
Joey, who has been released, is definitely not a bird whose cage has been opened. After all, she has a guardian beside her.

Shopping with Lu Jingyun behind him makes Joey feel proud and troubled.

After all, she is aware of her husband's eye-catching charm, tut Tut, look at the women who stick to him in the end, it is not too much.

Joey stepped back a little, quickly took Lu Jingyun's arm, and looked aside demonstratively. Ha ha, this is my man. Don't think about it.

Lu Jingyun naturally saw Joey's small eyes, doting with a smile, but took out his arm to protect Joey's waist and walked forward.

"Honey, what do you want to see? What to buy? "


"Whatever you like, buy whatever you like."

Men just don't understand why women go shopping. Even if you don't buy something or have no goal to buy something, you like to go for a walk. No goal is the most convenient. Sometimes, you decide what you want to buy, but you may not be able to buy it.

When you buy something, you have to bump into it. When you see what you like, you can buy it.

In the past, there were no conditions in Jiangcheng, so you can buy it if you want. Now you can buy it happily.

"Well, there's a mother and baby shop. We'll take a look at it later."

Joey nodded and saw a shop beside him. He took Lu Jingyun and went in.


"It looks good. I'll take it."

This is what Lu Jingyun often says after Joey tries on the clothes. At first, Joey is very happy to buy them. Later, he feels more and more wrong.


After putting the clothes down, Joey said, "I'm getting bigger and bigger. I can't wear them for a few days now. What a waste!"

"That's OK. I'll buy something else when I can't wear it."

Lu Jingyun didn't care. The shopping guide on one side advised him, "in fact, you can wear it after giving birth to a child."

"Yes, after the birth." Lu Jingyun is in line.

“……” Joey hesitated. "What a waste. I don't have to like it next year. "

After struggling for a while, Lu Jingyun didn't persuade her. Anyway, the little woman was not short of clothes. She just wanted the feeling of shopping. It doesn't matter to him whether he wants to buy them or not. He usually takes off these clothes when Joey doesn't pay attention to them, and then he chooses them for her.

Now I just want to go shopping with her.

Of course, if Joey knew what Lu Jingyun was thinking at the moment, he would definitely blow his hair. It's too wasteful to throw away such a good dress --

"OK, buy it."

As a result, one more piece of clothing may have been thrown away secretly.

In fact, Lu Jingyun doesn't like Joey to wear these clothes, but every time he sees the clothes Joey bought, he thinks that when she was in Jiangcheng, she was so frugal to buy some cheap ones, but she bought him more textured clothes, which always made him feel uncomfortable. Therefore, after returning to the capital, although he did not say what clothes Joey bought, he always subconsciously bought her the best.

He was happy to give her the best, to see what she was wearing and what he had chosen.

After the shopping guide beamed off Lu Jingyun and Joey, they cleaned up a lot of things, including some small household items.

Finally, in the mother and baby goods store, Joey looks cute at this and that, and wants to buy all the things in the store.

The result can be seen from the bright chrysanthemum smile on the face of the store manager of the mother and baby products store, and Joey has cleaned up a lot.

In less than two hours, the car was full of Joey's shopping.

"Husband, am I buying too much?"

Joey suddenly began to review himself.

"Not much," Lu Jingyun said with an expression of total indifference. "Now that you have bought it, do you still have to return it? What you buy is useful, don't care how much. Don't think about it. Let's sit down for a while and have a rest

"All right." Joey was easily convinced, because she had to think about the baby in her stomach, and she couldn't be sad. Otherwise, she would frown and become a little old man for fear of baobaosheng.

They went into a nearby Starbucks and ordered a dessert for Joey. Lu Jingyun helped Joey sit down.

He took out the thermos cup that he had been carrying in his bag. Lu Jingyun poured a cup of warm water for Joey.

Joy took it over happily, with a sweet smile. "Thank you, husband."

Lu Jingyun lost his smile. It was too sweet.

"What's the matter?"

Joey looked around, and then whispered to Lu Jingyun, "you look really stylish. I began to think that we would go shopping with our children in our arms in the future. What about your bags full of milk powder and diapers? "

Lu Jingyun pulled out the corner of his mouth, but to, "baby, in the future baobaosheng comes out, we can go shopping without him."He could carry Joey's bag and anything, but remember to bring diapers and milk powder to the baby? Isn't that strange?

