Chapter 871: The Still Multiverse

“If not for the Great Khan, if not for the Starherders’ crossing the galaxy, coincidentally passing by the world of us Astral Dragons in the journey towards our galaxy and dabbed in a hint of our homeworld’s Steel Strength to cause a reaction in my Legacy, I would never have been aware of that fact until now.”

The Million Steel Dragon’s drakonid form shook her horned head—her long, green copper mane swayed like ripples as she looked toward the distant Void, and said with a troubled voice, “It is precisely out of prudence that I informed you, King of Searing Soul, as one who wields Steel Strength as well. I also know that only you who could see through Steel Strength shadows that my words are true!”

As for Joshua, the warrior was staring at the faraway Void as well. The Dragon God’s power had conjured the frame of a galaxy, and his present power could naturally observe that it was not some fakeness simply made up, but a genuine galaxy’s remains, given form by Steel Strength.

“We’ve just prevented our galaxy from being destroyed by the Evil God of Death.”

After along star, Joshua looked down at Fort Pioneer, which was operating busily. “And now you’re telling me that near our galaxy—or should I say, all around our galaxy are remains of other galaxies, all long since devastated but we knew nothing of that.”

It was too ironic.



Joshua could not help shake his head at the thought, and said not a word. Beside him, the Metal Dragon God was still looking at the distant ruined galaxy, her gaze mild yet firm as she watched the lightless dark which outline was vague.

Even so, her eyes never moved.

For that was home.

It had been countless years since the Astral Dragons left their home. They had left their former world and fled into the unfamiliar galaxy to escape the unbeatable foe. They recuperated and flourished on the Mycroft continent, witnessing the rise, glory, and self-destruction of human civilization, some of their own kind forgetting their home and become children of that gentle world.

But there were things that were never to be forgotten. Even if a thousand, ten thousand or even a hundred thousand years would pass, fallen leaves would still think of returning to their branch.


“Don’t worry, Count Radcliffe.”

The Metal Dragon God kept her eyes at the Void afar without turning around to Joshua. “If there were some terrible existence in the ruined galaxy such as a galactic-class Evil God or the horde of Chaos that destroyed our former homeworld,” she said softly, “the Starherders would never have crossed that long path and come to our world.”

As she spoke, the Starfall Era Dragon God who inherited the title of Million Steel Dragon smiled. “Furthermore, I have already been prepared… I would elevate my power to the limit from time to time on my journey home and ensure that I am ever close to divine demise. That way, whether there is an enemy, I can be sure that all traces of myself would be destroyed and all of Mycroft would not be involved.”

Compared to death, forgetting was more frightening. Before having made that series of decision, the Metal Dragon God had arranged for her successor and her race’s future. The Metal Dragons had been consolidating their power over the last few years so that they would not collapse just because they lost her, and feeling that she had prepared for everything, all that was left is to hand over her final affairs and prepare to leave.”

“Count Radcliffe, I am going to galactic quadrant designation 1249031. There is unimaginable danger if I do not return, when that time comes, you have to stop the Metal Dragons from thinking about returning, and keep the people of Mycroft as far as possible.”

The Million Steel Dragon’s voice cut through as her drakonid form gradually vanished. Then, as divine silver power surged, a massive serpentine dragon formed once again out of thin air—its body resembled that of Steel Python’s but possess a draconic head and two wings, its four long and supple limbs elegantly step upon the Void, while its tail of sharp scales coiled behind its body like the great serpents of old.

It was the first time Joshua saw the true form of the Million Steel Dragon for the first time. It certainly resembled a fusion between Steel Python and dragon. Come to think of it, the homeworld of the Astral Dragons had definitely delivered its power to its children—instead of accusing their abandonment, it simply hoped that they could rely upon its last strength to live well.

Meanwhile, the Dragon God titled its head sideways and said mildly. “But you really do not have to worry. I’m guessing those galaxies’ collapse is probably not because of battles between powerful entities since there should not be any enemies at those locations.”

“Then how did those galaxies fall?”

Joshua could tell that the Million Steel Dragon had set its mind on going, and he would not stop it even if he fought the Dragon God. There was little wonder why it would invite him to meet here—Fort Pioneer was at the edge of the galaxy, and even the six gods would need some time to hurry there should they fight. Furthermore, affected by spirit deviation, Joshua might still be able to fight, but he would never stop the mild-mannered Dragon God.

