Chapter 124   - 123 - A Different Perspective(Part 13): I Need To Get Stronger Pt. 2

Point-of-View: Fuo Wesroh

During: Infiltration Arc


'I need to get stronger'...this single thought had consumed my mind for nearly a year now, almost obsessively so. I may have become an S-Ranked Adventurer, but there were so many people who were drastically stronger than me, Ekai, Kuro, Azyl, Persia, to name a few.

I had been training intensively for the past year, ever since getting back from Goldway. However, I had hit a wall on my progress a few months ago, provoking my frustrations all over again and more intensely. I then asked my cousin Ekai to help me by dueling against me regularly. Unfortunately, that didn't help me much, he kept defeating me comprehensively unless he fought with a handicap.

Then there were the duels against him and Kuro by the Goblin caves, and the suggestions he gave me on how to use my limited Ice Magic. Since then, I had been going by myself to the areas around the Rustlands to fight monsters. The Devilmonkeys in the forest area were especially good opponents, the rocky area wasn't very effective since the only monsters close by were Goblins and Hobgoblins.


Right now, it was midday and I was in the snowy area, currently surrounded by a group of four Lesser Cyclops, three Devilpenguins, three Icemen and one Abominable Snowman. This was only the third group of monsters that I'd run into, and this was the first one that might be a problem. I had concluded that this area would be good for training since the thick layer of snow prevented me from using my Skate technique and force me to push the limits of my agility, but that handicap was starting to prove a bit much to handle.

I had modified my bow to make it more easily portable, it was latched to my right wrist and could fold inwards when I wasn't using it and unfold outwards when I had to use it. I kept my distance warily and unfolded my bow, before I pulled back the string and fired a small barrage of ice arrows at the Devilpenguins, I got two of them, but one of the Lesser Cyclops caught my third arrow to protect the last Devilpenguin. The monster then slid forward towards me rapidly through the snow with its beak pointing at me. I swiftly formed a short spear of ice and tightened my grip on it, waiting for the right timing. The instant it sprang at me, I stepped off to the left and drove the spear through its back, killing it.

I didn't need to be as frugal with my Mana as I usually need to, since I had two and a half full Mana Orbs on me, which was enough to refill my Mana from empty five times. I also had a healing Spell Scroll on me, along with canned food and water bottles.

I dashed towards the Lesser Cyclops, before evading to the right as one of the Icemen fired ice needles at me. One of the Lesser Cyclops sprang at me, swinging its claws at the left side of my head. I formed a sharp ice boomerang in my right hand and flicked it to my left, cutting off the monster's hand before it could slash my face.

Two of the Icemen fired needles at me before I could finish off the Lesser Cyclops, forcing me to spring back to avoid them, one of the ice needles grazed my leg slightly, though did no damage since I was wearing thicker armor. It was mainly to combat the cold, but it also gave me a lot more protection than usual.

As I swiftly backed away, I fired five arrows in quick succession, aimed at the four Lesser Cyclops and one of the Icemen. The Abominable Snowman was still hanging around the back, staying out of it. If it did attack now, it would likely be unable to avoid inadvertently getting in the way of the other monsters. It looks like the monsters in this area really do seem to be learning and evolving at an abnormal rate. There was a sort of black mist around the head of the Abominable Snowman, was it possessed by a Vampire? No, that's not important right now, I must focus.


I need to first take out the Icemen, their long ranged attacks made it too difficult to attack the other monsters. The Lesser Cyclops were all standing in front, with the three Icemen a few meters behind them, and the Abominable Snowman was further back.

There were no monsters to my back, so I could run away if necessary, but...if I do that, I'll never get stronger. I sprang back and across to evade more ice needles fired by the Icemen, they were now firing a lot more. The moment they had to stop, I quickly formed a thick ice arrow with a weak vertical line through the middle, and fired it straight at a Lesser Cyclops that was standing around the middle.

It braced itself to try and catch my arrow, but right before that could happen, the arrow split down the middle into two thinner arrows, which whizzed past either side of the confounded monster before it could react, and nailing two of the Icemen behind it right in their heads. And in the next split second, I formed a narrower and more aerodynamic arrow and fired it as fast as I could, striking the eye of the Lesser Cyclops I'd confused with my previous attack.

I then shot forward, having no trouble dodging the ice projectiles of the one remaining Iceman, firing a barrage of arrows while closing the gap between me and the three remaining Lesser Cyclops. The Iceman stopped firing when I changed the line of the angle I was running in so that I was on a straight line with a Lesser Cyclops directly between the Iceman and myself.

No longer needing to focus of evasion, I was able to put more focus into my aim and the amount of force behind my fired arrows, striking one of the Lesser Cyclops in the eye and another in the chest. That left one more, the one that I cut off its hand earlier.

