Should not retreat, if retreat, Yukang's life will not be happy.

But suddenly being said so by outsiders is like affirming another voice in Yun gaocen's heart. Yes, she killed Yu Kang.



Yun gaocen covers his heart, and the one with heartache will suffocate.

Lian Tingying looks at Yun gaocen's suddenly painful face and is happy in a moment. She says again:

"are you still doubting?"


"You are a woman who has no self-knowledge. If you don't disturb Yukang, Yukang will live well and be his carefree Lord. He is very happy."

"Just like me, have I ever harmed Yukang?"

"Never, so you have no right to say that you love Yukang, let alone disturb Yukang."

As for Lian Tingying's questions, Yun gaocen retorted out of control: "no, this palace didn't, it didn't hurt him."

"No? Then how did he die? What a tragedy! I was a royal, but I didn't even have a tomb? "

"Didn't you do all this to him? So why can't you give him to me and let me give him happiness? "


Lian Tingying took a few steps towards Yun gaocen, quite anti Hakka.

Yun gaocen retreats in pain. She suppresses to the extreme and shouts to Lian Tingying:

"get out of here, you get out of here."

"I can't accept it. How miserable the Lord died, and how many people despised him, thanks to you!"

Lian Tingying sneers.

Yun gaocen suffers from extreme suffering in the heart. Facing the aggressive Lian Tingying, he is very weak. Suddenly, the door is kicked open from the outside. Yun gaocen and Lian Tingying look at the past in horror at the same time.

After all, the content of their conversation is too private.

Seeing the emperor standing at the door in a black robe and looking at them indifferently, Lian Tingying immediately kneels down and Yun gaocen salutes. All his actions are to cover up their uneasiness at this time.

Meng Li looked at Yun gaocen and said:

"how can you be bullied like this?"

Yun gaocen looked up in a daze:

"emperor, Emperor..." She said something horrible. Did the emperor hear it?

How long did you listen?

Why didn't anyone inform her?

Lian Tingying is also scared all over. The emperor knows what the consequences of this kind of strange things are. She doesn't know very well, but she doesn't think it will be good.

"Go out, don't be a demon." Meng Li said to Lian Tingying indifferently.

If Lian Tingying is pardoned, she doesn't know why. She thinks the emperor is very tolerant of her.

But that's a good thing.

Lian Tingying kneels before a few steps, around to Meng left behind, just thanks en to go out.

Meng Li looked at Yun gaocen and asked:

"what were you talking about just now, what killed who?"

Whether the emperor heard it or not, Yun gaocen can only deny: "the emperor must have heard it wrong."

Meng Li said, "don't make waves all the time. I don't like it."

"Yes, I know my mistake."

Yun gaocen kept the posture of saluting all the time, his legs and stomach were sore, his whole body was sweating, and his face was pale.

Meng Li calls people and asks them to hold Yun gaocen to the couch. Yun gaocen is still frightened and looks at Meng Li in panic.

Meng Li sat on one side indifferently, feeling really powerless.

These two people fight endlessly, and they don't know who they are. It's vicious to curse them. It's a pity for them.

It's often said that the things in this life are gone. They are so entangled and fight again and again, which is especially torture.

Now that Yun gaocen is pregnant with a child, it's not good to do anything to her, but it's not good to ban her feet. In case he finds a reason to ban Yun gaocen, Yun gaocen will be angry all day, and what can he do if he has no children.

In fact, he also gave yungaocen a choice. If yungaocen didn't want the child, he could have a bowl of Douzi soup.

When Yun gaocen chooses to be born, she will let Yun gaocen be born. Originally, there will be a prince in the future.

But now it's all day long. I'm worried that Yun gaocen will lose her child, and that Yun gaocen will lose her life or Lian Tingying's life.

She still needs a little time to prepare now. It takes spiritual power to set up the array and mobilize the power of heaven and earth. Before she sets up the array, these two people die, and she can't find their souls, so she can't take them to the underworld.

Looking at the deep helplessness on Meng Li's face, Yun gaocen's heart inexplicably crossed a warm current. She felt the helplessness and tolerance from the person in front of her, as if she was looking at a frustrated child.

Looking at Yun gaocen's rich expression, Meng Li's face is cold. She takes Yun gaocen's hand out of the quilt. Feeling Yun gaocen's pulse, Yun gaocen let his wrist be held by Meng Li. He couldn't help but ask in a low voice"Can the emperor feel his pulse?"

Meng Li glanced at Yun gaocen lightly and said casually:

"I've had two hands with Taiyi, and I'm glad to have a consultation."

Yun gaocen's heart speeds up strangely. Is it because she is happy that her majesty has made a special trip to learn?

And his heart actually shamefully accelerated beating, a strong sense of guilt lingering up, in the bottom of my heart again and again told myself, this is the enemy.

The man she hates the most.

Think of these, cloud Gao Cen's hand slightly repels, want to take back.

Meng Li felt Yun gaocen's pulse and had the bottom in his heart. He said to Yun gaocen:

"I'll call the imperial doctor for you later."

Knowing that the emperor is not good at medicine, Yun gaocen still asked nervously:

"what's the matter, your majesty?"

Meng Li didn't say a word, stood up and left.

After a while, the doctor came to diagnose Yun gaocen and said to him in a panic:

"empress forgive me."

After hearing this, Yun gaocen knew that things were really bad no matter how silly she was. She quickly sat up and asked:

"what's the situation in this palace?"

The Taiyi said with fear:

"I'm afraid that my mother's pulse is..."

He sighed, very pathetic, too many royal taboos, some words can not be too clear.

But cloud Gao Cen already understood, she Zheng Zheng God, and heard the doctor in the side said how to recuperate in order to keep the mother and son are safe.

Don't be too worried, don't be angry, don't be too emotional, don't walk around, it's better to stay in bed, what should we pay attention to at ordinary times

Yun gaocen said that she knew it. She recalled the face of the prince in her mind. How lovely it was.

But it's pitiful.

She touched her face, arms and wrists. She scratched her hair helplessly. She was really thin.

Is it really because she thinks too much?

At this moment, Yun gaocen felt that rebirth might not be a good thing.

When Mingming died, he had a sense of relief, but after rebirth, he had to fight, rob and fight again. These things can never be put down and get rid of.