Chapter 256: If you swing your tail just because it’s short (2)  

His eyes were on the skies. Sensing the unprecedented amount of mana soaring into the heavens, powerful superhumans nearby paid attention to Yu Jitae’s movement.

He marked a spot on the map in red.

Several superhumans had their eyes on him. In this frustrating, hopeless and irritating situation, a few of them wanted that V sign to be the location of the enemies.

There was not a single element they could use to specify the location of the said Quasar troops but… perhaps the prophet might be able to somehow find where they were.

They couldn’t help but have such blind expectations but surprisingly enough, their expectations were soon realised.

“Antonio Jefferson. Kang Ahjin.”


“Yes sir!”


He drew a red line connecting to the back of the V sign.

“Take your men and head here immediately. Get behind them.”

“Sorry sir?”

“There will be at least the size of a platoon, or more of Quasar in that location. Both of you, take the fastest of soldiers from the headquarters and surround this place from behind.”


“Understood sir… but, how did you…”

“There is no time to explain. How many minutes will it take.”

“The sandstorms are currently quite calm. After specifying the coordinates, we will be able to use the teleportation device to arrive there in an hour and a half sir.”

“Get on with it right now.”

“Yes sir!”

He simply commanded with neither evidence nor any attempt of persuasion.

Despite that, there was an immense power behind his words.

Season was the prophet of the Association, and Jefferson, who had seen his omnipotent power unravel before his eyes, couldn’t dare retort in any way.

“This is Antonio Jefferson. Convey my words.”

“1st grade agent Kang Ahjin here! Making a request for the immediate reinforcement of mobile troops…!”

While Jefferson and Kang Ahjin started noisily talking to their communication devices, Yu Jitae manipulated his mana.

He would now be jumping high above.

It wasn’t anything difficult.

He formed a cone-shape with his mana above his head and suppressed himself with it. It felt as if the entire heaven was suppressing him from above.

The sand beneath his feet exploded out and his body started creating a hole through the weak foundation of sand. A storm of sand gushed away from him to the surroundings as people shrieked and shouted from nearby.

At the epicentre of that storm, Yu Jitae added a large amount of mana into his legs. His thighs as thick as building pillars endured through the explosive pressure of the atmosphere. While the heavens were pushing him down, his thighs were pushing away from the earth with the same amount of force in them.

The strengthened tension exploded as dust scattered beneath.

At last, he erased the pressure weighing his body down and simultaneously kicked off the earth as hard as he could.


Yu Jitae bounced off the ground. Like a fighter jet or perhaps a missile, he sped through the skies and started flying somewhere.

When his body exceeded the speed of sound, noises of the space getting ripped apart resonated across and when he again exceeded the supersonic speed, white ripples began spreading away from him like ocean waves.

Cutting through the sky, he gazed down at the world rapidly shifting away.

After flying for around 20 minutes, Yu Jitae discovered a large armoured car with the same colour as sand on the ground.

It was exactly where he estimated.

They were inside it.

Immediately, he dropped on top of the armoured car.


The roof made of 15-centimetre-thick mana-enforced alloy crumpled beneath his feet. The large piece of metal heavily shook up and down, but he did not stop there.

Lowering his hand, he pushed it into the cannon barrel placed on top of the armoured car, looking like the head of the car. He started ripping the entire cannon barrel out. He looked like a certain Nazirite of the Old Testament that pushed the pillars of a temple and crumbled it.

His strength exceeded even the standard beliefs of superhumans as the metal was bent and ripped apart. The piece of alloy that should never be lifted started creaking while being separated from the body of the vehicle.


“W, what’s happening!!”

From inside, he could hear shrieks full of fear.

“What is that! S, stop it! Stop it!”

“Don’t let him come in!”

He heard such voices,

“Contact the base! Send the emergency signal right now!”

“Y, yeah! Got ya!”

As well as those voices.

Picking up a piece of metal that he ripped apart, Yu Jitae threw it at the signalman sitting next to the driver. The ball of metal exploded his head, pierced through it and destroyed the communication device behind him.

Immediately afterwards, magic firearms were pointed at him.

Bang bang bang bang–!

Bullets flew in but were blocked by dozens of blessings protecting his physical body. Before even touching his body, they lost their kinetic energy and the mana inside them were dissolved. They touched his body but soon powerlessly dropped.

Yu Jitae slowly looked at the inside of the vehicle. It was the same as what he saw from the video.

There were exactly 6 people alive, including 1 alive hostage. The shock caused by him landing killed the four that were sitting at the back seats of A50.

There were six corpses in total, including the hostages they killed.

“The guns aren’t working!”

“What in the world is that monster!”

“S, stop him! You fu*king retards!”

