Chapter 494: Chapter 244: Plotting to Seize the Throne_2

Chang Huai Ren’s expression turned solemn: “Please give your command, Your Majesty.”

Lu Yuan contemplated: “Wuan Marquis is like the pillar holding up the sky for Yue Country. His sudden death is like the collapse of the heavenly pillars. I fear that the hard-won peace in the world will be disturbed once again.

You, Honglu Temple, are responsible for the diplomacy with other countries. You should be the most well-informed about the situations and trends of various countries.

So, I want to send more messengers from the Honglu Temple to visit other countries and gather information during this time.

See whether any countries make any unusual moves after receiving this news?

If there are, and it’s confirmed that the country intends to send troops, let people gather as much information as possible to send back to our country so that we can prepare in advance.


If possible, prevent the war from happening by all means.”

My Changsha Kingdom has just been established and cannot afford to wage a war at this time.”

Ah, these are the main reasons why Lu Yuan asked Chang Huai Ren to come this time.

After listening to the instructions, Chang Huai Ren knew the importance of the matter and promised solemnly: “Please rest assured, Your Majesty. I will surely send more messengers to investigate all the countries. Any news will be reported back to you.”

Lu Yuan nodded: “I will leave this matter to you.”

Thus, a decision was finally made regarding Wuan Marquis’ death.


For a while, the Honglu Temple became very busy.

The death of Wuan Marquis was far too significant and had the potential to reignite wars in the provinces of Yong, Qing, and Yang. The scope of influence was vast.

Honglu Temple had to send messengers or spies to all surrounding countries that could be affected by this incident, which was a massive amount of work.

After intense research discussions, they finally decided to send messengers to seven countries, and even more spies to thirteen other countries.

A total of twenty countries were involved, with more than a hundred people to be arranged.

It was almost like emptying out the entire Honglu Temple.

So, it was destined to be a heavy task.

During this busy time at the Honglu Temple, the imperial examination in Changsha City on the 13th of March also came to an end.

A few days later, over a hundred new jinshi candidates held their final exam, the palace examination, in the Chaoyuan Hall of the Royal Palace, determining the top three leaders.

Lu Yuan personally granted official positions to the top three leaders of this year’s examination, officially concluding the Enke of Hongdao’s Ninth year.

At this time, Li Tingjing, the messenger who had been selected to go to Jinling City to mourn, also headed for Jinling City.

He would be observing the movements of various parties at the center of this storm and verifying how this turbulence would ultimately evolve while sending messages back to his country.

Meanwhile, Lu Yuan took this waiting time to focus on the cultivation of the Way of Taiping.

By now, he had been cultivating this Dao book for over a year.

With the passage of time, his cultivation had made great progress compared to the past.

The Way of Taiping, a Qi Luck technique, was much more potent than ordinary Immortal Techniques if one ignored its side effects on one’s lifespan.

Since Lu Yuan had successfully expanded his territory and gained the loyalty of millions of people through the imperial examinations, his Qi Luck had grown exponentially, more than doubling from what it had been during the Northern Expedition.

With his vastly improved Qi Luck, he could draw in much more Immortal Spirit Qi from the Heavenly Pillars than before, increasing his cultivation speed significantly.

Thanks to various benefits, Lu Yuan’s cultivation had advanced rapidly.

After only one year of cultivation, not only had his internal energy become abundant and solidified, but his soul had also become more robust.

With sufficient Qi and a strong spirit, he felt that he wasn’t far from the strength of Anqiu True Person.

If he could wait another three or four months for the immigrants to settle down and harvest another wave of Qi Luck, perhaps he would be able to catch up to the other party.

Anqiu True Person, who was an Immortal Dao cultivator, could match the strength of a second-ranked innate expert.

If Lu Yuan’s Immortal Dao cultivation reached such a level within three or four months,

Then, with the strength at the second innate realm, even if the world were to plunge into chaos again due to Wuan Marquis’ death,

He would be able to protect Changsha and remain unflinchingly stable during these troubled times.

After all,

Wuan Marquis’ strength was only at the second innate realm.

Lu Yuan could match his strength, have no less capable troops, and have a brilliant military record. Comparatively, he would be like a replica of Wuan Marquis.

If one Wuan Marquis could protect Yue Country for a hundred years,

Then, a Changsha King would not necessarily be unable to protect Changsha Country for a hundred or even a thousand years!

Lu Yuan was extremely confident in this.

Time flies quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the excitement of the imperial examination in March faded away from the streets and alleys.

The newly-promoted juren and jinshi candidates started to assume their positions under the arrangement of the Ministry of Personnel.

As they arrived and settled in, the three provinces and seventeen prefectures of Changsha Country finally had a complete system of officials in place, and the local operations resumed normality.

As a newly born kingdom,

Changsha Country was now full of vitality and a thriving atmosphere.

Moreover, the influx of young officials diluted many of the ugly phenomena of the bureaucracy, such as ranking by seniority and corruption.

Young people are always full of energy.