Chapter 600: Dumdum bullets

Killing one with every ten steps!

Showing no mercy for a thousand li, brushing one’s clothes once the matter concluded, a name that remained in hiding.

Furious rumbling emerged as a motorbike raced through the muddy tracks. The bright headlight ripped apart the curtains of rain ahead. In this chilling weather, Sheyan was presently riding the motorbike at about 80 km/hr. Bear this in mind, this wasn’t an even road, but a dirt road ladened with broken rocks and plowed ground!

At present, the rain had soaked the ground thoroughly, as splashes of mud soared 7-8 metres into the air from the motorbike!

This was a place at least 40 kilometres from Fang Cheng Gang. He was nearing the region’s checkpoint frontier guard post. Today, Huashan Fei was going to collect a batch of goods from this region’s pier.

After learning of this news, the audacious and skillful Sheyan rode the motorbike as he sped towards this area! One had to admit, the current him possessed bodily capabilities that could crush all else!


A contestant’s sensory organs were manifold superior to the average person. From a far distance, he could hear a rumbling nearby and could feel faint vibrations along the ground. Killing the engine, he executed an elegant drift before flinging his motorbike in the middle of the road; perfectly blocking off the road, while he himself laid hidden by the nearby shrubs.


Soon after, a Jeep Wrangler labouriously plowed through the muddy dirt road towards here. The driver then noticed a motorbike blocking the middle of the road.

Probably because Huashan Fei had been running amuck here for far too long, he didn’t feel particularly startled. The jeep then halted as fouled mouth individuals started acting within.

At this moment, Sheyan directly barreled out, and executed a front roll along the mud. Like a leopard, he seized the driver and released a cutting knee upwards, before grabbing the driver and flinging him towards the windscreen ferociously.

Bang! The driver landed on the windscreen heavily, shattering it into a cobweb mess! The minute shattered glass shards sprayed all over the ground instantaneously.


Knowing something was amiss, the jeep passengers immediately cocked their guns and fired. As fiery streaks bolted out haphazardly, how would they land on Sheyan? And even if they did, so what?

After gaining the upper hand with his first strike, Sheyan proceeded to race ferociously towards the left door of the jeep. His military bayonet then abruptly punctured through the driver’s door, stabbing a thug that wanted to drive off till he was limp. Blood gushed out from that thug’s waist, soaking the seat red in a flash.

Immediately after, Sheyan pounded his fist against the car window.

Piank! Shattered glass fragments scattered haphazardly as he gripped that thug’s neck and pulled him towards himself.

Meanwhile, gunshots resounded once again, prompting Sheyan to execute a somersault and smoothly leap onto the car hood!

After his impactful stomp onto the hood, the hood naturally distorted downwards; triggering the internal safety airbags to recoil out, shaking the three passengers at the back into a flustered escape. Soon after, Sheyan’s bayonet jolted again and stabbed one of the unlucky back passengers dead; the passenger who was carrying a silver code-locked briefcase. Naturally, Sheyan wouldn’t spare then and hauled it with him!

Right now, he had already glimpsed Huashan Fei, who was scrambling in panic away from the right door. Sheyan revealed a sinister smile, as he dragged that briefcase and detoured around the car’s rear in pursuit of him.

Yet at this instant, Sheyan’s heart shuddered faintly. A chill overwhelmed him which evidently indicated his safety was under threat.

In spite of that, he remained fearless as he continued chasing. From afar within the darkness of night, three fiery tongues spat out. Indeed, those were the unique gunfire of semi-automatic rifles! The gunshots were actually able to obstruct Sheyan’s charging momentum.

Strangely even with Sheyan’s indomitable innate, though those gunshots remained incapable of breaking his defense, it resulted in unceasing persisting damages! Though they were a trifling 1 point of damage over time, they could be stacked and lasted for 20 seconds! Which meant that with every bullet Sheyan received, 20 HP would eventually be shaved off him!

Furthermore, those three hitmen were employing semi-automatic rifles with relatively astonishing shooting frequency!

These bullets were probably Dumdum bullets that were banned by the state. Though they couldn’t break through Sheyan’s defense, their resultant damage over time was truly frightening.

To ordinary people, manufacturing such vile bullets weren’t complicated at all. If a human was struck by a Dumdum bullet within a 100 metre proximity……it was naturally a 100% death rate if one’s head was shot; 20% death rate if the limbs were shot; 70- 100% death rate around the chest area, and 70% death rate for the abdominal area. Therefore, such bullets were banned by the state!

It would be fine if there were only three hitmen, Sheyan wouldn’t have to expend much effort to take care of them. Yet while accelerating, he suddenly noticed beams of flashlight amidst the darkness nearby, alongside the yellings of Vietnamese.

A contestant’s eyesight already surpassed the ordinary human by many folds. Upon closer inspection, he noticed dozens of militants spewing a bunch of Vietnamese words. Although their rank epaulets and name tags had been removed, one could figure out they were active military personnel through their disciplined demeanor. Probably those Vietnamese hadn’t departed after delivering the goods and had rushed here to aid upon hearing gunshots.

Alone in the midst of unfamiliar territory, and facing dozens of trained militants who were fully armed to their teeth….against bullets that could deal 20 accumulative damage, and most importantly, he wasn’t bolstered by his equipment. Not a single ability, no ‘Horn-Rage’, no ‘Ambition’, no ‘Zergling Rush’…

Sheyan then weighed his circumstances and decided not to handle this impulsively. He retained a certain confidence in eliminating these people, but he had to admit, his foes did possess sufficient battle capability to kill him as well.

Anyway, he had already stolen Huashan Fei’s batch of goods tonight, and could already count as leaving a heavy stomp onto his rival; a stomp which would cause him to feel an ache for several months.

After settling his mentality, Sheyan darted towards the besiding muddy and moist forest. Bullets continued volleying out splashes of mud where Sheyan previously stood, as leaves scattered about messily. After sweeping a profound glance through those Vietnamese militants, he hastily rolled away and drilled deep into the wilderness.

The present Sheyan was no longer that poverty-stricken and unlucky sailor of the Fuyuan, but instead a newly evolved human. Even in the face of military-grade weaponry and active personnel, he could come whenever he wanted to, and leave whenever he desired. His coming and going was seamlessly natural!

At this moment, a forty-year-old Vietnamese militant suddenly hoisted up his rifle and opened fire! It was as if his aiming process had been foregone, where a fiery bullet streak volleyed out! Such natural shooting skills appeared as if he wasn’t the least bit inferior to Brother Black.

After releasing fire from afar, the rapidly sprinting antelope liked Sheyan suddenly crashed head first to the ground, tumbling as he faded into the dense shrubs. That Viet issued a sly smile. In his hands, was an m700 sniper, analogous to the Scout sniper of counter strike. Although that sniper wasn’t well liked in the game, it was nonetheless extremely potent in reality.

