Chapter 476: Spring lilies blossoming in the family

Beginning of volume 8

Sanzi revealed a licentious smile to Sheyan’s words.

“Brother Yan your memory is truly amazing. Yes, she is only 32 this year, but her husband is a wastrel and a drunkard. The third day of the previous year, I heard he fell into the water; nobody knows whether he drowned because he lost his footing, or because he was drunk. Moreover, they didn’t have a single child. Not that nobody had designs on her, but Old Song was previously a butcher with a greedy and uncouth personality; working the widow was akin to reducing two workers on his payroll. Since then, he refused to yield, and other suitors could only sulk dully and helplessly.”

“I have no clue why, but everytime she delivers food, I notice that Uncle Dasi and her get along pretty well. These few days, every time she delivers food, they would always converse for rather long. This Shrimp paste was given by her. Di Gu should be helping Uncle Dasi to change his dressing now; if you disturb now, wouldn’t it be foiling their bliss?”

“Oh? Something like that really happened?” Sheyan’s vigor was roused, and would obviously refrain from committing such a crime. After pondering a little, he disembarked and headed towards Xiwu pier to purchase some things, before returning to slowly enjoy these sliced delicacies with Sanzi.

Only at 2 in the afternoon, did he finally get to see Uncle Dasi sending Di Gu out. When uncle Dasi caught sight of Sheyan, his aged face flushed with delight; but immediately shouted for his workers to to continue working, to mask his embarrassment.


Sheyan laughed internally as he spectated, proceeding to exchange greetings with Uncle Dasi as he refrained from exposing him. Afterwards, he feigned that he had forgotten something, and seized this excuse to rush out; before proceeding to bar He Fengdi’s way.


Old Song’s restaurant was located at the north of Xiwu pier, around the southern part of that area. To reach there, one had to pass through a sparse coconut grove, where leaves were on the verge of extinction. With the scorching sunlight beating down, there wasn’t a single person present during the afternoon. Sheyan hastily rushed up to her from behind, before calling her. That lady was rather taken aback, as she raised her eyes to scour at him.

Sheyan hadn’t had the chance previously, and similarly examined the lady before him. Probably due to operating near stoves, she wore black hair netting; preventing a single hair from leaking out. Her sleeves were slightly half-folded, while her baggy trousers were tugged into her cloth shoes. Her bearing appeared keenly neat and tidy.

Her face was the shape of a goose egg, were her brows neither too thick nor thin; only, her lips were slightly puckered. She release an impression of gentleness and decisiveness. Her figure somewhat ample and sleek, while her features became more pleasant with every glance. A pearl sized birthmark on her forehead added to her charm.

On the whole, though she appeared somewhat in her forties, it was mainly due to her make up making her look more mature. According to Sheyan’s observation, if she adorned fresher looking clothes, she would definitely appear like a charming young married woman around the age of 30.


“Is it Di Gu?” Sheyan amicably smiled while speaking. “My Uncle Dasi forgot something he wanted you to have. His skin is rather thin, but you know his personality. That is why I’m helping him with this.”

While he explained, Sheyan produced a golden bracelet. Xiwu pier had always been a dirty port not just in name; Sheyan was immensely clear on the state of illegal businesses in this region. Thus, without much effort, he managed to purchase this previously. He Fengdi glanced at the 2-3 bangles of glistening yellow; noticing its elaborate craftsmanship, she asked in shock.

“What are you trying to do?”

Sheyan stared at her solemnly, his gaze turning sharp but his tone remained relatively neutral.

“Uncle Dasi brought me up since young, sacrificing his own youth. As long as my old man can live happily, I will be extremely contented. Although I purchased that boat, the owner of it is Uncle Dasi. If you don’t believe, you can examine it.

Sheyan then fished out the recently drafted contract. Instead, He Fengdi exclaimed.

“Aiyaayaa, what does it have to do with me!”

Sheyan swept a look at her, before replying unenthusiastically.

“I’m just showing it to you, I never said it involves you.”

As he spoke, he unfolded the contract and earnestly pointed to show her. Not knowing why, but when Sheyan phrased it such a way, He Fengdi felt like she couldn’t reject it at all; and proceeded to pry at it like it was just a curious coincidence. Indeed, the named owner of the boat was Uncle Dasi.

Sheyan then casually handed the golden bracelet to her.

“This is what Uncle Dasi wanted me to bring over, take it.”

He Fengi casted a look at it and got a huge fright; as though she was scalded by something. Immediately, she retracted her hand and questioned.

“How can I accept something so valuable?”

Her response was already within Sheyan’s calculations. He chuckled and placed the golden bracelet onto a rock nearby.

“Then just treat it as if you just picked it up.”

He Fengdi angstily rebuked.

“How can I treat it as if I just picked it up!”

Sheyan no longer wished to talk much, shrugging his shoulders he replied while he left.

“Then let someone else pick it up. Uncle Dasi instructed me; ‘if the receiver doesn’t want it, then toss it into the sea. I cannot lose that person’!”

“Hey, hey!!” Stamping her feet behind while carrying her food trays, how would she chase up to the energetic Sheyan? Let’s talk truthfully; which female wouldn’t be vain? Which female wouldn’t love beauty? Especially to a woman like her who had experienced marriage and widowhood, she understood the rapid changing temperament of humans. When viewing other old hags flaunting off their riches and making individualistic comparisons, nobody would be willing to remain as a mere admirer.

He Fengdi examined the golden bracelet again, as her eyes revealed a bewitched allurement. She couldn’t resist the urge of testing it on her wrist. When Sheyan glanced back to peep, his lips curled into a slight smile.

If He Fengdi was a young lady, then dealing with her would be much tougher. However, she was an oppressed widow, making it much simpler to convince her. If the chances of matchmaking between her and Uncle Dasi were around 30%, then with Sheyan winging them, even if it wasn’t in the bag, it would at least be 90%.

Following that during dinner, Sheyan made a stealthy attempt to eavesdrop; discovering that He Fengdi didn’t mention anything about a bracelet, but her treatment towards Uncle Dasi had turned additionally gentler. Knowing this affair was more or less successful, he proceeded to entrust cash with Sanzi; allowing him to purchase those bizarre specimens of food and stuffs to place on the boat.

Those things weren’t necessarily precious, but focused on the term ‘novelty’; allowing Uncle Dasi the excuse to frequently gift her such novel specimens. People often say, ‘one has to show face after accepting one’s grace’. Therefore, constantly consuming and receiving; in a viler perspective, naturally one’s clothings will slowly become looser…..

As time trickled by, the intimacy between Uncle Dasi and He Fengdi became warmer. Meanwhile, Sanzi also repeatedly ran errands in purchasing raw materials for Sheyan. Hence, in his free time, Sheyan started making progress in his concoctions. His ‘Mantis gene-mix*’ managed to advance a stage. Presently, the fruits of his research was – Attack speed increase by 5%, movement speed increase by 5 points, accuracy decline by 1%. In critical moments, like pursuing or fleeing, that 5 points of movement speed bonus would come into play.