However, memories abruptly flashed in Joshua’s mind just as the warrior’s voiced his question.

Time dilation… the different timeframe between Mycroft and other worlds in its same galaxy… and the many ancient star maps the Metal Dragon God stuffed him with. Compared to the star maps found in the Glorious Era and the maps charted by the Mycroft civilization themselves, the ancient Astral Dragon maps seemed to have many unusual aspects…


As if grasping inspiration, Joshua raised his hand, stopping the Metal Dragon God just as it was about to answer him. Stroking his own chin, Joshua frowned as he pondered, “While it doesn’t make sense at present, a model could still be built… Zero Three, help me direct some processing power from the main Mana Net server. I want to nullify the effect of spirit deviation as much as possible.”

“Alright.” Zero Three certainly would not say much with Joshua asking so seriously. As pale blue data flow surged wildly over the Artificial Intelligence girl’s eyes and hair strands, the processing power of Zero Three’s own server and the processing power of almost all excess Mana Net operations slowly poured into Joshua.

With the support of such massive processing force, Joshua closed his eyes and pondered.

Meanwhile, in his spirit space, a crude Multiverse model that contained millions of galaxies and near infinite worlds activated slowly.

Joshua recalled the near boundless Initial Flame in the memories of the Evil God of Fertility, and the innumerable worlds and ancient civilization that orbited it.

If, in the very beginning of the Multiverse, every galaxy orbited the Initial Flame…

Then, relative to the Void that was independent from the galaxy, the speed at which those galaxies circled was at an unbelievably heightened threshold. That extremely different velocity would place the whirling galaxies and the motionless Void within two completely different timeframe.

Months passing for one was thousands of years flying past for another.

“The dimensional anomaly wreaked by this timeframe was the temporal seal I hypothesized for the Commanding Will of the Multiverse Sacrificial Grounds. At the time, I thought that a powerful being had sent Mycroft’s galaxy flying that it accelerated past twelve hundred years. Other worlds which speed did not match Mycroft’s would have seen thousands, even dozen thousands gone past due to the varied timeframe.”

But was it really Mycroft that had been blown away?

Human common sense is unnecessary in Extraordinary worlds. Don’t be bound by orthodox thinking, Joshua.

At the thought, the warrior reached out and pressed on the Mycroft galaxy that rapidly detached from the ever-swirling center of the crude Multiverse model. His eyes glinting, he moved the Lost Galaxy where Mycroft was to its original position, allowing it to move around the Initial Flame.

Then, Joshua ‘stopped’ every other galaxy apart from the Lost Galaxy.

From that single instant, one could see that the Lost Galaxy which still orbited the Initial Flame detached as if being blown away, leaving the dense and prosperous galactic cluster to a remote, silent and empty place away from the many worlds beyond.

Be that as it may, it was still the one that orbited the Initial Flame. The abandoned was every other galaxy that appeared to be the main body.

“I see… it does explain things.”

At the sight, Joshua, who had been at first perplexed quickly realized one possibility that could destroy the home galaxy of the Astral Galaxy. He watched the Multiverse model that was moving unusually in his own spirit space, and could not help muttering, “It’s not that we are being blown away. The other worlds are being left behind!”

“The world of Mycroft still circles the Initial Flame, but other galaxies… especially the galaxy where the Astral Dragon’s homeworld was located at paused and became motionless!”

One orbiting at incalculably rapid velocity around the Initial Flame, the other standing outside the galaxy, pausing entirely… for one day to pass for one, it would probably mean a thousand years passed for another.

There was little wonder why the Astral Dragons were unable to find their homeworld since they simply did not exist in the same timeframe! Compared to spatial isolation, timeframe was nothing but the greatest seal to exist in this world. How would they be able to find their path home then?

Having thought through everything, Joshua inhaled sharply despite his will and bravery. He stared at the crude Multiverse model before him, somberly clenching both his fist.

For the danger begins here!

“On Starfall Year 831, Mycroft’s time flow regained consistency in relative to other words. I had thought that because that unknown power that blasted away a galaxy had diminished, but now it appears that it was the total opposite!”

The reason why Mycroft’s time had been restored to be consistent with other worlds was because the Lost Galaxy—which once ventured off alone for a thousand years was now slowly pausing like the other galaxies, no longer whirling alongside the Initial Flame!