Under the command of that middle-aged Viet, his troops rushed speedily and vigorously towards that direction. They held utmost confidence in their superior’s sniping skill, yet the cruel reality was served in their faces….the place where that damned perpetrator had fallen, was now utterly empty. Two handprints had been pressed into the mud, which was evidently that perpetrator cushioned his fall while falling head first; before he tumbled and then successfully escaped!

Yet peculiarly, apart from a puddle of blood, there wasn’t a single trace of someone fleeing!

“Could that man be from the FBI? How impregnable is his bulletproof vest? But viewing his wrestling agility earlier, it contains a taste of muaythai.” That Viet officer issued and frowned. “Could it be the Asia branch international criminal police organization… wait! That isn’t right as well!”

A flame suddenly flickered amidst the serenity, wavering slightly before the flame turned stable.

Someone had used a lighter to light up a candle.

This candle was placed in a corner and easily combusted with a bright candlelight. Nevertheless, the shielding wall prevented the light from leaking outside.

The dusty white wall was extremely filthy, with cobwebs suspended around. The area was in disarray, with recklessly abandoned junk like worn out shoes and types of furniture.

This was a place that Sheyan had frequently visited during his old days of selling fishes. Its exterior was vandalized with sporadic circles that had the word ‘tear down’ within it, representing its uninhabited state. If he had decided to retire to any accommodation in Fang Cheng Gang, he would surely have been discovered by Huashan Fei.

Sheyan obviously didn’t fear them, but that Huashan Fei was already like a bird that would be startled by the twang of a bow. He only needed to ponder a little before realizing the terrifying strength that Sheyan had displayed previously.

Huashan Fei would probably be fuming over his valuable goods, but without the adequate confidence of eliminating him, Sheyan wouldn’t wish to inadvertently alert his enemy.

Right now, there was a large purplish-black swelling the size of a steamed bun, at Sheyan’s left shoulder. It was oozing with a repulsive yellow pungent pus and another deep rotting depression. Sheyan then pulled out a sharpened knife and burnt it over the candlelight flame.

Following that, with the fire sanitized, sharpened knife firmly in his grip, he carved it into the swollen purplish wound with his trembling hand.

The carved wound very bluntly ruptured open, where it essentially appeared like a swollen bursting steamed bun!

Chapter 601: Huge change in situation

Tiny snakes of maroon blood slithered down his skin. Sheyan faintly groaned but with a tinge of refreshing pleasure. The stinging pain of his swollen wound gradually diminished as the pus and blood drained away.

With a flick of his left wrist, the knife blade carved deep into his shoulder once again. Then with a nudge, black soybean sized bullet heads sprung out and landed ‘clink’ on the ground. Repeating this scooping technique, bullet frags sprung out consecutively until the bullet heads lodged within his back were all extracted out; where he lost much flesh along the way.

That Vietnamese officer’s snipe was akin to a coiled viper’s sudden devouring! Quick, violent, deadly and abrupt! Moreover, the bullet was a special dumdum bullet and manage to even break through Sheyan’s defense. If Sheyan didn’t deal with his wounds, he probably needed 1-2 days for a full recovery. Thus, he decided to settle them fast.

Pouring a bottle of white alcohol to composedly rinse his wounds, before squeezing out all remaining blood and pus. While his wounds were being dried by the wind, it issued both a contracting and loosening sensation; signifying the formidable regenerative capabilities of a contestant was at work.

After lighting a cigarette, he pulled out a mobile phone and dialed a long distance call.

After two consecutive rings, Sheyan was greeted by a rich nasal accent and an indistinct spoken language. Even through the handphone receiver, Sheyan could guess the presently drowsy-eyes of the opposite party, along with a breath stinking of alcohol.

“Gangmudada, Kesiwa, Xibeita*.” According to an earlier agreement, Sheyan spewed out three awkward sounding words he had no clue of. Nevertheless, the receiver was stunned and placed him on hold for nearly 4 minutes, before a familiar voice transmitted over.

(TL:*I translated the direct hanyu pinyin)

“Hey! What a surprise, you’d actually phone this number!”

“…..oh, you know I’m not almighty. Those Vietnamese apes with their dumdum bullets and automatic rifles are really a handful. Eliminating my target obviously isn’t a problem, but to wipe out his backers would be rather tacky. Cut the crap AK, will you assist me?”

“Sure, definitely! When the boss summons, so shall I appear. Isn’t there a saying of your Chinese people, something about stabbing one’s ribs with two blades? Say, wouldn’t it be better if it wasn’t just getting rid of the fella who offended you, but his backers as well?”

“Because my family misses their hometown……without eradicating evil completely, their safety would be compromised. Right, AK, if your circumstances aren’t stable I can phone Reef. He’ll settle your visas or whatever travel essentials. Hurry and get your ass here. Right, one final thing, one of the Vietnamese monkey officers was exceptionally fierce, and ruthless in execution. Did you beg him to be your master?”

I @#*&#&$!!!” Mogensha immediately released a string of incomprehensible foul words, probably his nation’s words of impact.

“Does the world even possess such a military instructor with such caliber? You sure he isn’t a contestant?”

Sheyan carefully reflected and answered.

“He shouldn’t be. Otherwise, that fella wouldn’t naively guess that I was from the Asia branch international criminal police organization. But if he enters the nightmare realm now, I estimate his ‘Basic long-range combat’ would at least be pegged at level 5, and his innate ability would substantially lean towards the category of shooting accuracy.”

Brother Black impatiently scoffed.

“Regardless how strong he is, his head would explode from my ‘da da da da’. Oh, right boss, your country upholds an extremely stringent surveillance for arms, I probably won’t be able to bring my ‘boys’ in. You can’t possibly expect me to stab them with knives eh?”

Sheyan chuckled.

“Don’t worry. Though I didn’t manage to kill him, I robbed him of a suitcase of goods along with a pistol and 20 bullets within. If you fail to seize a rifle even after finishing those 20 bullets, I will directly guard your escape route.”

Brother Black’s dwelling location was frequently plagued with the chaos of wars, with poor living conditions. Even their tiny airfields were simple and crude, where planes were incapable of taking off under heavy storms.

In the end, after waiting for 2-3 days, Brother Black’s location had been engulfed by a consistent downpour for the same period, needing an additional day for the sun to finally dry the airfield.

Seeing that the 7 days checkpoint was approaching, Sheyan then pondered over the plausible contract with Zi and his party, and finally returned to the nightmare realm first.

After returning to the nightmare realm, Sheyan discovered there was a message for him.

The messenger was from none other, but Demondream.

