Chapter 861: Continental War Is Now Online!

“By the way, Zero Three—I got you a gift.”

Joshua strolled into the room without alerting anyone, not even the maids in side his Residence. “Do you still remember what I told you when I took you away from Karlis?” He asked slowly.

“Eh? What gift?”

Zero Three, who had awkwardly turned her head aside, unsure how to continue the conversation was quickly surprised. She appeared happy, but could not hold back the delight despite her attempts to do so.

Nonetheless, Joshua’s question prompted the Artificial Intelligence girl to comb through her memory. She found it swift, and that was when Joshua smiled. “I’ve said that I would tear apart Chaos and Evil Gods for you—now I am to do so, and have accomplished that.”

“It’s almost ten years, but I have achieved what I’ve sworn to do then, and it’s my gift even if it had been empty promises once.”



It was certainly a delightful gift.

Ten years. Even if she was an AI, Zero Three had to deliberately search her own memories or she would not at once recall her conversation with Joshua then. The fact that the warrior had actually kept it at heard moved her, and she tilted her head away, embarrassed to level her gaze at him.

However, aside from feeling stirred, Zero Three sharply noticed that something was not right with Joshua then. After all, from what she knew about him, Joshua never had the emotional quotient to say something so corny… something that made others blush!

“I’m really happy… but Joshua, didn’t you already kill another Evil God last time?” She asked puzzledly at the thought. “We have celebrated for some time when you returned after slaying the Evil God of Wither, and for once you’ve even let loose, bringing all of us along for a trip around Mycroft’s stratosphere.”

It was just a typical suspicion at first—considering that the Evil God of Death was infinitely more powerful than the Evil God of Wither, the trouble itself was resolved over half a year ago, with the nervousness and direness that emanated then diminishing entirely, the strife that engulfed the galaxy becoming the past… Zero Three certainly believed that it would not be a problem to host another great ceremony to celebrate Joshua’s return, but she was unsure why Joshua did not mention this then, only to emphasize it now.


It was a question that could have been skimped through. Zero Three’s own question was asked out of instinct and she did not expect any answer, but Joshua’s ensuing long silence left her even more perplexed and panicking.


Joshua did not say anything to answer Zero Three, but his eyes were flickering in a crimson divine light that left others sweltering and terrified—it was after several minutes that he finally answered like an old machine after resolving latency, heavily mouthing each word, “The one before, the Evil God of Wither, doesn’t count. It’s just an entity, recently escaped its seal…”

“Actually, this one doesn’t count either. The Evil God of Death was never born—it is still gestating, though powerful, it was completely destroyed, by us.”

The bizarre and machinelike words and the clearly abnormal behavior left Zero Three earnestly jarred. It was clearly something worth being happy about, something to be rejoiced for or even cheered loudly, but Joshua’s unusualness left her in the dumps.

Is he being corrupted by Chaos?

But there is no Chaos presence!

Just as Zero Three and Joshua leveled their gazes at each other, the warrior suddenly lifted her projection and put her on the desk as he himself settled into the chair in front of it. Then, he slowly continued, “those two together, count as, one Evil God.”

It was on the desk that Zero Three finally saw a sparking redness in the black-haired warrior’s scarlet eyes. The AI herself felt a powerful effect upon seeing it too, as if she suddenly wanted to destroy something, and break anything within reach down to ashes.

However, when the God of the Sky’s Legacy and the processing force of the Mana Net’s main server quickly dispelled Zero Three from that influence, she also finally realized what caused the warrior’s unusual behavior.

“I would definitely see through my promises,” Joshua said then, as if to himself. “Whatever it takes, I would fulfill my oath.”

The warrior’s words were simply not intended for Zero Three; he was speaking them as if for some kind of assurance.

As if something had dawned upon her, Zero Three, who had always been gentle—especially to Joshua—promptly clenched her right fist, tightening her brow as she glared at the warrior who seemed to be normal in his expression. “Alright!” She forced herself to yell menacingly, “Now I know what you need!”

