
"You don't have to remind me again and again. I won't forget that you are my girlfriend."

"Haha, I don't mean to remind you. I just think it's very exciting to call you like that! My boyfriend? My boyfriend

"Stop it." Lu Xiangyue stopped Jiao Xiaozuo's chanting, "Jiao Xiaozuo, you are really naive."

"Hey, hey," Jiao Xiaozuo giggled, "it's really good to shout like this."


Lu Xiangyue rubbed his eyebrows, "Jiao Xiaozuo, go to sleep."


"Don't --"

"I'm sleepy."

"Oh, then go to sleep."

Look, in fact, the girl always put him first.

"Well, hang up. Good night."

After the phone hung up, Lu Xiangyue leaned against the bed, but she still thought about Jiao Xiaozuo. As soon as I close my eyes, I see that the girl's grinning teeth are very white, her neat short hair jumps occasionally, and she defends his awe inspiring appearance of other women


Ha ha

Lu Xiangyue himself is not conscious of laughing, and so on the reaction, just feel that he has unconsciously Jiao Xiaozuo remember so firmly.

The next day, Lu Xiangyue left his home by bike. After a long time, a car of Lujia slowly followed up.

"Mom, I don't think it's good? If the second brother knows, he will not be happy

Although Lu ruoxing said so, it was obviously exciting. Tracking second brother to see his girlfriend, she also wanted to know.

However, she was really passive this time. She was pulled by Joey to be a partner. You know, she still has to go to school today.

So skipping classes, Joey, the mom, doesn't worry at all. Is that all right?

"It's OK. Let's be careful. Your second brother won't find out. Don't you want to know what kind of girl that goblin is? If it's not good, we can prepare in advance and let your second brother think carefully. If she is a good girl, we can rest assured that your second brother can get along well with her, right? "

"Mom, don't call the goblin, the second brother is called the goblin."

Although Lu ruoxing said so, but think of that phone call, always can't help but want to laugh.

"Tut, this kind of classic line is still up to now. Little star, your mother, I was watching these little words. I also have a lot of good words in the treasure edition. If you are interested, my mother can borrow it from you some other day

Lu ruoxing took a puff from the corner of his eye. "Come on, mom, that thing is too vulgar and boring."

"What customs? These are all classic sentences of wisdom of many families, which are fresh and lasting for a long time. Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand

Lu ruoxing's heart whispers, I'm not rare.

The car quickly arrived at Beijing University and stopped at the school gate. Joey and Lu ruoxing sat in the car and waited for the moon to appear.

Of course, Lu Xiangyue didn't notice his car. After entering the school, Joey and Lu ruoxing, who were wrapped up in a tight package, carefully followed Lu Xiangyue into the school.

As Joey expected, the boy made a lot of delicious food. The first one to be divided must be the goblin's.

Looking at Lu Xiangyue stopped downstairs in the girls' dormitory and made a phone call. After a while, a nimble figure came out of the building.

Jiao Xiaozuo knew that Lu Xiangyue would come back this morning and set an early alarm clock. As soon as Lu Xiangyue called, she would have been ready to come down.

Seeing his appearance, Jiao Xiaozuo rushes directly past and embraces Lu Xiangyue.

"My boyfriend, you're back!"

Lu Xiangyue had no choice but to smile, which was still the name.

"Jiao Xiaozuo, here you are," Lu Xiangyue gave her with several layers of insulated lunch boxes.

"Wow, this is specially made for me? Lu Xiangyue, that's very kind of you. "

"Well, I packed the leftovers of our family."

"Ha ha I know you like me very much. It must be made for me. Don't worry, I won't misunderstand you. "

Jiao Xiaozuo a pair of I know you very well, you like me very much, I know the smile.

Jiao Xiaozuo is not narcissistic. She just thinks that Lu Xiangyue must like himself, but he is not good at expressing himself.

In Jiao Xiaozuo's opinion, if Lu Xiangyue does not like himself, then he will not admit that she is his girlfriend. This is her most direct idea.

Like is like, do not like is not like, not like other people, even feelings will be mixed with a lot of problems.

Lu Xiangyue is so confident in focusing on Xiaozuo, but he just smiles in his heart.

"Well, take it back to eat."

"Shall we eat together?"

Jiao xiaozuola landed to the moon's hand and didn't want to miss any chance to get along with him.

"No. I'll go back to my dorm first, and I'll have classes later. ""All right." Jiao Xiaozuo didn't force him to leave, so he was very happy to turn around and enter the dormitory.

"Well, this classmate, you wait --"

Jiao Xiaozuo was stopped and turned to see two women, who looked very kind.

The old woman, smiling, walked up to her and seemed to be looking at her.

"You, come to me?"