Upon meeting up with Sheyan, Demondream cut to the chase and directly tendered a trade offer for three of Sheyan’s items – the divine stone ‘Odin’s Surge’, the Horcrux of the Elegant Hawksbill Turtle and that ‘+6 Chieftain’s Hobby’.

After inquiring about Sheyan’s needs, Demondream blatantly revealed her bargaining chip.

Knowing that the trio urgently required utility points, she directly offered them that dark-gold grade shield along with 350,000 utility points and a load of medicinal products. Amongst those products were also several honorary dosages.

To Reef and Mogensha whose military rank resided in the reserve-duty realm, casually consuming those medicines traded with achievement points wouldn’t be a problem.

Honestly speaking, though accessory types of equipment were valuably sparse, the MT was still one of the most important cores of a party where the valuation of their equipment was sky high.

Excluding a freak like Sheyan, a shield was still an essential item for an MT. Although a +6 accessory that could boost intelligence and charm was hefty, a massive sum of 350,000 utility points could immediately eliminate the trio’s desperate emergency. What more with the addition of medicinal replenishments?

In the realm, regeneration products were hailed as hard currency! Because they were akin to gold or dollars in the realm, they were frequently employed as currency as well. Moreover, anyone could and would use it. Hence overall, Sheyan had received the better end of this transaction.

However, Sheyan’s expression remained solemn without displaying a trace of positivity from this transaction. Instead, he suddenly asked Demondream.

“Are you sure of this deal? Is this really Zi’s intention?”

Demondream cast an icy glance at Sheyan.

“What do you think?”

Sheyan’s eyes squinted faintly. This was an expression that frequently appeared at the most crucial of times. For example, when facing that Uruk-hai Lurtz back in the Lord of the Rings World, or Scarface Harry in the Pirates of the Caribbean World, or that redoubtable Little Lord Fokke….Sheyan abruptly smiled.

“Fine then, I am truly expecting the next nightmare world.”

Demondream’s eyes were filled with pity as she stared at Sheyan before she mocked.

“I really can’t tell where your ridiculous confidence comes from.”

Sheyan laughed heartily and replied.

“It is pointless telling others about that.”

At this moment, both Reef and Mogensha also entered the realm. Upon hearing their transaction, they couldn’t help but frown.

Such an advantageous deal to them wasn’t actually a good thing. It undoubtedly meant that Zi and her Illume-union weren’t planning to owe anything to the trio.

From another perspective, it represented the Illume-union deciding to terminate their cooperation with the trio. Their original path towards an alliance to defy the returning Metals Professor had now dissolved.

This also implied that the Illume-union and Zeus’s Glory Party had surely reached an agreement, possibly a temporary peace treaty between both parties.

With their current state, the wings of Sheyan’s party Ace hadn’t fully developed yet. They definitely couldn’t contest against the revived Metals Professor and her backing, Zeus. In this instance, Sheyan could capture the thought processes of the Illume-union.

It was without a question that the Metals Professor’s group possessed a contestant that could track the world entry of a particular individual.

Such a perverted ability definitely had a limited usage. If their next nightmare world entry was for the sake of chasing down and killing Sheyan, then being unable to attend to other things simultaneously, they wouldn’t be able to track the Illume-union for the time being. When the Metals Professor and her gang dealt with Sheyan and buddies, most likely, the cooldown of that tracking ability would still be in effect.

If the Illume-union tossed out party Ace as bait, they could minimally earn 2-3 worlds of breathing space. During this phase, they would allow their cores to rapidly mature with the newly acquired objects, the ‘Odin’s Surge’ divine stone, the Elegant Hawksbill Turtle’s Horcrux and the ‘+6 Chieftain’s Hobby’. Naturally, they would be able to swiftly recover and supersede their previous optimate state.

“However…..with your actions, aren’t you afraid of smashing your own feet while shifting away from a boulder?” such a notion flashed past Sheyan’s mind as his lips curled into a sneer.

Soon after, in lieu that both Reef and Brother Black had returned to the realm, Sheyan immediately contacted them.

“Lads, it seems there’s a tiny wee trouble that awaits us…”

Party Ace then experienced a relatively calm period of stay in the realm, reminiscent of the calm before a storm; clouds pregnant with sultriness, anxiousness, irritableness and frantic.

Yet the trio appeared free of worries, as they proceeded to temper their basic abilities. Their temporary economic upturn prompted the trio to rapidly burn their money with shopping and others.

Time swiftly elapsed…. During this time, Sheyan unexpectedly received a realm message from Zi. Instead, the contents of that message was a blank space.

Evidently, a blank space could express many things.

It could be pointing towards her complicated situation that couldn’t be described with words, or could just be an accidental blank space, or that she had no other words for him…..its meaning was up to his own interpretation.

Chapter 602: Field army, so what?

Sheyan stared vacantly at Zi’s blank message for a short while.

Without saying anything, he proceeded to temper his own abilities.

The realm remained exceedingly tranquil, just like the crisis before a storm. In this period, Sheyan also visited Jinkuang only to watch him snoring loudly in his ragged sackcloth bag, appearing extremely idle.

After exhausting their period of stay in the realm, the trio contacted once again and discussed Sheyan’s problem. Brother Black then informed that he would probably be able to catch a flight to Amman, Jordan the next day, but flight transition would be a problem.

Although now a constitutional monarchy, Reef’s family clan still possessed relatively frightening influence. As a major aristocrat family that stood firmly for centuries, there wouldn’t be any difficult issues in places wherever a United Kingdom flag flutters.

Reef immediately guaranteed that Mogensha would receive a French Guiana passport in Amman, where he would take a flight transit to Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport. The whole process would require 23 hours, and though Brother Black sounded haughty he conducted his affairs with strict prudence. Furthermore, he even informed Sheyan he would be bringing along two capable subordinates to help.

Of the two, the first was called Mahakael of Asian descent, whose father was a Malaysian. The other was a charcoal head like Brother Black, known as Demu.

This time, the heavens were more accepting and Sheyan swiftly fetched those 3 strong aids from Guangzhou Baiyun airport. Mogensha’s subordinates treated him like like a deity. Like zealous believers, their gazes appeared as though they would stoop to kiss Mogensha’s foot.

Sheyan reckoned that without a doubt, those two subordinates would leap to receive a bullet for Mogensha. Obviously, that was the reason Brother Black brought them along. With them both, it was practically having two additional lives. One could tell that though Mogensha appeared forthright on the outside, he was rather meticulous on the inside. Besides, the real world was without equipments nor medicines. This was the best condition to slay another contestant, but a backfire would mean one could be rapidly dispatched off as well.

After alighting, the four humans then rode a taxi throughout the night for Fang Cheng Gang. Upon reaching the area, Sheyan tossed the pistol over to Mogensha. After toying around with it and firing off 3 trial shots, Mogensha nodded and chuckled.

