Chapter 250: A minute probability: Silver key!

Sheyan had successfully slayed one of the rare elite hydralisks. Yet in the process, Boiling had absorbed most of the flamethrower’s impact, hence the other hydralisk ‘Dense-acid’ only received the relative amount of flame damage. It was far from a mortal wound; combined with the marine’s repeated gunfire, Dense-acid still held with roughly half HP. After regaining focus, Dense-acid witnessed personally the tragic sight of its comrade being fried alive. Fuming with an unquenchable acidic rage, its lymphatic tubings swelled excessively; pumping the acid aggressively into its abdomen cavity, as the flesh expanded tightly to its very limits!

Pssshhh! A blast of thick greenish sulfuric acid catapulted out of its body, climbing to a fanatical speed of 730 metres per second; guided straight towards that damnable human’s face!

Die ! Die ! Die!

Sheyan didn’t bother trying to dodge, resolutely facing the elite hydralisk! The choking fumes overwhelmed him before the acid gushed against the left of his face, boiling and corroding his flesh alive. Even his eerie white cheek bone became exposed. But at the same time, Sheyan had tossed aside his flamethrower. In his hands, was the deadly ‘Ambition’!

The windy gales churned,

Carrying the echoes of the raging ocean tide,


thunderous crashes of the roaring waves!

A whiff of aromatic thick rum lingered within the atmosphere,

The devastating crackle of the boundless black barrel,

Rum and Songs Activated!

A bullet emitting a deep black streaked out, without sounds nor warning as it pierced into Dense-acid’s head! “Boom!” An explosion of lime green fluids in the air! Even though it’s HP hadn’t reached the critical point of 30%, unable to trigger the explosive strike condition for ‘Rum and Songs’, Ambition would still be able to deal a 2 second stunning effect apart from its high damage.

At this point, Sheyan’s ‘Stimulant’ was still in effect, concurrently gulping down a mouthful of spirited vodka; arching his body forward as he charged towards the stunned Dense-acid. ‘Ambition’ had been stored instantaneously, paving the way for a metallic glimmer of brilliance over his twin fists, When Dense-acid had awakened from its stupor, Sheyan was already unleashing his heavy punches against its head!


As expected, that bone armour was a problem. But Sheyan already possessed 20 points of strength, moreover his attacks were targeted against a vital point. In a flash, the skull armour distorted and cracked into fragments, repulsive lime fluids sprayed out everywhere. Yet Dense-acid managed to summon another round of muscular movements, spurting another wave of acidic jet against the enemy.

Sheyan’s eyes were burning with a barbaric and beastly fervor. His battle armour could no longer withstand the splashing acid, allowing it to sink into his flesh. Corrosive white fumes spiralled out between the armour cracks, his flesh was filled with horrifying rottened wounds. But simultaneously, Sheyan spared nothing as he rammed down his fists incessantly. The brass knuckles flashed up and down, finally breaking through the armour, penetrating deep into Dense-acid’s head. The greenish lime fluids soaked his entire face. With a last wild roar, his fist hammered down mercilessly, actually splitting the elite hydralisk’s head into two!!!

“You’ve slayed the rare elite ‘Dense-acid’, your reputation amongst the humans +1000 points.”

“You’ve slayed the rare elite ‘Boiling’, your reputation amongst the humans +1000 points.”

After his wild rampage, Sheyan finally felt the burning accumulated pain throughout his entire body, he could even feel the sickening sensation of chunks of flesh melting away. Yet his vitality remained thriving. Amidst the rotting mess of the hydralisk, Sheyan discovered a dim but flickering silver glow emerge! Racing forward, he shockingly realized the rare elite ‘Boiling’ had actually dropped a silver key! Instead, the rare elite ‘Dense-acid’ had dropped a dark blue key.

Very obviously, Sheyan had encountered a rare minute possibility. Due to the fact that the risk involved with killing these rare elites was immensely huge, especially its offensive threat not being inferior in the least to a legendary creature. Therefore, there was indeed the slight possibility of it dropping a silver storyline class key; but its rate was only 10%. The greatest possibility was a dark blue key at 50%, and 40% of the time a black key. Sheyan had unluckily encountered the greatest possibility, and the most fortunate least possibile scenario, his luck was indeed flourishing with excellence.

After drinking another mouth of his soul equipment ‘Endless spirited vodka’, Sheyan managed to halt the rate of his still declining health points. He threw away the rottened beyond recognition battle armour away. His upper body was still fuming with clouds of hot white fumes, even his flesh appeared a revolting gruesome black. It showed no indication of healing, as though his flesh would remain in this melted candle state for all eternity. Even his left cheek after being sprayed head on by the acidic jet, looked like a rotten zombie. From far, it really resembled the appearance of a terminator; half face but this time half skeleton instead of half metal.

