Many people yelled desperately, blurting out any ugly words, not only that, they also stepped forward to kill Lin Tian, ​​the culprit in one step!

Lin Tian still stood there without moving. He stood alone in front of the hole, facing the direction of Qian Yukang's disappearance and the tumbling sea, with his back facing everyone.

Beside him, seeing that he hadn't reacted for a long time, Gu Yue and the others were also distraught, especially when they saw the angry crowd coming up, they felt sad and powerless.

Everyone's statement is not wrong. The reason why he has become like this is that his life is about to die, and Lin Tian can't get rid of it.

This is just a game specifically aimed at Lin Tian, ​​and everyone except Lin Tian is just the victim of this game. According to Qian Yukang's words, it is a funeral!

When they learned the truth, Gu Yue and the others also found it unacceptable. They were still very young and had too much resentment towards this world.

But they are also very sensible, even Yang Mingrui, who has always been a little nervous and sensitive, didn't complain about Lin Tian at this time.


Because they knew in their hearts that facing such a situation, Lin Tian's pain would only be more than them, not less.

No matter what choice Lin Tian makes, the pressure and pain he endures are enormous!

Although many people have lost their reason because of anger and want to hang Lin Tian before dying, Zhang Gongzi and Wu Na are the ones who clamored the loudest.

They believed that in the face of such terrifying forces of nature, Lin Tian had no way to prevent the final tragedy from happening.

In this case, before he chooses to escape, catch him and let this evil spirit be buried with them in the endless waves of the sea!

But there are still many people who desperately stand in front of these people to prevent them from harming Lin Tian.


The reason for this was their belief in Qian Yukang's final words.

With the power that Lin Tian showed before, the only hope now lies in him!

Whether you can survive or not depends on Lin Tian's choice!

So on the one hand, they desperately blocked the angry crowd. On the other hand, they begged Lin Tian bitterly, crying bitterly and begging him to save his life.Lin Tian scanned their faces one by one. Although these rich people gave him a very bad impression, it did not show that such lives were not worth saving. Behind them, there might be many kind lives that are in need of them.

Not only that, because of sudden changes, the sailors and other employees who ran up in a panic, their faces were full of fear and helplessness.

Behind them, the people in the family depend on them more deeply. Lin Tian can't believe that all the people in such a boat have lost their lives here. How many lives in this world will feel unhappy.

Therefore, he made the final decision.

"Aren't you miserable enough for us! You devil, you brought us the disaster!" The crowd was quiet for a moment, and Young Master Zhang took the lead in shouting.

"Don't think about going anywhere. Even if you die, you have to die with us. Don't think that you are the boss of Tianyi Pharmaceutical, so special!" Wu Na also yelled, and there were many voices below. Echoed one after another.

Anyway, Wu Na and Zhang Gongzi had already offended Lin Tian. In any case, even if he finally escaped, he would not take them with them, and simply broke the jar.

"Where is the captain?" Lin Tian ignored their clamor, but asked loudly to the crowd.

"I'm here!" The captain immediately raised his hand in the crowd and shouted.

"Is the cockpit equipment still normal? If you can handle it alone, can you still find the right one if you need help?" Lin Tian asked all the key questions in one breath.

"When I left, the equipment was still normal I can still find a few helpers. It is definitely not a problem to want a cruise ship, but..." The captain replied immediately, but his expression looked desperate.

"Okay! Take the people you need right away and follow me!"

Lin Tian gave an unquestionable order, and then forcefully pulled away from the crowd, and rushed out with Gu Yue.

"Quick! Keep up with him! Don't let that **** slip away!" Zhang Gongzi immediately shouted in the crowd.

Lin Tian led Gu Yue and the others, rushing towards the cockpit, and behind them, followed by the mighty crowd.

The first ones are naturally the desperate faction represented by Zhang Gongzi and Wu Na, and only those who still hold hope are behind.

Entering the cockpit, the first thing you see is the body of the staff inside.

Gu Yue and the other girls were full of grief, but now that time is running out, there is no time to take care of their corpses.

Soon, the captain ordered a few helpers and squeezed in from the crowd.