(TN:*this is the gene-mix he created himself back in ch 53 of Lotr world (vol.6)

On the eve of Fu Yuan’s first official voyage, Sheyan received notice from the realm to return. In view of that abnormal malfunction, turning 9 days inside the realm into more than a month, Sheyan embraced Sanzi and briefed him in full details; causing Sanzi to turn apprehensive as though they were going to part forever.


Everything went without saying after he returned to the realm. This time, Sheyan received the relevant notification not long after stepping into the realm.

[ Your current military rank: First Lieutenant. ]

[ You are attached to a Silver party: Party Ace. ]

[ Your current party includes: 1 Reserve-duty Growth-hunter, 2 contestants. ]

[ Your next adventuring world: Pirates of the Caribbean world. ]

[ World progression rate will be determined by the progress of party leader, no.1018. Related relationships of party members pertaining to this world may be preserved, or converted in other ways. ]

[ Citing an example: In Sheyan’s world progression, Alchemist Peigan had already been killed. However, by chance if Reef had a ‘Worshipped’ relationship with him, upon entering, though Peigan will remain dead, he would be substituted with someone else; possibly his son / wife / alchemy apprentice. The substitution will maintain a ‘Worshipped’ relationship with Reef, and provide roughly the same functionalities as Alchemist Peigan. ]

[ After evaluating, your main mission difficulty: B-. ] (Realm calculates party Ace as 1 Reserve-duty Growth-hunter and 2 contestants. The realm’s difficulty evaluation primarily factors in a contestant’s status, attribute points etc. It does not directly calculate an individual’s battle capabilities – this is to prevent contestants from mutilating themselves to lower their battle capability, and subsequently reducing the mission difficulty) ]

Sheyan couldn’t help but sigh deeply as he browsed through the list of notifications. His emotions were like a surging tide…..

“Formidable Ammand…..the wealthy Turtuga port*…..the semi-cursed Flying Dutchman crew ……the extravagant and elegant Captain Jack Sparrow….that mysterious yet invincible Little Lord Fokke!!! How can I forget such memories, how can I ever forget!”

(TN:*I have changed the name of the port in his first visit to this world to Turtuga port (with a U). Explanation will be given later. Just know that this port is different from the Tortuga port of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie)

“I was just a measly, unworthy and negligible Seaman in your eyes, but I’ve since matured to a stage I can meet you head on. The spirit of the Pirates of the Caribbean is always filled with danger, magic, valor and treasures. With my resurgence back into this world, I must uncover the greatest secrets of your world!”

At this moment, both Reef and Mogensha similarly received the shared notification from Sheyan. Reef* and Mogensha hadn’t gone through this world before. Therefore going by this logic, there wouldn’t be conflicts of mutual world progression. At present, Sheyan inquired about the status of Mogensha’s mission to mend his Silver grade spear. Instead, Mogensha sighed, and shook his head while he spoke.

(TN:*previously, Reef only made a brief appearance in this world but didn’t fully experience it)

(TN: World progression refers to the exploring rate/ development rate in the world)

(TN: My guess is the realm evaluated 2 contestants because Mogensha doesn’t have his silver sparta spear)

Chapter 477: Rescue? Pirate or Marine.

As it turns out, Mogensha only attained a ‘B+’ score after completing his mission, which also meant the realm tacitly approved the mending of his broken spear. However, the process of mending wasn’t instant, but required a definite time! ……exactly the same situation as when Sheyan appraised his ‘Hyrdralisk acidic gland’! As such, that equated to Brother Black losing the offensive might of his unrivalled silver storyline grade spear in the coming world!

Following that, the trio proceeded to enhance their unenhanced equipments and weapons by 2 stages; upholding the principle of ceasing their enhancements once encountering a failure. Besides, the failure rate of enhancement to ‘+1’ stage wasn’t considered high. This time, Sheyan was exceedingly lucky, probably due to good fortune sown by playing middlemen for Uncle Dasi. While enhancing his equipment, he went on an incredibly unexpected streak; enhancing his ‘Barbarous Crust Armour’ all the way to ‘+4’. Ultimately, the ‘+4’ stage granted him a bonus property, and he managed to draw a special rare property:

[ During combat with storyline characters, cooldown of the ‘Zergling Rush’ ability is zero and ability can be activated consecutively. During combat with contestants, this ability retains a 30 seconds cooldown. ]

Actually, there was a chance for drawing another special rare property for his armour; where his attack damage wouldn’t be lowered for the ‘Zergling Rush’ ability. Sadly, he didn’t draw it…..

With such extravagant enhancements, the defensive and offensive capabilities of the trio was raised by approximately 8-10%; a feat somewhat bound to happen eventually. Following that, they toured the realm marketplace to purchase their routine supplies of bandages and so on.

With the conclusion of the realm war, the prices of commodities once again plunged into an acceptable range. Nevertheless, the expenditure rate of party Ace was simply too frightening, and they were left with only adequate utility points in reserves – required points for certain ability casting (Reef’s ability requires). In the end, the trio once again sank into poverty.

When the countdown commenced, the trio assembled at those oval white glowing doors at the center of the nightmare realm. As before, those oval doors appeared like beautified large mouths devouring the lives of those who entered. Besides, who could guarantee they would make it back alive from the next world? Sheyan observed the surface ripples on those doors as others walked through it. He couldn’t help but feel an unknown rush of emotions as he breathed in before shoving himself in.

[ Initializing entry into the nightmare world… ]

[ Initializing data assimilation… ]

[ Initializing pairing of members….. ]

[ World selected. ]

[ Initializing characters and world assimilation… ]

[ Entering world….. ]

[ The music of an armed rebellion has begun humming. ]

[ Facing the music, a perplexed captain is on the verge of losing his freedom. ]

[ A mysterious curse looms over the treasures of the sea. ]

[ A curved apparition saber dances under the moonlight, echoing out anguished howls ]

[ The coexistence of death and fortune. ]

[ The companionship between risks and rewards. ]

[ Restrain your greed, my child. This is my only counsel! ]

[ Set sail!!! ]


As his consciousness gradually recovered, Sheyan opened his eyes.

A pitch-darkness welcomed him; so dark, his fingers wouldn’t be visible as well.

Besides, Sheyan instantly felt that he had been bound, with a rugged cloth stuffed into his mouth.

This was the first time receiving such treatment upon entry into a nightmare world.

His keen senses issued a clear feedback. Not long ago, fishes had been stored here. The fishes weren’t stored once, as a dull fishy odour had permeated deep into the wood. Sheyan could never forget such familiarity.

His body was currently swaying; not because Sheyan was struggling, but the wooden planks beneath were violently tremoring. It was as though his entire frame was being rolled left and right along this wooden floor.

