Chapter 151   - 150 - The Vampires Attack(Part 13): Battle In The Rustlands Pt. 5

Point-of-View: Vi Loubder


"Should we really ignore that?" Inquired Siela, as we ran back towards the Rustlands.

"Yeah, I don't either of us can make a difference against that thing, I think getting back inside and protecting the civilians is our best option right now," I replied with a frown.

After we split up from Selesa and Les, we ran into Ekai and Einn, both unconscious, and we were carrying them back to the Rustlands. Siert had stayed at the front to look around and see if anyone else who'd been a part of the frontline needed help. We should probably put these two somewhere safe, and then head for the area where the civilians had evacuated to. If we teleported, we should get there well before the Vampires, even at their speed, it would take a couple of hours at the very least.

We were about three hundred meters away from the gate, and we were passing by the crowd of Adventurers who had been fighting those few dozen Vampire Minions...but there was only of those Vampires left out here now. But not because the Adventurers had killed the others. No, because the Vampire had absorbed all the others into herself, presumably the effect of her Cross, and was currently bigger than a Giant. She was an easier target to hit now, but finding her core now that she was like, ten times bigger, would be incredibly difficult.


There were only about forty Adventurers left out here, after there'd initially been over two hundred and fifty after a bunch chased after the Vampires that went back in. They would almost definitely all be killed by the massive Vampire...

We reluctantly ignored them and continued rushing towards the north gate. As we got back in, the area was completely empty except for a few dead bodies and fallen giant crossbows and cannons, which the Vampires had blasted off the top of the wall. I had really expected those weapons to have done more damage than they actually did, it was pretty disappointing.

After we hid the unconscious bodies of Ekai and Einn in the basement of an inn, we quickly made our way to the nearest teleportation booth and found a Spell Card that would teleport us a little ways south. It would take three or four teleports to reach the evacuation zone, and there shouldn't be any reason to rush, considering the distance, the Vampires had to still be a fair distance from that area, but I was getting a bad feeling...I hope I'm just being paranoid.

We teleported to the next booth, and before I could look for a spell, my attention was diverted to the broken door, which was wide open and hanging on its hinges. And there was the faint smell of blood in the air...but it was deathly quiet outside, which sent chills down my spine. I cautiously walked over to the entrance and poked my head I took in the sight outside this store, I let out a sharp gasp before I could stop myself...

Three people were dead, their bodies torn apart brutally...and two others, who seemed to be unconscious. Wait, is that Misen? He was in bad shape, bleeding badly and injuries all over his body. I rushed over to him and knelt down, quickly healing him...okay, he's still alive, but looking at this blood loss, he probably won't be waking up anytime soon, and his pulse felt like it was starting to grow weaker, before stabilizing as I healed him. I then stood up and walked towards the other person who wasn't dead, a girl with black hair that had two white stripes...she looks familiar, I think she's in Kuro's class.

The three dead also looked awful, they had been ripped to pieces. I turned back to the girl who was alive...she was missing her left arm, but the stump was closed, she must have healed herself before losing consciousness. What should I do, I can't just leave them here like this.


"Siela, could you take these two back north and hide them where we put Ekai and Einn? I'll keep heading south, I have a really bad feeling about this," I called out to her with a grimace.

"Okay, I don't mind, but are you sure?"

"Mhm, follow after me once you're done," I replied, before realizing something and changing my mind, "Actually, teleport back to this spot and head for the castle, I remember hearing that the royals and representatives would be barricading themselves in there."

With that, I headed back into the teleportation booth and teleported myself further south. Alright, just one more teleport-...what the...? Just like the last one, this place also had its door broken...but that wasn't all, blood and guts were all over the walls and floor, the stench overwhelming me. I stumbled back in shock and collapsed onto my knees, unable to stop myself from throwing up as a wave of nausea hit me.

What happened here...? I shakily stood up and walked out the entrance...more corpses. There were so many of them, there had to be at least fifty dead bodies here, there was so much blood...I couldn't say for sure exactly how many corpses were here since a lot of them were torn apart into pieces. A few were intact, those ones must have been drained of their life forces...the others had been torn apart completely.

" anyone...i-is anyone alive- woah!" I started to call out shakily, walking through the puddles of blood before slipping on something and almost falling.

What did I step was someone's intestines. I felt sick, and I could barely even think straight anymore.

"Is someone there...?" Suddenly came out a weak, quiet voice to my right.

I turned my head towards the direction it came from, my eyes widening with shock. She was an A-Ranked Adventurer, I didn't know her very well, but as I got a look at the state she was in, I couldn't help but feel my heart break. Both her legs and right arm were missing, her left arm was broken so badly that her bones were poking out from multiple spots, half her face was scorched off about an inch, and she had more deep scorch marks on her torso, with a hole scorched through the right side of her chest.

