Back at the hotel, Lin Tian took a breath while sitting on the bed.

Lin Tian looked down at his left chest. The blood stains on the white t-shirt have been washed away by myself, but some red blood stains can still be seen on it.

And in this pool of blood, you can see a pinky-sized hole in the white t-shirt.

This is exactly what the bullet hit.

Reaching out his hand and slowly stroking the hole in the clothes, Lin Tian was silent.

"Is he a bit too arrogant?" Lin Tian lowered his head and muttered to himself slightly. There was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Today this shot shocked Lin Tian a lot.


If I hadn't recovered in time at the time, if I hadn't tightened my muscles at the time, the bullet might have really hit the heart.

I might die!

After all, I’m not invincible. It’s okay to face a gun today. What if you face seven or eight guns at the same time, what if you face a machine gun?

Thinking of this scene, Lin Tian fought a cold war.

"Huh!" Lin Tian took a deep breath, closed his eyes and thought slowly, and began to clear his mind.

The scene that happened today is all because of Wu Fei.


And why would Wu Fei send someone to kill him? Let's not talk about Wu Fei's own reasons, but talk about himself.

Thinking of himself, Lin Tian thought of the scene where he forced Wu Fei to apologize on the road.

Perhaps for Wu Fei, this is a great shame, and this is a revenge that must be avenged. That's why we have today's scene.

Did you do something wrong?

Lin Tian shook his head slightly. He really thought so at the time, and did so. But the confidence of all this comes from the ability system.

"Ability system..." Thinking of this, Lin Tian muttered to himself.

Today's shooting made Lin Tian discover that he was invincible either with the ability system.

Lin Tian once thought that with the ability system, he can do whatever he wants, and he can feel gratitude and enmity, because he has a magical ability system.

The power system is indeed magical, but today's scene tells Lin Tian very realistically that he is not invincible with the power system.

At least he is not invincible now.

"Is it the same as before?" A trace of confusion flashed in Lin Tian's eyes.

What was it like before?

The teacher scolded him for rubbish, but he didn't dare to reply; the gangsters on the road beat him, he didn't dare to retaliate; when he saw someone bullying the weak, he could only watch, but he didn't dare to step forward!

Is everything going back to what it used to be?

A trace of confusion flashed in Lin Tian's eyes.

After a moment of confusion, Lin Tian took a deep breath, and his eyes were firm: "No! If it's the same as before, it's better to die, then it would be too wasteful to get the power system! That's not as good as an ordinary person!"

Lin Tian's eyes were very firm. But at the same time today's lesson tells myself, when your strength is not very strong, don't be too arrogant.

Because too much pretense is just looking for death!

Lin Tian thought of his parents, his relatives, He Qianqian, and Bu Mengting.

If they make a lot of trouble outside, they can't deal with them, what if they find these people?

Thinking of this scene, Lin Tian shuddered!

Do not! He would never allow this to happen. Because then I will regret it for a lifetime!

Lin Tian narrowed his eyes slightly: "This possibility must be eliminated!"

Thinking of this, Lin Tian quickly opened the ability menu and searched for it."Ah? How did you know?" Bu Mengting looked around in surprise.

"Because I know your heart! Our hearts are connected!" Lin Tian smiled.

Bu Mengting was stunned for a moment, and then said with disdain: "Cut! Forget it!"

"I don't believe it, that's so sad, but I missed you last night and didn't sleep all night!" Lin Tian leaned on the back seat and said with a leisurely expression.

"Really?" Bu Mengting's voice with a hint of joy came from the phone.

"That is!" Lin Tian affirmed shamelessly. In fact, he slept like a dead pig last night.

"Hey, here it is!" Suddenly Bu Mengting's voice came from the phone, who seemed to be talking to.

After waiting for a while, Bu Mengting's voice came from the phone again: "Okay, I won't tell you, my mother called me. I'll talk later."

"Oh! Okay!" Lin Tian smiled and hung up the phone.

Seeing Lin Tian hung up the phone, the driver driving in the driver's seat glanced at Lin Tian through the rearview mirror and smiled: "Brother, that's your girlfriend. She has a sweet voice. She looks like a beautiful woman!"

"That is!" Lin Tian smiled triumphantly: "She is the school flower of our school, I don't know how many people are chasing it!"

"Then your skills are quite high, you can get it all!" The driver glanced at Lin Tian with some envy.

"It's okay, she actually ran to look for me on the initiative. There is no way, she is so attractive!" Lin Tian said with a narcissistic expression and tossed his hair.

Hearing Lin Tian's words, the driver's mouth twitched slightly, and he was speechless.

But before it was over, there was silence for a while, and the driver realized that Lin Tian had actually made another call.

"Hello? Qianqian?"

"Well, pay attention to your body, I will visit you in a while. No, I will go! Well, you kiss me! Well, this is almost the same! That 88!" Lin Tian smiled and hung up the phone. .

The driver glanced at Lin Tian curiously, and said with a strange expression: "Who is this again?"

"This is my eldest wife, and the first one is my little wife!" Lin Tian smiled.

"Um..." The driver was stunned, his whole expression looked a bit envious and hateful.

He was crazy in his heart:


I'm almost 28 and have no girlfriend, this little kid is still riding two boats, and two girlfriends, what kind of wife!

Let people live!

Secretly complaining for a while, the driver remembered a question, and asked a little curiously: "I heard the voice just called that girl is bigger than you!"

At a glance, the driver could tell that He Qianqian's voice was not like a ten-year-old girl.

"Oh, my eldest wife is 26 today. 7 years older than me!"

"..." Hearing this, the driver was silent for a while.

Damn, this kid eats all sizes!

But Lin Tian didn't finish talking, pretending to be a little careless and said: "My wife is my high school teacher. She is also a lot of people chasing drops in school, she is my goddess!"

"..." The driver was silent again, UU reading com even felt a little numb.


Actually got my teacher done!


After a while, the driver said in a daze, "Little brother, you can tell me the secrets of picking up girls, my lower body depends on you!"

"Huh?" Lin Tian stared blankly, seeming to be a little bragging?


Half an hour later, in the driver's reluctant eyes, Lin Tian decisively opened the door and walked quickly towards the airport.

Lin Tian started to show off some regrets, and was really annoyed by the entanglement of that buddy.

Looking at Lin Tian, ​​he would not walk away quickly. The driver looked jealous: "Damn! This kid has two big beauties, why doesn't I have a woman!"