Yes, they were in the hold of a ship. Furthermore, they were being imprisoned here. Judging the shaky extent of the boat, it seemed like a storm was raging fiercely outside. Fortunately, the ropes and complicated knots binding the contestants were ordinary, and couldn’t impede a contestant’s capabilities. Under Sheyan’s freakish strength, he easily ripped apart the ropes.

Apart from Sheyan and his buddies, there were 7-8 other contestants present; all cursing while scrambling to get up. All of a sudden, following a sonorous boom, the entire ship tilted to the right.

The ship tilted at an angle exceeding 45 degrees, catching the totally unprepared contestants off guard; several of them collided into the ship’s wall while screaming ‘ahhh yaaa’! If they were ordinary folks, bums would inevitably form on their heads while dizzy spells wouldn’t be strange.

“I’m afraid the storms outside, is at least category 7!” Sheyan immediately called out his judgement based on his plentiful experience at sea. “This ship is probably being pursued, while its aggressors are blasting cannons from the rear!”

“What is this damned place?”

At this moment, a contestant bellowed angrily. Sheyan watched as he clenched his fist, and pounded heavily against the ship’s wall. With his crackling fist booming in, the wall instantly emitted splintering sounds; distinct cracks could be seen.

Sheyan shouted aghastly in his head. One must understand, he had spent more of his life on board ships than on ground. One glance, and he could already fathom they were trapped inside the ship’s hold that was beneath sea surface! Once this fool smashed through the wall, undoubtedly, the bunch of contestants would turn into drowned rats!

With Sheyan’s experience, he knew the flavour of submerging into the sea now wasn’t a good one. Another fit of violent tremors rocked the ship once again. Spittin phlegm out his mouth, that contestants revealed a lethal glint in his eyes. Roaring crazily, he raised his fist.

“Stop!” Sheyan cried out. Instead, that brute revealed a trace of disdain; who the f*** are you, why should I take orders from you. He pummeled his fist heavily against the wall again.

Kacha! Without hesitation, a dent appeared on the ship’s wall; leaving cracks like a spiderweb in its wake. Finally, it bluntly burst into splinters. That brute hadn’t even retracted his disdainful glance, as an insane gush of seawater flooded against him; causing him to lose his balance and slumped with his buttocks crashing onto the floor.

Chain reactions rapidly ensued. Under the ginormous pressure of rushing seawater, defined cracks started spreading from the nexus of that shattered hole; before swiftly bursting into splinters. Sheyan immediately rallied Brother Black and Reef over. Under such a state, it would be impossible to plug the holes. Sheyan then rammed against the besiding wall with his elbow. Kacha! Clamorous cracks resounded, as the entire wall crumbled inwards. Seawater flooded in vehemently, irrigating the entire ship’s hold in no time.

Reef could only feel himself being weighed down rapidly, as an icy chill soaked his entire body in that instance. A surge of seawater crashed in, and directly submerged him deep underneath! Fortunately, Sheyan was gripping onto his back, as the two forced their way out and swam into the sea.

Caught totally unprepared, Reef drank in several mouthfuls of seawater; tasting that insipid fishy flavour. Swinging round to observe, he realized he was surrounding by somewhat extraordinary thick bubbles. Though floating along the boundless sea, he felt his senses tingling as though he was in another world. The pitch-black sea water reeked of blood and smoke. One could imagine the incredibly intense naval warfare that had befallen this place!

Debris of fragmented railings, floating unknowns, casks, stools and overturned masts drifted along the sea surface. Sheyan even noticed a cosmetic mirror bobbling while facing upwards. There were even ancient china rosewood dividers broken into halves, shoes, and pipes floating around. If those ancient china rosewood dividers could be delivered to the London marketplace, it could even fetched exorbitant prices of 2,000 pounds.

At present, at a region 20 metres into the distant, they could faintly hear the rumbling of cannons. Occasionally, flames lacerated against the thick fumes. Amidst the chaos, one could faintly observe two fleets berthed together, entangled in mutual slaughters. Evidently, they were at the climax of their naval boarding battling. Casting one’s vision afar into the horizon, one could see from the gaps between the fog and masses, a dull scarlet glow contaminating half the skies.

Distributed nearby Sheyan and Reef, apart from massive debris of casks, ruins, and wreckage, were also several 10 metre long single-masted tiny sailboats. These unarmed tiny boats were probably lifeboats, but the majority were in tatters; some combusting with flames atop. Naturally, fighting had concluded here recently. At this point, Brother Black finally popped up from the water surface, gasping widely for breath.

After bringing his two party members for a swim, they climbed up a tiny boat roughly dozens of metres away; gentle embers were still licking the boat. Corpses were sprawled everywhere on this boat. Amongst the corpses, some were british marines clad in red and white stripes; while the others were vicious pirates dressed in shabby clothing. Most of the corpses met their ends after entangling and perishing together; obviously attempting to take each other down with themselves, during the intense naval boarding battling.

The trio rapidly extinguished the embers. They then discovered that surrounding them within this vast sea, were many pirates and marines still struggling after falling overboard. Even those inside the water, remained wrestling each other.

Though the marines were equipped with relatively superior equipments, the fighting courage of the pirates outstripped them. The pirates knew of the hanging consequences after being captured; hence, they strived to drag their foes down to hell with them!

At this moment, Mogensha and Reef simultaneously received a notification from their nightmare imprint.

[ Please rescue at least 10 marines or pirates, to determine your selected allegiance ]

TN: note that for this pirate of the caribbean world, author combines elements from the game Uncharted Waters 4. Therefore, the magnitude of certain specifics are magnified in this pirate of the caribbean world. For example: the sizes of ships (how many masts it has), the number of pirates on a ship, currency, some game elements fantasy stuffs etc.

TN: Important terms to note:

Broadside battles (long range battles) – ships facing their broadsides to each other and firing cannons at a distance.

Naval Boarding battles (close combat battles) – to come up against, or alongside, an enemy ship to attack by placing men aboard the enemy ship. The goal of boarding is to capture, or destroy, the enemy vessel.

Chapter 478: Set sail!

Oh, why didn’t Sheyan receive a notification like them? Alright, to one that had attained a ‘Respected (3113/6000)’ reputation amongst the pirates, and one hailed as the Third Mate* of of the legendary pirate ship, The Flying Dutchman, his allegiance had been sworn long ago. Moreover, the label of a pirate had long been etched deep into his soul.

(TN: *Third Mate is the same term as Third Officer, i decided to change it as it would be more suitable in pirate context.)

By now, Sheyan had equipped the hidden title – Pirate Ringleader*. Due to the hidden title bestowing him with strength +2 and physique +2, he had to unwield an equipment to avoid a boundary breakthrough. Nevertheless, the property of bolstering all his party members’ offensive capabilities within a 30 metre radius, was enjoyed by Reef and Brother Black; hence, it was a worthy sacrifice.