“Joshua, you have to get treatment now!”

At that, mana gathered. The symbol of the God of the Sky appeared behind Zero Three as every bit of magical energy adrift in the Liege’s Residence and the Inner City appeared to be summoned, surging wildly into the Residence at the call. In that instant, a power that exceeded even typical Supreme champions converged on the AI’s illusory arm, and she swung it with all her strength and clapped it on Joshua’s head!

However, the seemingly vicious blow dispersed the instant it touched the warrior’s hair. Luminous specks of magical energy crumbled into pale golden flakes that wafted… it was not simply because magical projection could not touch solid forms, but because the Steel Barrier in each hair on Joshua’s kept him immune from most supernatural attacks.

A single drop of his blood would crumble mountains, a strand of his hair would cut through whole lands. It was not an exaggeration, for it was reality to Joshua.

Be that as it may, Zero Three accomplished her objective—by using substantial mana to stimulate a reaction from the Steel Strength in Joshua’s main body, she seized the opening to deliver the Steel Strength Joshua himself left with her!


[Spirit Backup]

A long time ago, when Joshua had still been troubled by divinity, he replicated a part of his own spirit when he was normal, keeping it in Steel Strength that he handed to Zero Three for keeping. Through Zero Three’s presence, he could always determine if his spirit was affected and flawed by the discreet effects of divinity.

The plan for a Spirit Backup ensures the warrior’s consciousness remained healthy. However, Joshua had almost suppressed the combat divinity—it grew incessantly, but Joshua himself grew much quicker and hence did not fear that strength, leaving the plan almost moot.

Now, however, Joshua was clearly acting unusually. Understanding that, Zero Three quickly restarted the plan and began studying the warrior’s present spiritual issue.


Soon, Zero Three’s wings slumped with the results of her comparison. Shocked, she looked up at the warrior who remained entirely calm, her eyes bulging as she exclaimed in surprise, “Joshua, what have you done?! Your spirit deviance is more than 90%, and you’re like an old patient who had gone insane over thirty years!”

No wonder Joshua was so weird today! And here I was thinking why, with that attitude of his, would he mention something ten years ago!

And she had thought that Joshua was being forward…

Zero Three ceased that trail of thinking since there was no such luxury and because was not the time to fool around. 90% deviance was not merely serious—it was unthinkable!

The spirit deviance rate was a cumulative value combining various aspects of thought that reflects a person’s usual choice and perception under various scenarios. The ordinary deviation rate was 5%, since normal humans would change their usual behavior out of emotional shifts, be it from extreme happiness or anger.

Likewise, a deviation rate of more than 10% meant that normal beings had went insane—with typical examples being a mage who had changed into a Lich. Due to negative energy and undead alteration, his cognition would change, and though he was the same person, he would be a far cry compared to who he had been.

Divinity erosion was naturally slightly more severe since it was a problem that troubled even the gods. Even so, during the last occasion when Joshua had a more severe case, the deviation rate was only 15% to 25%… At this stage, Joshua’s own will would become so unusually aggressive and bloodthirsty to the point that he would go against his own instinct and principles and unconditionally provoke some friendly being that he would have kept himself from challenging.

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Zero Three quickly mustered magical energy again and extended her hand to press it on Joshua’s head again. Naturally, the warrior suppressed the reflexive retaliation of Steel Strength this time, and while he said nothing, he was being cooperative.

Like a waterfall, mana information flashed through the AI girl’s eyes, with runic flickering even on her sky-blue hair. Zero Three mostly understood why Joshua would quietly return and seek her out at once—it appears that he knew that he was not his right self and he needed help from others despite having a deviation rate of 90%. Zero Three, who holds his spirit backup was hence the best choice.

Before that, if he met others, Joshua would have no assurances that he would not suddenly go amok and give someone a beating… on his return journey, there may already have been unknown victims.

