Chapter 591: Admission 1

On the journey towards the university, Garen was sitting by the window.

There was nothing supernatural anywhere but normal people, normal environment, and normal weather. Everything was normal.

Everything outside the window was empty from the beginning. Then, buildings started to appear for a while before they were replaced by green fields once more.

The sky was cloudy as black clouds drifted in the sky.

The bus traveled along the lane at a moderate speed. Bungalows could occasionally be seen along the road lined with green fields. Some had red walls and some were pure white. They could also see a land of black tube trees in between the houses.

“We’re arriving soon so please be prepared.” The tanned leader stood up and shouted.




As she finished speaking, a girl at the back couldn’t resist any longer as she took out a plastic bag and vomited inside it. Her face was pale and she looked like she’s in agony.

“Ugh…” The skinny man beside Garen covered his nose as the sour, putrid smell was rancid.

Garen, too, covered his nose as he frowned.

“We’re arriving soon so please hold on just a little bit longer.” The tanned leader shouted.


Finally, the bus slowed down, took a turn and stopped.

The first years immediately got down from the car and Garen took a deep breath as the people pushed each other to get down from the car.

“Gullivier University isn’t located near Nottingham City but its outskirts. The university has formed into an independent town where lecturers, professors, and students gather and live together in this land. We also have all kinds of services as well, which in turn attracted a few citizens to lived here, increasing the trading between merchants. Gradually, it formed into Gullivier town.”

A fit girl in yellow T-shirt shouted as she was leading a group of first years in the same shirt.

“Welcome this year’s freshies, welcome to Gullivier!” She shouted as she smiled. “We are the Senior Reception Group, pack your luggage and follow me!”

The group of first years followed the group in yellow T-shirts blindly as they passionately helped the first years carried their luggage and filled them in the situations in the university.

The one helping Garen carrying his stuff was a beautiful female senior. However, he mustn’t be seduced by her attractive and pure body, as she’d slapped another woman who wanted to help Garen to carry his luggage and became his guide.

Through the senior Serena’s introduction of the university, Garen had a rough understanding of Gullivier’s overall situation.

The whole compound was a big square and was categorized into three major school districts and many little school districts. These were something he had to be familiar with in the future.

However, the first thing he should take note of as a freshman was to choosing his accommodation.

The accommodation inside the university was slightly expensive but it was safe. He had to observe for himself whether the buildings outside of the university, including the small office buildings, were viable for him to rent as well.

The first year’s assignments in Gullivier were hectic hence he also had to take note of his time management.

The crowd passed through the yellow stone arch noisily and entered the university’s garden which had no walls.

Their surroundings were filled with green, tall trees and there was even a green field.

There were buildings placed at the side of the hills and some couples were sitting there talking.

“Garen, where are you from?”

“Where? I’m from White Card City so I’m technically a person from the Ghana State.” Garen responded.

“You’re as rare as those international students from the east then.” Serena glanced at him with her chest subtly pushed up.

She was very beautiful. She had shoulder length dark hair, big black eyes, charming, straight nose, pink small lips and her edge of her lips were colorful.

Her eyebrows were especially slanted, giving off a savage yet fresh vibe.

Her chest was busty and her hips were attractive, with her tight black jeans as emphasis.

“If you’re from Ghana, then you have to be more careful. People here tend to form gangs from the same states. We don’t have many students from Ghana so you might want to consider finding a stronger group with more people.”

“Hmm. Thanks for your advice.”

As the introduced to each other along the way, Serena asked Garen for his number on her own accord and sent him to his dorm. She gave her a set of numbers and key before leaving.

The dorm was built on a jade green field and was a fully red mountain typed building. It was about seven to eight floors high and faced the public training equipment on the field, such as swings, single parallel bar, bicycle, etc.

Students were walking in and out of the building and Garen could feel many people were staring at him at the entrance.

He picked up his luggage and entered the dorm as he walked along the corridor with white tiles still smelling of detergent. He arrived at the third floor, matched the numbers and opened the door. It was empty. No one was inside.

On the other hand, the corridor was filled with people. Some students were running around in their underwear and some of them were shouting as they ran around barefooted.

The dorm had four bedrooms and each tenant would have their own room. Garen found a room and moved all of his stuff inside. After he finished arranging everything, he noticed four new Gullivier students manual with red covers on the table in the living room.

