It is the hand of Lian Tingying who was defeated in his last life. Even if Yun gaocen is reborn, he is not very confident in front of Lian Tingying.

Yun gaocen is afraid, contemptuous and hateful to Bai Lian Tingying.

In fact, now Yun gaocen and Lian Tingying have the same advantages, they all have a prophet.

But in fact, their prophets have been confused by Meng Li, and their advantages are decreasing step by step.

Lian Tingying's rebirth is unexpected. Even Meng Li doesn't know what Lian Tingying will do in the future. For Yun gaocen, at least through the plot, he knows Yun gaocen's purpose and goal.

"I'm going out of the palace."

Cloud high Cen in the heart several times to care, finally straight gaze at Palace person.


the palace man stared, and said, "

," the empress, now we have attracted the attention of the emperor. Now it is not suitable for the palace. Maybe there is a Royal Eye Liner in this palace. "

But Yun gaocen can't bear the love for King Kang. She is extremely upset. She can't be at ease all her life if she doesn't look at it.

She said:

"no, as long as the palace is secret, even the emperor can't find it."

The palace man hesitated, and finally persuaded Yun gaocen to say:


"madam, think twice, let's be patient for a while."

Yun gaocen's heart is a little broken:

"patience? What are you enduring? "

The person who missed in the last life, do you want to miss in this life?

The person who loves himself deeply in the last life will be robbed by the same woman?

What did she do all her life to suffer?

"I don't want to be patient with anything. There's nothing worth being patient with." Yun gaocen said hysterically.

If it's as bad as ever and she can't get what she wants, she won't live this life. There's nothing to live for.

The big deal is death. She has been suffering too much, and she never thought about it.

Seeing that Yun gaocen was on the verge of collapse, the palace people did not dare to persuade the master any more. She said: "the lady put on the clothes of her maidservant..."

The palace people murmur in Yun gaocen's ear, that is to teach Yun gaocen how to pretend to be her, and then find the eunuch she is familiar with in her identity, and then drill out of the hole in the palace that hasn't been mended yet.

The eunuch will also give Yun gaocen a token, and then he can go out of the palace. Now he has not banned the palace completely, but if he comes back, he will have to wait until Mao.

At that time, ministers would go to court and the gate would open.

But it's very risky. Once it's found out, it's hard to argue.

Things are carefully planned for Yun gaocen. Yun gaocen doesn't care whether he takes risks or not. He was honest and abided by his duty in his last life. He didn't get anything in his whole life?

According to the palace planning, Yun gaocen went to the palace of King Kang smoothly.

It's easy to go to King Kang's residence. She has kept in touch with King Kang, and she has a keepsake in her hand.

Since the emperor was in her bedroom all day, in order not to attract the emperor's attention, he didn't contact her.

But now think about it, it must be the emperor found the connection between them before, and then things happened.

This kind of man is the most terrible, found not angry, do not say, but when you are unprepared to give you a fatal blow.

cloud high CEN is now playing is stimulating, before the Kang Wang Fu, watching the hanging red lanterns are particularly dazzling, she thought of whether there is a Royal Eye Liner here.

Do you want to go in.

But bite your teeth. It's coming.

At this time, Yu Kang is looking at Lian Tingying in the wedding room. Lian Tingying pitifully tells Yu Kang that she is helpless because she loves him too much.

Yu Kang was not moved by this and kept a distance of three meters from Lian Tingying.

Yu Kang was still thinking about his cen'er. He didn't know what was going on now.

Lian Tingying cried with tears:

"Lord, do you know what you mean to me?"

"It's fate. To marry you is equivalent to saving my life. I don't mind that you don't have me in your heart now. It's my greatest luck to be able to look at you..."

Lian Tingying's love story is one by one, and Yu Kang is really impatient.

There was something happening outside. Yukang opened the door. He whispered a few words in Yukang's ear. Yukang's face changed.

He took a few steps towards the outside, but thinking of Lian Tingying, he went back and said coldly, "I've gone back to rest. You should know that this is the consequence of marrying me."

Lian Tingying is not too surprised. Things have to come step by step. She is confident that Yu Kang will fall in love with her. She is not in a hurry.

However, she still made a face of injury, crying and pleading:

"Lord, you can't do this to me!"


Yu Kang just looks at Lian Tingying sarcastically, then turns around and walks away, but Lian Tingying's pleading voice is still there.After Yu Kang had gone away completely, Lian Tingying took a breath, rubbed her red and swollen eyes, and began to cry plaintively.

This is crying for the people in Yukang's house. As long as you get the pity of the people in Yukang's house and treat your subordinates better, you can win over the people in Yukang's house.

He will also speak well for her in front of Yu Kang.

There are a lot of praise for her. Yu Kang will always change her mind.

On this side, Yun gaocen lowered his head and was secretly taken to a side room. The people in Yukang's house didn't recognize that it was the queen, but when he saw the keepsake, he knew it was Yukang's.

Only Yukang knew that this keepsake was specially given to the queen. Only her cen'er or cen'er's people could carry it.

However, the possibility of cen'er's coming was small and risky, so Yu Kang didn't expect much.

There was no expectation, but suddenly he saw Yun gaocen appear in front of him. Yu Kang was very excited. He held Yun gaocen tightly in his arms and said:

"cen'er, you..."

Yungaocen quickly covers Yukang's mouth, for fear that the wall has ears, especially call her Cener, it's easy to think of her.

Yukang also knew that he should not shout out. Shengsheng held his breath and his ears turned red with excitement. He asked Yun gaocen silently with his eyes, as if asking her how she came.

He looked at Yun gaocen casually and fearfully.

Now is the time to take such a big risk

Just with her eyes, Yun gaocen understood Yu Kang's meaning. She said in a low voice:

"if I can't come to see you tonight, I can't live well at all."

"I want to see you in particular."

Yu Kang pitifully picked up a wisp of Yun gaocen's hair, sighed silently, and then promised:

"believe me, your worry will not happen."

There was still a trace of panic and worry on Yun gaocen's face. Looking at Yu Kang's happy clothes, his heart was pricked again for no reason.

Fortunately, the clothes are neat, not messy

"I'd like to show you my heart so that you can rest assured and know my loyalty to you."

Yu Kang understood her idea from Yun gaocen's expression and assured her sincerely.