After Xiao Xiaofeng confessed to Tao Yuwei, Xiao Xiaofeng pursued Tao Yuwei fiercely with an open-minded attitude.

Xiao mother happy to see, also pull Meng Li said she would have a sister-in-law.

Meng Li just smiles and doesn't say anything, although she knows that Xiao Xiaofeng can't catch up with Tao Yuwei.

But does it mean that she's going to run to someone and say, oh, you can't catch them?

It's really shocking. They don't want to believe it.

But father Xiao sighed a little, but he didn't say anything. Maybe he was the old father of Buddhism.

Then it didn't last long. Meng Li felt that the company was under pressure. Many partners suddenly interrupted the contract, ignored the contract, and many customers also interrupted the cooperation.


Because of the interruption of supply by Xiao's suppliers, Xiao's company was unable to provide supply for its customers, so it also paid a large amount of liquidated damages, and Xiao's company was once in a desperate situation.

Meng Li, Xiao's father and Xiao Xiaofeng are sitting in the office. Xiao's father is worried about the company. This is his hard work for decades. If he didn't offend others, he won't do it well.

Meng Li's eyes don't have any temperature. He sits on the chair and doesn't say a word. He listens to Xiao's father and Xiao Xiaofeng to discuss countermeasures.

But where can I find someone to help?

They discussed for a long time, and finally ended the discussion with silence and sigh.

Xiao's father looks decadent and despairing. He smokes cigarettes one after another. Meng Li takes a look at Xiao Xiaofeng and suggests to him:


"why don't we close down first and give the employees a holiday first. If we want to leave, we can come back later. If we don't want to leave, let's go."

Meng Li wants to stand idly by. The client doesn't want to take revenge on her family, so she doesn't want to meddle in her own business, and it's annoying.

It's family business.

But now the Xiao family is in crisis. If there is no money, it will not be good for the client.

Let the client come back to live in poverty?

Xiao Jiaqian has always given a lot of money to clients.

Even if you get married later, it's good to have a family with a good background. Family is not simply family first, but also related to interests.

There's really no need to take a stand against the Xiao family.

Xiao Xiaofeng dry smile two, quite a little do not agree with Meng Li's words, but also did not speak.

After all, he couldn't think of a better way. The company's operation mode has been paralyzed, even if the company is open, it is only a few mosquito legs business, and can not support the company's operating costs.

In this way, at least a part of the funds can be saved to stop losses in time, so as to make a comeback in the future.

Tao Yuwei naturally knows the plight of Xiao's company. She is a bit silly. Isn't the company getting better and better?

Why is that?

Tao Yuwei also mentioned this matter in front of Mingyi, who just said that he was not too clear.

When Tao Yuwei expresses her hope to Mingyi that he will lend a helping hand to the Xiao family, Mingyi just says that Xiao Xiaofeng is his emotional competitor. On the other hand, he has no way to help the industry in which the Xiao family company is located.

So, I'm sorry.

Shaw thinks his woman is the original sin.

Company bankruptcy is only the first step, some flies can only completely break his wings, so that it can not fly.

Can only painfully see the cake belongs to others, pain is the best punishment for all things.

A strange smile appears on Mingyi's face, and he looks at the information about Xiaojia company in his hand meaningfully.

Tao Yuwei has a kind of intuition in her heart. She feels that the plight of the Xiao family is caused by the man in front of her.

Because this man likes to be jealous, very like to be jealous, once someone teased her, then that person became very unlucky.

But Tao Yuwei doesn't believe that the man she loves will treat the Xiao family like this.

Tao Yuwei fell into this kind of uncertainty, and never had the courage to ask: is it you.

Between Xiao family and Mingyi, Tao Yuwei chose Mingyi.

In the face of the depressed Xiao family, the only thing Meng Li can do is to wait. The Xiao family is still closed. Tao Yuwei comes back from time to time to say some painless words to comfort everyone not to lose heart and so on.

And the real-time changes of the situation, when Mingyi appears in front of the world again, it is in the news, in the newspaper.

Ming Yi was arrested by the police on the spot while trading drugs with foreign drug dealers.

Mingyi's men were also arrested, including the man in black who appeared in the bar one day.

At this time, Meng Li was laughing. Meng Li took the newspaper in his hand and suddenly felt that there was a loose prohibition in his soul.

Meng Li finally understands that the system space is connected with her, and there are prohibitions. After the task is completed, the prohibitions will loosen. Meng Li guesses that if she wants to go back to the system space now, she can go back.

But Meng Li did not immediately return to the system space, but was busy with the re opening of the company.Mingyi can't understand why the police have caught Mingming's 100% secret affair. It's impossible to say that someone betrayed him. After all, all the people who knew about it were caught just like him.

Ming Yi is a bit confused. If it wasn't for the identity of the person who came here this time, he couldn't have come out in person.

It's very careful, but what's the problem?

Mingyi naturally doesn't know that his most trusted subordinate's mobile phone is monitored by Meng Li.

It was Meng Li who secretly sent the news to the police anonymously.

It seems to be very simple, but Meng Li is also very energetic.

At least she spent her contacts and financial resources to buy the monitoring program abroad, so she had to ensure that the other party couldn't find it.

This is a dangerous road. If it is found, she will face Mingyi's fierce revenge.

However, fortunately, she succeeded, her guesses were all right, and her direction was also right.

When Mingyi starts to deal with the Xiao family, Meng Li doesn't want to let Mingyi go.

Mingyi is a man who is really overbearing.

Although the Xiao family's vitality has been greatly damaged, there is still room for them to make a fresh start.

When Tao Yuwei saw the picture of Mingyi, she cried. She was unbelievable and at a loss. She never thought that the man she loved was a drug dealer.

In the photo, Mingyi takes off her well-designed suit and puts on a vest made by the state. She wears a hairstyle designed by the state. Her former aura is gone and her eyes are fierce. Tao Yuwei can't believe it. Is this the man she loves?

There's a big contrast.

How to accept it?

It's unacceptable!

But what can we do if we can't accept it?

Tao Yuwei only feels that the sky has come down in a flash. Mingyi, who can protect her from the wind and rain, has become a drug dealer.

Tao Yuwei falls into extreme grief. She is crying in the house Mingyi bought for her.

Why did god treat her like this?

Mingyi is very anxious at the moment. All his hopes are placed on Tao Yuwei.

It's not so much on Tao Yuwei as on Tao Yuwei's life experience.

Then his defense lawyer contacted Tao Yuwei, just let Tao Yuwei make a phone call, things may have a turn for the better.

He also told Tao Yuwei that the call had something to do with her life experience.