(TN:*He acquired this ch 20 of the first PotC world (vol 3))

With Sheyan’s guidance, he and Reef proceeded to assist in rescuing the pirates. Instead, Mogensha resorted to heinous deeds, which was obviously, to commence a massacre! With the advantage of his shooting range, he gunned down the marines paddling in the water from aboard. This was practically an effortless target practice to him.

In this manner, not only could Brother Black receive an abundance of reputation (Sheyan and Reef naturally received a portion), but he could shamelessly hamper the contestants that pledged their allegiance to the british navy! Preventing foes from chasing up right at the get go, this self-delightful act was undoubtedly one that would anger even the heavens.

Very quickly, furious curses of several contestants drifted over. In spite of that, Mogensha remained aloof as he focused on gunning down the floating british marines. By now, the contestants had learned from him; following suit in a more glorious fashion. They didn’t attack marines but directly assaulted Brother Black, intending to strangle this unlawful brat.

But at that instant, Reef raised his hand, as a transparent ‘Faith-guard’ slithered over Mogensha’s body. Sparks scattered as the opponent’s assaults volleyed against the ‘Faith-guard’. Instead, their damage were totally absorbed by Reef’s outstanding ability.

At present, the individual combat prowess of the trio could be considered as near the pinnacle of this world. What more, they were additionally boosted by their Silver prestige party? In Mogensha’s perspective, long range attacks from other contestants didn’t prove to be a huge threat. Withstanding the long range firepower pressure, Brother Black proceeded to cleanse the british marines who were within his effective range in an orderly fashion. He then lit a cigar for himself, before he started retaliating against the contestants!

Following the fiery tongues spat out from his Golden AK, woeful groans echoed through the darkness. Regrettably, as it was impossible to rapidly dispatch a contestant, that brat who was on the point of demise was rescued by another. Besides, picking up dropped keys between firefights over the sea would prove challenging. Thus, Mogensha didn’t feel very regretful.

The present Mogensha to other long range combatants, was akin to the first time he squared off with Eros in the previous world; delivering an overwhelming suppression onto them. Furthermore, Mogensha’s ‘Beastly Instincts’ was an innate ability exceptionally suited to chaotic battles, resulting in an impetus of him alone suppressing several foes.

At this moment, he could faintly hear the terrified shrieks from the opposing distant.

“The enemy has encroached upon us!!”

“What approached us?”

“I swear on my necklace, I didn’t see any hostiles swimming towards us!”

“Heavens, what is this creature. Shit, its attacks are impeding my movement speed!”

“A summoner?”

“Quick slay it!”



Naturally, while Brother Black unleashed his bullets, he successfully activated the ability of his newly upgraded silver storyline grade ‘Viperwolf’s Beard’; summoning out those nasty alien lifeforms to pounce ravenously against his foes.

Caught unaware, those brats were obviously disadvantaged, and were nastily rummaged by the summoned viperwolf spirit. Fortunately, naval warfare was fought over an expansive sea area. The trio merely colonized a territory that currently floated with the most survivors, while the surrounding contestants could only submit to their circumstances; obediently distancing themselves to accomplish their mission, submissively yielding this sea territory.

By now, the trio had already rescued a total of 30 plus pirates. After being rescued, these uncouth and ugly pirates became evidently rowdy, as they started to brawl mutually amongst themselves atop the boat. Yet after Sheyan swept his incisive gaze through them, they immediately sensed a tremendously suffocating oppression; instantly turning well-behaved. With every vocal command Sheyan issued, those pirates immediately shivered with austerity, and implemented their tasks efficiently.

Mogensha and Reef turned a blind eye towards this rather common scene. Except, the other contestants who had pledged their allegiance with the pirates looked on with amazement; because the pirates they rescued were like fiends, lying brazenly on deck while cursing profanities whenever they wished….just by noticing the spiteful gazes of these vile pirates, they knew the pirates held them with utter disregard. Don’t even talk about the pirates labouring for them.

When those 30 plus pirates settled down, the trio suddenly realized a large swarm of finger sized fishes swimming towards them. These fishes had slightly phosphorescent scales. When the fishes swam to the broadside of the boat, they congregated together to form tiny words.

[ You have chose to pledge your allegiance with the pirates in this Pirates of the Caribbean world. ]

[ Silver Party: Ace. Welcome to the Nightmare world. ]

[ You must complete the given main mission within 48 hours, or face elimination. ]

[ Main mission: Set Sail! ]

[ Mission summary: Within a 48 hours duration, set foot on the pirate port – Tortuga land. Failure will result in missing out on a marvellous act, along with the penalty for latecomers – Highest attribute will drop by 5 points, and 10,000 utility points will be deducted. ]

[ Mission pointer: The pirates you have rescued are all veterans of the sea. 10 of the pirates can effortlessly steer a ship towards Tortuga, the largest neutral standing for pirate plundering. Therefore, I suggest you best establish a good relationship with them; at the very least, until you reach Tortuga. ]


[ Note: You can accomplish the following milestones in this world. (Extended to other worlds) ]

[ Keen-eyes Swift-hands: Obtain a random Voodoo doll. ]

[ Fearless: Slay a legendary creature after encountering it. (Note: you must deal over 10% of damages to the creature). ]

[ Smuggler: Sell a Tortuga specialty at any random British Royal Navy port. ]

[ The Seafarer: Complete a round trip around the New World. ]

[ The collector: Become the owner of the Compass that cannot point North*. ]

(TN:*Something like Jack Sparrow’s compass in the movie)

[ Pirate Captain: Possess a pirate ship with a displacement of above 2 kilotons. The pirates of your storyline crew cannot be beneath a hundred members. (Prerequisites to initiate this title: your reputation must be ‘Respected’ or higher) ]

[ Trafficker: Abduct Barbossa’s pet monkey, Jack, for 3 days or more. ]

[ Artillery Crew: Sink at least 5 other warships (above 5 kiloton displacement) while controlling your warship. (Prerequisite to initiate this title: Your reputation must be ‘Respected’ or higher) ]

[ Due to insufficient achievement points or other conditions, you are unable to view other milestones. ]


Consecutively, his ears rung with a clear notification:

[ Time: Great Ocean era, year 243, May. Night time, 11pm. (The period of this world, is set half a month before the official Pirates of the Caribbean 1 timeline) ]

[ Location: ? Europe ? Caribbean Sea? (Latitude 1.11 degrees, Longitude 82.4 degrees) ]

[ Setting: Pirates of the Caribbean. ]

[ Difficulty: Medium (B- difficulty) ]

[ Pain limitation: 50%. ]

[ Additional capability enhancement: 0% ]

[ Current setting exploration rate: 15.33% ]

[ Additional details: Base setting is a free world setting. ]

[ You automatically grasp the relevant language, able to interact freely with characters of this world. Erased upon leaving this world. ]

