"Hahaha, this beauty, your face is so red, is it because I kissed your sister but didn't kiss you, so I'm very jealous."

"Hey, don't be angry, I've always been fair. Whoever has her will have yours. Come and come, let me kiss you too!"

Lin Tian changed the voice of a pig's head again and turned to look at Mei Duo with a wretched look.

This time, the women around who had been watching silently were completely dumbfounded.

They couldn't imagine that Mei Duo might have taken care of the overall situation, and forbearance passed for a while, but Mei Duo, who has always been pungent, let the pig-head messenger take advantage.

Moreover, the blush on that face seems reluctant, but it is clearly enjoyable. The typical mouth is upright!

"Could it be that this pig head has a special charm that can make these two sisters surrender at the same time?"


But the women quickly dispelled this idea, and the looks and style of this pig's head is really hard to make people feel good.

In the end, after much deliberation, the women could only think that it was the Mei Duo sisters who were trying to protect themselves and save them. This was the only way to compromise, and could not help being greatly moved.

"Huh! This guy actually kissed him! Look at him so beautiful, I'm afraid I don't know what I believe!"

Su Jin on the side, watching Lin Tian molesting the two women, couldn't help gritting his teeth secretly. He didn't even notice it. A feeling of jealousy was emanating from the inside out.

According to the script made by her and Lin Tian in advance, it was time for her to come in handy again.

She had to make a jealous look, and Lin Tian, ​​you come and I have a few tricks, let Lin Tian, ​​the pretending pig head messenger, regretfully abandon the sister flower that has been obtained, and leave early, so as not to dress.


"Hey! You're endless! You don't have enough to kiss, isn't it? Shut up and see if you hear or see! You are talking about! You are still touching, let me go!"

A jealous feeling hit his forehead almost without thinking, and Su Jin pointed to Lin Tian's nose and cursed. The jealous appearance was not in the category of acting at all, it was so real!

"Damn! This little fox is even better than me! He has a good talent, but it's a good material for acting!"

Lin Tian didn't realize that Su Jin was really jealous for him. He only thought that she had been too deep into the play, so he just step by step and started bargaining with her according to the script.After finally getting rid of the diligence of the new guards, the women who returned to the dungeon, under the leadership of the leading woman, walked towards the Meiduo sisters.

"Medo...all thanks to your blessings, we just..."

The leading woman said sincerely to the two sisters that although she seemed to have won food for them before, she couldn't avoid the bad luck of being caught.

But the Mei Duo sisters won them dignity!

"You don't have to thank us at all. You have to thank someone else."

Seeing Mei Duo shook his head, the women didn't say anything. Although the pig head messenger did save them, it was hard to win their favor.

"I won't say the name of that person. You should all be familiar with him. He is the person you have never believed!" Mei Duo said firmly, looking at the girls.

"What? You mean!" the lead woman said aloud.

"Yes! It's Lin Tian!"

"I said, he will definitely come to save us, he is definitely not the kind of man you mentioned, he is affectionate and righteous, and he stands upright!"

Mei Duo raised her eyebrows and said with her head high.

After that, Mei Duo signaled the women to be quiet. They gathered in a circle. Mei Duo made the pig head messenger exactly what Lin Tian pretended to be, and Lin Tian had sneaked in, and she had come to meet them before. Telling the truth to the women, Lin Tian confessed before he left.

After listening to Mei Duo's words, the girls were both excited and guilty, and finally understood where the strange performance of the Mei Duo sisters came from.

At this moment, especially the leading woman, thinking of what she had said to Sister Mei Duo before, she wanted to find a place to sew in.

As a result, everyone apologized to the sisters, and secretly thanked Lin Tian from the bottom of their hearts.

Seeing the sisters like this, Sister Mei Duo was full of happy smiles.

Compared to them no longer being stunned by others, what made them more happy is that Lin Tian finally no longer needs to be misunderstood!

While the women were happy, a person who seemed to be a ghost stood in the distance and beckoned, calling for a new guard.

"Let me see Dr. Long! The doctor has something to ask you."

(End of this chapter)