Seeing that Lin Tian gave a reward of 100,000 to the female croupier, Wang Tao's eyes jumped from behind, and he cursed the prodigal in his heart.

But despite this, Wang Tao dare not say anything

Now Wang Tao can see that what Lin Tian started to say shouldn't be big talk. Through the 21 o'clock just now, Wang Tao discovered that Lin Tian is probably a master gambling player.

Looking at Lin Tian's trend, it is really possible to help him pay off that gambling debt.

When Lin Tian asked, he naturally didn't dare to say anything.

Lin Tian didn't know Wang Tao's thoughts, but he could also see it. Through the hand that he showed just now, Wang Tao's attitude towards him was obviously much more respectful.

Lin Tian didn't care, holding nearly a million chips in his hand, he started to wander around casually.


After a round, Lin Tian finally stopped at a gaming table, looking at these people curiously.

This gaming table was also playing cards, but Lin Tian didn't know what he was playing. There are nearly six people playing at this table.

After observing for a while, Lin Tian felt a little bit interesting, so he asked Wang Tao beside him: "What is this?"

"Fried golden flowers!" Wang Tao gave Lin Tian a surprised look.

He was surprised that Lin Tian didn't even recognize the Golden Flower. The question Lin Tian asked obviously did not match the gambler in his mind.

"There are rules for what I say!" Lin Tian said impatiently.


Lin Tian gave Lin Tian a surprised look. Although he was surprised that Lin Tian didn't even know the rules of fried golden flowers, Wang Tao explained: "The fried golden flowers each issue three forest cards, and then they compare their sizes. "

"How to divide the size?"

"The bomb is the largest, that is, three cards with the same points. Example: AAA, 222. These are bombs. Three Aces are the largest, and three 2s are the smallest.

Behind the bomb is a straight flush, which is a straight of the same suit. The largest Shunjin is QKA with the same color, and the smallest Shunjin is 123 with the same color.

The golden flower is just below the trail: that is, the suit is the same, but not a straight. For example, 368 spades, 145 diamonds.

Then there is a straight, which is a straight with a different suit. For example, 5 spades, 6 hearts and 7 diamonds. The biggest straight is QKA with different suits and the smallest straight is 123 with different suits.

Behind the trail is a pair. Pair A is the largest and pair 2 is the smallest.

The single card is behind the pair, which is the smallest. "

Listening to Wang Tao's explanation, Lin Tian nodded slowly. He probably understood a little bit. He found it interesting, so he planned to play.

After the round was over, Lin Tian saw that there was an empty spot, and Lin Tian sat directly on it.

Seeing everyone sitting down, the dealer who dealt the cards said, "Please place a bet. The ante is one thousand."

Hearing the croupier's words, six people placed bets one after another, and Lin Tian also threw a thousand chips over.

This ante bet is for everyone.


As everyone finishes placing the ante bets, the dealer begins to deal cards.

After a while, there were three more cards on the table in front of each player.

After the cards were dealt, someone turned it back quietly, and someone didn't move.

Lin Tian didn't move either.

"The dealer, please bet the next player." At this time, the female croupier said.

The dealer started with a fat man. Just now, the fat man looked at his card. It was a pair of kings and a 3.

In other words, the biggest in his hand is a pair of Kings.

This card was very good. Fatty was slightly excited and froze a five thousand in: "Five thousand."

"Next!" The female croupier continued.

Fatty's next family also saw his own card just now, his 239, but he said it was so bad that he just threw the card in his hand: "Abandoned!"

He has been eliminated.


"Follow!" The man threw two thousand five directly. This person did not look at his own card, which was considered a hidden card, so he only used half of his chips.

"Next." The female croupier continued.

The next one is Lin Tian.

Lin Tian smiled slightly and tossed a 10,000 chip: "Follow!"

Lin Tian's actions stunned the people at the gaming table.

They were a little surprised, Lin Tian directly increased the price with a secret card.

Lin Tian's price increase means that those behind will also increase the price.

After a while, the female croupier continued to speak: "Next."

The Lin Tianxia family hesitated, and threw 10,000 chips to keep up. He did not look at the cards either.

"Next." The female croupier continued.

The next one is the dealer.

The dealer hesitated, and finally decided to look at the cards.

As he slowly looked at the cards, Lin Tian found a hint of joy on the opponent's face.

Then the dealer didn't hesitate to throw 20,000 to keep up. He looked at the card and his bet must be double that of the person with the hidden card.

Noting the joy on the dealer's face, Lin Tian naturally knew why this person was happy.

Through perspective, Lin Tian knew that his hand was a straight of AKQ.

Very big hand, unfortunately, compared to myself...

Lin Tian smiled slightly, just watching it quietly.


The next one was the fat man. The fat man hesitated for a moment, but still threw 20,000 in. He planned to look at it again.


The rounds of each family passed, and soon the chips for betting began to rise. After a few rounds, the chips on the card had risen to 100,000.