[ You have acquired a relevant setting passive ability: Swimming – if you’re incapable of swimming in the present world, you will automatically grasp this ability. If you know how to swim in the present world, your swimming speed will be additionally boosted by 100%. This ability will be erased upon leaving this world. ]

[ Accepted mission count: 1. ]

[ Your appearance/identity have been settled; restored upon returning to the present world. You can also commence modifications within the nightmare realm. For any doubts, voice the relevant queries to the nightmare imprint; if your scope of authority is adequate, you will receive an answer. ]

[ Contestant no.1018. You have entered this world once again, interpersonal relationships between characters have been reestablished. Your reputation and status will be acknowledged. Please retrieve your respective items deposited in this world. ]

[ Details: You receive an unknown item – The diary of Morgan Fokke. ]

[ Details: You receive 174 guineas* and 7 shillings. ]

(TN: Note i changed the currency from pounds to guineas (the legit british gold coin that is used))

[ Details: You receive 6 glass of ordinary rum, and the clothing you wore before leaving this world previously. You can choose to alter your exterior appearance, but I must warn you. This requires a service fee, and your identity may still be recognized. ]

[ Details: Your relationship with several important storyline characters are as follows – Captain Ammand (Nemesis), Little Lord Fokke (Nemesis), Jack Sparrow (Amicable). ]

[ Details: You have attained a ‘Respected (3113/6000)’ reputation amongst the pirates. Therefore, when you come into view of any British Royal Navy fleet or any British Royal Navy controlled port, you may be apprehended. ]

(TN’s IMPORTANT NOTE: This Tortuga (特圖加) is a different Tortuga island from his first pirate of the Caribbean experience world’s Turtuga (土圖加). Both changed to english is Tortuga. HOWEVER, this current Tortuga (特圖加) should be the one in the pirate of the caribbean movie. The Turtuga (土圖加) in the previous world, should be a made up port by author. To prevent confusion, I will address the first world’s one as Turtuga (土圖加) with a U instead.

TN: Important terms to note:

Broadside battles (long range battles) – ships facing their broadsides to each other and firing cannons at a distance.

Naval Boarding battles (close combat battles) – to come up against, or alongside, an enemy ship to attack by placing men aboard the enemy ship. The goal of boarding is to capture, or destroy, the enemy vessel.

TN: note that for this pirate of the caribbean world, author combines elements from the game Uncharted Waters 4, and brings in a lot of magic aspects to this world. Therefore, the magnitude of certain specifics are magnified in this pirate of the caribbean world, and magic is quite a big portion here. For example: the sizes of ships (how many masts it has), the number of pirates on a ship, currency, some game elements fantasy stuffs etc.

Chapter 479: Great naval warfare!

Both Reef and Mogensha conscientiously read the list of notifications. Not permitted to bring out ‘The Diary of Morgan Fokke’ during his previous stint, Sheyan was now exceedingly curious of the secrets within in. Upon his resurgence into this world, he eagerly began reading its contents.

Yet cold water was instantly poured over his enthusiasm……this diary was sealed with an unfathomable unique code! It was necessary for Sheyan to seek out one who could unseal and decipher it.

At this moment, Reef abruptly inquired.

“Mogensha, as your first time entering this world, shouldn’t the realm have arranged a proper identity? But why were we all bound up in that ship’s hold?”

Brother Black’s countenance was extremely sulky.

“This damned realm actually arranged my identity as a black slave. That ship we were on, was a smuggling ship specially used by pirates to transport their plundered loot!”

Reef shrugged his shoulders and burst into laughter.

“Buddy. In the past, I abruptly infiltrated into this battlefield here, and abruptly left. Hence, I wasn’t very involved in this world. In actual fact, my condition isn’t better off than yours. My identity is an unlucky prisoner of war, even worse, I am a captive that isn’t even worth extorting from. Therefore, our arranged identities are pretty much similar…”

After Sheyan overhead them, he couldn’t resist the urge to investigate his history. In the end, he discovered the identity story the realm had arranged for him – [ Ever since the Flying Dutchman crew suffered a heinous curse, you mysteriously disappeared. Many wondered if you acquired untold treasures before vanishing without a trace; returning to your origins of the mysterious east…. ]

Reef was presently scouting out their surroundings, before he whispered to Sheyan.

“Boss, our mast is already wrecked, I wonder how far is Tortuga port from here?”

Sheyan reached two fingers into his mouth and whistled. Immediately, two pirates marched over.

“Anyone care to tell me, where is our current location?”

The first pirate rushed over, answering with fear and trepidation.

“Lord, that be 17 nautical miles from Rieste.”

Sheyan nodded and turned to Reef.

“If the sea map I obtained last time isn’t wrong, then we would approximately need a day of journey to reach Tortuga port. Of course, I am referring to the speed of this boat. Weird, but….forget it, let’s not care about that first.”

Reef heaved a sigh of relief and replied.

“We have rather ample time eh.”

Sheyan chuckled loudly.

“Oh, no, my comrade. We don’t have ample time at all!”

Ever since returning to the sea, Sheyan could feel an exceptional carefreeness in him. The ocean air he deeply inhaled carried a tinge of fishiness, allowing his thoughts to become exceptionally clear! Gazing towards the not too distant climatic naval warfare, he clenched his fist tightly as a passionate blaze flared in his pupils.

“Have you guys not considered the significance of the realm throwing us into this grand naval battlefield right from the start, and wanting us to rescue the leftovers?”

“Mogensha’s eyes sparkled as he attempted.

“What you mean is….could it be to allow capable contestants to participate in the fighting?”

Sheyan nodded and replied.

“That’s correct. I can gradually sense that every world hosts a specific theme in accordance to its main plot.”

“For example, the main theme of the Starship Trooper world would be based on ‘interests’. For the sake of personal interests, the humans and arachnids wage war. For the sake of interests, arachnids turn on arachnids! As for the main theme of the Avatar World, it should be based on ‘guarding and destruction’. Therefore, what should the main theme of the Pirates of the Caribbean world be? It obviously is risks and freedom! If we can follow the main theme of this world, like a boat following the current, then naturally – the right approach saves time and leads to better results!”

“Therefore, we should take risks as of now! To Participate in the battle! With a definite reputation and status amongst the pirates, we now currently lack maritime capabilities. Thus, our aim should be to conjure up a plan to steal a ship, and reap sufficient benefits and meritorious contributions during the battle. Then with overwhelming and impressive grandeur, we shall allow Tortuga to grace our esteemed presence!”

Listening to Sheyan phrasing in such a manner, Reef muttered to himself before depressedly announcing.

“But, both Mogensha and I do not possess any experience in naval warfare……I don’t know if we have ability to do so.”

Sheyan burst into laughter, as he forcefully slapped against the shoulders of his two comrades.

“In long distance naval warfare, AK here is equivalent to 10 guided cannons! During naval boarding battles, Reef you are equivalent to a hundred lads with clubs!”

As he spoke, Sheyan headed straight for an elevated platform of the boat. Clapping his hands, he rallied the attention of the pirates to him. Then, he purposely displayed his worn ‘+5 Monstrous Fighting Spirit’, and pointed to himself before roaring loudly.

“Do y’all recognize me? You guys better answer this question; if not, I will toss you bunch of scoundrels and scums who should be hung on the executioner docks back into the sea!”

A bald pirate with yellowish stained teeth examined Sheyan’s accessory closely, before exclaiming in horror.

“Sir, if seawater hasn’t spoiled me eyes, that accessory be the treasure that Viking Scarface Harry be fond of. But It merely appears like a replica, I cannot confirm.”

Sheyan laughed heartily in response.

“Your eyes aren’t bad, old dog.”

While he spoke, Sheyan tossed a bottle of rum towards him.

“That is your prize for guessing. You are correct, this is indeed something I plundered from the one named Scarface Harry.”

That bald pirate hastily caught the bottom of rum, and excitedly poured its contents into his mouth. Then, he released a sigh of utter satisfaction.

“Sir, your generosity be as vast as the caribbean sea!”

No doubt, pirates indulged themselves with only dining, wining, whoring and gambling; not a great disparity as compared to wastrels in china. Their plundered wealth would be squandered on intimacy with prostitutes of the caribbean sea, or indulging in the drunkenness of rum. Witnessing someone else receiving a benefit, another pirate instead stood forward.

“A sailor with yellow skin….be possessin’ such daunting strength. Could it be, ye be Seaman Yan from the east, the one wanted by Ammand?”

Sheyan reached out a finger, and earnestly pronounced.

“Son, you are correct. This bottle of rum goes to you.”

By now, the remaining pirates were all frantically competing to call out.

“Seaman Yan from the east! I heard of yer name before! It be rumoured that betrayin’ Ammand! Ye bloody received Davy Jones’s appreciation and became his Third Mate!”

“Don’t yer spout rubbish! Aye, monsters be the crew of the Flying Dutchman! The sire before us looks exactly like us!”

“Even Blackbeard had mentioned yer name before. Back in Hujia port, I overhead someone sayin’ while searching for his vile sword, Blackbeard even received yer assistance.”

“Blimey, might I be standin’ on the same boat as a fabled character?”



Even though Sheyan’s charm was mind blowingly low, to these low-tier pirates, a +1 legend level in combination with a ‘Respected’ reputation, was sufficient to leave them dazzled and amazed.

Sheyan was obviously pleased with such a feedback. Thus, he blatantly raised both hands and roared.

“Aye, just as what you can see, my current situation is perilous. I have neither ship nor crew. However, I don’t wish to flee to Tortuga with my tail behind my legs! You guys should know what kind of treatment a miser with few shillings would receive anywhere!”

“But now, let me tell you a wonderful news. I don’t care what you have done in the past, how capable you are doesn’t matter. As long as you have a determined heart, I will lead you on the path of riches and victory! Place your hands at your heart and tell me, do you wish to smack that scurvy owner behind the bar counter, with a sack of golden coins? Do you desire tossing a sack of golden coins onto the beds of money-grabbing whores?”

A clamorous upheaval resounded from the pirates beneath. Then, a taller and sturdier built one-eyed pirate shouted despondently.

“Aye, but where be dem riches and victories? We be surrounded by ruined boats and the freezin’ sea.”

Sheyan pointed his hand towards the distant battlefield, the field enveloped by smokes and blasts of cannons.

“Right there, right ahead!! Do you have the balls to follow my comrades and I to steal victory? Answer me!!!”

The gaze of that one-eyed pirate flickered, but he replied with a doubtful tone.

“Follow ye?”

With a crash, Sheyan unloaded a pile of 70-80 gold coins, before he sincerely announced.

“Aye! Follow behind our backs! Do you think I’m joking? Go recall a little. In the past, back on the Bell and Mug, that spanish fleet was squashed by my crew of twenty old, sickly and aged pirates! Even that Decaying Undead met its demise in my hands! Right now, who is willing to follow me shall be granted two golden guineas; but cowards fearing death can scram while it’s still early!”

Instantly, some pirates below started whispering to each other, verifying the battle achievements of Sheyan. In the end, the result was still very satisfactory to Sheyan. Pirates were fellows unafraid of death. In the end, only ten pirates decided to leave. After being stimulated by the gold coins and rum, the staying pirates removed their shirts and cheered in excitement.

Halting here, this lifeboat they were on was truly too ragged. Thus, Sheyan and Mogensha both tried their utmost to search for another relatively intact boat, minimally, one that could at least set sail.

(TN: I will try to inject some pirate flavour into conversations, but don’t expect much because it is rather taxing and very very time consuming to consistently try to attempt that)

(TN’s IMPORTANT REMINDER This Tortuga (特圖加) is a different Tortuga from the first world’s Turtuga (土圖加). Both changed to english is tortuga. HOWEVER, the tortuga (特圖加) of this current world should be the one in the pirate of the caribbean movie. The Turtuga (土圖加) in the previous world, should be a made up port by author. To prevent confusion, I will address the first world’s one as Turtuga (土圖加) with a U instead.

TN: note that for this pirate of the caribbean world, author combines elements from the game Uncharted Waters 4, and brings in a lot of magic aspects to this world. Therefore, the magnitude of certain specifics are magnified in this pirate of the caribbean world, and magic is quite a big portion here. For example: the sizes of ships (how many masts it has), the number of pirates on a ship, currency, some game elements fantasy stuffs etc.

Chapter 480: Trying to rob me?

The reason for needing a good sailboat, was due to the lifeboats not possessing any cannons, while Sheyan’s crew was merely an interim assemblement of pirates. They had no qualifications whatsoever to engage in shuddering naval warfare with others. Hence, their only solution was to be like a fish in troubled waters; seizing the chaotic naval boarding clashes between pirate ships and British Royal Navy fleets, to swiftly sneak up to their ships and act while both sides were suffering.

In theory, this method sounded rather simple. However in reality, it was arduously challenging and influenced by ever changing variables.

Currently, Sheyan was relying on Reef, who could promote into the realms of a Growth-hunter at any time. He was the only trump card that could hold the frontlines and absorb the impending firepower! Moreover, this relatively easier world undoubtedly fuelled Sheyan’s resolution in taking this risk. All of a sudden, Brother Black, who had the best eyesight, pointed towards the north and yelled.

“There’s a nearly intact lifeboat over there! At least, its mast and sail is intact.”

Sheyan gestured, inciting the flock of pirates to spring into action; yelling at each other as they foraged for several tattered planks, and begun rowing towards that direction.

However, Sheyan’s crew wasn’t the only one fixated on that particular boat. Following their single-masted boat rafting slowly towards it, several other individuals were also eyeing it. Those individuals may not be planning to charge into the battlefield, but merely to obtain a fully intact boat to increase their probability of reaching Tortuga port.

