star race children were lost, the death curse race won’t just let it slide. The conflict in the Barbarian Star Sub-continent will only escalate, presenting us with a good opportunity to eam mission points.”

“Now, the second team has already surpassed us in mission points, and the third team is keeping pace with us.”

“Regardless, we need to secure a minimum.”

“We’ll pool everyone’s mission points together!” Qing Yu suggested.

Wang Ye nodded in agreement.

Of course, they had to.

It wasn’t just about mission points. It was also about evolution points! He needed more evolution points to enhance his strength!

Otherwise, even if they found the abducted children on the Pentagram Continent, they might not be able to rescue them.

Insufficient strength could lead to failure.

Utilizing the Small Star Formation, they scoured the outskirts of the sub­continent.

The changes were significant compared to before.

A heavy atmosphere!

The scent of blood was overpowering, with corpses littering the ground. As they had suspected, the death curse race intensified their attacks! The barbarian star race was retreating, and many territories were lost. Forward!

Wang Ye and Qing Yu moved through one small star formation after another, searching for the barbarian star race and the death curse Undying.

The energy fluctuations grew stronger!

“Wang Ye, which sub-continent do you think the main camp of the Poison- Curse race might be in?” Qing Yu inquired.

“Except for barbarian star, any of the other four sub-continents are possible,” Wang Ye replied, scanning their surroundings.

“Why?” Qing Yu asked curiously.

“It’s simple. If the main camp were here, the death curse race would have already transported the captive children there,” Wang Ye explained.

“How do we determine the location of the Poison-Curse race’s main camp then?” Qing Yu pondered.

“Let’s see which sub-continent the Poison-Curse race experts frequent,” Wang Ye suggested.

“Hmm?” Qing Yu looked surprised and pointed ahead. “What if it’s here?”

Wang Ye was confused,

As they raced forward, they spotted three Undying Lifeforms nearby.

With six eyes and faces covered in snake-like curses, their dark brown skin was rough and terrifying, and their slender limbs resembled sharp blades.

They were one of the devil race’s five great vassals!

A formidable group, the Poison-Curse race!