Chapter 791 recreates the river

Fang Hanshi exhibited his own means, countless suffocating qi, elixir, seeds, uplifting mountain peaks, laying down the ban, and recreating the tens of thousands of miles of the hills of the Feathering Gate.

The ground, all refining by the flames, the original soil, rocks, all have been trained into a crystal jade.


Fang Han once again flew out many of the materials stored in the eight floats, and eight furnaces were rotated, which injected infinite jade liquid. When the jade liquid fell to the ground, it merged into the ground and immediately became astringent. The rich "Jade" is steaming, and people are bathed in the wonderland.

These jade liquids are a kind of material for refining Dongfu. They are called warm and warm jade, not natural cohesive, but the master of "Yaoshen Valley", with some jade, and rare elixir in the world, smelt and cook together. A refinery of a building material, laid in the Dongfu, not only warm and smooth, warm in winter and cool in summer, but also able to emit fragrant jade gas, making people all sick, disaster does not add body.

Now, Fang Han has covered the ground and the peaks of the square, all of which are covered with this kind of fragrant jade. The luxury and luxury of the means, the people of the stars have been sluggish.


"Bei Rongzhen, the beast of the beast, the **** of the gods, the prince of the prince, the prince of the prince, the star, the Shaowei, Qi Minghao... speeding up the refinery, concise the land! Jiangshan picturesque!"

In the process of condensing, Fang Han was in the mountain river, and the body was full of glory, and many masters flew out and assisted. Playing all kinds of handcuffs, while Fang Han flew out Huang Quantu to speed up the time.

It has been condensed for hundreds of years, but it is only an hour outside.


The earth settles and the plate descends. The entire Yuhuamen Mountain is surrounded by mountains and rivers. The fragrant jade is everywhere, the flowers are temporarily placed, the peaks of the mountains are towering, and the mountains are covered with statues and palaces.

Especially the reincarnation peak of Fang Han.


Fang Han’s reincarnation peak collapsed and collapsed during the battle with Zhou Tianxian Zun. But now it has been re-consolidated by Fang Han, and the highest, has become a tens of thousands of eight thousand feet, deep into the nine-day hurricane layer, enough to reach the outer Optimus Prime.

As for the original Tiandu Peak, Ling Xiaofeng, disappeared.

Instead, the indigo peak is blue. Standing in the West. The purple electric peak and the reincarnation peak are juxtaposed, the electric light is entangled, the thunder is oscillating, the thundercloud is surrounded by the whole year, the black clouds are rolling, with infinite majesty.

The true mountain disciple of Yuhuamen was recreated and sculptured again. It is very different from the previous one. At the same time, the protection ability and the spiritual effect of cultivation are not known how many times increased.

"At this moment, I know that Fang Han’s brother, **, Hua Tiandu, Meng Shaobai, are like shit. Master Fang Han is the real leader of my feathering door, leading me to the door. brilliant."

A true disciple, "The Real World War" came forward and looked up: "Thank you for the master brother to consolidate the peaks of the battle for me. From now on, I listened to the masters, and the swords and the seas. No longer wrinkled a brow."

"You are also the veteran disciple of our feathering door. Don't be a cloud." Fang Han looked at the real people of the battle and saw that he had cultivated to the realm of supernatural powers and renewed his life. I know that he got a lot of benefits from Meng Shaobai and Zhou Tianxian. Now Zhou Tianxian Zunyi was shot, and Xu Xianxuan was innocent and ***, and immediately came out to express his loyalty, for fear of being cleaned by Fang Han.

However, Fang Han is not in the eyes of this small role. He is arbitrarily faint: "The big robbery has dropped. The reason why I spent a lot of effort, reversing the time, shaping the mountain here, and arranging the big array is to fight against the Protoss. Invasion, you have a lot of cultivation. If you survive the catastrophe, there will be achievements."

"Yes! Master!"

In the Yuhuamen, there are now thousands of true disciples, all of whom have collapsed.

"These true disciples are Zhou Tianxianzun, who are selected from the disciples outside the door, and then earn their own world, give them life, reversal time, teach them magical cultivation. Let them be faithful to Meng Shaobai. , cultivate the sputum, but it is also a merit for our feathering."

Feng Baiyu smiled gently: "Fang Han, it seems that I have to abdicate, let you accept my feathering door. I am reclusive as an elder, let you do the supreme teaching. All disciples of Yuhuamen, listen to orders! Today, all the friends in the group of stars, to witness, I officially taught the big position, taught to Fang Han, since then, he is the fifth generation of my feather door!"

The three saints of Yuhua also nodded, and together with many elders on the road: "Fang Han's cultivation has reached the realm of the king of the world, fighting the evil fairy. It is suitable for me to become the **** of the eaves. Now the feather of the feathers is rising. The head of the trust, by Fang Han you are in charge. Have the power to kill."