After making sure he was free of any more dangers, Sheyan heaved a sigh of relief; concentrating his attention towards the plains below gain. The scorching sun rays penetrated down, casting a bright golden layer over the entire Gobi desert. The zergling sea below would be able to engulf totally the ‘human ants’ within 1 or 2 minutes. Sheyan sighed, as he regretfully shook his head.

It looks like their objective here was bound for a complete failure. But to Sheyan, he had already managed to reap adequate benefits from the Blackthorn tribe and the Motherland humans. It could be said that he tasted equally, both defeat and victory. Whats more, he still managed to obtain a silver class key? It was already a feeling of winning the war despite losing the battle, he could not wish for anything better. Since that was the case, Sheyan couldn’t bear to watch on as his friends he fought alongside dying miserably. He turned around as he started making his way towards the cave.

But when Sheyan walked out two steps, his pupils suddenly shrank in. Because from the bottom of the nearby mountain, a wounded mutalisk glided out; its body was covered in black bony thorns. Following closely was a tentacled and carefree blob waving through the air, looking almost identical to a black Overlord as it ascended towards him!

Indeed, it was Mogensha who controlled the Overlord to rush here!

Exposing half his body outside the Overlord, he extended his black arm towards Sheyan. With one swinging movement, he pulled Sheyan into the Overlord.

“Hey boss, you look like you just came back from hell. F, looks like I’m late. But I have two good news and 1 bad news, which one first?”

Sheyan observed the arachnid sea as he laughed.

“The bad news is that one of our mutalisks was sacrificed. Hmm, the good news is that this arachnid tribe is extremely lacking in Vespene gas and Pandora crystals. That is why they haven’t upgraded to a ‘II’ class base, that is no chance for an aerial assault against us. Tell me what the other good news is.”

Mogensha unfolded his arms and rolled his eyes.

“Alright alright, you’re really a transcendent all knowing freak. After splitting up, I managed to identify another subsidiary base of the arachnid tribe, that base was already hugely developed with massive amounts of drones continuously harvesting. To avenge our poor fallen comrades, I carried out attacks against those filthy pests….. But… suddenly a fking party of at least a hundred hydralisks arrived. Fortunately, their speed wasn’t that fast, and we managed to escape. But in order to protect the Overlord out of their firing range, our mutalisk ended up as collateral.”

“No wonder I didn’t see many hydralisks here.” Sheyan was enlightened. “This arachnid tribe, their main base should be constructed with many Spore Colonies; even though their level of range now definitely cannot reach out to space, it should be adequate to deal with a normal aerial squad. That is why those hydralisks were lured towards your side to protect the subsidiary base.”

Mogensha curiously asked.

“How did you know that the arachnid’s main base has many Spore Colonies?”

Sheyan’s replied with an unchanging expression.

“Just turn around and look, and you’ll understand.”

Actually, Mogensha had been constantly looking behind to see if there were any pursuers after them. He knew this Overlord possessed the basic intellectual not to randomly fly towards a dangerous area. Thus, he hadn’t notice the events unfolding on the distant plains. Turning his head round for the first time, his eyes popped out widely as he exclaimed.

“Oi oi oi, what are you trying to do?”

Sheyan was the true owner of this Overlord, naturally he would be able to command it with his mind. As Mogensha turned, this Overlord he was riding in was actually insanely charging straight for the arachnid sea in rapid speed!

Sheyan breathed in deeply.

“An Overlord has an innate true-sight ability, thus it is able to see through any hydralisk burrowed beneath the ground. It’ll be able to discover them from afar! As long as we can rush to rescue them before the zergling sea swallows them up; although it seems hopeless, there is still a chance for mission success!”

Mogensha swallowed his saliva as he gazed outside.

“This is really an insane plan, but I like it. But it seems like there are too many survivors, how? Boss, seriously staying too long with you will give me heart problems. F***, why can’t we attack from inside the Overlord?”

It wasn’t that Mogensha hadn’t attempted firing from within the Overlord. But every time he did, it would cause the flying Overlord to shake violently. Through the nightmare imprint’s explanation, it was because he was inside the enclosed area of the Overlord. The gunfire sounds and recoil would affect the stability and mental state of the Overlord……..

Chapter 251: Choice

Sheyan gazed down after hearing Mogensha’s question.

“Hmmm, seems like there’s 3 contestants while every storyline character the mission entails is still alive. 7 people, but we only have 5 slots. No choice, we have to give up on two storyline characters.”

