Meng Li is preparing what Dabie needs. It's enough to hang around for a few days.

Back at home.

I don't know if the SA family will know the news about the death of the ninth moon.

Whether it's yuejiu or SA Qingning, as the gifted daughter of the SA family, she is more famous.

There are many people who know her.

As soon as Meng Li came back to Sa's home, Qiao Yu met him:

"Miss, I'm worried about you these days."


"Fortunately, the young lady came back safely." Qiao Yu looks very excited.

Miss is her only dependence here. If Miss has an accident, she can only be a lower servant girl.

Meng Li said with a smile, "it's OK. I'm back now, aren't I?"

I haven't seen this girl for some time.

"Yes, miss, I'll get you a hot bath." Qiao Yu smells Meng Li's sweat and runs out.

Meng Li put things away in the room, a little want to go out to ask if there is any recent movement in the SA family.


After thinking about it, I'd better take a breath, take a bath and ask Qiaoyu.

After a while, Qiao Yu tells Meng Li that she has water ready. Meng Li goes to the bathroom and doesn't let Qiao Yu serve her.

Meng Li opened her palm, and there were some scars on her palm, like an ugly centipede in her palm, which was hurt by the whip of the ninth moon.

She's already got a scar remover, but the effect isn't immediate.

No one can see the scar.

Otherwise, everyone will know that she has made friends with yuejiu.

As for those present at that time, Meng Li basically guessed that he could not see the above.

Do people come to the world to publicize the day when they are free?

It doesn't exist.

Who cares?

Meng Li also knows that the world that those people live in is just like the plane where she was born. Those people practice to Mahayana and then ascend to the higher plane of the power system, which is similar to the world form.

Meng Li took a comfortable bath. Her spirit is tense these days. In addition to that battle, she also suffered a lot of injuries and was very tired. Now that the matter is over, she just needs to prepare for the family competition.

When she died on September 9, the ban on her and system space did not loosen, which proved that the client did not want to come back for the time being.

I think it's true. The family competition is approaching. When the client comes back now, it will take some time to adapt to how to practice. If he doesn't adapt well, he may miss the top ten.

The present practice is the safest.

Meng Li had a good bath. He sat watching Qiao Yu and asked:

"what happened at home recently?"

Qiao Yu tilted his head and thought, "Oh, miss, Miss Qihe came to find her several times, and gave her some gold coins. When she said that she would come back, remember to tell her."

Meng Li nodded, SA Qi He is a retreat for her to deal with the ninth moon.

But it doesn't seem to be useful now, but there is no major contradiction, so it is feasible to make a good friend.

It doesn't need to be very sincere, and it doesn't need to intervene. When it comes to things with the same interests, it's OK to keep warm.

Meng Li asks Qiaoyu if he has anything else to do. He wants to know if the SA family knows about the death of the ninth moon.

Qiao Yu tells Meng Li everything she knows about her family recently.

Meng Li just listened patiently and didn't stop Qiao Yu.

Qiaoyu said very energetically, and he said something about servant girls and servants.

Finally see Meng Li complexion light, Qiao rain just some interest to decline of stop talking.

After that, Meng Li went to saqihe's room, and saqihe was also practicing. Meng Li asked saqihe's servant girl to inform him and reward him with some gold coins.

Human relations are mutual.

Saqihe hears the announcement, receives the credit directly, and greets Meng Li at the door. This is the first time Meng Li enters her room.

The room is more exquisite, much more exquisite than the room she lives in, and the decoration is gorgeous. Saqihe may be afraid of Mengli's obsession, so she says it's her mother's life.

Meng Li smiles and doesn't care.

Saqihe was able to cultivate since childhood, and her talent was fair. It was normal that she was treated better than her in the family.

They exchanged greetings for a while, but Meng Li asked first:

"can elder sister Qihe see Qingning recently?" Saqihe shook his head. "He said that he had gone to the Warcraft forest for training. The family Dabi was going to start in a few days, and she didn't come back."

Then he said with a wry smile, "he was worried about her safety, so he took the servant to look for her."

"For a man who doesn't care about her, she doesn't want to." Meng Li patted saqihe on the shoulder.

"Well! So it is Saqihe's eyes flashed with anger. She clenched her fists unconsciously and felt that she had lost her temper. After adjusting her mood, she looked at Meng Li and asked:"Can Ning Yue get something from this trip?"

"But it's not worth mentioning that I've got more experience."

"It's caused a lot of Warcraft, so I know that Warcraft is more rough and fleshy than human beings, and I dare not go any more easily."

SA Qi lotus eyes flashed clear, "when I heard that you also went to the Warcraft forest, I was scared, how dare to go alone, did not call me."

"You and I are uniting some sisters. There are many people and great strength."

"I just turned around in the periphery, and I dare not move forward rashly next time." Said Meng, a little afraid.

Saqihe asked Meng Li about something in the Warcraft forest. Meng Li picked out a little plot and said it.

He also gave saqihe some magic crystals, saying that it was the harvest in the Warcraft forest.

SA Qi He is more happy, did not expect Meng Li to return her this, also gladly accepted the magic crystal.

He also gave Meng Li a bottle of pills.

Meng Li smiles. It's not tiring to make friends like this.

They talk about each other, and the topic comes to yuejiu. Meng Li just sighs that he has no bottom in his heart, and he doesn't know whether he can enter ska college or not.

Saqihe encouraged Meng Li and gave a general description of how to deal with yuejiu in the family competition.

It is said that the day before the competition, everyone challenged moon 9 in the competition arena. Even if they can't fight, the sea of people tactics will have an impact on moon 9.

It will directly affect the performance of the second day of the ninth lunar month.

Saqihe also said that with the character of yuejiu, she would definitely fight.

Meng Li nodded and arranged it very well. As for whether they had any other means, I don't know.

Some of the more insidious means can not be said everywhere, the same family, said the cousins, face efforts to do.

The problem plan can't keep up with the change. It's already cold on September 9.

These plans don't work.

Meng Li naturally won't tell Saqi that the lotus moon is cold, but he modestly expresses that his force value is not high, maybe it can't help a lot.

Meng Li chatted in saqihe's room for a while. After some gossip, he went back to his room and began to practice.