Then he took a picture of Zhang Xue without expression.

Zhang Xue wakes up, sleepy eyes, looking at Meng Li, voice slightly hoarse:

"elder sister."

Meng Li points out of the window. Zhang Xueshun looks at Meng Li's hand.

In the moonlight, she looked at the burglar proof window, holding a number of zombies.

They all stretched out their sharp black nails, opened their mouths and engaged.

The decadent breath from his mouth pours into the room.


Zhang Xue instantly wakes up. She immediately gets out of bed, picks up her sword and confronts with the zombies.

Meng Li is also speechless, she feels here should be safe, ghost knows midnight return zombie surrounded.

What a miscalculation.

Zhang Xue looks helpless:

"elder sister."

Meng Li: "just take these away."


It's hard to be surrounded. It stinks.

Zhang Xue obediently holds the sword. The gap between the old guard fence is relatively large. She sticks out the sword from inside and splits the head of the zombie with a strong sword.

The rest of the zombies were not so tragically affected by the fate of their companions, and they were still trying to squeeze inside.

Zhang Xue splits a few more, and Meng Li says:

"it's good. Your sword is comparable to the weapon of a magic weapon."

Zhang Xue looked at her sword suspiciously and said:

"it's OK to use it. It's strong."

Meng Li smiles and picks up a chopper like a turnip. He solves these zombies by dividing them into two.

In fact, they became zombies, and their heads were not so hard.

Zhang Xue

"Are we still here?" A number of zombies have been cut down here, which should lead to other zombies.

Meng Li: "let's go."

This place must have stayed for a long time. The stench coming in from outside can make people dizzy.

But when they were about to turn around and pack up, there was another noise outside.

This time, a child crawled in from the burglar proof window.

His stature is thin and small, with both hands the burglar proof window steel bar to open, looking at Meng Li and Zhang Xue don't talk.

There was a strange light in my eyes in the moonlight.

Meng Li squints at the child. It's on the third floor now. Even if the child comes up, he still breaks the steel bar with his bare hands. It's weird.

Besides, can't the child see the next pile of zombies?

Zhang Xue felt wrong, she did not dare to close to the child.

The child pointed to a packet of potato chips in the corner. Zhang Xue picked up the chips, shook them and asked:

"do you want them?"

The child nodded, Zhang Xue warily threw the potato chips in the past, the child reached out to catch, his hand was covered with strange green, Zhang Xuemei heartbeat, asked Meng Li:

"this thing?"

"It's not a zombie, is it?"

Meng Li: "you finally guessed right."

Zhang Xue

She took the sword in her hand and said:

"but I feel that this little zombie has wisdom."

Meng Li said with no expression:

"he should have evolved. Don't zombies have grades?"

Zhang Xue asked suspiciously: "how can such a small zombie evolve?"

"Isn't zombie evolution based on human flesh and blood?" Meng Li said.

Zhang Xue nodded, Meng Li analyzed it in his heart, and said: "in fact, the child is quite confused, which makes people feel that he has no lethality. And now, unlike ordinary zombies, he is still wearing normal clothes, and his skin and flesh are not rotten."

"Close to you, take advantage of your unprepared, absorb your flesh and blood."

In this strange environment, Meng Li's words are particularly gloomy.

With the night wind blowing outside the window, Zhang Xue shakes, looks at the little zombie, and pulls Meng Li back a few steps.

She murmured in a low voice:

"sister, it's dark. You have good eyes."

Meng Li pulled the corner of the mouth, did not speak.

In addition to the power of space, some of her talents are almost limited. Now the only thing left is the most basic night vision in the dream beast talent.

With this, of course, I can see clearly. The little zombie has no feeling for Meng Li and Zhang Xue's words. He tears open the potato bag and takes out the potato chips from inside.

He has a curious face.

At this time, the eyes are a bit strange innocence.

Then they take each piece out, put it back, and take it out again and again. According to the view of the little zombie, Meng Li and Zhang Xue agree that they are afraid to see the end of time.

Meng Li is curious about what this little zombie wants to do, although human beings know that zombies will also produce wisdom.

But that kind of wisdom is very low, that is, a little bit of the instinct of pursuing advantages and avoiding disadvantages.No one has ever heard of such wisdom as a child.

And Meng Li thinks that the child has the ability to summon other zombies to fight. The former zombies may have been brought by little zombies.

The degree of wisdom should also represent the strength of a zombie. Meng Li doesn't know the depth of the other party, and he doesn't dare to act rashly.

There is a little lucky idea in the heart, looking at whether one more thing is better than one less thing.

Standing like this for a long time, Zhang Xue was very nervous, but she didn't dare to do too much.

Finally half an hour later, the little zombie probably realized that he could not stop looking at it like this.

He took the initiative to stop, twist up a potato chip, looked at Meng Li and Zhang Xue.

Like asking for their consent?

It's just like telling them that he's going to start eating.

His arms seemed stiff, and the process of putting chips into his mouth seemed slow.

Finally, it was successfully put into the mouth. With a click, the chips were broken in the little Zombie's mouth.

It seems that potato chips are very bad for him. He sticks out his tongue and pulls the chips off his tongue with his hands.

Then angrily look at Meng Li two people.

As if to say how to give him such a bad thing.

There was a whimper in his mouth, as if to express his anger and to fork his waist.

Huotuotuo is a willful child. Seeing Meng Li and Zhang Xue standing still, he angrily walks towards them.

Looking at the little zombie getting closer and closer to her, Meng Li raised his foot and kicked the little zombie. The little zombie was caught off guard, and he was so upset that his eyes were red.

He jumped up from the ground and landed steadily. Zhang Xue opened her mouth in surprise.

This skill is just like the Shaolin monk in the TV series.

And Meng Li actually kicked a little zombie is not easy to feel, because like kicking an iron plate, his thumb is particularly painful.

But she did not show in the face, but very calm to watch the little zombie came again.

He comes over, Meng Li kicks, kicks, the little zombie comes back like nothing, but the speed of coming back is faster and faster.

And Meng Li's consumption here is very big, her feet are numb.

The last time she came, she was the fastest. Meng Li felt that if the zombie was faster, she would not be able to kick him.

But the little zombie didn't come back after being kicked this time. Instead, he sat on the ground wrongly, with his mouth turned and wanted to cry.