Meng Li stood in front of Yun gaocen's coffin, folded his hands, looked at it indifferently, and said nothing.

She looked back at Yu Kang. As a royal, he was also present on this occasion. He was very sad, but he had to endure.

Meng Li turned his head and looked at the coffin.

This time, she did not participate in the life and death of Yun gaocen from the beginning to the end.

But she has never stopped Yun gaocen's death. If she does something to Lian Tingying, or rescue Yun gaocen, maybe Yun gaocen is not so good.

That kind of self torture, the whole pregnancy did not have a happy day, listen to the people who serve Yun gaocen said, Yun gaocen often nightmares all night.

Is that ok?


Later, he couldn't eat anything. Yun gaocen's mind was too heavy.

But Meng Li felt that when Yun gaocen was in a coma, his desire for survival was not great.

In fact, she is escapist and unwilling to wake up. There are too many things to face when she wakes up.

Transposition thinking, if she Meng Li is Yun gaocen, in the face of two rebirth, she failed twice in Yun gaocen's heart, both of which ended in a tragic ending, which is a great blow to her self-confidence.

Moreover, this life has not been smooth. In the face of so many blows, we need to be strong in our hearts in order to get back together and face the future.

To be confident and tell yourself to wake up and win.


Obviously, Yun gaocen is not a man with a strong heart.

Meng left the station for a while, and the temporary ceremony was over. She went back to her bedroom and took out a piece of Rune paper, which was the one that pulled the rune into Yun gaocen's soul.

After Yun gaocen died, this piece of Rune paper returned to Meng Li's hands.

Not surprisingly, Yun gaocen's soul is trapped in it. Meng Li injects spiritual power into the Fu, and the void seals on the Fu paper. But for a moment, Yun gaocen's soul appears in front of Meng Li.

Her soul seems to be a little transparent. It's a great burden to Yun gaocen's soul after two rebirth.

Meng Li wants to know when they are going to fight.

Only their soul completely consumed to support their rebirth, can only watch themselves dissipate that moment.

Cloud Gao Cen looked around, this is the emperor's bedroom, look again, the emperor is in front of her.

Her face was gloomy and she did not speak, and she knew that no one could hear her.

Yun gaocen, who is already very experienced, knows that he is dead. Now he is in a state of soul.

She gave a wry smile. What's wrong with that.

There's no need to be trapped in the palace any more. You can see who you want to see. I don't know if you will be reborn. Thinking of this, a trace of sadness flashed across Yun gaocen's face.

If tingyuying really wants to see how her life is going, maybe if she doesn't want to see it. She turned and planned to go, but found that after a few steps, she could not move any further.

This makes Yun gaocen uneasy. She has never met such a situation.

Meng Li said in a faint voice:

"don't go, it's useless."

Yun gaocen looked at Meng Li in horror for a moment and asked: "the emperor?"

Meng Li nodded calmly.

"Can you see me?" Cloud Gao Cen asks a way inconceivably.

Meng Li looks at Yun gaocen:

"what do you think?"

"Can you hear me, too?" Yun gaocen was shocked and exaggerated.

Meng Li Yes

"Why can you see me?" Yun gaocen began to feel uneasy.

If so, what's the difference between being dead and not being dead.

Not under the shadow of the emperor.

You can't be free now.

Meng Li sighed. She didn't want to explain the cause and effect to Yun gaocen. She just asked:

"do you want to reincarnate?"


Yun gaocen was stunned. The first time her soul floated around, it was too long. She thought about countless possibilities and wanted to be reincarnated.

But she didn't get her reincarnated. She didn't know what was the matter with her. If a person died and her soul wandered around, she just saw her own soul.

So now, she doesn't have the concept of reincarnation in her mind. She doesn't know where to go.

Seeing that Yun gaocen was silent, Meng Li said, "if you don't reincarnate, you can only be reborn in this way and continue to be reborn."

"You know I'm reborn?"

Yun gaocen was shocked and could not close his mouth.

Even in the state of her soul, she felt chilly and frightened.

And listening to the emperor's meaning, he knew that he was not only born again. So he thought the biggest secret, but the emperor said it?Meng Li nodded and said:

"so you have to be reincarnated. I'll take you with me another day."

Another day, I will call Lian Tingying to be reincarnated together. I can't let Lian Tingying disturb this plane all the time and stop moving forward.

When let, the so-called call may still need some means, after all, no matter who, suddenly came to you and said, let's go, go reincarnation, designated hair blasting.

"Why don't you take me with you?"

Yun gaocen felt that every time he heard the emperor say a word, he was shocked.

What else can the emperor do?

"Why can you take me?"

Cloud high Cen heart is full of questions, she can't help but ask.

Meng Li looks at Yun gaocen coldly:

"in fact, you have a lot of problems."

Yun gaocen was afraid of Meng Li in the end. Seeing Meng Li like this, he no longer asked this question. Instead, he asked another question:

"will I really be reborn all the time?"

Meng Li asked indifferently:

"do you want to

Just three words, asked Yun gaocen's heart, yes, she thought?

He heard Meng Li say:

"if you are reborn, Lian Tingying will be reborn with you."

Yun gaocen's shocked expression didn't even have time to withdraw and reappear. She widened her eyes and asked in a very sharp voice:


Lian Tingying's name is like a nightmare to her now. She lost to Lian Tingying again. She has been Lian Tingying three times.

The first time he was killed by Lian Tingying, the second time he was robbed by Lian Tingying, and the third time he was also robbed by her, and she was so angry that she died.

Meng Li takes a look at Yun gaocen's ferocious face and tells him the truth mercilessly:

"what's the reason? She will be reborn with you, and then fight with you all the time until you're completely destroyed."

Yun gaocen couldn't accept the fact, and said: "no, why is she like a maggot of tarsal bone? What's the hatred between me and her? I'll be defeated by her again and again. What do I owe her?"

She crouched down and held her head in her arms. It was very painful.

Meng Li actually quite understand this feeling, is to play a game, has been killed by the same person, abuse, can collapse mentality.

Besides, this is Yun gaocen's life.