If Lin Tian is not the murderer, then how does he know that the so-called throwing a corpse into the sea is fake and can accurately find this place?

There is only one truth, and that is that Lin Tian is the murderer!

"No! No!"

"The bad guy who kidnapped me and hid me here will definitely not be Lin Tian, ​​you must not wrong the good guy!" Li Xue hurriedly shouted.

In fact, Li Xue was also surprised. When he was rescued, there was only the joy of the rest of his life. How could he think so much?

But after calming down, she was shocked when everyone said what was just now.

How did Lin Tian know where she was tied up?


"Then Miss Li Xue, are you so sure, did you look at the murderer?"

"Yes! Miss Li Xue, if you tell us who the murderer is, we must catch him for you!"

"Yes! Since the kidnapping of a female star is so bad in nature, we will definitely punish it severely!"

Since Li Xue had defended Lin Tian with such a certain degree, the police officers had no choice but to put aside their puzzlement and asked Li Xue's meaning.

"Of course I know that the murderer who kidnapped me was..."

When she heard the word murderer, Li Xue immediately became angry, but she just said a few words angrily, and immediately met Kong Daoming's eyes in the crowd.


In Kong Daoming's eyes, there was only a little unwillingness, but there was not the slightest panic or fear.

On the contrary, it is not only calm, but also with a playful taste!


This guy has no fear, he must have prepared a sufficient alibi, and he must not have left any unfavorable evidence!

Li Xue's face turned pale after brushing, she knew that even though she did find Kong Daoming's beating last night.

Later, he also ordered his two bodyguards to tie themselves down and even heard their plan to frame Lin Tian.

But these are too much to say in detail, there is no evidence, and it is just her own words!

Not only that, with the forces behind Kong Daoming, it is so easy to clean up a second-rate star!"Yes! Not only did he not provide an alibi, but his previous behavior was too abnormal and suspicious."

Several marine police said reluctantly, their eyes looking at Lin Tian still full of doubt and scrutiny.

Since Li Xue said that he didn't know who the murderer was, Lin Tian's strange behavior was suspected again, and everyone was talking about it.

"How did you find Miss Li Xue? If you can't tell, you can't get rid of the suspicion!"

In the crowd, someone shouted to Lin Tian, ​​and everyone agreed, they were so angry.

Not only were they curious, even Li Xue, who was rescued by Lin Tian, ​​looked at him with big eyes blinking.

She knew that Lin Tian was unusual but she couldn't think of what he could do to enable him to accurately find his whereabouts.

Facing everyone's expectant or questioning or malicious eyes, Lin Tian shrugged his shoulders and sighed.

Fortunately, I was prepared!

"Yes, I found Miss Li Xue by smelling the smell of her body!" Lin Tian opened his mouth, stunned everyone as soon as he said it.

"How is it possible! You are a human and not a dog!"

"Yes! Even if you are a dog, after such a long time, you are not so godly!"

"The huskies I raised in my house, I couldn't find the ball I threw in front of it. You can still find a big living person after such a long time!"

"Hey, my friend, Erha is like this. You can't use it as an example! Don't be angry. I have the same opinion as you. This guy can't have a nose better than a dog. Can't do it!"

"My golden retriever is not good either!"

"My Teddy won't work either!"


The crowd was clamoring, as if it had become a dog-name contest, but everyone's opinion was very consistent, that is, Lin Tian couldn't just smell it.

"Who said I can do it with just a sniff!"

"You see me and my stunts too simple!"

"Tell you, to find people by smell, the most important thing is not only to have a good sense of smell, but also the most important thing!" Lin Tian waved his hand, and everyone immediately calmed down.

"What is needed?" everyone asked in unison.

"The most important thing, of course, is the need. The person who is looking for a piece of personal clothing that is often worn!"

Lin Tianmeng shook his hand, took out something from his arms and held it above his head. Everyone stared at it, and it turned out to be a pink cover! 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy