Meng Li looked at the pot and gas tank and felt his stomach, which was very uncomfortable.

I really want to cook some noodles and drink a bowl of noodle soup.

Now a bowl of hot noodles is a luxury and delicious food.

But water resources are too scarce to eat.

Only pure water, pure water used to cook noodles is too luxurious.

Abandon this idea, Meng Li also no longer look at the gas tank.

I started to share food, which was similar to that at noon.


This time Zhang Xue wants to save the things in her hands again. When she asks Meng Li if she wants to, she looks at Meng Li with warning eyes.

She immediately took back what she wanted to say.

The expression is still a little aggrieved.

"Yes." Meng Li said in a low voice.

Zhang Xue bit the bread and nodded her head.

The scene was naturally noticed by others.



Li Qi usually deceives Zhang Xue to eat the most, and sees that Zhang Xue wants to finish her share.

This time, he held his face to Zhang Xue and said:

"can you finish eating Xiaoxue?"

Zhang Xue looks at Li Qi and doesn't speak, one big one small two pairs of eyes look at each other.

Zhang Xue's eyes are puzzled, while Li Qi's small eyes are calculating.

He also touched his stomach:

"I'm still a little hungry."

Zhang Xue hands pause, is to look for what she wants to eat?

Look at Ricky. It's a pity that he's always short of food.

She looks at Meng Li and asks for his advice.

"I'm hungry, too." Meng Li doesn't want Li Qi to take advantage.

Li Qi's nose wrinkled. Zhang Zhen is too fussy.

Just against him.

Zhang Xue didn't even think about it, so she handed the food to Meng Li.

Then he said to Li Qi with great guilt:

"sorry, my sister is hungry, too. I can't give it to you."

Li Qi took a look at Meng Li and stood up with a scornful "cut".

And then he left.

A few people nearby didn't talk as if they were watching a joke.

Of course, some people look at Li Qi with a little disdain. So despite the team, there is no friendship with the people in need.

Meng Li leans to Zhang Xue and lets her eat what Zhang Xue has just handed over.

Zhang Xue subconsciously wants to wave her hand to refuse, but to Meng Li's severe eyes, she next looks around and thinks that because of ordering food, the atmosphere is really strange.

She took the food and ate it in small bites.

Meng Li just laughed.

When doing a task, the client looks at it. The client loves her very much. Even the task is related to her, so she can't be bad to her.

Once the score is below 80, it's a failure.

All that was done was to avoid low ratings.

In other people's eyes, she would eat it directly.

I don't want to meddle in those things.

After eating, Zhang Xue was relieved, touched some hot face, the stomach is not so hungry.

When I went to the toilet, I began to make the quilt and decided to go to bed.

Take turns, worried about zombies.

When Meng Li saw that Zhang Xue was going to spread the quilt close to several men, she said:

"spread it here."

At the beginning, when we spent the night together, Zhang Xue was very worried about something bad. She was very wary.

But after a few days, they were all honest, and Zhang Xue put down her guard.

But Meng Li is not at ease.

There are some disgusting things in the end, although nothing happened now, it can't be said that it's because they haven't reached a consensus.

For example, when a group of thieves come across each other and no one starts to steal, there will be no action.

But once someone does it, others won't hide it.

Nature is directly exposed.

The nature of men and women is similar.

Zhang Xue was stunned for a moment, and spread the quilt to the corner closest to the wall.

looking at them like this, Li Qi made another voice of disdain.

Make Zhang Xue's face red.

Although it was not their turn to be on duty today, neither of them fell asleep.

Meng Li, in particular, was always half asleep and half awake. In addition, he practiced in the afternoon and was especially hungry.

Don't worry about it.

The next day I got up and swallowed with hunger. To be honest, I seldom had such an experience.

I'm afraid that this assessment task is to let the Tasker experience the hardships of life by the way.

Feeling a trace of spiritual power condensed from yesterday's fortune and hardship in Dantian, Meng Li was worried.

When can I leave this team with Zhang Xue.

If you can't get it out, you'll be faster.She has made the same choice as the client. Stay here for the time being. How to say, I know a little about these people. Now even if I have the heart, I don't have the courage.

After a rare night of silence, Xiang songshun said half jokingly and half seriously:

"let's live in this small supermarket for a while. We can eat enough."

Xiang songshun is a muscular man.

Listen to him. He used to be a fitness coach.

"It's hopeless." Zeng Wenhua shook his head and said:

"it's not comfortable to live in this place."

Xiang songshun said:

"then you have the ability to go to the base."

"I heard that the base has meat, vegetables, rice, bath and electricity."

Zeng Wenhua stares at Xiang songshun, who is blocked and speechless.

"What do you think?" Xiang songshun proposed.

Several men began to talk, no one asked the two girls.

Meng Li didn't say a word. He was regarded as a subordinate.

She felt out the mirror and looked at the client's appearance. Generally speaking, someone was chasing her in the workplace before.

Although it looks like Zhang Xue's facial features, Zhang Xue is much more beautiful.

Zhang Xue's character is also obedient, Meng Li can't help but doubt that the team accepts them, mainly because of Zhang Xue.

But in fact, the two women didn't hold them back.

The reason why Zhang Xuexue learned fencing was that the whole family of the client felt that Zhang Xue was too soft and worried about being bullied out of society.

Thinking that learning fencing can change Zhang Xue's character.

It turns out that it hasn't changed.

Instead, Zhang Xue has a life saving skill in the last days.

The client is vigorous in the workplace, a little tough in character, doing fitness and yoga in his spare time.

So good physical fitness, can also deal with zombies.

She stretched out her hand and combed her hair. She felt that it was not combed well. She went to the supermarket shelf to find a comb and combed it carefully.

When she combs her hair, several men will discuss it.

I can't decide to live in this place.

It's too small, there's only one toilet, and the supermarket is the place that everyone likes to look for. It's not good to have conflicts with people.

But Xiang songshun wants to wait here.

He wants to wait here until the team is a little weaker, and then take advantage of the situation when there is a conflict.

So it seems that Xiang songshun is bold and ambitious.

The rest say it's bad here, but they're just worried about something.

Meng Liduo pays attention to Xiang songshun and takes back his eyes.

After eating something, we moved it to the car and went on the road again.

Xiang songshun feels disappointed.

Everyone's eyes look like pig teammates.