The fact that she was alive at all was because most of her injuries were scorched with Blood Magic attacks, so they weren't bleeding, only her crushed left arm was losing blood. The Vampires who attacked her must have simply assumed that she was dead.

"Y-you're going to be okay, I have a healing spell, just hang on!" I stuttered, fumbling for my healing spell and pressing it onto her...but it was no use, even as some of her injuries healed, her heartbeat was growing weaker and weaker.

She was far beyond healing...

"Th-thanks...but you need to go...get help...the Vampires...teleported..."

"What!? What do you mean, they teleported? That shouldn't be possible, only Mana can activate spells, so how...?"

"They...threatened some Adventurers...promised to spare them if...they teleported them...I don't know how many, but there were a lot, at least ten-...," She strained to say, before the light in her eyes dimmed, her body slumping.

She was dead.

"I...I need to go...!" I exclaimed shakily, standing up with a slight wobble and rushing back into the teleportation booth.

She said at least ten Vampires teleported further south...I could hear the faint echo of blasts around me...must be the rest of the Vampires that flew in and the Adventurers that chased after them. I found the right teleportation spell and activated it, teleporting to the south-most teleportation booth. I was a few kilometers away from where the evacuation zone began, it was a lot louder here...I could hear the echoes of screams and blasts...I need to hurry!

As I rushed south using full-powered leaps, my heart began pounding as the bad feeling in me started to grow...I was leaping across the rooftops, and below on the ground, were several Adventurer corpses, there was so much blood everywhere it was like a shallow red stream...the smell was nauseating, but I ignored it as best I could, biting my lower lip to distract myself from the bloody carnage. This is awful...

It didn't take me long to get to the evacuation zone, the panicked screams were getting louder, along with the sounds of fighting. And then it came into view, as I leapt off another building...about fifty meters from where I was, were five Vampires, fighting, wait, I think those are the second-year student Adventurers. And about a hundred meters further back was a massive crowd of civilians, they were fighting to get into buildings, pushing past each other in a panicked stampede.

I then noticed the corpses near the Vampires and students, and I recognized some of them...Adventurers and instructors...meanwhile, the Vampires were moving in to kill the students. I...I can't take this anymore...

Vampires...they should all just die...they can't be allowed to live! One of the students, a boy with tentacles growing from his lower back, collapsed onto the ground, covered in Blood Magic burns, and a Vampire was approaching him, a massive Blood Magic blast charged up in his hand. I don't think so!

I sprang up as high as could, raising my right foot as pure fury took over me, silently dropping straight down towards the Vampire...and slammed my heel down onto the top of the his head as I dropped down towards him, crushing him straight down the middle of his body smashing the ground in and forming a small crater, shattering his core which was in his waist, as he vanished with a red flare.

"You fucking monsters...I'll crush you all," I snarled furiously, my eyes ablaze with rage...


Point-of-View: Les Jeule


Huh...? I'm alive? The last thing I remember is attacking that Vampire and failing...did I get knocked unconscious? I sat up with a slight groan and looked around...Yuur Ganroh was a few meters to my left, he appeared to be unconscious. And off to my right, was my sister...asleep. I could tell from her expression that she hadn't simply lost consciousness, she had intentionally gone to sleep.

Did she defeat that seemed unlikely, considering how powerful that monster had been. As I looked around, my eyes widened in shock as I turned my attention towards the north gate...the Adventurers, there were less than fifty of them left now...and the Vampires...there was just one of them, and it was absolutely massive.

"Wake up, sister, this is no time to take a nap!" I exclaimed impatiently, shaking her shoulder.

"Mm! 'nother five minutes...," She muttered, turning on her side with furrowed brows.

I formed some water in my palm and pressed it onto her nose and mouth...she sputtered and woke up with a cough and a look of alarm, looking confused.

"I can't believe you went to sleep in the middle of a battlefield, you idiot."

"Huh...? H-hey, you should be more respectful to your big sis! I-I was just super relieved since that Nezera psycho left, and...yeah," She replied sheepishly.

"Left? Why would-...I suppose it doesn't matter, we have a more immediate problem on our hands," I sighed, nodding towards the massive Vampire.

"Woah, how'd that happen!?"

"I don't know. But you might have if you had not gone to sleep."

"Jeez, I said I was sorry!"

" you didn't."

"Really, didn't I? Oh, well, no point in getting caught up in the past, amiright? That is one big Vampire...and very naked too."

Of course she would point that out.

"Well, yeah, nobody makes clothes for that size."

