Chapter 1577: The Regicide Game  

"What’s the exact situation?" I asked.

Gui Guzi said, "Chariot City is dispatching almost everyone to reinforce Burning City, while Hero Alliance is dispatching only 50% of their forces. The other 50% was left behind to guard Hero City, Seven Star City and Titan City. They are expected to arrive at Burning City in 50 minutes. On our side, we are in the final stages of conquering Burning City. Almost all of the NPCs are dead, and Tear Stain has less than 5,000 useful subordinates. We can conquer the city at any moment!"

I broke into a smile. "Good. Don’t conquer the city yet though. Wait until I come online first!"


I got out of bed and woke up He Yi, Murong Mingyue and the rest of the girls. Then, we gathered at the living room to eat a quick breakfast.



It was at this moment the room on the left opened to reveal a pyjamaed Lin Yixin. She was rubbing her eyes lazily and asking, "What’s with the noise? Did something happen?"

I stared at her. "Please don’t tell me you’ve been sleeping all this time, Yiyi[1]…"

"Yeah? I just woke up…"

"You’ve been asleep for 13 hour straight… Come over and have some breakfast. Since you’re awake, you may as well help us wrap up the final hours of the Nation War!"




Half an hour later, we all returned to our rooms and logged into the game. I was sure that our odds of winning were much better with the return of the Fruit Knife Goddess.


Light shone against my eyelids as I appeared in the game. I slowly opened my eyelids, climbed out of the tent and discovered that I was surrounded by Chinese players. Burning City was completely surrounded and stripped of its outer walls. Inside the city, Gui Guzi was attacking the enemy with a group of Dragonlight Archers. I also saw Tear Stain floating helplessly above the battlefield.

"You’re online, Lu Chen!" greeted Li Chengfeng while walking up to me.

I nodded at him while messaging Lin Yixin to fly over straight away.

After that, I summoned all the executive-level players in the guild and ordered,

"Chaos Moon, You and Yun, Brother Xu Yang[2], take Soul Battle Robes, Blazing Hot Lips, Bloody Mercenaries and the secondary forces of the main guild with you to stall Hero Alliance and Chariot City’s forces. I’m aware that there are 7 million of them, and that their troops will probably be more elite than ours. However, it shouldn’t be a problem for you to stall them for a couple of hours. Chengfeng, Little Gui, Eve, Beiming and Lian Xin, stand by for further orders. I will need all of you to pull off the big heist later…"

"Sounds interesting. What is this heist about?" He Yi asked with widened eyes.

I rubbed my hand against my sword hilt before replying, "When Chariot City and Hero City’s main force arrive, I will fly to Hero City, Titan City and Seven Star City and set up the teleportation formations. I will teleport in 10,000 Dragonlight Cavalrymen, Dragonlight Archers, Holy Mages and priests each to every city so that we may commit regicide. Our goal is to conquer all three USA main cities and shatter the soul of the Northern Alliance in one fell swoop!"

Li Chengfeng shuddered visibly as he digested my audacious plan. A long time later, he finally said, "Your appetite is bottomless, brother. Three main cities in one go? Are you sure we can do this?"

I nodded. "Yes. It will succeed because the enemy will never see it coming!"Gui Guzi gripped his halberd excitedly. "I support your strategy all the way, Boss Broken Halberd!! I’ve been wanting to get one over the American server since forever, and everyone will be happy if we succeed in taking out their three main cities!"

Li Chengfeng frowned. "The NPCs of the three main cities aren’t small fries. They may even be guarded by Karinshan-level bosses. It won’t be easy to snipe their regents."

"That is why I need y’all divine players to pull your weight…" I grinned. "I’ve already contacted Yiyi. She’ll help us achieve our goal!"

Li Chengfeng smiled. "Good. Our chances of success will be much better with her around!"


A while later, a beautiful woman with the Wind Severing Sword in her hand and the Immortal Blade behind her back descended from the sky. She greeted us, "I’ve come to help! By the way, is there anyone who would like to borrow the Immortal Blade? I already have the Wind Severing Sword, so…"

Li Chengfeng raised an eyebrow. "I would gladly borrow the Immortal Blade from you—if you think that I’m worthy of it, of course!"

Lin Yixin smirked. "You? You aren’t quite up to snuff, but… yeah, you’re at least a better choice than Gui Guzi or Xu Yang. Okay, you can have it for now…"

She then tossed the Immortal Blade into the air.


After Li Chengfeng caught the blade and equipped it, he grinned widely. "Wow, my Attack is much higher than before! As expected of one of the Twelve Divine Armaments! I’m sure Warsky would be glad to hear that I’m the temporary wielder of his weapon… Say, are you going to return the Immortal Blade to Warsky after the Nation War, Beauty Lin?"

Lin Yixin hesitated for a couple of seconds before smiling. "I think that the Twelve Divine Armaments are above worldly concepts like that, don’t you agree? Plus, Lu Chen has already gifted my Scepter of Divine Flame to Lian Xin, and I can’t possibly ask her to return it to me, can I?"

Lian Xin realized the implication behind Lin Yixin’s words and widened her eyes. "Sister Lin Yixin, are you… do you really mean it?"

Lin Yixin nodded. "Of course! It’s yours now. Just remember to treat me to a Hai Di Lao hotpot later…"

I immediately interrupted, "Ooh, sounds great. Remember to bring me along when you go…"

Lin Yixin shot me a glance. "You’re footing the bill then!"

