
Joey patted Lu Jingyun's cheek, with a sly smile, "the best radish is a radish."


"Ha ha ha ha Well, I don't know if it's the best. Anyway, in my eyes, you are the best radish. "

"Or radish?" Someone's tone was rather discontented.

"Well, it's a metaphor. Don't be serious." Joey patted him gently on the cheek. "What I mean is not the radish, but the choice of the radish. No, it's not the radish. It's the man who chooses. In fact, it's fate. Compared with other people, our fate comes very quickly and is very suitable. Isn't it? "

"Of course."


Joy nodded with satisfaction and finally came out of the radish.

"Well, if I don't tell you more, I have to go down and comfort Yang Fan." Joy giggled and thought he should tell Yang Fan about the radish theory. Each radish is a pit. They haven't found a suitable hole for these radishes.

"Stay with me a little longer." Lu Jingyun cheeky pull Joey, like a abandoned child Just a moment, baby

Joey spat Mr. radish, look at these documents beside you. For our happiness in those two months, come on. I won't disturb you

Joey slipped out of Lu Jingyun's palm and ran out of his office. Lu Jingyun rubbed his palms, shook his head in laughter and continued to work hard. For their happiness in the next two months.



Qiao Yi just went downstairs not long ago, still like a headache with Yang Fan, Lu Jingyun's phone call up her again.

"Why, call me again..."

Joey pushes the door and enters. Unexpectedly, there are other people in Lu Jingyun's office.

The man looked at Joey, his face was heavy, and Joey recognized this man, Wan Liangjing, her nominal uncle.

"Yi, come here."

Lu Jingyun reaches out and Joey walks to him. He holds his hand. Seeing the heavy faces of both of them, Joey has a bad feeling in his heart.

"Little Joe, I'm here today to tell you, your mother, she I'm sick. "

Wan Liangjing's face was a little sad. When he said the news, he seemed to be extremely hard.

Such a difficult appearance, I think the disease is not a general disease.

At the same time, joy's heart tightened, holding Lu Jingyun's hand slightly.

"What disease is it?"

"Stomach cancer."

Joey suddenly did not respond for dozens of seconds, as if he was not sure whether he had heard the news.

Her reaction to the biological mother she hated now was to sneer three times and say to them, "this is her retribution."

However, Joey can't say how, how can't he feel indifferent as expected. D

she seems to be afraid, some I can't say how it feels.

Chest a little stuffy, hands more and more force.

"Yi Yi, Yi, don't worry. Now the medical means are so developed that nothing will happen."

Lu Jingyun is the one who can really feel Joey's feelings. He also understands that Joey is actually worried.

"She..." Joey spoke, but his voice seemed dumb and his expression changed She was hospitalized when she was ill, which told me that I couldn't help her

She is pretending to be indifferent. She thinks that this is heaven's punishment and retribution for WAN Jiaqi. Qi Wenyang has got retribution and lost everything. Now it's Wan Jiaqi's turn, isn't it?

When Wan Liangjing heard Joey's reply, he could not help frowning and was dissatisfied with her indifference.

"Little Joe, she is your mother after all. In fact, she has been treating for some time. During this period, she has been hiding from you, but I know that she always wanted to see you. But her heart and you have not forgiven her and pain, she felt that her illness is to abandon you retribution. So her will to survive is not strong, even if the doctor said that if the good treatment, she can still have many years of life, she does not cooperate with the treatment. There's no way. I'm looking for you. For the sake of her being your mother, and for the sake of such a life, Xiao Qiao, you can forgive her. You are Uncle Qiu you. "

Wan Liangjing's plea is sincere and sincere from the heart. Although he used to make use of this sister, they had feelings for so many years after all. She was sick and faced with death. How could he not bear to be a brother.

Today, he had no other purpose. He didn't act. He just hoped that Joey could help his sister. After all, it was life, not something else that could be reborn.

Joey was silent and did not answer.

But Lu Jingyun is heartache, even if Joey's face is expressionless, how can he not understand joy's inner suffering?

But now is not the time to force her, Lu Jingyun winked at Wan Liangjing Mr. Wan, go back first. "Wan Liangjing understood Lu Jingyun's meaning, nodded, sighed and left.

As soon as Wan Liangjing left, Lu Jingyun immediately hugged Joey, stroked her back, and kissed her forehead, as if only in this way could she assess her mood.

Because his hand was being held by Joey so hard, she was so stiff.

Lu Jingyun is very distressed. He comforts Qiao Chang with soft voice. " Baby, relax, relax. Don't feel bad. I'm here. Don't be afraid. "

A sound of tireless pacification, finally let Joey gradually relax, feel Lu Jingyun's powerful heartbeat, listen to his deep let people feel stable voice, suddenly, Joey's eyes like this fell a tear.

Just a drop, she did not know how to shed tears.

"She's right. It's her retribution."

Joey's voice has been hoarse, perhaps the whole person's gas is stuffy in the chest, blocked the throat, she felt that after she said this, she did not feel a bit happy and relaxed.

"Honey, do you really think so?"

Lu Jingyun knows her best, but she is still ambivalent in her heart.

Even Qiao's indifferent mother, she can naturally start to forget the past and be treated coldly, and begin to make up with the Qiao family slowly. He thought, after all, Wan Jiaqi is Joey's own mother. How could she be so cruel?

Joey Ben is a kind little woman. Her ruthlessness is never really cruel.

"Can't I think so?" Joey's stubborn retort. "That's what I think. This is her retribution. It's retribution. It's just..."

With that, Joey's tears began to flow more and more uncontrollably, blocking her mouth.

Lu Jingyun sighs and kisses her forehead. Instead of dissuading her, he just hugs her and makes her cry happily.

For a moment, there was only joy's sobbing in the office.

After a while, Joey gradually stopped crying, but she cried a little bit more, and finally she sobbed, and her breath jumped.

"I I It's hard. "

"I know, I know." Lu Jingyun wiped her tears. "My Yi Yi is in fact very ambivalent in the heart, also can't bear to really regardless of her is not?"

Joey was silent and did not answer.

"No hurry. If you think about it again, I will accompany you if you want to go or not."

Joey grabbed Lu Jingyun's hand for a long time, and then asked, "stomach cancer can kill people."


"Whether it's my business or not, I don't care if a person is sick and dying. It's not Joey. Isn't it? " Joey asked Lu Jingyun. In fact, he was not asking himself?


"In fact, let a person get retribution, should let her live suffer, not so happy to die." Joey continues to convince himself.


"I'll go see her and see how ugly she is now." Joey bit her lip and said, "I felt sorry for her. I've never been so cruel to someone who doesn't want to close it. "

"Yes, my Yi Yi will take her as an unrelated wretch and take a look at her, and she will not lose her meat."

Lu Jingyun touched her head. "Let's go and have a look at it in the evening?"