It swung its left claws at me, I ducked at the last possible moment and rolled forward so that I was by the left side of the monster, I then folded my bow inwards and formed a long and narrow dagger in my right hand, driving it through the monsters left side, just under its armpit. It let out a roar before disappearing into dust.

That left the last Iceman-...before I could finish my thought, the Abominable Snowman finally sprung into action, grabbing the last Iceman and flinging it at me with all its strength. I sprang away as quickly as I could, narrowly avoiding it crashing onto me, but as it slammed onto the ground, it kicked up a large snow cloud as it shattered into pieces, and one of those chunks of ice ricocheted off the ground and slammed against the side of my head before I could react, dazing me.

I stumbled dizzily and planted my feet, shaking my head desperately in an attempt to regain my bearings. The Abominable Snowman jumped towards me, its feet aimed at landing where I was. I gritted my teeth and sprang back, firing several long-tipped arrows at it. My aim was off though, and the monster slammed its feet onto the ground as it landed, the force upon impact blowing away most of the snow around it.

I fired another two arrows aimed at its eyes, but in my dazed state of mind, I was having trouble maintaining my accuracy, the arrows harmlessly whizzing past its head. The side of my head was bleeding and I felt light-headed. The monster leaped towards me again, this time head-first, with its arms stretched out and reaching for me. I sprang up to avoid its hands, landed on its right forearm and jumped forward at its face, forming a dagger of ice and thrusting it towards the monster's right eye.

Before I could pierce it, it shut its eyelid, my dagger snapping in half. I quickly got away from it, going behind it and gaining some distance, as it stood up with a roar. As I snuck behind it, I formed a long arrow that was as sharp and dense as I could possibly make it, and pulled back my bowstring as far as I could, aiming at the monster's back.

The arrow went a couple of inches in through the middle of its back, inciting a pained roar from the monster, as it turned around and glared at me, before rapidly slamming its palms together in my direction, unleashing a powerful shockwave. The force knocked me back several meters, sending me flying off-balance as I fired a few more arrows, which the monster batted away with its forearm.

Am I really incapable of defeating a single Abominable Snowman on my own? No, I will kill this monster, I just have to!

My best option is to use a blunt arrow or two to hammer in the arrow that was embedded in the monster's back, if I hammer it in deep enough, that should kill it. Its eyes were on me though, it was not going to be easy to get behind it, I'm just not fast enough without my Skate technique, and that is off the table since the snow around here was so, wait, there was a large spot in which the snow had been cleared off, the spot where the Abominable Snowman had leapt onto.

If I can lure it back to that spot, I'll be able to use Skate...

It was about thirty meters from my current position. I fired a barrage of arrows at the monster while sprinting towards that spot as fast as I could. The arrows harmlessly bounced off its tough hide, but I got its attention, as it chased after me. I reached into my pocket and extracted some Mana from one of the orbs I had, refilling my Mana as I had used up over three quarters of it.

I reached the clear spot with a leap, before swiftly forming ice beneath my feet and blades of ice along the length of the bottom of my feet. But before I could use Skate, the monster stomped its foot with incredible power a few meters behind me. I was not within its physical reach, but I was within the range of its impact, and with the ground beneath me violently shaken, I lost my balance and footing, my feet gliding across the ice with no control, resulting in me falling on my back.

Since I had been rushing while attempting to reach this spot, my balance had not been perfectly stable to begin with, and the impact caused by the powerful stomp completely threw me off my balance. I scrambled to get up, but suddenly, I felt my arms being grabbed, the monster lifting me up off the ground.

Th-this is bad...

It was holding me up in front of its face, its hands wrapped around my arms. My blood had frozen with fear, as I desperately wracked my brain to think of a way to break free, but nothing came to mind. The monster's expression, it almost seemed to be...amused, like it was taunting me. I felt the pressure around my arms slowly increasing, as it began closing its fists slowly but surely...I only had a matter of seconds before it crushed my arms like twigs.

I could try kicking its face, but it was out of the reach of my legs, and I doubted I could hurt it with a kick anyway...what else could I possibly do, bite it?

Wait...maybe I could try...yes, that could work!

I calmed myself as best I could and closed my eyes, slumping my head to make it appear as though I'd given up, while gathering saliva in my mouth. The pressure around my arms was intensifying with every passing second, I felt my bow snap and break as the monster continued squeezing.


I swiftly lifted my head while taking a deep breath, took aim and...spat out my saliva in a thin streak with as much force as I could, whilst simultaneously freezing it to form a needle of ice. It flew forward...and pierced through the monster's eye, eliciting a roar of surprise, the grip on my arms weakening. I quickly wriggled free and landed on the ground, zipping around it using Skate.