He then glanced towards Baiise who was covered in blood stains (The conversation with Mogensha previously was with the nightmare imprint), feeling regretful he offered.

“Baiise, I’m very sorry I wasn’t able to take care of your two brothers……. Two darned rare elite hydralisk suddenly burrowed out of the ground!”

Baiise nodded his head, gently replied.

“I’ve already heard everything through the communication device within our helmets, they were both good lads. This isn’t your fault lieutenant, I am grateful you avenged them.”

Sheyan didn’t say anything more, he directed his focus outside……Under the scorching heat of the sun, in the vast and furtive desolated plain, a tiny Overlord was shockingly speeding towards a zergling sea at least 10 kilometres in radius. Accompanying it was an injured mutalisk. These two mere creatures against the backdrop of the immeasurable boundless zergling sea, advanced courageously as they faced their giants!

The zergling sea was currently swiftly overlapping each other. One of the desperately fleeing ‘ants’ reflexively glanced backwards before yelling out loudly….. Probably due to the fact that the black Overlord and black mutalisk were completely inharmonious with the zergling backdrop, they were extremely distinct. Within their hearts was originally devoid of hope, full blown despair. But now, a sliver of hope had arose, restoring their motivation. Yet undoubtedly, being distracted by this extra hope of pondering, may not be a good thing!

Not even 10 seconds later, Sheyan and Mogensha frowned simultaneously. The situation now was extremely clear. At most, 1 minute later the zergling sea would catch up to the fleeing humans, but the Overlord would need an additional 10 seconds to reach. Within the 10 seconds duration… was more than enough for these berserking wild zerglings to ravage their preys! Sheyan obviously was able to withstand through 10 seconds, but those exhausted storyline characters and contestants would definitely not be able to! If such a scenario were to occur, ultimately the arachnids will get the last laugh!

Sheyan pondered for a moment, and ordered Mogensha to hand over his battle armour to him. He also started organizing his ‘Prometheus III Flamethrower’, and drank a mouth of spirited vodka to regain his health. Mogensha took a deep breath, as he continued to observe the ridiculously insane zergling sea.

“Boss, you’re really jumping? Think carefully first, you know you can’t use that electromagnetic cloud bomb here. Those storyline characters may not be able to withstand that explosion. But more importantly, only a burrowed arachnid can escape from the effects, it will surely implicate our Overlord! If it gets stunned for 10 seconds while flying, then we’ll definitely end up even more pathetic than those Redliner mutalisks that you set up previously!”

Sheyan composedly acknowledged.

“I know.”

Mogensha frowned.

“Then don’t go!”

The sun rays shone against Sheyan’s decomposed and tattered left cheek, resulting in a sinisterly horrifying look. Yet it contained a peaceful and resolute majesty, the likes of unmoving ‘towering mountains and precipitous ridges’!

“A man must know what he can, and cannot do! To me, a thousand zerglings or 16 zerglings isn’t much of a difference. No matter what, those surviving contestants were people shared life and death with us alongside the battlefield before. If I can redeem a saving grace for them while still maintaining my chances, then I’ll never give up!”

Mogensha lowered his head, sighing as he kept silent. At this moment, a huge twist of events was currently unfolding. A skinny and frail figure suddenly fumbled at this critical moment, and tumbled to the ground! The battle armour had masked a huge portion of her figure, Mogensha and Sheyan were still able to recognize with one look.


That woman that has been constantly maintaining a sense of mystery of hiddenness!

That same vicious and venomous woman that wanted to drag others down to the abyss with her!

In a flash, she was completely abandoned by her group. The tidal waves of zerglings were flooding in wildly from all sides.

But at this very moment, a figure suddenly segregated from the group and hurried backwards to rescue her. This figure was tall, sturdy and covered in blood; indeed it was Reef! Bloodied mutilated wounds crisscrossed his chest, a huge chunk of flesh was torn even ripped out, exposing his sorrowful white ribs. Even with such severe injuries, yet he still dragged Tulip along as they continued advancing forward. His eyes were sternly resolute, roaring out loudly.

“Don’t give up! Don’t give up! Our hope is right ahead!”

After being pulled up by Reef, Tulip’s originally pale and despairing expression suddenly transformed into a radiant smile. A blank scroll flipped out from her hand as she snarled at Reef.

“Yes, captain Reef. Our only hope, lies in you!”

Reef was suddenly stunned, a wave of chill swept up his feet, the icy-cold penetrating every inch of his bones! His sprinting speed suddenly plunged gravely, but it wasn’t because Reef had ran out of stamina. But around the surface of his body, there was suddenly a layer of greyish white stone covering!!! The vigor of his limbs declined excessively, in a flash slowed down like a cumbersome rock!