“Not an issue boss, let’s go. The earlier we finish them off, the earlier we can have a good supper.”

Sheyan had made detailed and clear discrete investigations long ago. Since Uncle Dasi harbored thoughts of returning to his hometown, then the threat of Huashan Fei must definitely be eliminated. Not only that, his malignant claws, branches and roots must all be wiped out, to avoid any repercussions.

Therefore, though he knew about Huashan Fei being like an alarmed bird who hid with the Viets, Sheyan still barged into Fang Cheng Gang unbridled before beginning a violent purge.

Within a short 3 hours, Huashan Fei’s capable subordinates were all subdued, while his retail emporium became severely paralyzed and went offline. Of course, Sheyan didn’t forget to leave drugs lying in their houses as a testimony of their crimes.

Before their conduct could be discovered, the four operatives directly took off and arrived by the coast. Sheyan wasn’t idling the past days but had made adequate preparations.

Although Siqiao town had been leveled, the original residents weren’t buried along with it. Thus, through his capital and network, Sheyan managed to obtain a ‘Big Fly’ motorboat which was fully fuelled and waiting by the shore.

Never forget, titles could still be effective even in the present world. Thus, Sheyan piloted that motorboat with tremendously terrifying pace, causing the nearby Vietnamese coastal patrol boats to be far inferior. Therefore though they openly sailed through the sea, the coastal patrol boats of the Viets could only eat their trailing dust. Apart from loud curses, there was nothing they could do.

Within the pitch-darkness of night, a still silence.

kilometres from the Sino-Vietnamese border, outside a particular army campsite, patters of rain poured down continuously and washed away the dirt on leaves; releasing a shiny glint whenever the occasional torchlight flitted by.

Mahakael recoiled a steel wire onto his arm with an emotionless countenance. At his feet, a Vietnamese soldier was twitching while facing the ground. There was a long and deep cut on his neck, yet strangely, there wasn’t much blood leaking out.

As it turns out, the steel wire was smeared with a hemostatic drug, to prevent the stench of blood from alerting his foes.

The semi-automatic rifle of that Vietnamese soldier had already been snatched by Demu.

His thick black arms incessantly adjusted and modified the rifle, where his actions merely emitted a low muffled sound. After filing in addition to installing a long rifle barrel with such screwdriver works, the rifle had been modified into scarcely a mid-range sniper rifle. Then, he silently disappeared into the darkness.

After eliminating 5 sentinels of the camp and plundering their rifles, Brother Black tossed an AK to Mahakael. He then carried the other rifles on himself and waved to him. Mahakael doubtfully exclaimed.

“Your safety….”

By now, Brother Black had already a rough gauge of the enemy’s strength. Laughing aloud, he pointed to Sheyan.

“With him around, you don’t have to worry about my safety. Be my fire cover alright?”

Mahakael casted a doubtful look at Sheyan. Looking at this expression while calmly standing still, Sheyan simply appeared like he was passing this camp on a scenic tour. To him, the rainwater was like heavenly dew and pearl, as though he was immersed indulgently in it. Following that, Sheyan issued with a deep voice.

“Move in!”

He then raced for 20 plus metres before unleashing a heavy kick towards the military camp gates!

A siege! He is actually sieging directly!

Mogensha’s two subordinates looked on with popped eyes!

Although they estimated these military soldiers were merely ordinary, they weren’t so conceited as to believe the four of them could have a head-on confrontation!

Yet by spectating the fighting stance of this youth ahead, it was as though he had brought along a thousand supporting troops; attempting to ruthlessly crush the hundreds of soldiers ahead!

This was, after all, a country’s regular field army!

Warning sirens pierced out….With a stomp, the gates swayed while the surrounding walls trembled violently, as grains of cement rolled down. With a composed demeanor, Sheyan released another stomp!

Mogensha followed closely behind and stood around 5-6 metres behind Sheyan, while rampantly pressing an AK against his shoulder. He then casually produced his lighter and lit a cigar, before puffing deeply while maintaining his squinted eyes; appearing exceedingly infatuated.

As Mahakael beheld with astoundment, Sheyan’s second stomp ultimately succeeded.

The two massive iron gates emitted ‘creaking’ sounds before simultaneously distorting, renting inwards, and finally collapsing inwards!

Instantly after, militants flocked out of the campsite like a swarm of bees.

Yet it was futile because they currently had to face Golden AK Mogensha!

DA! DA! DA! DA! The spraying rumbles of the AK thundered out like a death talisman from the underworld.

Onrushing soldiers flipped into the air as bullets lodged within the middle of their brows. This depiction was practically like an invisible man carrying an invisible spear and striking against their foreheads. Whenever someone exited the base, his trigger was pressed.

All of a sudden, militants came racing out of the different base windows, doors and also the main headquarters entrance!

Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa! Mogensha swapped to his pistol and finished its bullets in no time. While swapping guns, his firepower suppression seemed to lack even a tinge of delay.

Soon from afar, the wall of the headquarter block crumbled sonorously.

All of a sudden, three militants rushed out as the first opened fire. Smoke fumigated out from Sheyan’s body where he had obviously received some shots. Yet at this moment, he pressed forward nonchalantly before hurling his bayonet ferociously!

That bayonet ripped out a radiant arc, and brutally punctured through the abdomens of two militants. Continuing with unstoppable momentum, it finally stabbed deep into the chest of the last guy!

Actually, even Sheyan didn’t expect that. As it turns out, the last unlucky brat that was stabbed, was that Vietnamese officer who sniped him with the Scout rifle previously.

Nevertheless, that military officer remained a tough nut. Coughing violently from having his lung impaled, chilling air filled his caving lungs causing him to wheeze coarsely during this battle. Clutching his mouth, blood streamed out from the cracks of his fingers and dripped gruesomely down his body.

Still, he executed a string of rows towards the side bed, before reaching out for a bottle of white wine.

As if nothing happened, he raised his head and flushed the spirited white wine through his bleeding wounds! It was truly a cruel and ruthless self-tormenting action. Then, he produced his sniper rifle and gradually aimed his black barrel over; the scope’s crosshair already desiring its target.

However, in this instance, a bloodstained bullet pierced in and shattered his sniper scope!

Actually, that bullet had pierced in from the back of that officer’s head, before exiting from his right eye and shattering into the sniper scope.

Naturally, this bullet was unleashed by the distant covering Demu. His shooting angle was ingeniously from the bird’s eye view of a barrack roof, where he could see everything clearly from there.

Chapter 603: Huashan Fei’s death

As the saying goes, a snake without a head will fail. With the death of their commanding officer, the entire base was thrown into disarray.

Sheyan continued assuming the position of a very qualified meatshield as he blocked Mogensha’s front with arms folded.

By now, Brother Black had already emptied out the magazine of his third semi-automatic rifle. Soon after, the entire base was devoid of the living.