At the same time, under pressure, three more players folded.


"Three hundred thousand!" The dealer directly threw three hundred thousand in.

Seeing that he had directly increased his chips to 300,000, the fat man was entangled, and the pair was still a bit small, depending on the trend of the opponent, there should be a big hand.

After thinking about it, the fat man finally discarded the card in his hand.

In an instant, only Lin Tian and the banker were left on the entire gaming table.

At this time Lin Tian still didn't look at the cards.At the same time, Lin Tian looked at others with perspective.

At first glance, Lin Tian was taken aback.

All the cards in this round are very bad.

There is not even a pair among the six players, and the biggest card is an Ace.

After following a few laps in a row, some people felt that their cards were not big and just fold.

Some people insisted.

"Twenty thousand!" Suddenly, the fat man at table 1 directly pressed 20,000. He didn't look at the cards, he was blind.

Hearing that the fat man had weighed 20,000, he next looked at his cards, thought about it, and gave up. His biggest card is K. He doesn't think he has much to win.

"Table 3." The female croupier looked at Lin Tian.

"40,000!" followed directly. Lin Tian didn't look at the cards either, it was also blind press.

Lin Tian wanted to fold the cards, but the fat man's action made Lin Tian think of a possibility.

"Table number five."

On the fifth table, he saw Lin Tian, ​​a lunatic, blindly press 40,000. He looked at his card, and the biggest one was Q. This card is too small to win.

After thinking about it, he just abandoned it.

As he folded, only Lin Tian and the fat man at table 1 remained on the entire table.

The fat man stared at Lin Tian and said cruelly: "I don't believe you have been so lucky, keep up!"

With that said, the fat man followed 40,000 directly!

Neither of them looked at the cards, and the fat man didn't believe that his luck was so bad!

Lin Tian smiled and pushed: "One hundred thousand!"


Everyone looked at Lin Tian in a daze.

Seeing Lin Tian directly added the money to 100,000, the fat man looked a little hesitant. After hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth and said cruelly: "I will play with you today! Two hundred thousand!"

Then the fat man threw two hundred thousand in the past!


Everyone exclaimed.

"Three hundred thousand!" Lin Tian increased again.

"Keep up!"

"Me too!"

"Five hundred thousand!"

"Follow again!"


The two of you come and I go, smashing the chips in front of their table.

The two looked like they were screwed on.

You add me too! This frenetic scene attracted many gamblers, and the entire gaming table was instantly filled with people.

"All pressed!" Lin Tian rushed and pushed all the chips in front of the table.

"Keep up!" The fat man pushed the bargaining chip in front of him without hesitation.

"Wow!" Seeing this amazing scene, a slight exclamation sounded on the scene.

In this frenetic scene, the female croupier next to me was a bit dry. There are already tens of millions of chips on the gaming table.

It can be said that whoever wins can win a lot of money.

Watching this frenetic scene, Wang Tao was sweating all over and was nervous to death.

"Let's draw the cards." Lin Tian said calmly.

"Open!" The fat man was not as calm as Lin Tian's expression, his face looked a bit sullen.

"Then I'll do it first." Lin Tian slowly began to raise his cards.

The first forest of hearts is 2.

The second forest plum is 3

Lin Tian slowly opened the third one...

Following Lin Tian's movements, the scene was silent, and everyone closed their breaths and looked at Lin Tian.

The two cards in front of Lin Tian are a 2 and a 3, and the two cards are connected. Lin Tian's card may be a straight.

"Huh!" The fat man seemed to breathe a little quickly, his eyes fixed on Lin Tian's hand.

"One or four!" Wang Tao muttered nervously behind Lin Tian. Due to the nervousness, sweat even broke out on his forehead. He looked more nervous than Lin Tian.

Lin Tian slowly opened the third forest card-6 of hearts!


Lin Tian's card is 236!

Seeing Lin Tian's cards, everyone was taken aback, and the scene went silent.

After a while, there was a loud noise on the scene.

"236! What a surprise!"

"Too small card!"

"He's done!" Someone directly concluded.

Standing behind Lin Tian, ​​Wang Tao looked annoyed and pained, as if he had lost.

Lin Tian's card is too small, almost the smallest of all cards.

Lin Tian is over!

Ten million, UU reading com is gone!

Wang Tao felt heartache to death.

"236! Haha, it's 236! I won!" Seeing Lin Tian's card, the fat man was stunned for a while, then he laughed wildly.

Lin Tian glanced at everyone, and everyone thought he had lost.

Lin Tian shook his head slightly and looked at the crazy fat man and said slowly: "You haven't opened the cards yet, how do you know that I lost."

"I just open a card that is bigger than you!" The fat man flipped the card on the table with a look of excitement, and slammed it on the table.

Everyone looked at the cards on Fatty's table.

At first glance, everyone was taken aback.

"God! How come!" Everyone was shocked.

"This, this..." The fat man stared at the cards on the table in a daze, dumbfounded.