The 90% spirit deviation rate would leave a person unable to communicate or think normally. Just think about it: ninety percent of the human brain’s composition, even the synapse flow in nervous system would flow and transmit erratically. At that thought, Zero Three thought that it was a complete miracle for Joshua to escape the Vortex of Creation alone!

The AI tried her hardest to use the backup to correct the warrior’s present spirit, but it was clear that the Steel Strength he left behind back then was simply not enough compared to the warrior’s true form. The deviation rate kept drifting between 89% and 92%, and appear to have no actual effect.

However, her hard work bore fruit: as she stealthily borrowed the processing power of the main Mana Net server, the red sparks in Joshua’s eyes diminished while the warrior himself seized the chance to reclaim some lucidity.


The first thing that the warrior did when he returned to normal was look up at Zero Three, who was so focused that even her mana projection was missing in certain parts. “I definitely chose correctly,” he grinned. “You definitely helped me, Zero Three.”

“Stop it. Joshua, what’s actually happening with you?”

Watching as Joshua finally recovered some of his will, Zero Three was at once happy but troubled. “How did you come back 90% spirit deviance?” She asked softly. “Could you have been slumbering in the Vortex of Creation because of that?”

“Indeed. My spirit deviation had even exceeded a hundred percent back in the Vortex—I could not think at all, and could only slumber and wait for my autonomous processes to clean up the error commands and excess message.”

With Zero Three’s hand still pressed over his forehead, Joshua’s eyes turned as he looked around the study and said softly, “Half a year allowed me to recover a portion of my communicative ability—but I know that it won’t do: it would take a dozen years to recover to optimal state of mind if I kept relying on autonomous process. With Chaos and divinity erosion becoming more rooted, not to mention the looming threat of Chaos, I don’t of that sort of time to use.”

“By relying on my resolve towards ‘promise’, ‘oath’ and ‘ideal’, I barely made it back to Mycroft and find you… If not you, I would have looked for Igor and the Seven Gods to counter divinity… They would definitely have their solutions.”

Although he would not find such solutions acceptable for himself.

While Joshua was not actually fully ignorant about the power of the gods, his present state could only be handled with certain rare and radical measures, such as forcing himself to rely on a divinity that runs contrary to nullify his present one.

But could himself really accept the so-called divinity of ‘guardian’, ‘peace’ or ‘creation?’

That was hard to say.

“Should we carry out the final plan then?”

Despite feeling bliss from Joshua’s trust, Zero Three also felt the direness: the warrior’s present state was clearly very unstable, and she could barely keep his present normal interaction going with the power of the Mana Net’s main server—he would revert to his uncommunicable state before even if she moved a little further away from him.

With that, her tone became even more determined. “Do you want to undergo a complete spirit recovery? Although you would lose some memories if the deviation points are covered by your original memory format, I would help make backup for you…”

“There’s no need.”

Joshua smiled as he watched Zero Three’s concerned expression, and reached out with his hand to stroke her face. Although the mana projection of the AI girl could not touch him, he could touch her at will. “Just as I promised you to defeat Evil Gods back then,” he said calmly, “I made a promise to the Evil God of Death.”

“I have promised the fallen worlds that I would never forget them. All that they were—be it sadness, pain or despair, would live with me, always. Even if they are Chaos, Evil Gods, foes that I have crushed and destroyed, I would never go back on my word.”

And I would fulfil my pledge whatever the cost.

Such was Joshua’s ideal, and how he held on despite his 90% rate of spirit deviation to return from the depths of the Abyss.

“Thanks for your concern, Zero Three.”

Noticing her worried face, Joshua said softly, “But this is no longer some error correctable by mere rebooting. I know my mind best, and doing that would only hold it back for a while, and it would simply recur as long as the fundamental issue is not resolved.”

“Then how would I actually help you?”

Zero Three asked helplessly, not having too many solutions at present.

“It’s simple. To tell the truth, I have to thank you—what you did gave me an idea.”

