Chapter 414: Chapter 217: I Absolutely Do Not Covet Women_2

pʟease reading on ΒʘXΝOVEL.ϹΟMI Changsha has experienced wars and is now in poverty, far inferior to the two countries of Lingnan. Surrounded by enemies on three sides, we are constantly fighting. It is difficult to maintain stability.

If we can annex these two countries, we would immediately gain millions of households, countless wealth and resources, enough to support a 200,000-strong army for wars.

If we can march forward and conquer Jiuzhen County, we will completely seize the southern land and eliminate our worries of being attacked from behind.

Thus, Your Majesty will have the land of four counties, thousands of miles of territory, tens of millions of people, and 300,000 armored soldiers.

If we lead these soldiers north, the Zhou people will tremble with fear. If we lead them west, we will conquer Xichuan. If we lead them east, Jiangdong will lose courage.

This is indeed a foundation to strive for supremacy, and it is necessary to plan carefully for it in advance.”


For Cui Changqing, a traditional Confucian scholar, self-cultivation, governing the country, and ensuring peace throughout the world are almost their highest ideals, in his view.

Now, with the decline of the Yuèshì family and the disintegration of the world, it is already in the declining years of the dynasty.

It was because he saw this situation that Cui Changqing, originally a court official, chose to accept Lu Yuan’s invitation and become the Left Prime Minister.

This was not only based on their friendship, but also driven by his disappointment with the court.

However, recognizing the reality does not mean that Cui Changqing has resigned himself to fate.

Now, Lu Yuan proposes a strategy.


Conquer Lingnan and annex the two countries, seizing their land and resources, and absorbing their people and soldiers.

I find this strategy very appealing to Cui Changqing.

If it can be successfully carried out, with the three counties of Lingnan as a supply base and Lu Yuan’s elite soldiers, Changsha can launch wars in all directions.

With such a strong foundation, there is the potential to unify Jiangnan.

Even if we cannot unify Jiangnan, it is enough to share the benefits of the Yangtze River with Jiangdong’s minor court.”

How can such a prospect and glorious achievements not excite Cui Changqing?

“Southsea and Ninghai are our allies, how can we attack them without reason? Now I only want to win more people’s hearts. Minister Cui, don’t mention your previous words again, and do not let them get out.”

Fearing that Cui Changqing might do something inappropriate in his excitement, Lu Yuan hurriedly tried to calm him down.

Although planning for the conquest of Lingnan was an idea that he already had at the beginning of the alliance between the three countries, it was basically impossible for him to take action on Lingnan before Yan Wangqiu’s death.

At present, the innate combat power that Lu Yuan possesses is only himself and Lan Cai’er. The two of them combined would most likely lose if they were up against Su Xuange and Yan Wangqiu.

In this way, there is no advantage in terms of top-level combat power.

In terms of normal troops, given the two countries of Lingnan a few years, they should be able to muster tens of thousands of soldiers.

Whether these soldiers can fight is another question.

As long as they can defend the city against external enemies, that would be enough.

Considering the complex environment Changsha faces, with the defense line spanning thousands of miles to the north and east, at least 60,000 to 70,000 soldiers are needed to guard it.

That’s to say, even if troops were dispatched for the Southern Expedition, Lu Yuan could only spare about 50,000 to 60,000 men.

With no advantage in top-level combat power, it’s not guaranteed that these forces can even conquer one country, let alone two.

The chances are slim that he could succeed in annexing Lingnan.

Therefore, before Yan Wangqiu’s death, Lingnan could not be targeted.

At this moment, he has no intention of turning his two allies into enemies, let alone swallowing them up.

Moreover, Lu Yuan does not want to tarnish his reputation by attacking his allies at this time.

Since Southsea and Ninghai are bound to break the alliance and sever ties with him sooner or later, why not wait until they do so?

Why should he be the one to do the dirty work?

As Yan Wangqiu hasn’t much time left to live, it is better to let him enjoy his last years in peace.

In some respects, Lu Yuan does have his limits.

Cui Changqing seems to have understood his King’s limits, and upon being reminded, he immediately said, “Your Majesty, rest assured that I am not a man who talks too much. I will not speak of this matter to anyone.

As for those scholars living in the barracks outside the city, their conditions are indeed a bit poor.

How about this:

I will have someone prepare ginger soup and then personally send it to them, in Your Majesty’s name, to show gratitude for their hard journey to take the exam and to help warm their bodies.

What do you think, Your Majesty?”

Approving of this considerate suggestion, Lu Yuan nodded, “It’s a good idea. Let’s do it that way. Oh, and make sure the money for the ginger comes from my Inner Treasury. If it’s in my name, I should pay for it. I must not use public funds for private gain.”

With a look of admiration on his face, Cui Changqing replied, “Your Majesty’s kindness will surely impress the scholars, and they will devote their hearts to you from then on.”

Lu Yuan waved his hand with a smile, “It’s just a small amount of money. If it can make those scholars happy during the exam, I will be satisfied.”

Although this series of actions to win people’s hearts is for long-term planning, it may not be needed at this time.

However, in the future, when the two countries turn against him and even resort to armed conflict, won’t the preparations made today come in handy?

As a man with longevity, Lu Yuan does not mind making some hidden preparations for events that may happen in a few or even a dozen years.

Just in case, it is necessary to be prepared.

After all, he has the patience to wait for the day when these preparations come into play.

So the matter of sending warmth to the examination scholars was finalized between the King and his Prime Minister.

As for the subsequent series of actions to win people’s hearts, Cui Changqing and professionals would handle them, so Lu Yuan would not need to worry about them.