He picked one up and flipped through it. The cover was hard yet the inner side was as soft as fabric.

As he turned around and closed the door, Garen carried the book to the balcony, reached out his hand and touched the balcony. The cold porcelain tile was completely free from dust.

He could see a forest and a grey tower from the balcony. On top of the tower was a bell.

Between the tower and the dorm was a big green field and running through it were grey lanes. There were a lot of students reading on the field.

The previously cloudy sky had turned sunny. As the warm sunlight shone onto the field, it was even greener than before.

As he scanned the area out of habit, everything on the field was normal and nothing out of place.

The Secret Techniques, Secret Skills, and abilities were something that was out of place and was of no use under this environment. It was as though they were never meant to exist, and should only be seen in a vampire movie or the sort.

In this environment with all the normal people, he had to follow the rules of the university and participate in his university life without cheating.

He took out his phone and made a call to home.

Ring… ring…

“Hello, have you reached the university?” Mother Trish’s voice could be heard.

“I have arrived and am currently in the dorm. Everything went without a hitch and I’m going to attend the ceremony in the afternoon as written in the freshies manual.” Garen replied casually. “Mum, has Raffaele visited me when I left?”

“She did and was in tears. She left the moment I passed her Jason’s item. ” Trish’s tone was rather melancholy. “It’s unfortunate that you’re so far away from her, if not you two could’ve gotten together.”

“Perhaps. Where’s pops? What’s Vivien and Jason doing?”

“Your dad is currently chatting with the new and beautiful researcher. Vivien is currently drawing together with Arisa and Jason had gone out to read some books at the usual spot.”

“Alright, I hope he’ll succeed. To be frank, I feel that Jason is not suited with Arisa. If he doesn’t change his dream regarding his fist then his dream would be just a pipedream.” Garen was speechless.

“I feel so as well. The moment you left I heard that Isaros had injured her hands and she still insisted on working in the bookstore. Her injury was quite dire as she bled a lot. The lady was very strong as her expression didn’t change at all. With that huge injury, Jason would’ve cried a long time ago.” Trish said hopelessly.

“Isaros was injured?” Garen was stunned. As he had interacted with him for the past few years, he knew how good Isaros was. This person who had decent melee combat skills and a will of defending himself would usually have a good sense of taking care of themselves. It’s weird for him to have such an injury.

“Yeah. The city was rather unstable the moment you left. There were a few fighting cases and those thugs from the north were admitted to the hospital due to heavy injury.”

Garen was stunned. Perhaps Raffaele had brought a few people to wage war against the Blood Breeds?

He thought of this possibility.

Grano and Nottingham’s Gullivier were two different worlds.

He had basically confirmed that the world outside had no supernatural power and they did not have the unique aura similar to the Arisa sisters. Everything else seemed normal as if Grano was the only place filled with supernatural powers.

Everything was gathered there.

Is wasn’t just Gullivier, other places where Nighthawk reported had the same results as well.

Even on the battlefield, they couldn’t even find any evidence of the existence of vampires or any sort. Nighthawk’s team didn’t even hear of such a thing before as well.

It was as if the Blood Breed and Witches were in one world and the remaining people were in the other world. And these two worlds were separated by a deep layer.

Garen stood in Nottingham. He could feel that he was far away from the center of the whirlpool. He could feel that Grano, or where ever the Arisa sisters were located, complicated things would happen. It was similar to Sylphalan in the Secret Technique world and Beckstone in the totem world. There were all the main leaders in that generation.

As he was far away from these main characters, he naturally had obtained a normal and peaceful life.

“Mum, if there’s anything special related to the Arisa sisters, would you mind giving me a call?” Garen said softly as he thought of it.

“Ah, are you interested in those two? Do you want both of them? You’re indeed my most talented son!” Trish was very excited. “I already felt that these two are good girls a long time ago. When Arisa grows older, she would definitely become a beautiful lady and her sister is a researcher at Sadinshi University and would definitely suit you! Don’t worry about marriage as you can go to any small country and change your citizenship. It’s not a problem at all! You can get a huge bed and play some games during night time as well with those two sisters! Son, you really do have a great taste! Especially Arisa, your mum can tell. She’s the type where she would react coldly outside but passionate on the inside. She would definitely won’t give up on you. She’s definitely a good one! …”