Chapter 593: Fight 1

The recruitment lasted until night time. After Garen had set a time for the activity, he returned back to the dorm with Messi.

The second day of university for new students was the second examination and interview. This examination was just a repetition and those who didn’t have any issue previously would pass without a hitch.

Among the crowds, Garen did a set of tests and replied a few questions given by the examiner, passing the examination process with ease.

The next tasks were trivial and tedious as all the materials required for the university had to be prepared by oneself. He went to the bookstore to buy a brand new set of books, which cost him a few thousand dollars. He then contacted his mother Trish to arrange for lawyer consultations and bought some daily necessities.

The university life was considered relaxing but his daily schedule was filled with lectures. However, as long as Garen didn’t disrupt the class, the lecturer or professor wouldn’t even care if he slept. The lecturers would ignore him after asking him a few questions, which he answered perfectly.

This world’s universities were rather similar to Earth’s and there wasn’t much difference other than the content was slightly more difficult. After some time, they were required to hand in their thesis report, which required a lot of citations and a tedious amount of effort to search, read the materials and travel frequently between the library and dorm.



The remaining three in the dorm soon fell into an abyss of panic, as they were so busy they couldn’t even sleep at night.

Within a few months of admission, the thin had gotten thinner and the fat had a major weight reduction. Every day, they could only sleep for four to five hours. The prerequisites of the non-core subjects were high and the syllabus was very detailed, which put a lot of stress on the students.

“I heard Professor Elvin is going to give a lecture at the faculty of medicine. Are you guys interested?” Messi asked loudly as he sat on the living room’s sofa as he held onto boxes of food. There was a stack of reference books in front of him and it seemed like he planned to read the books and eat at the same time.

“I’ll get prepared. The contents of the last lecture were discussed in detail by professor Elvin. We may get some unexpected information.” Alexander was highlighting main points with his pen.

“I have club activity.” Garen shrugged his shoulder as he sat on the balcony with a hot coffee placed by the window. He even had a newspaper from Nottingham in his hand as he read it while enjoying his coffee.


Messi looked at him in sadly.

“Don’t you think you’re a sore eye when your housemates are busy preparing their thesis in agony…”

The other two roommates looked at him in jealousy. When they’re studying, Garen was sleeping (practicing Secret Technique). When they’re preparing for their thesis, Garen was drinking coffee while reading the newspaper. Now, when they’re about to go for a talk, Garen said he wanted to participate in his club activity…

“Is that so?” Garen placed down the coffee. “I did my thesis too. It’s just that I’m slightly faster.”

“How is that called slightly faster?” Messi shouted. “Sometimes I really do feel like choking you to death!”

Garen looked at him with pity.

“Ah ah ah!!! Stop looking me with that gaze!!” Messi shouted. “Not everyone is like you, where the information you needed was in a book you’ve seen before.”

“Who knew I would be so lucky?” Garen shrugged.

“I’m not sure why, but I feel like punching you whenever I see your smug face.” The relationship between Messi and Garen had improved tremendously as they seemed to be okay with each other.

“Alright stop fighting you two. Whenever my hand jitters the arc turns into a straight line.” Gattelin, who was drawing complained.

As the three continued to study hard, Garen shook his head, lowered his head as he continued reading the newspaper and would occasionally sip the hot coffee.

He took out a CD player and placed a music disc into it. He then plugged in his earphones and enjoyed it. He enjoyed it so much that he would close his eyes and hummed along with the music.

He looked at three of them working their butts off and smiled.

“You guys are so weak.”

“Don’t stop me. I’m going to choke this bastard to death!!!” Messi couldn’t resist any longer as he leaped towards Garen.

“Good luck!”

“Go ahead! Punch him!!”

Two of them from behind started shouting.

Garen laughed as he ran away on the balcony, escaping from Messi’s grasp.

It’s very common for these two to joke around like so even though three of them weren’t that happy with Garen for this very reason. Garen would be fooling around whenever they’re busy and the professor would always praise him instead of them.

Messi then went back to his seat unsatisfied as he realized his time was wasted on Garen. He then shouted that he would skip lunch and focus on studying.

Garen looked at the time and walked out of the dorm. Since the other two had brought lunch with them, he walked to the cafeteria nearby slowly.

In the morning, he would attend lectures if he had them and would search for information for his assignment if there was no lecture. Occasionally, he would go to the music festival, exhibition, play some ball and look at the others training their combat skill. This had been Garen’s university life for the past few months.