Nevertheless, under Sheyan’s command, his crew ultimately snatched towards the destination first, and occupied the vacant lifeboat. His crew of pirates excitedly pranced and cheered about the lifeboat, while releasing its sail smoothly; preparing to advance without waiting for Sheyan’s orders.

Yet at this moment, two lifeboats carrying british marines came rowing over; one on the left, and one on the right. The red and white uniforms of those british marines were starkly striking, and the two waves of contestants clearly harboured ill intent.

Naturally, Brother Black exhibited his supremacy at this instant. Utilizing the far effective range and lethal damage of his ‘SN-9 Wasp’ pistol, he rained down lethal damages from afar. His 49 agility boundary demonstrated its superior oppression. Although three other long range combatants engaged in retaliation, with Reef guarding, Mogensha remained calm and fired intermittently. Before it could sail a hundred metres in, one of the lifeboats was decimated into ruins! As for the british marines on board, he had slayed 7-8 of them!

When the other lifeboat arrived, it had to face burst shots from Mogensha’s AK. His high frequency bombardment repeatedly conjured out viperwolf spirits at the opposing lifeboat. Those savage creatures were a tremendous pain in their arse, but the three contestants on board remained stubborn in their attempt to approach, as they counter fired repeatedly. Yet in the end, their lifeboat quickly halted thirty metres away from Sheyan’s crew; not a single sound of life remained.

This time, Brother Black refused to permit them to flee. Displaying a full plethora of killing methods, he gunned those three stubborn contestants. Despite that, only a single blood key was dropped, of which he casually tossed to Sheyan; besides, Sheyan hadn’t accomplished his military mission yet. Witnessing the formidability of the trio, the originally sullen pirates unanimously cheered as their morale resonated greatly in response.

However at this instant, Brother Black suddenly discovered another lifeboat looming it like a black spectre; borrowing the camouflage of the thick fog and wreckages. That lifeboat carried fiendish looking pirates, while silently encroaching within a 30 metres radius of them. Although, that lifeboat similarly carried pirates, malicious intent could be seen from their conduct.

Mogesha’s pupils instantly contracted, as he aimed his rifle in preparation to fire. Instead, Sheyan stalled him and issued insipidly.

“I intentionally allowed them to approach, don’t you feel that our present crew is rather lacking?”

When both lifeboats drifted within 10 metres of each other, violent yells erupted from the opposite side. Soon after, a dozen plus grappling ropes were flung over, and hooked against the broadside of Sheyan’s boat. Afterwards, a group of pirates howled fanatically as they swung across.

These pirates were clearly a tier above Sheyan’s current underlings. Most of them were half-naked, while the rest were dressed in terribly tattered clothes. The hostile pirates appeared rather strong, and were equipped with sharp weapons. Some of the charging pirates were biting daggers, while some had thick eyeshadows on their single eyes. As they fought, the pirates bared their rotten yellowish teeth; teeth with receding gum as though their skeletons were decomposing!

As Sheyan beheld his uninvited truculent guests, he realized they boasted of a quality superior to his group of intermingled pirates. According to Sheyan’s reckoning, even if these pirates were of the ordinary tier, they could still be compared to the elites of the Bell and Mug previously.

Besides, Sheyan couldn’t be the only one bestowed with luck and opportunities. It appears that this stealthily encroaching contestant, was also not a simple rookie of this world. Moreover, that contestant should have had already established a basic footing in this world.

Signalling a gesture to Reef to hold the frontlines, a glimmer twinkled on his neck as he once again attained the summit of 49 points of strength. Striding forward in large steps, he began charging towards the incoming flock of pirates! At present, a disheveled hair pirate squawked wildly, as he raised his hatchet to chop towards Sheyan’s head!

With keen eyes and rapid hands, Sheyan seized the pirate’s wrist and squeezed it tightly!

Kacha! Kacha! Crackings emitted from the pirate’s wrist, as he released a shrilling groan.

Pang! His hatchet then crashed onto the deck. Sheyan grabbed his neck, before hurling him towards the nearby few pirates with ease. Instantaneously, a group of pirates tumbled into a mess.

Prying on the blindspot of Sheyan’s back, two hostile pirates raised their broadswords and thrusted forth. Sheyan spun round, as the two broadswords stabbed into his chest, but failed to pierce even an inch into his flesh. Instead, the broadswords were clamped forcefully by his muscles; incapable of neither retreating not advancing.

The eyes of both pirates popped largely, as though they had just seen a ghost. With horrified shouts, they desired to toss aside their weapons and flee. Instead, Sheyan reached out both hands, and seized their heads; one right and one left. Then, he smashed them together, allowing the two pirates to stagger around intoxicatedly in circles, before slumping to the ground.

Meanwhile, Reef who had invaded into the onslaught of enemies had unleashed his ‘Shattering Cardiac Roar’. Instantly, with him as the nexus, the concentrated mass of pirates who had successfully boarded were engulfed.

Within a split second, a dozen pirates were submerged into a speed decline state after Reef’s roar, as they stumbled forward dizzily as though they were seasick.

Though the pirates of Sheyan’s side did not possess reliable strength, they still possessed instincts of ganking fallen enemies. In a flurry; roars, digging of eyes, hooking ears, immortals plucking peaches, punches, kicks, worthless maneuvering broke out, as they beated those unlucky victims into a pulp!

The opposing contestants were stupefied as they spectated; many of their members hadn’t even attained 40 points in their highest attribute, how would they even imagine the prospect of encountering such valiant freaks here? The closest comparison would be this – when the trio encountered Prince Stalo’s gang back in the Avatar world. They were seemingly oppressed in all aspects in raw power!

At this moment, seeing that the state of affair was going awry, a contestant on the opposite boat roused his arms fiercy as he shouted.

“Where do your guts come from? Where does your fighting spirit hail from? The bravery of the Vikings be with you all! Aye, sons of vikings; may the enemies tremble under the indomitable name of pirate Captain Lasaike!”

Hearing that contestant’s rally, the hostile pirates swelled up with courage as they howled crudely while charging fiercely. That shout was evidently an impressive buff, and it seemed like the reputation of that so called ‘Lasaike’ wasn’t low at all.

Facing the dangerous counterattack of this so called ‘Lasaike’, Sheyan sneered. He shot out his hand and seized the foremost invading pirate, before leaping towards an elevated spot. Then, he single handedly raised this pirate ringleader up high, and bellowed thunderously towards his own pirates.

“Tell those fools. Whom are they contending against???!”

The pirate underlings of Sheyan instantly roared with ludicrous adrenaline.

“You smugs dare offend the dignity of the Flying Dutchman! Davy Jones will constrict yer souls with his tentacles!!!”

