The lizard guard who was cut by the little brother first, his screaming scream, like a bone nou effect, made the stunned lizard guards behind them wailing after a short while.


"Blood! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

"Help!!! Hurry up!! Kill me!!! Kill me!!! It's too painful, it hurts!!!"

With extremely miserable crying and surging blood, watching the dozen or so lizard guards crying in a pool of blood, everyone seemed to be in purgatory.

"This...what's going on!"

The lame lizard looked at everything in front of him in shock, unable to believe what he saw.


"Hahaha! Deserve it! It's really evil, and die quickly, it deserves it!"

Mei Duo couldn't help it anymore, clapping her hands and smiling, her face was full of joy, Mei Duo hurriedly covered her mouth, fearing that her words would cause trouble for Lin Tian's plan.

"These bitches! See how I will deal with you later!"

The lame lizard turned his head viciously and stared at it, only to find that the women who should have covered their eyes and shivered in the **** scene before them were all looking with joy.

"Damn! Later when you cry!"

The lame lizard's mouth twitched, and he could only swear viciously in his heart again. Later, he must play with and destroy them, so that they know how powerful they are.


"My Envoy!!! Ah! Help! Help us!!!"

The lizard guards who were in endless pain turned to Lin Tian for help.

"Oh, it was fine just now, what's wrong now!"

"Quick, let me see!"

Lin Tian rushed over, leaning over to check their injuries, and the lame lizard followed with concern.

"Huh? This wound turned out to be... so it is!"Lin Tian stretched out his hand to pull the lame lizard kneeling in front of him, and suddenly said to him with a voice that they could hear clearly:

"Don't thank me, idiot, look up and see who I am!"

These words made the lame lizard all over his body for a while, this voice he will never forget, it is the voice of Lin Tian in his memory!

but! How could this happen? !

The lame lizard immediately looked up instinctively, but at this time, Lin Tian changed his face, revealing his original face, his eyes were mocking, and he stared coldly at him.

Because of the angle, only the lame lizard could see the change at this moment.

The lame lizard was struck by lightning, thinking quickly about the things before and after, and suddenly showed a hideous face, knowing that they were all hit by Lin Tian's calculations.

"Okay! It's all you! I'm going to kill you!"

Thinking of his brother being killed by his own hands because of Lin Tian, ​​the lame lizard was furious, almost instinctively moving towards Lin Tianmingmen.

"what are you doing!"

Lin Tian, ​​who had restored the appearance of the pig head messenger, was surprised, and hurriedly flew back, slapped it in a hurry.


The lame lizard vomited blood, and was photographed flying backwards like a broken kite. It fell to the ground, opened its mouth and tried to say something, but could not make a sound.

Lin Tianyou mental arithmetic and unintentional pretended to be extremely thrilling. In fact, he had already premeditated and accurately slapped him, and even more precisely, he could not make a sound when hitting him with extremely precise force.

"Are you crazy bastard! Because the messenger has broken through your sinister intentions, even the messenger dared to attack!"

Upon seeing this, Su Jin made a furious look at the right time, and was about to rush to kill the lame lizard.

This change was so fast that no one would have expected that the lame lizard who was grateful to the pig head envoy just now would suddenly attack the savior.

"Oh! Blame me, you believe the wrong person!" Lin Tian cried out sadly, and immediately let the lame lizard who knew the truth squirt another blood.

After the consternation, the lame lizards who were waiting to die were all overjoyed, and they quickly asked Lin Tian to let him give them the ungrateful thing of the lame lizard.

Seeing Lin Tian nodded, the dozens of lizard guards who were dying, burst into infinite vitality, with a cold light of immense resentment in their eyes, all with a ugly face, all rushing towards the lame lizard. Past!

(End of this chapter)