Of course, it's impossible for moon nine to admit its fate and try to communicate with Warcraft in another space with spiritual power, hoping to summon a Warcraft again.

For this kind of spiritual fluctuation, Meng Li beside naturally felt it, but Meng Li didn't stop moon nine.

Yuejiu has been trying to communicate with the spirit, but every time when it is about to establish communication, the spirit is exhausted, the communication is broken, and it's just to return in vain.

But every time you fail, you will feel severe pain in your mind.

Meng Li silently looked at the moon nine, looking at the moon nine tossing himself.

The pain tosses oneself.

Moon nine full of sweat, facial distortion, looking at Meng Li, eyes coldly staring at her, some hair at the bottom of my heart, at this time of moon nine, very thirsty, very hungry.


Moon nine licked her dry lips, and her hunger made her want to eat everything in front of her.

In particular, Meng Li's Dried Warcraft jerky, wrapped in a handkerchief and thrown on the ground, makes Yue Jiu even more hungry.

If it was the ninth day of the month before, it would be hard to see Meng Li's dry Warcraft meat without any seasoning.

But now the moon nine, is looking at the hay in front of, are eager to chew down.

But I can't open my mouth, I can't open my mouth.

Ask the enemy to eat, that is to put their dignity to the other side trample.


Seeing this, Meng Li was very considerate and handed the dried meat to yuejiu, "do you want to eat it?"

On the ninth day of the month, she swallowed her saliva unconsciously, turned her head and didn't look at the Warcraft jerky, "what do you want?"

"Since it's in your hands, you can kill it or cut it. It's insulting to torture people like this."

Meng Li shook his head seriously and said:

"I just don't know if I should kill you now."

Moon nine smelled the smell of Warcraft jerky, saliva unconsciously secreted, and heard Meng Li's answer.

Suddenly, I was very angry. I don't know if I should kill her. This kind of answer is too false and false.

It's just like a person with hundreds of millions of money saying that I don't know how to use it.

Seeing that Yue Jiu was angry and did not speak, Meng Li asked:

"do you want to eat dried meat?"

"No, take your things and get out." Although Yue Jiu said so, his voice was weak.

Meng Li sighed, put a little dried meat in front of the moon nine, and went straight away.

There wasn't much food, and Meng Li didn't eat much. He relied on aura to maintain his body's function, and then added a small amount of food.

If there is water, there is no lack of it.

I'll spend another month with you.

It's no use breaking her bones for the arrogant person. It's only mental torture.

It seems that in order to prove her arrogance, yuejiu begins to talk to Meng Li and scold him.

He even mentioned Meng Li's appearance before, as if he was looking for a sense of balance.

Although I'm in a mess now, you've been in a mess before.

The whole person is hysterical.

However, Meng Li did not fight with Yue Jiu as before. No matter what Yue Jiu said, his face remained unchanged.

This makes the mood of yuejiu worse and worse, a little crazy.

She hated each other's neglect, as if she was a clown that each other played with in their hands.

It's the kind that can be crushed to death anytime, anywhere.

Moon nine's heart is extremely suffering, pain, even thought to die like this.

If you die, it won't be so painful.

Now the moon nine eyeballs are all red blood, the blood on the neck has been dry, the wound is also scabby, originally white and smooth neck now become ferocious and terrible.

Yuejiu's hair is also in disorder, because of the excessive use of mental power, yuejiu's face is pale, his forehead is stained with sweat, and his whole body is smelling of sweat. Now yuejiu is very embarrassed.

In addition to the hysterical curse, it makes yuejiu look like a crazy woman.

This scene is how much like the once client, hysterical in the mind of nine months, and helpless appearance.

Moon nine scolded tired, said tired, relying on the cave cliff, eyes staring at Meng Li.

Meng Li didn't say anything. It was hard for them to be quiet for a while. The water in the cave was ticking. Meng Li felt that listening to the sound of the water made her calm down.

On the ninth day of the moon, however, when she heard the sound of the water, she became more agitated.

In the middle of the night, Meng Li is still sitting on his knees and practicing. On the ninth day of the month, his hands are tied by Meng Li, and his eyes unconsciously look at the Warcraft jerky. Look extremely struggling, nine months feel that if they do not eat something, really will die.

Thinking of death, yuejiu is deeply afraid. She doesn't want to die.

She can't die.

She also wants to find a way to go back to modern times and ask the person who betrayed her why she betrayed her.She can't just die.

And if she can get out of this cave alive, she will kill the woman in front of her and take revenge.

No, it's not just killing her. She's going to give her back what she's suffered today.

Yuejiu set the goal of living in her heart. She reached out and picked up the dried meat. The movement was very light, very light.

Yue Jiu put the dried meat in his mouth. It's too hard. This dried meat is too hard.

It's hard for a dog to grind her teeth without such tormenting and hard jerky meat. It's humiliating for her to eat it. Yuejiu regrets eating it, but her hunger makes yuejiu chew and swallow it.

It's true that Meng Li was misunderstood by Yue Jiu.

This dried meat was baked by Meng Li before. Meng Li has no big pursuit of food. If he wants to store it and carry it easily, he will dry it naturally.

So Meng Li can only take such dried meat to satisfy her hunger, even Meng Li didn't expect, sensitive moon nine can feel that this is also insulting her.

Even if Meng Li knows it, he won't care. What does it matter if he thinks about moon 9.

Moon nine eat dried meat, Meng Li has long found, but also very considerate and put a little dried meat in front of moon nine.

But Meng Li doesn't let go any more, just to maintain the life of the ninth moon.

To be honest, Meng Li is not too full now, and he eats a small amount of food.

Time goes by day. At the beginning of the ninth month, she still tried to call Warcraft, but the pain of repeated mental trauma finally made her give up.

Therefore, every day on the ninth day of the month is to curse Meng Li, who can't die well.

Meng Li didn't hear it. He never paid attention to the ninth moon, and he was always indifferent.

Let the nine emotions more and more unstable, Meng from are afraid of nine months can not bear so crazy.

: his host is really powerful.

It's a good living man. If you don't use a knife, you'll drive people crazy.

It turns out that cold violence is really scary.

Every day, moon nine wanders on the edge of collapse, and has nothing to do. When people are in a bad mood, they think of some painful things in their mind.

It's just adding insult to injury.

Who can say that again.