“Aye, Seaman Yan from the east will carve yer eyeballs out, and stuff them in yer testicles~, Argghhhahaha.”

“Scurvy dogs, have ye not heard of the legendary warships?”



No doubt, the prestige of the three legendary pirate ships had long been engraved deep into people’s hearts, and spoken with true terror during storytelling at taverns! Compared to the brilliance of the Flying Dutchman, that one hailed as the ‘Sons of Vikings’, Lasaike, was totally reduced to a nameless small clown!

The morale of the raiding pirates instantly plunged, as their eyes beamed with horror. Sheyan easily shoved his captured pirate into the area congested with the most people, before he bellowed loudly.

“Trying to rob me??? HAHAHA! Do you really wish to contend against me, the Third Mate of the Flying Dutchman? Do you dare to make me, Seaman Yan from the east, your enemy??? Even the mighty viking, Scarface Harry, was slain by my hands, even the Voodoo cult’s Decaying Undead was trampled by me! You lot truly have a death wish!”

The fighting spirit of the raiding pirates waned once again, while private whispers could be heard.

“Look at that yellow skin, he be truly Seaman Yan from the mysterious east!!”

“Me ears have heard before, though the crew of the Flyin’ Dutchman suffered a devilish curse, they remain half a man. Once in awhile, they would come ashore to engage in dealings….but it be fabled, the position of Third Mate remains permanently empty!”

Chapter 481: Dashing into the battlefield

Graced with such a wonderful opportunity, Sheyan charged straight towards the opposing boat! His shouts seemingly shaking the sea.

“Lasaike! Get out, a mighty viking wouldn’t lead his men from the rear. Ye shivering scum that cowers inside the hold, the glorious sanctity of us pirates be tarnished by men like you. Only a woman’s corset and gown are fitting for you!”

When the pirates ahead of Lasaike heard Sheyan’s words, they glanced towards him with fright and dismay; spontaneously opening out a way as they trembled.

Witnessing such a scene, a defensive persona contestant stepped forward; snarling aloud as he charged straight at Sheyan while opening fire with his shotgun. Instead, Sheyan endured the rumbling booms from his shotgun, as he rushed in and smashed three punches in; knocking that contestant tumbling away with a mouthful of blood. Striking the iron while hot, Sheyan then lunged in like a fierce tiger at Lasaike.

Naturally, those contestants aboard weren’t idle, but similarly razed assaults at Sheyan. Except, the assaults of those contestants were influenced by the 40% realm regulation, while Sheyan had nearly 49 points of physique in damage reduction! Ultimately, Sheyan was reinforced by his newly awakened innate ability ‘Stronghold’!

Hence, when their attacks landed onto Sheyan, they were deemphasized by Sheyan’s resistive blocking! They were totally incapable of threatening Sheyan’s life. Seeing the situation was going out of hand, Lasaike immediately jumped overboard and fled! His swimming speed in the water was unbelievably fast, and even Brother Black couldn’t make it in time to slay him; he probably had a substantial boost in swimming movement speed, from a certain equipment or an ability.

With him escaping, the rest of the contestants obviously wouldn’t persist in defending, and respectively fled. Meanwhile, those raiding pirates who had realized their bosses were actually cowards, had tears flowing as their morale crumbled.

At present, Lasaike was feeling immensely vexed in his heart, as though he wanted to vomit blood. Those pirates were recruited through his painstaking efforts and resources during his previous stint in this world. He was hoping to rely on them to reap a fortune now. Hence, when he noticed the manpower and boat on Sheyan’s side, he had planned to kill them and commandeer their boat; before employing the surrendered pirates as cannon fodder. Little did he expect, an affair he deemed in the bag, would actually transpire into his head knocking into an iron board – a molten hot iron board!

Since their leaders had abandoned them, the remaining pirates lost all fighting spirit; offering little resistance before they surrendered. As for those surrendered british marines, they naturally faced a fate akin to being delivered to a hanging post. On the contrary, those fearsome pirates were given a new lease of life. In this current era, skilled pirates were always welcomed, and yielding was as simple as changing ships.

Sheyan observed the crestfallen pirates who had surrendered, before he rudely called out.

“You scums and cutthroats, bunch of ignorant foolish donkeys! You should show gratitude to my leniency, if not necks shall be slashed and thrown into the sea – your one and only ending! Kneel and kiss the deck in submission, pledge your allegiance to me; or the fishes of the sea will feast on snacks tonight!!”

Listening to Sheyan’s exclamation, contestant Lasaike who had stealthily hid away almost vomited blood again! These pirates were elites and confidants he had laboriously gathered previously. He was originally hoping Sheyan would only plunder the ‘meat’, while leaving the ‘soup’ behind. Yet with Sheyan’s exclamation, he was clearly desiring to seize everything with one net.

At this moment, Lasaike only hope that a single pirate would step forward in loyalty for him, facing death with equanimity. At least, this would allow his heart a sliver of solace. Sadly, the pirates of the caribbean world seemingly didn’t understand the term ‘loyalty’. As Sheyan’s words faded, all the pirates instantly fell to their knees and kissed the ship’s deck.

Under Sheyan’s sonorous rebuking and commands, the adequate reserves of pirates swiftly bustled into action; engaging in rebuilding works for the nearly intact boat mast. Furthermore, they tossed heavy objects overboard, allowing this lighter boat to sail faster.

After a brief chaotic operation, Sheyan begun arranging his crew with rapid precision. Being relatively gifted in his field, the orderliness of the boat soon transformed neat and tidy; while the pirates became increasingly efficient when managing the boat.

Approximately 10 minutes had elapsed from drifting along the sea. Sheyan had mostly grasped the state of each and every pirate on board; understanding clearly who were adept at combat and who could operate the boat well. He commenced an incessant issuance of orders.

“Smartly there, hurry up! Lads, busty arse whores are beckoning for you lot!”

“Report to me the draft of the boat, Cuiji. Stop being a slow nut, you really wish to be fed to the sharks?”

“Pull those darn hooks up, you only have ten seconds!”

“Aye, that’s the way. Just like adding oil to door hinges, it’s starting to flow smoothly. I’m glad you lot haven’t turned rusty.”

“Full sail ahead, course west!”

Flutter! Following the unfurling of the thick sailcloth, the strong eastern winds instantly swelled the sail. The crew of this single-masted boat immediately clutched onto firm objects, before a pulling inertia overwhelmed their bodies; like being in a sports car and stepping on the accelerator.

Neither Brother Black nor Reef had experience in this aspect, thus they lost their balance at the same time. Instead, the former casually did a frontward flip before landing nimbly onto the ground, while the latter stomped his feet down ferociously; causing the solid wooden deck to emit pressurizing creaking sounds. Then, Reef played it down by successfully gripping onto the mast.

One of the newly recruited pirates on the lookout shouted.

“Hillho! Cap’n, there be a battle right ahead!”

Sheyan resolutely declared.