Gullivier’s assignments were hectic and professors had high expectations of the students. This was different from the national university back in Earth, where a thesis could be simply mixed and matched from other documents. The normal assignment would require a huge amount of reference and personal analysis towards the topic in order to pass it. A typical course exam’s result was typically determined by the professor. If he liked the essays you’ve written, you passed. If not, no matter how many lectures you’ve attended, you would most likely fail.

He went to the cafeteria and bought three standard meals. While he’s on the way back, Garen coincidentally walked into Serena with books in her hands, whose class had just ended.

“Today’s activity is important, so make sure you attend,” Serena said.

“Something important? What is it?” Garen was curious.

“The president is about to leave so we’re electing a new president. There will be an interesting sparring competition!” Serena was rather excited when she said so.

“Are you participating?” Garen looked at her strangely. “Or perhaps someone related to you is participating. There must be a reason you’re so happy, right?”

“You’re right. My sister is participating so you’ll need to cheer for her!” Serena smiled.

“Sure.” Garen nodded.

The peaceful lifestyle was rather boring to him recently, and now there was an event interesting enough for him to attend.

He went back to the dorm and gave the other two their lunches. He then went back to his room, laid down on his bed, opened his laptop and looked at the records left in KL Chat.

Mike, Jelal, and Kelly whom he met on the way here had left a message for him. After replying him, he checked on his family’s situation and Raffaelle wrote a few messages to him. The message was short and had uploaded a recent picture of her on a beach in the evening hours. In a black dress, she was squatting beside a sand castle.

“Remember to bring some gifts back for me.” — Raffaele.

Garen pondered for a while.

“Are you still in Grano?” — Garen.

He didn’t expect to instantly obtain a response.

“Yep. I don’t plan to go to university anymore since I don’t learn much there.” — Rafaelle.

“Is it your grandmother’s wish?” Did she agree?” — Garen.

“Yep.” — Raffaele.

Garen didn’t know what to say as he wasn’t knowledgeable in the witch’s life. However, it was indeed true that experiencing university wasn’t advantageous to Raffaele and it was just a waste of time.

After asking about her situation, he then closed KL.

The afternoon hours were just as usual, where there were no incidents. Garen felt as though he was a completely normal student.

He went to two more classes, had dinner and went straight to the combat field.

It was located in the old university’s area, inside a classroom which was once for dancing.

When Garen arrived at the venue, it was already filled with people and a thick layer of mats had been placed at the center of the wide room. The senior members were sitting on one side while the new members were sitting on the other side. The division was clear.

A few senior members were explaining the current situation of the club in details to the new members.

In another corner, two muscular men were exercising, one of them were using the Pec Deck Machine while the other one was doing a sit up.

Those two were the coaches that the club had hired.

“Arrived already?” Serena was surrounded by a group of members and seemed to be talking about something. As she saw Garen entering from afar, she waved her hand.

Garen nodded. Since Serena was the only person he knew in the club, he changed into a black training attire at a corner and sat together with the new members.

The coach for the new members was a qualified senior member of the club. He was currently explaining the rules of the club and once he was almost done the explaining, he started giving the daily training.

“Now, I would like the new members who have combat experience to stand up.” The coach drank after a long day of talking.

Among the tens of new members, five or six people stood up. There even were people who looked like in a dilemma.

“Coach, does self-learned combat considered?”

“Of course not.” The senior shook his head.

Garen stood up and walked to the other corner with the five or six people.

Serena from the other side looked suspicious and shocked to find out that Garen had learned combat before.

Among the five to six people, two of them were women. One of them was very fit and looked very strong while the other was small and had a ponytail. She seemed to be here to learn to protect herself from the perverts.

She looked very elegant with her small face, pale skin. She looked very serious about it and this made a few men in the club whistle at her.

“You! Come out. You’re not allowed to whistle and you can leave the club if you don’t like it.” The senior member coach shouted without any mercy.

The other three men had a typical face. Nothing was out of place and they were just normal martial art enthusiasts. They’d been observing the training for so long and couldn’t hide their excitement when they could finally participate in it.

When Garen was observing the others, he didn’t realize the others were observing him.

To the eyes of the new and old members, this new member who had just joined a few months ago had a different vibe compared to the other new members.

He, who had been observing the club’s training, was about to officially go into training was not excited or frightened. He was calm as if this was an everyday occurrence to him.

Judging from the tender and pale skin at his hands and neck, one would immediately assume that he was the type who didn’t like to train.