
Lu Jingyun laughs vaguely in the back. Finally, seeing that his baby is really burning through, he quickly picks up the little star.

"Dear daughter, your mother is a little hot now. Don't worry."

"Mom, are you hot? Then you should wear less clothes Little star also very considerate advice.

Joey smiles awkwardly and glares at Lu Jingyun, which slows down his expression.

"Little star, mom's OK. It's ok now."

"Oh, that mother should pay attention to later."


"My dear daughter, she is a good baby of my father. She is very considerate." Lu Jingyun smiles and kisses little star.

"Ha ha ha ha Dad, you are also a good baby of little star. " The little star giggled and kissed Lu Jingyun on the cheek.

Joey shook his head and laughed at the intimacy of the father and daughter, but he had to get down to business.

"Little star, do you think big brother and little brother are powerful? Smart or not? "

The little star nodded happily, "fierce, smart."

"Do you know why they are so good?"


"I don't know." Little star shakes his head.

"That's because when the two brothers were as old as little star, they went to kindergarten to learn knowledge. They know a lot about it. They started in kindergarten. You are also four years old. It's time to go. You can learn a lot. Can also make a lot of children to play with you, you really don't want to go? If you don't go, you won't be as good as your brother? I'll be a little fool. My brother doesn't like you any more. "

"Don't be a little fool, I'm not." Little star retorted loudly, but he was not afraid at all, "Mom, don't scare me. If I don't go to kindergarten, I can learn a lot. My brother will give it to me. "

Joey's forehead is puffed. This little smart ghost is really hard to cheat. He looks at Lu Jingyun and gives it to him.

Lu Jingyun helpless, although not willing to give up his daughter, but still follow the meaning of his wife.

"Little star, in fact, it's fun to go to kindergarten. Every doll your age goes to kindergarten. There are many children there. Don't you often complain that your brother doesn't have time to play with you? There will be a lot of people to play with you

"But - can mom and dad go with me?" She asked wrongly.

"Mom and dad will take you there. Little stars have grown up, to go to school, can't like a crying baby always want mom and Dad, you know? Otherwise, they will not grow up. If they are not big enough, they will not be able to wear a beautiful skirt like sister one. "

Little star hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded gently.

"Then I'll go."

Joey's heart is sweating. This is the point.

For today's Joey, her life has been very satisfactory. The sun, moon and stars in her family are gradually growing up. Her husband still loves their home and loves her more. There is nothing around her that is changed by the passage of time.

Even if she was herself, as if DUT had been favored by time, she did not show the old age of a woman after the age of 30. Instead, she was full of vigor, ruddy complexion and delicate skin.

It has to be said that a woman with a happy marriage life will be particularly young.

Now Joey is still working at Lu's, but she is an irresponsible employee. People in the company have been used to it. Over the years, some of her colleagues have been promoted, some have changed jobs, and some new employees have come in. Only Joey seems to be such a small employee. Of course, it used to be from the logistics department, but now - or from the logistics department.

However, her former colleague and friend, Yang Fan, has been promoted to director of the logistics department No. 1. The former director Hao has a bright future and has been promoted early.

Joey yawned, went to the company, looked at the face of an unfamiliar young man and a little girl, went straight into Yang Fan's office and sat lazily in his seat.

Yang Fan is used to her lazy expression, but she can't help but tease the market.

"It's a blessing of nature."

Joy listened to Yang Fan's tone, naturally understood what kind of happiness she said happiness was.

"Come on, my star kept pulling me to tell me about the children in kindergarten last night. I was so excited. I didn't want to go at the beginning, but now it's better. I wake up very early every morning, and I'm waiting for us to send her. "

"Ha ha Your little star is so cute. I always want to take it home secretly every time I see it. I should have insisted on having a daughter

Joey glanced at Yang Fan with a smile. "You can live now."

"I'm nearly forty, and I'm old enough to be pregnant. I don't dare."

Joey shook his head and said, "when I came in just now, I saw a few fresh faces. Are there new people?"

"Yes, you are so surprised that we have new employees in our department? Sure enough, three days of fishing and two days of drying the net. People have been here for nearly a month, and you have noticed that? "Joey is very guilty smile, "ha ha, I that is not occasionally."

"Well, although I can't control your resignation, since you are in my department, you can do it well. Now, give me a quick job."

Yang Fan suddenly got angry, and Joey got up and said, "OK, I'm going. Don't be so fierce, but you look very dignified and handsome OK, no nonsense. I'll go. "

with that, Joey immediately slips away, and Yang Fan just shakes his head and laughs.

"Sister Qiao, you need someone at the warehouse. Go and have a look."

Joy readily agreed and left with the list.

"Don't you think you have a sense of accomplishment in directing sister Qiao?" After Joey left, someone asked jokingly.

"What sense of achievement? Do you have any? "

The man shook his head and chuckled, "really, when I first came here, I knew who she was and was afraid for a long time. Later, we found out that, well, we were too thoughtful

"Yes, so we are the happiest."

The two said something tacitly. The new girl liked to hold her predecessors, hoping to get along in the company like a fish in water, and often brought delicious food to the company's people. So she likes to inquire directly about anything she has to do.

"Sister Hong, are you talking about sister Qiao? It is said that she has been in the company for more than ten years and is still a small employee. I'm too embarrassed to stay

It was the woman who asked Joey to go to the warehouse just now. She looked at the little girl who was close to her and laughed inexplicably.

At the beginning, it seemed that she was like this little girl when she first came here. She didn't know the sky and the earth.

However, it's no surprise that although Joey's identity is different, it will feel fresh at first. But after so many years, no one seems to remember that Joey is the wife of the president, or in the eyes of Lu's employees, the title of president's wife is not so different. Of course, many of the new employees, who are accustomed to the company by Joey, tell them that they don't usually care about them.

They already feel that things are very common in the company. Of course, there is no need to talk about it. And many new employees don't know that Joey is the president's wife.

"Hongjie, I've been in the company for a month, and she only comes here once. Is it because she is good with the director that the director doesn't care? "

"Ha ha - Xiao Qin, don't complain!" Another elder said with a smile, "you, as long as you do your duty well, you will be promoted sooner or later. As for Joey, don't think about it. She really doesn't belong to our logistics department or director Yang. She's in charge. "

"Ah? What else? Who's in charge of her? Is it a temporary secondment to our department? "