"Sure! It’s not like I can’t afford it!"


Beside us, Chaos Moon raised her Dihai Blade tentatively to catch our attention. "So… Chariot City’s men are about to arrive, so I’m going. See you all later?"

"Yeah. Be careful!"


The sky was filled with dust and soot. After wiping away the grayish stain on her face and blinking her gorgeous eyes, He Yi asked, "Should we split the teams now?"

I smiled. "Mn. The first wave is the most important because the attackers must both snipe the regent and destroy all of the teleportation formations inside the city. This way, when the reinforcements traveling to Burning City teleport back to their main city to defend it, they’ll find that they have to make the journey to another main city on foot. Well, some of them anyway. Not everyone carries an infinite amount of return scrolls in their bag after all; bagspace being precious and all that."

Li Chengfeng asked, "I’ll go on the first wave then. Which city are we attacking first?"

"Seven Star City!" I pointed to the northwest before continuing, "Seven Star City is a fairly secluded city, and ideally we want to draw all of the enemy’s main force over and keep them there. Chengfeng, Eve, Little Gui, Beiming, the four of you will be on the first wave. Will that be okay with you all?"

They all shook their heads and replied, "No problem!"

I nodded and continued, "The second wave will be Titan City, and Yiyi, Lian Xin and Stranger of Three Lifetimes will be tackling them."The three girls also nodded in unison. "Okay!"

Finally, I said, "Hero City is the American server’s greatest main city. Naturally, it has the highest number of defenders as well. I, Heaven’s Rain, Diamond Dust, sis and Moonlight Stone will be tackling it!"

"Okay!" Murong Mingyue giggled. "Be sure to keep us safe, okay?"

"Of course. Go get your parties ready now and teleport to Dark Moon City. One more thing. Don’t kill the regent of Burning City just yet. For our plans to succeed, I need you to hold on for 3 hours before conquering Burning City!"



As my players teleported back to Dark Moon City one after another, I flew into the clouds to conceal my presence before flying toward my first target, Seven Star City. As with all the previous teleportations, I needed to be there in person in order for the teleportation to work!

The wind whipped against my metal armor as I traveled at high speed. It should take me 25 minutes at most to reach it. Some time later, the clouds parted to reveal a magnificent city with strong walls, numerous arrow towers, and fortresses that surrounded the main city and gave it the shape of a seven-pointed star from above. Perhaps this was how its name came to be.

I activated Dark Pupils and saw plenty of NPC generals standing in front of the imperial palace. I would have to defend against the NPCs’ attack first before I could activate the teleportation formation!


I descended at high speed. The NPC archers spotted me as soon as my altitude crossed 1,000 yards and leveled their bows at me. "Enemy attack! Shoot him down!"

I activated Battle Astral Wind to block the powerful shots. As I landed on the ground, a nearby group of Seven Star City players raised their weapons and charged at me. "Dammit! Vienna was right! Someone did show up to surprise-attack our city!"

I smirked. So what if he guessed correctly? The whole gist of the plan is to kill their regents right underneath their noses!

I took out the Teleportation Divine Crystal and activated it immediately. As a blue portal took form behind me, I shouted in the guild channel, "You can come over now, Chengfeng! Quickly!"magic

Li Chengfeng emerged from the blue teleportation formation and fired Reverse Scale Slash at a group of enemies. He was immediately followed by He Yi, Gui Guzi, Beiming Xue and the Dragonlight Cavalry.

I yelled again, "Alright, I leave it to you all to carry out the rest! Eve, take out the teleportation formations first!"

He Yi nodded. "Be careful!"


Once more, I jetted into the sky and flew straight for Titan City. I said in the guild channel, "I will be arriving at Titan City in 15 minutes. The existing teleportation formation will cancel when I set up a new teleportation formation, so make sure that you’ve teleported all your men to Seven Star City before that time! Otherwise, you may not be able to withstand Vienna’s Sorrow’s counterattack!"

He Yi responded, "Got it…"

Fifteen minutes later, Titan City appeared from the horizon. Again, the numerous defenders standing on the walls proved that Vienna’s Sorrow was prepared against a surprise attack, but he couldn’t have known that my strategy was to teleport troops right in front of the royal palace. No one could’ve predicted that I would come by an item as OP as the Teleportation Divine Crystal!


I burst out of the clouds and one-shot the group of archers standing in front of the royal palace. Then, I canceled the teleportation formation at Seven Star City and built a new one at Titan City—


System Notice: Coordinates duplication is successful. The teleportation formation at Sky City Domain (*****, ******) is now linked to the teleportation formation at Titan City Domain (79767, 120993)!


"Come out, Beauty Lin…" I said smilingly in my mind.

As expected, a beautiful figure flew out of the portal and patted me once on the shoulder. She was of course Lin Yixin. Raising the Wind Severing Sword, she hit a group of NPCs and players with Thundercloud Storm. Not a moment too soon, Stranger of Three Lifetimes and Lian Xin rushed out with a group of Dragonlight Cavalrymen, Dragonlight Archers and Holy Mages behind them. In high spirits, Stranger of Three Lifetimes shouted out an order, "Enter the palace and kill the regent now!"

. T/N: ??? she was up for 24 hours. 13 hours is amazing considering that some people crash for another 24 after cramming for exams ☜

. T/N: jesus let my man sleep already ☜