Wait, what bow was broken, I can't fire any more arrows. I zipped away along my underfoot ice as the Snowman stomped down at me, but it was too slow. I did not have a large amount of space within which I could use Skate, but it was just about enough to evade the monster, I certainly had more than enough speed now.

I formed small but sharp ice boomerangs and flung them at the monster as I continued to dodge its attacks, but they had no effect on it. Perhaps I would be able to slash its heel if I can build up some momentum...

I began circling it as fast as I could, forming a wide, sharp blade in my hands. The monster was trying to keep track of me, but its eyes could not keep up with my speed, as I continued building my momentum. Focus, if I lose concentration while moving at this speed, I'll lose control and fall.

It let out another roar before slamming its fists down at the ground. The instant it did, I swiftly broke away from my circling and shot across the back of the monster's feet, angling my body low and swinging the blade with as much speed as I could, using all the momentum I had built up. It struck the right heel and coarsely sliced through it, before hitting the left heel and shattering into pieces.

Oww, I swung my arm so hard that I might have just pulled a muscle in my bicep...but I had managed to bring the monster down on one knee, severely compromising its mobility. The arrow I had earlier embedded in its back was still there, and now within my reach. How do I force it in deeper?

Before I could find an answer to my question, I had to quickly Skate backwards as the Snowman slammed its fist down at me. It attempted to stand, but to no avail. Can I still kill it even though I can't fire any arrows right now? No doubt it was going to be protective over its remaining eye, so that was not an option.

The monster then reached behind its back and managed to grab onto the arrow, pulling it out with a roar. Now what? Do I run away, after all? No, I couldn't do that...

And then, an idea struck me like a bolt of lightning...I did not know if this would actually work, but if it did...if it did, it would give me a whole new method of using my limited abilities, but if it doesn't work, I would likely be killed by this monster...even so, I could not help but feel that this risk was worth taking...

I shot towards the monster using Skate while forming an ice spear with a weak vertical midsection, before launching it straight at the monster's head. It began to get its hand in the way, but that's when my spear split into two thinner spears and whizzed towards its eyes. The Snowman managed to adjust its arm and swung it outwards, knocking away the ice projectiles, but it had briefly covered its own line of sight when it swung its arm out, and I used that opportunity to zip around till I was behind it.

I was Skating towards its back as fast as I could, and as I neared it...I sprang up as high as I could, slamming my feet onto its back with all the strength I could muster, the blades of ice along my feet digging into its back. It is now or never, this had better work!

As the monster began attempting to reach behind and grab me, I pressed my palms onto the small gash in its back and...began generating ice as fast as I could, rapidly channeling my Mana out of my palms...






With my palms firmly pressed against the back of the monster, the ice I was attempting to generate had no room to manifest, and as a manifested inside the monster's body. It let out a loud, pained roar as a narrow but long spear of ice burst out of its chest, before its body slumped and then disappeared.

A large fog of black mist flew out as the monster turned to ash, before flying off in the direction of Silvland, as I flopped onto the snow with a sigh of relief. I...I did it, that actually worked. Whenever I form arrows or spears or anything using my Mana, where they form depends on the direction and flow in which I channel my Mana out of my hand. With that fact in mind, I thought that if I pressed my palm against the monster and then channeled my Mana in a straight line right out of my palm, then it would form inside the monster...and I had been right about that.

I had no guarantee that it would work, it was something I'd never tried before since I had been using almost solely long-range attacks for quite a long time. It could easily have forced my hand back or maybe even pierced through my hand...but instead, it actually worked.

I stood up and walked over to where I had tossed my rucksack when I ran into this group of monsters, opening it and taking out a few items. First, a healing spell, I did not have any major injuries, but I did have several scratches and bruises, along with a bleeding wound on the side of my head, a pulled muscle in my arm and a few splinters from my broken bow. I healed myself with a sigh of relief, before taking a drink of water.

Alright, what should I do now? Keep going or head back? On the one hand, my bow was broken, which meant that my long-range attacks were off the table, and I still was not very skilled at close-range combat. On the other hand, I had a fairly decent set of middle-range skills with ice daggers and boomerangs, I had a reasonable amount of stamina left, and Mana was not a problem since I had plenty stored up in the Mana Orbs. Not to mention that I still needed to get much stronger.

Okay, then...I will keep heading on, but if I encounter a group of monsters too powerful, I will retreat. Alright, I'll continue on now...


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote, and feel free to leave a comment, I appreciate any and all feedback and criticism!

Also, check out my Instagram account @aimdaqs for posts relating to this book.