"Ha ha Little girl, we are traveling from other places. It's said that Beijing University has a deep foundation and beautiful scenery. I'll take my daughter to have a look. I'll let her go to Beijing University. "

"In this way, Beijing University is good, but the environment in Beijing is worse." Jiao Xiaozuo gave a fair appraisal. Take a look at the beautiful little sister next to her, directly said to her, "the university entrance examination also depends on your chosen major, not necessarily this school."

"Thank you, sister." Lu ruoxing is spoiled and coquettish, which makes people have a good impression. She laughs very close, "sister, just now my mother and I came here, and we are not familiar with it. If you're all right, can you help us around? "

Jiao Xiaozuo readily agreed, of course, it is not that she has no vigilance at all, but this pair of mother and daughter are not bad people at first sight.

"You wait. I'll go up and put things away. There's no class in the morning. I'll show you around. "

After Jiao Xiaozuo went upstairs, Joey said to her daughter, "this girl looks good."

"Don't jump to conclusions, mom. You have to have a good look. "

Lu ruoxing is not as good as Joey thinks. Although she actually thinks that her sister's first impression is good, she is taught by her father to be defensive.

"I see the way your second brother got along with her just now. I can see at a glance that this girl is happy. But your second brother is so small, tut Tut, it can be installed. "

Lu ruoxing also smiles, she saw just now, the second elder brother is obviously like this elder sister, but still so reserved.

But listening to the girl's active appearance, I'm afraid it's the second brother's intention, right?

"Cooperate with me a little later. Don't let me know."

Joey tells her daughter to be seen.

Lu ruoxing nodded. After a while, Jiao Xiaozuo ran out, "Auntie, let's go. I'll show you around."

"Thank you, girl. Don't know what to call you?"

"My name is Jiao Xiaozuo. Just call me Xiaozuo."

"Little left sister, just call me star."

"Stars, auntie, where are you from?"

"We are from Jiangcheng. How about you, Xiao Zuo?"

"My family is from Weicheng city."

in this way, the three quickly exchanged the most basic information, and Jiao Xiaozuo let them know some information without fortification.

"Little left elder sister, when we went by just now, I saw you talking to a handsome man. Is that the boy friend of little left sister? It's very handsome. "

Jiao Xiaozuo thinks that people praise Lu Xiangyue's handsome. She is also proud.

"Yes, he's my boyfriend. He gives me food."

"Wow, little left sister's boyfriend is so nice. He must be very considerate and love you."

"Hehe, yes, he is very nice." Jiao Xiaozuo said with pride, "at the beginning, I could see that he was handsome and very good at the first sight, so I took the initiative to pursue him. How can I miss such a good man? Now that he's my boyfriend, I'll get what I want. Star, little left elder sister tells you, meet good boy, must aggressive, do not miss

"You pursue him?"

Joey and Lu ruoxing's expressions are distorted. Jiao Xiaozuo is a little unclear. So, "Auntie, star, are you ok?"

"Cough It's OK. I just didn't expect you to be so brave. Ha ha ha... "

Said Joey, holding back his smile.

"It's not brave. If you like it, go after it. What's the matter?"

“…… Eh, right, ha ha ha... "

Joey didn't expect that it was her son who was chased after. Although she knew that her son was very popular and liked him a lot since primary school, she didn't expect that he was really captured by a girl.

Lu ruoxing thought more, "little left sister, how do you pursue your boyfriend?"

That look like you can't wait to know how she did it? And that's what Joey really wants to know.

magic "That's the pursuit," Jiao Xiaozuo thought for a moment and said, "at the beginning, I went to inquire about his situation. Later, I often wrote notes to him to express my sincerity to him. Later, I waited for him at the bottom of his dormitory every day. Sometimes I would deliver breakfast, sometimes I would wait for him to speak, and sometimes I would wait for him to have dinner after class. Of course, I always want to express to him. I like his heart very much. "

"Poof --"

Jiao Xiaozuo said so simply, but Joey and Lu ruoxing thought of the phone call that night.I think Jiao Xiaozuo's pursuit is not so simple. Look at the girl's frank and generous appearance, you can imagine that her pursuit of Lu Xiangyue is definitely full of fun.

"Ha ha Little sister Zuo is really good. " Lu ruoxing laughs, of course, trying to show the praise to focus Xiaozuo.

Joey turned around and tried to digest his smile.

"In fact, there's nothing. Sincerity is the key to success."

"mm-hmm, yes," echoed Lu ruoxing. Blocking the smiling mother behind her, she asked Jiao Xiaozuo, "sister Xiaozuo, I heard that there are many people who fall in love at University, but many people will break up, and eventually they will be forced to separate from reality. You have been in love since you first came to university. But if your boyfriend graduates before you, what will you do

"Who said that?" Jiao Xiaozuo was immediately dissatisfied, "I fell in love with a man, that is a lifetime thing. break up? What's the difference? "