She turned to the zombie system and asked:

"what did you say just now?"

Zombie system is very tired, dare to listen to him seriously?

He said:

"Auntie, the world is in dire straits. My suggestion is to go directly to another world."

If you leave this world, you won't think about zombies.

Then he can avoid some problems perfectly and skillfully.


Did Meng have a choice for a moment?

To give up the world is to lose the mission.

She said:

"don't tell me so much. I ask you, what's the matter with zombies? Now I suspect that you are the one who made zombies."

The zombie system was determined not to carry the pot. He immediately said:

"don't wrongly me. I didn't do this."


Meng Li: "you made the Zombie's wisdom?"

“…… Well The zombie system is silent.

Meng Li was a little annoyed, and she said to 6018:

"it's useless for me to keep this thing, just destroy it."

is very compatible with Meng Li: "haole."

"No, no, I said."

"It's really something that makes zombies intelligent."

"But I'm not to blame. I'm a zombie system. If I want my host to be the master, I must make a subordinate for him. I can't rely on him alone."

Meng Li's conjecture was confirmed, and he asked:

"did you make the zombie upgrade?"

"Do I have the ability?" Asked the zombie.

Then he sighed and said:

"I admit that I gave the former host something to eat for other zombies to improve his wisdom, but the fact that zombies can upgrade is obviously a gift from heaven."

"Because of this, I feel very hopeful to become the master with my host."

Meng Li hissed in a low voice, that is to say, the situation of zombies is the way of heaven to push human beings to a more severe situation.

The elimination of human beings on a larger scale and faster.

The way of heaven in this world is more cruel than the way of heaven in the last world.

So what can she do now? She also has nutrients. She can't stay in this place with Zhang Xue all the time.

How boring. But there are a lot of uncertainties.

However, the fact that the zombie has wisdom is a variable in itself, which may interfere with the original plan of the way of heaven. Meng Li thinks about it and should take care of it.

It's too guilty to cheat. Now the world is in an abnormal state. What if these intelligent zombies have a great influence on the plane, or if the organization comes?

Meng Li covered his face. Sure enough, nothing in the world was taken in vain.

If she wants to cover it up, she has to deal with it herself.

Moreover, if we deal with these things, we will conform to the way of heaven to a certain extent, and there will be more rewards.

"How much of this did you give?" Meng Li combed the train of thought in the next brain and asked.

The zombie system said weakly:

"much better..."

Meng Li's face sank:

"how many?"

"It's just like pills. I took out some big boxes..."

Meng Li

I want to kill the system.

"How is it distributed?" Meng Li asked.

The zombie system said:

"it is to let the previous hosts call zombies everywhere, and then give them to them. They eat and run away. Zombies without wisdom do not have long-term stable discipline."

"So they have to wait. After they take this kind of wisdom pill, they are lucky to upgrade. With the combination of crystal nucleus and pill, they will gradually produce wisdom."

"And then you can be my host's man."

Meng Li sneered:

"then you've done a big game."

Zombie system: "isn't that the basic operation?"

Meng Li gave a sneer, and he basically operated

She asked with a cold face:

"so you mean that zombies can have wisdom only if they combine wisdom Dan with crystal nucleus, right?"


"If you only have crystal nucleus, you can be stronger at most, but if you don't have wisdom, no matter how strong your strength is, you can easily be defeated." Said the zombie system.

Meng Li continued:

"they didn't immediately eat the wisdom pill to produce wisdom, that is to say, they may be cold before they produce wisdom."

"Yes..." From the zombie system.

Meng Li didn't dare to think how many pills the wisdom pills in several big boxes were.

Even if the zombies who have taken pills go out and are killed by human beings, there are still a small half of the zombies alive.If they survive from human hands, their strength will surely become stronger and stronger. So, there are many zombies with good wisdom in the end. Meng Li has a headache, which is the pain of no plot. At the beginning, he only knew that zombies would have wisdom, but he didn't expect that there was another secret.

"Can you still find these zombies who ate wisdom Dan?" Meng Li is to ask.

There's no expectation of the zombie system.

Sure enough, Meng Li was disappointed by the success of the zombie system. He said:

"people are eating, where can I find it?"

"If you expect me to find it out for you, you might as well expect big brother."

chilly said: "called Dad."

The zombie system hesitated for a moment:


Meng Li

"Now I know everything and say everything. For the sake of my obedience, can you let me go?" The voice of the zombie system was flattering.

and Meng Li are silent.

The zombie system said:

"Auntie, are you excited?"

Meng Li? What? "

"Do you want to bring these zombies back and cultivate them, and then form a force to make them bigger? "To be stronger?"

Meng Li: "yes, you can get it back for me."

"There's nothing I can do about it, but I can train you another batch, and then you mark them one by one."

The zombie system also gave Meng Li serious advice.

Although he didn't know what this person system was doing in this world, he must have something to do.

Maybe it's the same purpose as him.

Only when you stand in a certain position can you capture most of the qi movement, and you can return to qi movement.

It's not good to be the master if you can get pure faith?


The maintenance of the system needs energy. He has no harvest now. He just can't get in here. It's very square.

Now point to find out exactly what the other two are doing. When the time comes, if you can participate in it, maybe you can have a feeling of alliance. When the time comes, can you divide him a little?

Ah, it's true that people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

"Stop talking, noisy."

Meng Li's suggestion for the zombie system is not exciting at all.

"There's another way." The zombie system says.

Meng Li: "eh?"

The voice of the zombie system is a little timid:

"if you are willing to become a zombie and walk around, they will come to submit to you as soon as you meet them."

"In fact, for you, what body is not a body."