As he spoke, Joshua closed his eyes, feeling Zero Three linking herself to him spiritually through mana and Steel Strength. He could tell that the Mana Net’s main server was connected to him through the relay station that was Zero Three, clearing substantial excess redundant data for him.

“Mana Net.”

Endless information gathered in Joshua’s mind, reassembling. Recalling the spirit terminal, Fairy Cards and various things that never existed in Mycroft back in his preexistence, a comprehensive plan appeared in his mind. Laughing silently, the warrior said quietly, “I could connect a part of my processing array to the Mana Net.”

“And then…”


Starfall Year 841, First of February.

It had been ten days since Joshua van Radcliffe Legendary warrior had quietly returned to his own domain after journeying into the Darkest Abyss, pacifying unrests and defeat the Unknown Evil God (the name, Evil God of Death was not yet made public).

Today was a normal day with nothing of note. Over the last ten days, those who were informed of the warrior’s return had their intended visits declined, with only some of his friends allowed into the now-enigmatic Liege’s Residence to talk to Joshua.

Legendary champions such as Barnil, William, Barbarossa, Vahina, Nostradamus, Igor and other acquaintances including Roland and Brandon’s family all left thoughtfully after talking to Joshua, each of them simultaneously going into seclusion after returning to their laboratories or territories as if carrying out some airtight, secretive project.

Those who were partially privy to the facts imagined that they were setting up a recovery process for the heavily injured Legendary warrior and considering a solution for his recovery. Some refuted that hypothesis, saying that the champions were not readying some spiritual recovery procedure but instead joining hands to carry out a completely unknown grand project for the Mana Net.

Both factions were determined that they were right and discussed it on several occasions over the spirit terminal forums but without reaching a consensus.

In truth, both sides were right.

Priest Omni, Leader of the Imperial External Exploration Department’s Elite Party, provisional honored student of the Victor Academy and pupil of Radcliffe the Legendary warrior was walking the avenues of Moldavia’s main city, strolling rather idly.

It was a leave period between two missions. His sister was in school while Sol was recharging mana for energy she lost over some time, while all his teammates had returned home to visit their families. A rare solitary moment, Priest had wanted to visit his mentor who had recently returned from the Abyss, only to stop at the gates—now guarded lethally by the black dragon girl who had a luminous orb on her head. If not for Priest himself being a rather familiar face, he would have been blasted with a Sunny Blaze for just knocking on the door.

Though the young warrior with Gold-tier ability might have withstood it, he was aware that not even Supreme-advanced champions would want to face the black dragon’s true form.

“Boring… Looks like I can only go for a round of Fairy Cards in the taverns.”

With that feeble thought, Priest’s feet pivoted right. He knew a card tavern of higher quality nearby where he was a Gold-card carrying VIP, a great place to while away his free time. He could even enjoy a plate of otherworld crab in sweet and spicy sources, and that would be his time for the afternoon used up.

However, when Priest arrived by the door to the tavern and enter, he suddenly felt the gem embedded on the Spirit Terminal he wore by his gauntlet vibrating and heating up.

Alarm? Is someone looking for me? And when did I set such a loud ring?

With the use of the Spirit Terminal having become widespread over the last few years, with everyone—especially mages purchasing one if they had a little extra income. An enchantment tool that essentially solidifies magic, it became a necessity for spellcasters.

Entering the spirit password, Priest assumed that it was some urgent assignment from the External Exploration Department, and his leisurely mood quickly turned serious.

And then.

Priest saw an icon that should never have appeared in the past or the future at the center of his spirit terminal’s space.

It would have been very familiar to a certain person since he had seen that over at least seven to eight years. It was a blood-colored greatsword, crossed against a magical staff in front of a shield, encircled by a black chain.

At the same time, an advertisement was playing by force into Priest’s ears.

[The first-ever spirit terminal full-dive mode online game is now online!]

[Dear spirit terminal user Priest, you have been invited as a closed beta player. What are you waiting for? Join us now and witness the glory of conquests!]