"I guess you're right...that's a nice ass, you gotta admit," She remarked, staring at the Vampire's rear as she fired Blood Magic blasts down at the Adventurers, who were desperately countering with Elemental Magic attacks, but it was no use, they were continuing to die at a rapid rate while the Vampire remained unscathed.

"We'll likely die if we attempt to help those Adventurers...," I muttered to myself through gritted teeth.

"Look at the size of those giant tits, they're bigger than beanbags, I so wanna lay on them! Hey, I wonder if I can fit up her pussy, sort of a reverse-birth thing, you know?"

"...what the fuck is wrong with you, sister?"

"Hey, that's not very nice!"

Seriously, in a situation like this, all she could think about was the Vampire's genitals!? Of all the-...! Wait a second...destroying that Vampire's core with an external attack would be near impossible without someone who has destructive power on or near Kuro's level...but if the attack came internally...

"Sister, we could destroy her from the inside, perhaps we could slice an opening through her skin and flesh wide enough to crawl through, and then unleash your wind slashes and my water whips to shred her from the inside, all we need to do is strike her core once and that should kill her-," I began to suggest.

"Great idea, little bro...but no, I won't let you do something so dangerous, I'll do it myself...stand back, little bro, your awesome big sis is gonna take down that giant Vampire all by herself!" She declared with a bright gleam in her eyes and a bit of drool in the corner of her mouth, "I'll sneak in from behind while her attention is on those Adventurers...and then I'll fly straight up that big-ass pussy of hers!"

Huh? She can't be serious...!

"What!? No, wait-...!" I started to exclaim in alarm, but it was already too late, she had taken off using Flight, rapidly zooming towards the Vampire.

I ran after her with a frustrated expression, why can't she just act normal for once!? She was being careful to stay out of the Vampire's line of sight as she approached her through the air, flying towards her from behind and zipping past her tail using a burst of Propulsion. The Vampire then raised one of her feet to stomp down on the Adventurers, before letting out a gasp and freezing, rapidly flying up with a mortified expression.

"Wh-what the-...!? What is that, something...s-something's going in...!" She stuttered with a panicked look, reaching between her legs, "N-no, it's squirming, what i-is this!?"

...I have absolutely no words, except for...

" fucking pervert," I sighed in exasperation.

"S-stop, that's too deep-...n-no!" Exclaimed the Vampire, letting out a stifled moan, "I-is that a human inside me...!?"

I think I'm going to be sick. Suddenly, she let out a cough, blood pouring down her mouth. Cuts began bursting out all over her torso from the inside, blood spraying out as she stumbled back with a cry of pain. She let out a scream and collapsed onto her knees, writhing in pain as the blood flowing out of her just kept increasing, a massive amount of it pooling around her as she shrieked in agony.

Her torso was like a fountain, blood pouring out from all over...suddenly, another cut appeared under her left breast, and my sister's head popped out, she let out a sharp exhale and then took in a deep breath, paused for a second, looked up and smacked the giant breast above her, before slipping back into the Vampire's body and continuing to tear her apart from the inside...

Eventually, she struck the core, as the Vampire went up in red flames and turned to ash, disappearing instantly. And there, floating in the air with a triumphant expression...was my sister. The few remaining Adventurers, barely over twenty of them, were cheering gratefully, some of them collapsing onto the ground in relief. Of the Adventurers that didn't chase after the Vampires that flew into the Rustlands, not even a tenth of them were left alive...the area outside the north gate, usually white with a layer of snow, was now almost entirely painted red with the blood and entrails of the Adventurers.

There was nothing worth cheering about, not yet anyway...more than sixty Vampires had flown into the Rustlands, and while the number of Adventurers who chased after them outnumbered them by about thirteen to fourteen times...they were all B-Ranked and below, with a few A-Ranks. Out here, there had been mostly A and S-Ranked Adventurers fighting, with maybe a few B-Ranks as well, and they'd nearly been completely wiped out. And before, when we fought some of the Vampire Minions along with Vi's group, it was clear that all of them were strong enough to be compared to S-Ranked Adventurers.

But unlike Adventurers, killing Vampires was a lot tougher, their moveable cores were troublesome enough on their own, but their endless supply of Blood Magic and massive reserves of stamina meant that if you failed to kill them quickly, it would only become harder and harder, you would use up your Mana and stamina bit by bit, while the Vampires would remain in peak condition regardless of their injuries...and if they did weaken, they could easily remedy that by draining a human or two.

"Yo, little bro, how was that!? Was I awesome or what!?" Grinned my sister, as she hovered down towards me.

"Hm...I'm going to go with 'or what', you stupid degenerate."


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote, and feel free to leave a comment, I appreciate any and all feedback and criticism!

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