"Ha ha ha That's right. " Joey spat mischievously, drank water, and quickly ate her little dessert.

After sitting for a long time, Joey didn't want to leave. After shopping, she would go home. She might as well sit here and watch people coming and going.

Joey leans on Lu Jingyun, grabs his fingers and talks to him in a low voice. From time to time, joy's happy laughter can be heard. They are one of the Starbucks couples, but they are probably the most eye-catching couple.

"Oh, my husband, from just now on, I feel that a girl opposite us has been watching us all the time."

Joey whispered to Lu Jingyun. After listening, he just glanced at the girl, but looked back at the girl with some fear.

"Just watch. Are we still afraid of watching?" He rubbed Joey's head with a casual smile.

"I think it's strange. According to the truth, her eyes should be shy, eager to try, or envious, jealous and hateful, "

" ha ha What kind of eyes are these? " Lu Jingyun asked with a chuckle.

"I love you, of course, I am envious and jealous," Joey looked at the girl again, and sure enough, saw her withdraw her eyes somewhat guilty. "But I found that she did not look at us like that. It's like - the paparazzi feels right. "

"We're not celebrities. Besides, if the paparazzi, we wouldn't be so bad." Lu Jingyun said with a smile, but he was also alert.

"I think so, just a little strange."

Joey thought for a moment. Maybe there's nothing that can attract people's attention. Besides her husband's too handsome, how can I make that woman's eyes look like this? "

"Let's go," he said, strangely. Joey decided to go home first.


Lu Jingyun took a deep look at the woman before leaving, and then he left around Joey.

As soon as she got home, Joey couldn't wait to show off the results of her purchase, and let sister-in-law Wang and several other people watch together.

Of course, sister-in-law Wang and Xiao Mei said that everything was good-looking. Joey was glad to hear that, and asked Xiaomei to wash the new clothes. She couldn't wait to wear them.

Strolling outside, Joey was in a good mood, but under Lu Jingyun's insistence, she was asked to have a rest and sleep for a while.

Of course, Lu Jingyun accompanied the supervision, and Joey fell asleep soon.


After receiving the driver's call and hung up, Lu Jingyun smiles. It seems that there is no danger. As expected, Joey can see clearly. It is not the eyes of ordinary women, because the woman clearly knows them.

However, it's no big deal. When he was caught by a company employee who just asked for leave, he felt that it didn't matter. He just didn't know how Joey would react when he knew.

But it doesn't matter. Anyway, if you have your baby and children, you will soon be announced. And it's better to be announced by these people.

At the weekend, Joey was told that she could lift her ban on seeing her friends. She immediately called Yang Fan, Sally and Xiaoxiao, and definitely asked them to come home to see herself.

However, Ruan Xiaoxiao refused directly on the spot, saying that she didn't have the spare time to chat with her. Her career is busy recently.

As a result, Sally and Yang Fan came.

It was the first time for them to come to Banshan villa. Of course, there was no exception. First they marveled, then they visited. Finally, it was their turn to talk to Joey.

Lu Jingyun was chased upstairs by Joey. She also knew that Lu Jingyun was there. The two friends were not so comfortable.

"Joey, you look like this, you are the rhythm of fattening

Sally said impolitely, and touched Joey's round little face again, "but it looks so cute, it feels really good."

Joey ignored Sally's teasing, "I'm doing it for my baby. I was so hungry before, and I always vomit. Now I can eat it. I'm so happy that I still care about the fat? "

With that, Joey seemed to finally find the person to tell, spit out all the things she suffered before, and express how hard she was before.

"Your reaction is good. I have friends who react more than you. In addition to vomiting, there are problems in every part of the body, such as leg pain, low back pain, wrist pain, and all kinds of reactions. You will be satisfied. At least when you feel bad, your husband Lu Shao is more eye-catching. At least it eases your pain. "

“……” Joey is speechless. Is that ok? Is it not hard for all pregnant women to find a handsome man?

"But you should also pay attention to it. Since then, my stomach has become bigger and I often go to the toilet. In the middle of the night, my leg cramps, my stomach becomes ugly, my face looks ugly In short, you have to go through all kinds of problems. "Sally pretends to have something to say, let Joey and Yang fan can't help but look sideways.

"You know so much."