Looking at the little zombie, Zhang Xue asked:

"you said that although the child has become a zombie, he is still a child."

Meng Li looks at Zhang Xue and sees that there is something in her eyes that she can't bear.

Zhang Xue continued:

"even if you have wisdom, it's a child's thinking."

Meng Li said inconceivably:

"you don't want to keep this little zombie."


"It's so pathetic. It shouldn't be what he wants." Zhang Xue said.

Meng Li

Is it true that she is too unsympathetic?

The little zombie probably felt that Zhang Xue was not as ruthless and unreasonable as Meng Li. He turned his mouth, raised his hand and asked for a hug.

Zhang Xue is a little pity, but also a little vigilant, she said:

"I can hold you, but you can't catch me."


Meng Li glanced at Zhang Xue with admiration. She said:

"you are pitying the zombie with your life."

"I don't think he will." Zhang Xue pursed her mouth and said.

Meng Li said overbearing:

"don't go."

Zhang Xue: "sister..."

Meng Li ignored Zhang Xue and said to the little Zombie:

"don't be pathetic here and get out."

Little zombie see Meng from fierce he, more aggrieved, his mouth issued strange sob sound, also don't move.

Zhang Xue said:

"elder sister, don't be so cruel to a child."

"It seems that he has never been malicious." Meng Li: "sure enough, children are the most confused. Do you know why they can be upgraded to intelligent zombies? It's because I cheated people like you. I cheated you and bit you on the neck

Zhang Xue

But also be frightened by Meng Li, Zhang Xue again don't speak, brain sober for a while, face again hang vigilance.

The little zombie saw that this move could not deceive people, and his pitiful appearance suddenly turned into a ferocious and gloomy face.

His eyes were red and his sharp tusks were exposed. Suddenly he jumped from the ground and his whole body rushed towards Meng lifeI.

Meng Li has always been on guard, and after several previous fights, Meng Li has found a feature of the little zombie.

When it is preparing to attack, it needs to exert its strength, so it emits a rotten stench, which is slightly heavier than usual.

Therefore, at the beginning of its smell, Meng Li predicted its trajectory. Just as the little zombie was about to pounce on Meng Li, Meng Li put a machete on his head.

But its head is different from that of ordinary zombies. It's very hard. Meng Li sees that his blade is missing.

The little Zombie's head didn't open, but he also felt pain. His body rolled in the corner and made a shrill cry.

It's a bit like a dog's scream, especially sharp.

Meng Li took a look at her clothes. Just now when the little zombie rolled away from her body, she caught her clothes with her nails.

Clothes were torn out of a long hole, Zhang Xue in the side was scared face colorless, dare not think if hook to the meat, how to do?

Meng Li can only be thankful that the client is thin, and this dress is a loose one he takes at will outside.

She held up her sword and looked at the little zombie with great vigilance.

The little zombie screamed enough, then turned his head and stared at Meng Li fiercely, and his body sent out the smell of decay which was stronger than usual.

It seems that he has to attack Meng Li.

Meng Li takes a look at her own notched machete, bites her teeth, draws out the aura from her body and attaches it to the body. Fortunately, before the zombie comes, she doesn't sleep and practices.

Otherwise, I used to fight with those people before, and half of the spirit power in my body was used. Now it's more square.

She did not stand in the same place waiting for the little zombie to come, but took the initiative to attack, carrying a machete toward the little zombie.

The little zombie probably didn't expect that Meng Li would do this. A little daze flashed in his eyes, and then he became fierce. He met Meng Li and quickly caught Meng Li's sword.

Therefore, Zhang Xue saw an extremely strange picture, and her sister's knife was caught by the little zombie.

It seems that they are still fighting.

The chopper was about 10 cm away from the top of the head of the little zombie. The little zombie held up her hands and put a horse stance on her two legs. She saw her sister's arm trembling slightly. She wanted to let the chopper go down, but she didn't have so much power.

Meng Li stares at the little zombie, and his hands are working hard. The little Zombie's hands are also working hard, and their faces are twisted. Meng Li said with a sneer:

"it's a good move to catch the blade with empty hands. Today I've seen it."

I don't know if the little zombie can understand me. He bares his teeth to Meng Li, and his mouth stinks.

Meng Li disliked it"Bad breath, don't show your teeth."

Little zombie seems to understand, it is more exaggerated toward Meng Li Yiya, Meng Li feel to be this tone to smoke dizzy.

Zhang Xue lightly around the little zombie behind, a bite, a cruel, picked up the sword toward the little Zombie's neck cut.

Unfortunately, Zhang Xue's sword was cut off.

Her whole person also because of the strength is too big, and was rebounded back a few steps.

The little zombie gave out Jie Jie's strange laughter, and there was some contempt in his strange eyes.

Meng Li is also drunk. Could it be that the little zombie is not bad for the King Kong.

Looking at the little zombies like this, she really didn't have any kindness to them. Of course, she couldn't have any kindness to a zombie.

This kind of thing on the side, is the uncertainty.

It's just hard to do now. Do you dare to let go?

Don't dare to let go, once let go, the little zombie must come up and grab and bite.

I'm afraid the little zombie will bring other zombies.

Zhang Xue was also in a hurry. She took a broken sword to poke at the little zombie, but she couldn't go in.

Looking at Meng Li's face twisted by excessive force, she said anxiously:

"elder sister, hold on a little longer, I..."

"I try."

Meng Li gritted his teeth and drew out most of Dantian's spirit power. He hit the little Zombie's eyes.

Although it's most of her spiritual power, it's not much.

But Meng Li did not believe that the eyes of the little zombie were made of steel beads.

Sure enough, the little zombie didn't expect a force to hit him in the eye out of thin air. He was accidentally hit. With a strange cry, he instinctively took back the hand holding Meng Li's machete and went to cover his eyes.

Seeing this, Meng Li attached all her spiritual power to the body of the sword. She gave full play to her strength and tried to chop the little zombie.

In the middle of the head of the little zombie, he abruptly split the head of the little zombie.

The little zombie gave a shrill cry, and then it stopped suddenly. It fell to the ground, and from the fork of her head, it poured out a blue purple liquid. Meng Li narrowed his eyes and saw a white light flying out of it, towards her eyebrows.

The speed, the occurrence is too sudden, let Meng Li can't avoid.