"Sister, do you forgive me?"

Zhang Xue asked.

Meng Li: "I have given you my maximum understanding."

Zhang Xue sniffed and said:

"should I go and apologize to them?"

"I really shouldn't be soft hearted and give them the hard-earned materials."

"You're right. I influenced them, and I influenced you."


Meng Li stands up. She hardly eats. She has the most food in the house. She asks Zhang Xue to carry several boxes of food to apologize to her teammates.

Zhang Xue is wrong.

Since it's the base people, go out to do the task, find the material is everyone's.

As soon as she gives alms, don't we all work in vain?

Zhang Xue went out of the door, Meng Li went to take a bath, but in the middle of the wash, she heard an alarm. She quickly dried her body, put on her clothes and went out with weapons.

The alarm did not stop. It was sharp and harsh, which made people panic.


Meng Li rushed downstairs and saw everyone sweeping at a man with guns.

She looked around and found that this man was the zombie in Dr. Qian's lab. Meng Li was so close that how did he get out?

And the most terrible thing is that these bullets only left a hole in the zombie, making it slow for a moment.

It's no use beating your head. At most, you can shed a little Turquoise liquid.

Then it calmly pulled the bullet out of the meat.

A look of contempt for all living beings.

He also took time to grab a person around him very quickly, took a bite and sucked some blood. His face was satisfied.

When the man was bitten, the people next to him hesitated and killed him.


It's the one who has really trained himself to be a King Kong.

Meng Li took a cool breath. The zombie looked at the skin of normal people. How could it be so strong.

Dr. Qian has been arrested by the zombie. She is now in the stage of becoming a zombie, but she still has the last willpower to struggle. That beautiful face is very twisted.

Meng Li goes to find Zhang Xue again, and Zhang Xue is also rushing to the bottom.

Seeing that Zhang Xueshang was still safe, Meng Li raised his gun, wrapped the bullet with mental strength and internal energy, and shot at the zombie.

She narrowed her eyes and looked attentive. With the blessing of mental power, the bullet could hit the target more accurately.

As soon as the Zombie's pupils shrank, he watched a bullet coming rapidly. This bullet gave him a strong sense of crisis, and he had to avoid it subconsciously.

The speed was so fast that Meng Li had expected to hit the zombie in the eye, but only hit the zombie in the cheek.

Meng lisuo used his spiritual power to shout:

"hit him in the eye."

With the experience of the little zombie, Meng Li determined that the eyes were the weakest part of the zombie.

But the target of eyes is too small and the hit rate is too low. Many people are suspicious of Meng Li's words, but some of them still shoot at the eyes of zombies.

If one person fails to shoot and a group of people shoot, there will always be one of them.

I don't know whose bullet really hit one eye of the zombie. The bullet was embedded in his eye socket, and the zombie roared.

Then he looked at Meng Li with his only remaining eye, strange and sinister.

He flew up to Meng Li.

This is a breakthrough in our understanding, zombies can fly?

Even the wings are not able to fly, everyone was stunned.

At this time, Zhang Xue just came down and saw Meng Li along with the zombie. Her intuition told her that the zombie was going for her sister, which made her have no time to think more, so she ran to Meng Li, trying to push Meng Li away.

Meng Li was still in the transport capacity to avoid, see Zhang Xue actually rushed over, there is no time to recover the force that is about to be issued, stretch out a foot, kick Zhang Xue to one side.

Zhang Xue was hit by Meng Li's transport power, and then hit the ground vigorously. The corners of her mouth are full of blood. Meng Li glances at Zhang Xue in a hurry, gritting her teeth.

It's about how to deal with the zombie that's about to meet her.

If Zhang Xuegang doesn't come, she still has time to avoid it.

With such a delay, Meng Li had no time. She felt that her shoulder was caught by a cold and hard hand. Zhang xuemu was ready to crack, and her breath stopped at that moment.

She takes out a gun and shoots madly at the zombie, but because the zombie catches Meng Li, after Zhang Xue takes a few shots, she uses Meng Li to block bullets.

Meng Li was shot twice in that way.

She Now she can only thank Zhang Xue for her inaccurate shooting.

Zhang Xue found that he actually hit Meng Li, immediately dare not shoot, heart remorse.

, in an emergency, forces the zombie system to release energy to rescue Meng.He told the zombie system:

"don't you save her?"

"Want her to be a zombie? Don't take that kind of attention. I can guarantee that you will be completely broken up before she becomes a zombie. "

The zombie system pitifully said in an urgent voice:

"brother, don't worry. It will take a little time for me to release energy."

"All right."

Seizing Meng Li's zombie, he plans to take Meng Li out of here, but he suddenly feels a sense of being shocked, which makes him unable to hold Meng Li firmly. His hand turns black at the speed visible to the naked eye.

As a last resort, the zombie left Meng Li. Seeing that the zombie was separated from Meng Li, they took weapons to shoot at the zombie.

The zombie took a look at his half blackened arm and Meng Li. Relying on his flying skills and King Kong's good body, he forced his way out of the base and disappeared.

Suddenly, the base failed to keep the zombie.

Zombies bring a lot of casualties to the base. He has injured many people before he can sound the alarm.

The wounded were killed.

Zhang Xue still has blood in the corner of her mouth. She rushes to Meng Li and cries.

Meng Li said angrily:

"sister, can you take me to see a doctor?"

"We're even."

Zhang Xue nodded in a hurry and asked people to move Meng Li to the medical room.

But everyone hesitated. After all, Meng Li had been in contact with the zombie. Who knows if there is a wound on his body.

Although the current state does not seem to change into a zombie, they have to pay more attention to the things beyond their cognition just now.

They're still in shock.

When Zhang Xue saw this, she didn't care so much. She tore Meng's clothes from her shoulder and yelled: "look, my sister hasn't been caught by a zombie, no wound, no wound."

She panic incoherent, huge panic filled her heart, sister is hurt by her, if sister has anything, she will not live.

We just looked carefully, and then several people carried Meng Li to the medical room.

Meng Li fainted after an injection of anesthesia.

When I wake up, the two bullets have been taken out. Zhang Xue's eyes are red and swollen, guarding her.