Mogensha then absent-mindedly asked.

“You found the one you seek?”

Sheyan replied insipidly.

“I’m afraid I have to conduct a serious search.”

As he spoke, Sheyan advanced with large strides. Suddenly, hoarse engine rumbles filled the air. A military jeep had abruptly knocked down a lateral garage gate, where its tires were frenetically spinning out whirls of mud water as it collided straight for Sheyan!

The jeep’s blinding headlights flashed into Sheyan’s eyes. An average man would inevitably turn momentarily blinded, but instead, Sheyan’s pupils contracted and all he saw were faint dullish red beams. He was utterly unaffected!

As for the driver of that military jeep, it was indeed Sheyan’s primary target – Huashan Fei!

Clenching his teeth, Huashan Fei’s eyes shone with intense desperation! Containing an insanity that desired to bury Sheyan along with himself!

Yet towards the fanatical collision of a jeep like a raging horse, Sheyan’s action could only be described as effortless. Before the impact of the collision, he slammed his hand down onto the engine hood with slight effort, propelling his entire frame into the air; before landing half-kelt onto the jeep’s engine hood.

Throughout this intense process, Sheyan’s actions were as smooth as running water. There wasn’t even the tiniest bit of smoke or sparks, and not even a single cut.

Such nimble actions were absolutely not something a human could effortlessly execute. At this moment, lightning jolted through the skies, illuminating Sheyan’s cold and detached fixation on Huashan Fei’s distorted and stupefied countenance!

Sheyan then raised his fist and plummeted it through the windscreen, before grabbing Huashan Fei out with his limbs dangling. Shattered glass shards had scraped out bloodied lacerations across the face of this drug dealer, alongside his mournful and bitter wails.

The jeep then crashed into a nearby wall, causing tremors throughout the surface and finally a clamorous collapse.

Instead, Sheyan had already leaped off the jeep with Huashan Fei in his hands. He then shoved Huashan Fei to the ground and coldly declared.

“When you sliced off Uncle Dasi’s fingers then, did you ever think you’d end up like today?”

Instead, Huashan Fei cursed furiously.

“I should’ve chopped off his old limbs before carving out his throat!”

A ruthlessness floated within Sheyan’s eyes as he replied commandingly.

“AK, I heard Mahakael is an excellent interrogator no?”

Brother Black spat out a ball of fumes before answering contentedly.

“He is a talent in that aspect.”

Sheyan stared at Huashan Fei and grimly ordered.

“Then bring me Mahakael. Sever off his fingers and toes and feed it back to him!”

Mogensha lifted his fingers and gestured towards the distance. Very quickly, Mahakael arrived without a sound, gazing at Mogensha like how a slave would observe his master.

After a series of briefings, Mahakael very bluntly tugged up Huashan Fei’s hair. Not even 5 minutes later, he satisfied Sheyan’s request.

At this moment, Huashan Fei no longer appeared like a human, and he could only beg for a quick death.

Sheyan sighed and bestowed him with a bullet.

Moreover, Sheyan had already been informed earlier on, that old Black Devil that was Xide’s* dad had already died in an incomparably brutal gang fight. This meant that all his malignant tumors had been cleaned away, and the pathway to home had finally been purged.

(TN:*Xide was a spoilt brat Sheyan killed in volume 1 (ch 1-7))

Therefore, now that he had concluded matters back in the real world, it was time to face the challenges of the nightmare realm.

Sheyan then led Mogensha’s three-party delegation to the north and provided them a nice taste of this civilized ancient country, China’s culture. Brother Black and his lads responded with gasps of amazement. To their memory, their own nation’s historic culture was filled with leaves, insects, food, and witchcraft.

It was absolutely unlike China, where every mountain appeared like forts they had to occupy. The daoist temples and monasteries perfectly blended with the famous mountains and great rivers into one body. The five millennial history of China was like a stone forest of steeles, where each archaic character greatly infected their impressions.

This time, Sheyan and his buddies didn’t receive a prolonged period of stay in the real world and were quickly summoned back into the realm.

His military rank had matured to a relatively outstanding state, where his Major rank allowed him a list of information even while he was back in the present world.

[ Your current military rank: Major ]

[ You belong to a Silver Prestige party: Party Ace ]

[ Your party presently includes: 1 Growth-hunter, 1 Reserve-duty Growth-hunter, 1 contestant ]

[ Your next adventuring world: The Matrix ]

[ This world timeline will follow vice party leader no.770123’s world development. Party member’s world developments and relations may be preserved, or substituted with other means ]

[ After calculations, your main mission difficulty: B+ ]

[ This world will include 3 parties for a total of 58 participating contestants. Your missions may be mutually conflicting with each other ]

[ Best of luck ]

Upon receiving this report, Sheyan immediately informed his two comrades. Reef then hastily returned to the nightmare realm and converged with them.

Time swiftly sped by and soon, a large multitude of contestants had gathered by the realm’s plaza.

To avoid unwanted attention, the trio especially found a remote location to hide. Regarding Zi divulging that the Metals Professor would track their activities, Reef couldn’t help but believe, but he also wasn’t fully convinced!

Besides, through intelligence he was aware of, such formidable tracking abilities did exist. However, their usage price was definitely larger than what she described.

Perhaps Zeus finally realized his true love was the Metals Professor, Fu Lyanna, or perhaps she really harbored a deep private grudge against his mates…but whether she could persuade Zeus to activate such capabilities for her own personal affairs, that was a different story.

Besides to Zeus, Party Ace was a trifling small fiddle. A party with such a tiny persona was unworthy of him inciting a war.

However, not long after the trio appeared in the realm plaza, a flock of individuals started circling around them without a word. Besides, Brother Black had obstinately decided to carry along his striking Golden AK. A petite figure dressed in a violet mantle and a covered hat walked out from the flock and blocked the trio’s front.

“Seaman, AK. Have you ever wondered there would be a today?”

Even a man who feared neither heaven nor earth like Mogensha, when facing the prestige of his former liege, couldn’t help feeling pressured.

Instead, Sheyan was different. He was an individual naturally born a grand spectacle!

He stood ahead and indifferently refuted.

“So what If I did, and what if I didn’t?”

As she was just about to speak up, another person stood forward. He wasn’t a stranger, but indeed Eros whom they had crossed paths within the Avatar world. However, he was clearly Prince Stalo’s underling yet for unknown reasons, he was now standing by Zeus.

He sized Sheyan up meaningfully and uttered.

“The Illume-union whom you leaned on like a Great Wall has already entered a nightmare world. They definitely cannot return to aid you. As long as you accede to three conditions, you won’t have to die today.”

Sheyan laughed in response.

“Do tell.”

“500,000 utility points or an equivalent worth of equipments.” Eros stuck out his first finger.

“You shall leave your party, leaving only Reef behind. We will then join your party, and Reef must hand over the leadership to Zeus.” Eros stuck out his second finger.

“Every time a world concludes, you must supply us with 50 of your buff dosages.” Eros stuck out his third finger.

Upon hearing those three conditions, Sheyan suddenly realized he had underestimated his own worth. More accurately phrasing, he had underestimated the value of his personally established Party Ace.

A Silver Prestige party, a domineering MT and his own dynamic supportive gene-mixes. Any of those three reasons alone were sufficient to incite Glory Party’s covetous intent! What more, there were three such reasons?

Yet after presenting those three incomparably harsh conditions, and before Sheyan could answer, the Metals Professor, Fu Lyanna, yelled out.

“Absolutely not! We cannot let him off so lightly.”

Having his words being interrupted, Eros revealed a distasteful look. However, Fu Lyanna’s countenance was far worse.

“Lightly? Lighter than your mother!” Sheyan revealed an alarmed and fearful expression, looking as though he would bend his knee in compliance in another second. This reaction ingeniously tricked many others, but when they all felt he was above to cave in, he actually cursed with such absurdity!

His words were gentle but its intent was additionally explicit. It was essentially like a needle piercing into their eardrums, someone everyone could fathom distinctively! Nobody could’ve anticipated that Seaman would actually be so untamed and abusive under such circumstances.

Moreover, Sheyan’s following course of actions caused everyone to become speechless. He directly stood in front of the Metals Professor, Fu Lyanna, and pointed a middle finger at her face. Then, he jabbed it up and down for a few times, before icily declaring.

“I can kill you once, then I can definitely kill you ten times! If you have the balls, then come!”

Pointing a middle finger was evidently a signal of provocation!

In this instance, even Eros was completely stunned. But at this very moment, Reef just had to step forward with mutual hostility as he stretched out his right hand, before pointing his thumb towards the ground; parading it before the Metals Professor and her group.

Chapter 604: Ghost Ship

There was nothing much underlying to the obvious significance of that action. Yet in a flash, Reef’s nightmare imprint suddenly radiated with a glaring shine!

Gasps could soon be heard….A Growth-hunter, an MT class Growth-hunter!!!!

According to the public’s understanding, Reef had already squandered a few attempts at awakening. Even after his party went all in, he still failed. There was seemingly no chance for him to experience a reversal of fortune. Frequently, he was viewed as chicken ribs and would incur much ridicule by others. There was also probably one of the reasons Zi’s party had decided to abandon their cooperation with the trio.

Nevertheless, everyone was aware of this. For one that had gone through upteem times of struggle, and finally crawled out with excruciating difficulty out of his predicament…….those were the truly valiant and terrifying individuals!

Only a phrase could describe them.

Accumulation of strength for a steadfast delivery!

Therefore in this instant, for the Reef who had risen abruptly like a comet but gradually sunk into decline……with his sudden exhibition of might, he released a strong and contrasting feedback that shook everyone abnormally.

Kacha! Brother Black suddenly slapped his rifle butt.

Each individual of Party Ace had taken turns, as they utilized different patterns to spite Eros and the Metals Professor!

Of course, a peculiar blue radiance also emerged and enveloped their Party Ace. That radiance resembled the territory of a blue spiderweb; sticky, venomous, tenacious and unrelenting! Evidently, that was the tracking ability activated by Glory Party!

“Wonderful, splendid.” The Metals Professor, Fu Lyanna, gritted her teeth. “If you can survive the next world, I will commit suicide on the spot!”

At present, the time to enter the next world had arrived. A huge oval transportation array doorway appeared in the plaza.

When the trio approached that array doorway, their body periphery started dispersing a maroon glow; a luster similar to the ‘Dead Sea Scroll’. It then converged towards a portion of that transportation array.

Clicks of wonder erupted from the crowd, as Glory Party’s peculiar blue radiance was being obstructed by that maroon blood shine and rebounded away!

One could distinctly observe another blood red door slowly congealing by the side of that transportation array doorway. Although it was merely a 2-metre tall red door and could only permit a single file of entry, it was utterly dwarfed in comparison to that huge white array doorway.

At this instant, several knowledgeable contestants immediately perceived what the trio counted on! Those three dudes have actually initiated a hidden world!

Only individuals with the qualifications of entering a hidden world could pass through that blood door! Even a tracking pursuant ability would equally be stifled by the unsurpassable regulations of the nightmare world!

Instead, the caster of this tracking ability had already wasted an immense price, to commence its activation 7 days ago. Moreover, it couldn’t be halted midway.

If Zeus and his party failed to track the trio down today, then this will have to be minimally postponed to possibly three worlds later. This signified that the trio had the confidence of maturing to the stage of Growth-hunters within 3 worlds!

Pursuing and slaying 3 Growth-hunters of which one was an indomitable MT, Zeus’s party probably wouldn’t be able to shoulder such an immense price!

Moreover, the cruelty of the latter stages of the war in the realm was simply unimaginable. Even attempting to kill a single Growth-hunter due to internal strife, may result in one strangling his own line of survivability.

Obviously, this trump card that the trio pulled was seemingly out of the opposing party’s expectation, because a hidden world could only be encountered serendipitously.

It was akin to a lucky draw for the entire population in each period of time. Actually, to most of the contestants, such a generous prize was analogous to have once in a lifetime reward.

Yet in reality, for the trio to immediately participate in that ‘Resident Evil, Origin Chapters’ world, it would be an immense risk in retrospect to their current capabilities. The dangers wouldn’t pale in comparison to the previous Lord of the Rings world. In spite of them, after weighing everything, it would be much safer than facing a deadly pursuit from Glory Party!

Watching Reef and Brother Black stepping into the blood door, Sheyan similarly sauntered towards the blood door. He then suddenly swung round and smirked at the Metals Professor, Fu Lyanna.

“You can proceed to commit suicide right now!”

His statement was in mockery to Fu Lyanna’s prior proclamation – “If you can survive the next world, I will commit suicide on the spot!”

Her complexion turned ashen as she hadn’t foreseen herself falling into such an awkward situation! But at this very moment, a deep and sullen tone rang out.

“I can enter the hidden world, and deal with him without any assistance from you. Zeus, state your price.”

This was a familiar voice. Indeed, it came from Prince Stalo. Upon hearing Stalo’s words, Sheyan reflexively halted his footsteps and turned around. His gaze was brimming with severity as well as a sliver of taunt.

Stalo’s words were quickly answered by Zeus, while Sheyan remained unable to fathom Zeus’s appearance. He could only distinctively sense a spell of chilling winds gusting towards him from afar!

“Since Reef has promoted to a Growth-hunter, I will be able to settle them in the next realm war. Stalo, do you still demand a price tag?”

Stalo snorted.

“So you feel that I’m being meddlesome? So be it, it isn’t my woman who loses face anyway.”

Zeus’s voice resounded again.

“I know what you want. You desire that vital item of an Awakener in the next battle right? I can consider….”

Stalo then interrupted.

“I don’t need your considerations. I just need you to refrain from fighting over it with me. Also, a staying over at a hidden world requires utility points, you can’t expect me to fork out that amount.”

Zeus paused silently for a brief while and replied.

“Fu Lyanna, hand him 20,000 utility points.”

At this moment, a black-robed individual with a hooded concealed head abruptly trudged forward. One could notice a nose ring fastened at his nose. It was him who casted the blue radiance onto Sheyan and his buddies.

“Since Prince is willing to act, that would be for the best. However, it seems that Seaman is entering a Caribbean sea world. Keeping in mind his name and prior arrogance, it isn’t hard to decipher that he possesses his own methods or even a ship in this world. If you rashly enter, there’s a chance of being restrained.”

After hearing his advice, Stalo’s expression turned solemn.

“You’re right, thank you Finarsih.”

At present, Sheyan hadn’t passed through that red array doorway. Upon hearing Finarsih’s statement, his face changed drastically. Staring deep into his eyes, Sheyan executed a throat-slitting gesture. Instead, Finarsih scoffed; he couldn’t even count how many individuals had threatened him previously, but all of them ended up dead instead. Prince Stalo then laughed hysterically and called loudly.

“Douglas! Accompany me! Let your ghost ship overwhelm them with endless terror!”

An undersized amicably looking male strolled in front of Prince Stalo, before he bowed at a 90 degrees angle. He then smiled craftily.

“I can sweep through all foes of the seas for your excellency! Even the three legendary warships will retreat before me!”

Following that, Stalo appointed another contestant to follow him. After activating an item, he tailed Sheyan’s footsteps and stepped into that blood array door!

Observing the sliding blood door gradually shutting, Finarsih suddenly blurted into his party channel.

“Zeus, where should our Glory Party’s next destination be? My track-hunting ability still has 5 minutes before it ceases. Its cooldown will last for three worlds.”

Since the arrow was already mounted on the bow, they had no choice but to unleash it. After a slight hesitation, Zeus commanded.

“Track the Illume-union’s entry world! During my transaction with Demondream, you should’ve already caught her scent. I’ve been tolerating the Illume-union for far too long, only to meet with their constant tarrying and reluctance for a merger. It is high time I settle this once and for all.”

That nose-ring Finarsih hesitated briefly before inquiring.

“But, our agreement with Demondream?”

Immediately, the Metals Professor coldly interrupted.

“Don’t you ever forget, though this tracking ability is your sole possession, the expense incurred is shouldered by the entire party! Should all our mustered efforts be in vain? An agreement is meant to be shredded apart! Furthermore, the Illume-union wouldn’t expect our sudden intrusion! This will indeed be an unexpected outcome!”

Zeus declared icily.

“Comply with Fu Lyanna’s words.”

That blue spiderweb radiance once again enveloped that huge transportation array doorway. Proceeding from there, Glory Party……entered as a whole!

Meanwhile, after dissolving into the blood red array door, the trio didn’t enter directly into a world. Instead, they arrived in a place similar to that ending summary location.

Instantaneously, he received a list of notifications.

[ You are about to enter the hidden world: Resident Evil, Origin Chapters ]

[ All hidden worlds are not independent destinations, but an extension of a main world. Therefore, you are unable to directly enter a hidden world, but must enter through the district of a main world ]

[ After entering the Caribbean Sea world, you must reach the ‘Resident Evil, Origin Chapters’ hidden world entrance within 152 hours ]

[ You will be penalized 1 basic attribute point for an additional 1 hour spent in the Caribbean Sea world, after this 152 hours duration. After two hours, you will be randomly deducted 2 points……and so on ]

[ Your current rank: Major – With Tortuga as the nexus, you can freely choose your entry point within a 5,000 nautical miles radius ]

Chapter 605: Major vs Reserve-duty Brigadier General

Sheyan couldn’t refrain from cursing the realm after viewing the list of notifications.

When he had returned to the present world previously, he utilized his idle time to conduct some internet research. Analyzing the naval coordinates written on Bernard Fokke’s voyage log, he went one step further to figure out Bernard Fokke’s concrete sailing route towards Africa.

During his research, he realized there was probably a gulf stream in the Caribbean Sea world that wasn’t a reality in the real world. This gulf stream was named by Bernard Fokke as Pandora’s Gulfstream. As long as one sailed in accordance to this gulf stream, even a purely wind reliant ship could voyage with unparalleled velocity.

Though that was so, Sheyan could infer that with the Dingyuan, he would require at least 6 days to reach Africa.

Of course, that was in the case of zero outside interference. Instead, the realm had mercilessly handed them only 152 hours!! This indicated that Sheyan only had an 8 hour buffer period! This point alone offered Sheyan an immense display of severity to the horrors of this world!

Regardless, Sheyan could only sigh and accept his fate. He then immediately contacted the Dingyuan, of which he realized his crew of pirates had just pillaged a Spanish merchant ship, before sailing to the pirate’s port, Tortuga, to offload their dirty goods. After resupplying, those pirates had just sailed out of the port.

At present, they were estimatedly not even a hundred nautical miles away from Tortuga.

Sheyan immediately designated his destination to be Tortuga. Then, he instructed his pirate crew to hastily pick them up. Afterwards, the trio proceeded to enter the Caribbean Sea word.

Sheyan was now a veteran of Tortuga and before he entered the realm, he had overheard the conversation between Stalo and Zeus. Knowing that they would most likely be in pursuit today, he led the trio towards the port harbor at once. With a half-trading-half-commandeering method, he acquired a tiny single-masted boat and hastily sailed out.

In this manner, it prevented a direct confrontation against Stalo’s group on dry land. Secondly, it would save him additional time!

A measly 8 hours buffer time….a chance encounter with a legendary creature or a tempestuous storm could utterly ruin those 8 hours. Hence, Sheyan didn’t dare to play the card of simply awaiting his subordinates, opting to save any tiny bit of additional time!

Meanwhile, Stalo had recruited an underling named Douglas as he followed Sheyan’s footsteps into this world. Their designation point was also Tortuga port, where Prince Stalo had to fork out a whole 5 achievement points and 10,000 utility points to accomplish that.

Even though he was a Reserve-duty Brigadier General who was conferred with an array of privileges, the number of free privileges offered to him was vastly inferior to Sheyan!

When they finally arrived at the harbour, they could only behold a tiny single-masted boat seemingly about to disappear into the misty ocean. Brother Black was presently waving his arms enthusiastically from afar while blowing whistles at them.

Prince Stalo snorted coldly and immediately hopped onto a lateral fishing boat, which had just anchored by the port.

Unbeknownst what Douglas whispered to the pirates of that fishing boat, one could only observe flourishing black gas enshrouding the heads of those pirates, before manipulating them to jump overboard as though they were hypnotized.

Spash! Spash! Only sparing an adequate amount of manpower to pilot the ship, Douglas commenced his tight pursue of Sheyan!

Right now, the gap between both ships were approximately 2-3 kilometres.

With such a vast distance between them, excluding a specialized sniper like Mcdh, it would be impossible to harm one’s opponent. After pursuing a long while, Douglas still failed to pull in or shorten the gap.

Initially brimming with confidence, Douglas started to frown suspiciously as he spoke to Prince Stalo.

“My title of ‘Pirate Captain’ can enhance a ship’s passive velocity by 15%. Moreover, our ship has probably more members as compared to Seaman’s puny boat. Yet our speed is actually even. Could it be that Seaman brat possesses an equipment that can substantially boost one’s sailing velocity? An equipment that can absolve the disparity between the two?”

Prince Stalo’s white hair fluttered along the wind, as he shut his eyes with both arms folded across his chest and issued.

“Since he dares to spout such conceited nonsense, he definitely has tricks up his sleeves. That guy’s supportive abilities are extremely impressive, don’t worry about such abnormalities. With such a vast distance….oh hoh, it seems like only a military rank ability can cause disturbances over this distance. I shall assist you a little.”

While speaking, Prince Stalo’s nightmare imprint emanated a dull brilliance. This was the military rank ability, ‘Clout of Dignity’, Prince Stalo had acquired when he advanced to the Reserve-duty Brigadier General rank.

Within a large area, all foes would suffer a 10% of absolute speed decline, an effect that couldn’t be weakened, but totally ineffective against individuals with a higher military rank. Stalo would use this military ability to compliment his personal ‘Beckoning of the Extreme North’ Ice halo ability. The total movement speed suppression on his foes would be tremendously terrifying.

Of course, it was useless against individuals of higher military rank…..instantaneously, a slightly mild ripple stirred in the air over the roaring sea, before an invisible rippling ring swept out with unbelievable speed.

The ripple swept through Sheyan’s boat, but Prince Stalo was instantly flabbergasted!! He actually received a notification detailing that the opponent was immune to his ability!!

“How could that be! Right, it should be Reef. Afterall, he was the nucleus of his previous party, he should also be the nucleus of this Party Ace. If the natural resources of that party are being poured into him, then his military rank could really be higher than mine. Hmm….if I manage to rope in Reef, could I possibly contest Zeus?”

Thinking of that, many other notions jolted through Prince Stalo’s mind. Although his military ability had failed, he didn’t voice out about his deflated attempt. Instead, he questioned Douglas.

“You have activated your ‘Ghost Ship’ ability, are they rushing here?”

Douglas nodded haughtily.

“Yes, my Ghost Ship drains away all capabilities in exchange for an unrivaled speed that can shuttle through even Hades itself. Of course, the consequences of that is having the ship and its members receiving the corruption of Hades. When carrying any human or goods, they would all receive the corruption of Hades. Therefore, this is a pathetic ability in terms of profiting for money, but an excellent drive for speed sailing. It would be here within half an hour, we just need to tightly keep up with them.”

Stalo then callously announced.

“I will handle the rest as you can reduce the gap to less than a hundred metres.”

After another 10 minutes of the voyage, the appalled Stalo suddenly realized they were being shrugged off.

This was a simple logic, his peddling pirates on board would eventually run out of energy. Coincidentally, a tiny island was sighted ahead.

This island didn’t have a broad area but was surrounded by 23 metres high precipitous cliffs. There was no sandy shore to ascend. In the past, it was used as a prison but was now already deserted. Because the island top was covered with white cliff rocks, Seaman and his pirates had previously hailed it as the Alps island.

Following the brewing sea breeze, Sheyan’s tiny boat rounded past a cliff of Alps Island before fading behind the cover the rocky cliff with swift precision.

After his enemy had disappeared from his line of sight, Prince Stalo frowned. Instead, Douglas abruptly cheered.

“Woah oh! Your Excellency, Prince, my baby has punctually arrived!”

Upon concluding his speech, a hazy greyish mist started encompassing the sea surface.

Gradually, a silhouette of a tattered 3-masted ship appeared with a shape that appeared like a streamline yacht of later generations. The ship’s masts weren’t towering and its sails were exceedingly ragged.

The members on board appeared with lifeless demeanor, gloomily residing amidst the mist where their thought processors had probably frozen long ago.

Those were crew members that Douglas had formed by utilizing the corpses of decaying undead.

Sheyan wasn’t the only one who had fortuitous encounters. This Douglas had managed to acquire the favor of Blackbeard and learned a couple of sinister dark magic spells.

Moreover, his cannons were all infused with dark sorcery, where the artillery might and range of his Ghost Ship was relatively outstanding; vastly exceeding Sheyan’s Dingyuan.

Although his crew members didn’t possess the battle capabilities of those decaying undead, they possessed the manifold HP of one and were more intelligent than them! Hence, they wouldn’t perish while shuttling through Hades. Those members were absolutely obedient to Douglas and knew no fatigue or weariness, neither were they fearful of death.

Of course, these undead members had one prominent flaw. Firstly, they had an expiry date where they could possibly exist for 3 months. Secondly, they possessed sluggish reactions, displaying with great delays and dull response time upon receiving their orders.

As such, Douglas had to constantly devise ways of replenishing his crew members, and the battle capabilities of his Ghost Ship was also confined greatly. Those slugging response time caused the accuracy of cannon bombardment, as well as the threat of naval boarding battles to plunge substantially. Otherwise, just the special characteristics of Douglas’s Ghost Ship alone could allow him to challenge the legendary warships.

“Hehe.” Douglas’s face revealed a malicious intent.

“I shall toy with those scums ahead before I eliminate them. Even if my Ghost Ship doesn’t morph into its apparition form, its speed still ranks near the foremost of the Caribbean Sea! Apart from the Black Pearl, none can chase up to my beauty!”

Following Douglas’s commands, the Ghost Ship unhurriedly adjusted its sails; leaving a delusion that it was storing up energy, akin to a human making preparatory exercises before a sprint.

Proceeding from there, it surged forth as its bow cleaved through the billowing waves! Like a swordfish, it charged straight for its distant target with thriving deftness!

Such a speed was seemingly comparable to the speedboats of the real world!

Chapter 606: The unresigned Stalo

Douglas roared with immeasurable ecstasy while slashing the necks of those newly seized pirates, before allowing his ghost pirates to suck their blood. Then, he squinted his eyes with satisfaction, before lighting a cigarette