"Please feather the flying up!"


From the Yuhua Temple, a huge scripture was born. This book is a white and soft color. There is no word on it. It is a "wordless book."

"Fang Han, in the rumor, I Yuhuamen is not a small martial art, but a heavenly kingdom, a mysterious system of feathering real people, this feathered real person, has been cultivated to the 'to the fairy', only one step It is a rumor of the ancients. But this is a rumor of the ancients. This feathered flying up the above, contains infinite mystery. In the past, I passed through him to communicate the fairy world, but since my master died after 10,000 years ago. The book was damaged during the catastrophe, and the connection with the fairy world was isolated."

Among the feathering gates, the highest "Wu Mingkong" road: "My master, the second generation of the Yuhuamen, is the supreme master, and it is comparable to the fairy, but it falls in the robbery. Otherwise, I will be the door Really compete with one too."

"Is it?" Fang Han took over the "Yuhuafei Shengjing", a little input of pure yang, his own mana, it found that there are some ethereal rules of the immortal, it seems to be a piece of fairy. A meditation practice of yang is also pouring into my mind.

Feathering and flying in the hands of Fang Yu, Fang Han at this moment, has become the real head.

However, in his heart, there is no excitement. It is not very important for him to teach him a big position. It was a wish eight years ago.

Eight years ago, he was a groom and a slave. Eight years later, he is already the supreme of the Immortal School, mastering the universe and revolving the existence of the sun and the moon.

However, his cultivation years are close to 30,000 years. According to his birthday, he is already over 30,000 years old, and he is not a girl.

After the wind white feather passed the position, it seemed that he had put down a big stone and he was going to do what he wanted to do.

"Congratulations to Fang Handao, become the ultimate master of Yuhuamen." Many of the elders of the Star Gates also congratulated, especially the star owner, and his face opened.

"This kind of big event, I have to tell the world, let the fairy and the demon know both. But now is a very special period. The fairy tales are only more than ten days. In this, we have heard that the stars have been sent out. Many masters have entered other sects, such as Yi Yuanzong, Sun and Moon Swords, Danding Swords, Tongtian Swords, Wanguixian Island, these sects, including Wanguixian Island, have clearly understood, to surrender Too one door, at the Xiandao Conference, the rest of the martial art, also eager to move. My group of stars also received a token of too one door, the disaster Xianxian. In the rumors, only in the last robbery, too one door issued this charm Anyone who receives this token and does not negotiate will get a disaster."

Mrs. Star took out a token.

Fang Han saw that there was a person on the top, stepping on the dragon and black elephant, and the white monocle on the head. It was the rumor that the catastrophe Tianjun looked like.

"Oh, what is this! Too one door, I know that the celestial messenger has come down recently. I want to integrate immortality, but it is so easy."

"But, Fang Handaoyou, Taiyimen is indeed imposing and imposing. It is because of the descendants of the immortal world. It also carries the majesty of the fairy. Although we can now fight against the immortal, but the emperor is a true fairy, and there are still Between the angels of the heavens and the backhands, we will become powders. If we do not surrender, above the Fairy Avenue, it is our place of burial."

Star main road.

"Unless we are now, we will lead the group and leave the world of Xuanhuang. But then, it is also possible to be chased! And in the world of Xuanhuang, we have already laid the foundation, go to other places, and easily encounter other strengths. Excluded." Star Lady said: "More importantly, the Protoss robbery, although it is a robbery, but in the Xuanhuang big world, many treasures will also open in the robbery. We missed the opportunity, it is even more raging. ”

"Tian Xian messenger, naturally someone is resisting, we are not the first master of the world of Xuanhuang. It is not the biggest rival of Taiyi." Fang Han thought for a while: "Linglong Xianzun resisted the angel of heaven. Our pressure is also It has been reduced a lot and may not be able to handle it."

"Taihuangtian carries the power of true immortals, and we are not able to withstand it." The three ancient masters of the Star Gate: "And, the fairy eternal furnace, *** Quartet."

"No problem, I also have the aid of the feather door. The man's pen will return before the robbery. The repair of this predecessor has become one of heaven and earth. It will soon return to the realm of the fairy. And it will be even more powerful!" I remembered Fang Qingxue.

"In any case, our star-studded family is coming to the nest, in order to form an alliance with Yuhuamen, and to coexist with each other!" Star said: "In these ten days, we will discuss the countermeasures first. How to draw other martial art, strength Only when you grow up can you have the power to speak at the Fairy Avenue."

"Strength is the power to speak." Fang Handao: "I have now collected the towers of the gods of the immortality of the immortal. I help you, refining and refining, and integrating into the eight floating sects. I can turn into a cockroach. In that case, I might be able to fight with the Emperor."

Fang Han is now eager to improve his strength.