They couldn’t stop him and Yu Jitae easily walked into the car.

One of them ran at him with a sword in hand but even he himself wasn’t positive about the idea. His eyes were filled with doubt and seemed to be aware that his attack wouldn’t lead to any meaningful results.

Before the sword could even touch him, Yu Jitae threw his fist. The body of the terrorist flew behind with both his eyes and chin crushed.

After crashing into the wall at a rapid speed, the terrorist’s body fell right in front of his comrade. However, surprised by the sudden speed, the comrade ended up shooting his own comrade’s dead body before being surprised yet again.

In the blink of an eye, Yu Jitae moved his body and smashed two more people to death.

The only remaining two were the driver and the buck-teeth.

The buck-teeth was shocked but quickly pointed the barrel of the gun at his own chin.

He was trying to kill himself but Yu Jitae didn’t allow it just yet.

Looking into his eyes, Yu Jitae thought about something as the buck-teeth immediately froze on the spot. He turned powerless and the gun dropped from his hand onto the floor.

In a seizure, he grabbed onto his own neck with his eyes all white. He drove his body into the bloody floor of the car, trembling while foaming at his mouth. As if something was strangling him by the neck, he had trouble breathing.

Yu Jitae threw a glance at the soldier who was caught hostage. He looked back at him whilst trembling but there didn’t seem to be any other problem in terms of health.

Finally, he approached the driver.

Despite shaking tremendously, the driver couldn’t even look away but his mind was still conscious.

A dirty armoured car would either be cleaned or disposed of, but something like this should be quite costly for them so they shouldn’t be willing to throw them away easily. It was obvious where they would end up by the time their fuel ran out.

Their base was nearby.

He spoke to the driver.

“Go straight.”

“P, pardon?”

“Just go. To where you were going.”

At one point, the armoured car drove into the sand. It wasn’t up to the armoured car to decide the timing. As if it was alive, the desert moved and accepted the car in, as if the barren land was absorbing the car with its own will.

The Regressor knew of the nature of these underground bases of the terrorist organisations. That was also why he hadn’t touched the core of the armoured car despite breaking parts of it.

By suppressing the mana above him, he used it as the roof of the opened armoured car. With no sand coming into the car, it slowly drove further into the ground.

They soon arrived at a certain underground fortress.

The parking lot, with seven desert tanks parked in it.

There were various tunnels here and there and in the distance was also a plaza as well as a place for people to take a rest at.

He could sense roughly 150 people stationed at the plaza. Not all of them should be on guard so there would probably be around 400 people in the entire base.

If it was the size of a small squad, it would’ve been a shame. He would’ve been content as long as it was the size of a platoon but lo and behold, it was a company of terrorists.

Several armed soldiers of Quasar approached them, while being curious about the state of the armoured car.

Hiding his presence, Yu Jitae prepared to leave the car. In his right hand, he formed killing intent into the shape of a blade and with his left hand, he grabbed the buck-teeth by the back of his neck.

“Get up. Let’s go.”

Now that he was hiding his presence, the pressure suffocating his throat vanished and the buck-teeth was able to finally open his trembling lips.

“Huk, huk… Who are you…”

“What do you think.”

“A, a dog of the Association?”


Grit, the man gritted his teeth.

“What do you plan on doing by keeping me alive, you damned dog of the Association. Looking to torture me or something?”

He was trembling in fear and yet still blabbered on.

Unexpectedly, the buck-teeth’s question allowed time for Yu Jitae to ask himself the same question.

Right, why am I doing this?

All he needed to do was quietly kill all the terrorists in this place. He could knock the buck-teeth out and take him back but Yu Jitae wanted to show him the disaster that would befall this place.

After thinking to himself for a bit, he discovered the answer.

Yu Jitae added.

“You almost slipped through my fingers.”

“W, what?”

“If not for your videos, I never would have been able to find you.”

“What do you… but there shouldn’t have been any clues in the video.”

“Did you not show me the clouds?”

“N, nonsense…”

He seemed to be in disbelief.

His body shook heavily.

Looking at his reaction, Yu Jitae felt his frustration dissipate. He wanted to see this guy make such an expression.

Unlike usual, Yu Jitae wasn’t being rational. He was emotional.

It seemed that the video of killing and insulting young superhumans had unknowingly irritated him quite a lot. This was a side effect of retrieving daily life, and he admitted the fact that this wasn’t a good thing to do.

“Kadan Nihum. Long tails are easier to catch.”

That was when a soldier of the underground base asked from nearby, “What’s up? How did the car end up like that?” Thus, Yu Jitae lowered his voice even more and softly continued.

“But your tail was short. So I thought it would be hard to catch it.”

