Two days before Dabie's coming, the owner of the SA family began to worry. He had not come back on the ninth of the month. He had to take part in such an important family affair.

Where have you been.

Send people to look for moon nine.

As the owner's daughter, yuejiu was very attentive. The day before Dabie's death, they took back yuejiu's body.

This corpse was sensed by the SA family through a special way. The magic weapon used on the ninth of the month bears the mark of the SA family.

The people sent by the SA family felt that the location of the magic weapon was still a little confused.



When you dig a cave and see the moon 9, which is about to rot, you are disillusioned.

After all, when Yue Jiu died, her image was not very good. With the collapse of the cave, her face and head were deformed.

The whole person also exudes a pungent stench.

It's a little hard for the zajia people to accept.

This is the young lady who used to be young, energetic, beautiful and arrogant, but now she is just a carrion.

Meng Li got the news, and there was no wave in his heart.


The body of the ninth moon came back, and the people of the SA family learned the news. Some people were happy and some were sad.

There are also people who sigh.

Saqihe was also shocked. She couldn't say what she felt. She worked hard to plan and calculate. In the end, the enemy died like this?


Instead of gloating, saqihe felt a little sad.

The master of Sa's family frowned and locked. As soon as he explored, he knew that Yue Jiu had been hurt by an expert, and that kind of power was really beyond the ordinary people's ability.

Who did you offend?

SA Qingning's mother is crying and making trouble to the SA family leader. She is proud of her daughter all her life, so she died outside.

I don't even know who the killer is.

Naturally, he asked the SA family leader to find the murderer for revenge.

What is the Revenge of zajiazhu?? Is it enough to take all the lives of the SA family?

SA Qingning's mother annoyed the owner of the SA family, so the owner of the SA family accused SA Qingning's mother.

If you had not pampered your daughter since childhood, could your daughter develop such a lawless and arrogant character?

I don't know the heaven and the earth. It's a disaster to go out.

I don't know who should or shouldn't be offended.

Now I've lost my life when I meet someone who can't make me angry.

He had worried about that kind of character before. He wanted to send her to the college after this time to meet outsiders.

What I think is that when I see more powerful people, I will restrain my character.

If you understand how much weight you have, you will change your character.

But now it's too late to say anything.

The SA family leader had some regrets. At that time, he should discipline his daughter's character in time, so as not to come to this end.

In the heart of zajiazhu, it has been confirmed that the daughter is just like this because of her personality.

After all, there are many people in the family who have gone out for training during this period of time. Even if some people come back with injuries, they have saved their lives.

SA Qingning's mother is also a person of cultivation. She personally checked her daughter's body and knew that it was the master who did it, but she wept.

If we can't find the killer, what can we do?

SA Qingning's mother can't pat her chest to ensure that she will get revenge for her daughter.

We don't know how Yue Jiu died. The SA family blocked the news. All the family knew was that Yue Jiu died.

It's also normal for the practitioners to go out to live or die. There are countless people who fall in the middle of the journey.

Dabi of the family was not affected by the death of September 9.

Everything is in order.

Meng Li's performance in the family big ratio is not top-notch, every game Meng Li seems to be more difficult, but just won the other side.

Finally, Meng Li entered the top ten of the family.

Although the performance was not top-notch, it also surprised the family. After all, Meng Li didn't have much time to practice, so he caught up with them, which made people envious.

Some people think that it's zajiazhu who gives Mengli extra resources.

Some people are also secretly guessing whether Meng Li has long been able to practice, but it hasn't been revealed before.

Only zajiazhu was really surprised. He didn't expect to be in the top ten.

After entering the top ten of the family, Meng Li selected a Dharma according to the rules, which is the Dharma of the world and can be used by the client when he comes back.

Just give the client a little too much, and she will get a better job in the future.

He also chose a sword. Meng Li's common weapon is the sword, so he chose this one, which is more handy.

As for what weapon the client likes, Meng Li really doesn't know.

All the gold coins of pills are kept by Meng Li. It's a good thing for the client to come back with a loose hand.

For Mengli to enter the top ten, zajiazhu is more surprised, but also a little happy.Now he has lost a daughter, and now this daughter can also cultivate, and also very competitive.

It is a talent that can be cultivated.

He called Meng Li to the room and gave him some extra magic tools and some words of encouragement.

The tone is much softer than before.

Meng Li, of course, knows how to think about zajiazhu. In fact, he can understand. After all, for zajiazhu, there is only one daughter left, and he has no choice.

Of course, you can choose to have another one, but it's not necessary to have children, and when you grow up, you don't know your qualifications and personality, so investment is risky.

Compared with the four big families, Meng Li is still conservative, but maybe it's just as saqihe said.

Ska college may take a fancy to the things that she could not practice before, but could practice again suddenly. In just six months, she entered the top ten of the family. Even if she didn't enter the top ten with her real ability, the family valued it more.

Even the most famous college is not free from vulgarity. Considering all aspects, Meng Li was given a place.

Saqiho also got a place.

Saqihe is very happy, and doesn't know if she died on the ninth of the month, and her rival is gone. She looks at her fiance and puts forward to cancel her engagement.

Her fiance naturally refused, on the ninth of the month has died, saqihe is also a good choice, but also into the ska college, do not agree to terminate the engagement.

Saqihe is more disgusting, and her heart of breaking the engagement is stronger.

Find Meng Li and ask him what to do.

Saqi he wants to make friends with Meng Li. He specially runs to talk about his heart. Meng Li doesn't refuse. He comforts Saqi he and doesn't get involved.

Apart from the room, other people's marriage mixed in, easy to make people think.

After nine months, she couldn't find her fiance to do anything wrong.

Finally, saqihe said directly that if she didn't break her engagement, she would not go to ska college.

There's no way. Ska college doesn't recruit students every year. This time, three people will be sent in. Next time, I don't know when I can send them in.

Zajia can only agree.