One of the soldiers jumped into the armoured car through the back door. Yu Jitae threw his arm and it travelled past the soldier’s chin, through the nose into the temple, completely dividing his face into two.

The man fell into the car.

“But you swung it too much.”

That was the start.

Yu Jitae wrapped a rope around the neck of the buck-teeth and took him outside like a dog. Buck-teeth crawled on four legs but couldn’t keep up with his speed and fell face-flat on the ground. His body was dragged across the ground but he couldn’t even let out a single shriek, because his throat was blocked by something.

In the far-off entrance of the fortress were armed guards.

Picking up a fist-sized stone from nearby, Yu Jitae casually threw it.


One of the heads exploded causing the yawning soldier next to him to turn around.


Immediately afterwards, the soldier’s perception of the world tilted diagonally. He thought it was weird but his gaze soon landed near the ground. That was the last thought he had before his head dropped on the ground.


Buck-teeth gasped for breath and frantically threw his arms and legs around but Yu Jitae continued forward. After walking into the fortress, he could see a small yet decent training ground as well as training soldiers.

Yu Jitae walked towards them.

Buck-teeth desperately struggled. He thrashed around trying to tell his comrades to run away but they couldn’t see him, as Yu Jitae had obscured the space around them to full. He was powerless and could only watch Yu Jitae’s Shapeless Sword decapitating people.

He thrashed around before finding a sharp piece of rock in the training field. Buck-teeth tried to stab his own eyes with it so Yu Jitae swung his Shapeless Sword and sliced the tendons in his wrists.


Due to being strangled by the neck, he couldn’t even scream out loud and in the blink of an eye, everyone in the training grounds were killed. Using the ability of the black dragon, [Eradication (S)], Yu Jitae burnt the corpses leaving nothing behind.

He then grabbed onto the hair of the crying buck-teeth and pulled his head up.

“What are you doing. Etch it into your eyes.”


Buck-teeth moved his mouth and mumbled but Yu Jitae wasn’t really curious.

He was probably asking him to kill him, but he had no plans of doing so. After watching everything here, he would be handed over to the Association.


Once again, Yu Jitae walked forward with the leash in hand. Walking down the inside of the fortress, he killed every human without a sound and erased their corpses.

At last, he arrived at the heart of the fortress.

Immediately he pushed open the door of the command room. Officials of Quasar that were in the middle of a conference looked at him with confusion in their eyes. One of the skilled superhumans instinctively ran in with a spear in hand but he was the first to turn into a corpse.

Yu Jitae killed everyone except for the commander and the deputy.

“Speak. The location of the regiment you belong to. And the commander’s name.”

“I, I do not know! I’m just following the commands of higher-ups…!”

The authenticity in his Eyes of Equilibrium was ‘true’.

Terrorist groups were unique organisations. Despite moving based on convictions and faith, they always distrusted each other. That was the same in every iteration and because of that, they tended to cut off their own tails easily and run away.

However, Yu Jitae had the experience of being in the Anti-Association groups for around 5 years in the 5th iteration. It was in order to kill Chaliovan.

This was a battalion-sized force.

The only hotline connected to troops like this was the direct superior that gave them commands and in this case, it would be a battalion. However, battalions would not exist in remote wastelands like this and there was always a specific place for battalions.

The organisation had a different name in every iteration.

However, the battalion-sized troops were always in one of the 100 or so of locations. It was because the formation of their base had a strong correlation with the geographical advantages around those areas.

Yu Jitae had a way around it himself.

Turning his head, he glanced around the surroundings. As he expected, there was a hotline communication device inside the command room that couldn’t be tracked.

“What’s the password for this.”

He turned on the hotline, and ordered the frightened commander to input the password.

“You come here.”

Since buck-teeth loved video calls, he sat him in the commander’s seat and waited until someone’s face appeared inside the hologram screen. It was someone he had no recollection of but it was probably someone random taking the call in the stead of their commander.

The man inside the screen frowned after seeing buck-teeth.

– Who are you? What’s going on?

In a daze, buck-teeth blankly stared at the screen. Meanwhile from nearby, Yu Jitae carefully observed the background of the video. It was a familiar sight – troop 0713. The following troop was located at the centre of the African continent.

– What are you! I’m asking you right now! Where did Farwell go?!

Since he specified the location already, he didn’t need to continue the call any longer. After ending the video, Yu Jitae hit buck-teeth on the back of his head.

“Thanks. It was easy to find where they were.”

“W, w, what…?”

His eyes trembled.

All his comrades were killed and the troop he belonged to was destroyed in a single day and he had to watch everything unfold in real time.

The game he played to simply screw the Association over had led to such results. He would probably be in so much regret that he would rather die.

“All thanks to you.”