Indeed, under the party rules of this world, there was no way to attack an ally! But this vicious and wicked woman actually managed to use a buff ability on Reef –

Stoneskin art!

This technique art can raise the target’s defensive capability by 30% – 60%, but the price to pay was his speed would decrease by 50%, and this attack speed would drop by 30%!!!

Naturally, Tulip was extremely clear on the eventual conclusion, she knew that they wouldn’t be able to last till help arrived. Moreover, she had completely no idea that Sheyan was a monstrous freak that could survive within the zergling sea. Thus, her calculations brought her to one conclusion – to sacrifice one person! This would no doubt win them some time against the flood of the zerglings. Moreover, this person had to be able to withstand the longest amidst the ferocious ravaging of the zerglings. He had to last for at least 10 seconds.

Obviously, Reef was the most suitable candidate for that role. Thus…… his only flaw of character had been utterly exploited!!!

This woman Tulip, her schemes were root-deep, her intentions cunning and vicious, and had the ability exploit other’s emotional side! Even the cold-hearted Mogensha, felt a deep restraining fear in his heart.

At this moment, the gap between both parties had been considerably closed up. While she fled, Tulip released a message to the temporary party through her nightmare imprint.

“Under the current situation, this is our best choice…… in order to protect all our storyline characters! You must know, the mission asks for Lieutenant Jonny Rico, Sergeant Dizzy Flores, Sergeant Levy and commander Rasczak to be alive. Rescue us, and you can acquire all the rewards!”

“Woah? You’ve even calculated so far?” Sheyan lightly replied.

Tulip sighed loudly, panting heavily as she forced out a compensatory smile.

“I’m really too foolish. To be able…to be able to cause the golden AK Mogensha, such a strong combatant to follow him unconditionally and without honor, how would he just be a mediocre medicine maker? Bo…boss, please hurry up a little, our storyline characters aren’t able to keep up for long, and I’m also an extremely useful person to have.”

At present, the arachnid sea was able to completely envelop them within 5 seconds. The fleeing party was segregated into two groups. One was the abandoned and stony skinned Reef, still rooted desperately to the ground; allowing the savage zerglings to tear him apart without resistance. He no longer struggled, his lonely desolate silhouette stood heroically, emitting an aura of majestic sorrow.

metres away from him, Tulip and the other storyline characters still had a distance between them and the arachnid sea. Their front route had already been cut off. They were like on an isolated island, as the threatening tsunami waves swept in from all sides. Within seconds, they would definitely be drowned into oblivion!

Currently to Sheyan, he could only make one decision out of the two.

A: Reef

B: Tulip + the rest of the surviving storyline characters.

Saving Reef who had overlapping abilities with him, isn’t merely forsaking the benefits of this mission like what Tulip explained. It was also creating a competition for himself within the party as one who had a similar defensive innate ability. It was also completely giving up on the main mission, and incurring the terrifying penalty of 3 points of the highest basic attribute!

Saving Tulip, aside from her disloyal personality, at least she was still an exceptionally capable woman. If not, she wouldn’t have survived till now. She definitely still had some hidden abilities stored within her, and will certainly be an important aspect for this temporary party.

More importantly, saving her would mean saving the main character of this mission, Lieutenant Johnny Rico; and even Sergeant Dizzy Flores, Sergeant Levy and commander Rasczak, the other 3 crucial characters. No doubt, the additional rewards would be hefty, and the mission completion rate may even be over 90%!

Chapter 252: Farsighted

Personal gains and interest governs the main ideology of the nightmare realm, thus this didn’t pose a very difficult decision for Sheyan.

Saving Reef. No benefits, huge penalty.

Saving Tulip, huge benefits, no penalty!!!

Reef loftily shut his eyes, the taste of blood gradually flushing up his throat. He had already assessed the entire situation, and the state he was in. He already harbored no hope.

A saying goes, the greatest setback does not surpass an anguished heart. (Nothing can surpass the depression and despair of a betrayed and trapped heart)

In this instance, the violent pulses of indignant and unyielding resentment swelled up within Reef’s heart; as though his chest was about to explode forth with grieve anytime!

He no longer remembered he was drowning under the vast arachnid sea. He had completely forgotten the excruciating feeling of having his body ripped and torn to shreds. Forgetting the heavens, the earth, his life and death itself!

His mind was a total blank, a raging roar erupted from deep within his heart; as though wanting to dominate the heavens and the earth!

“I was willing to offer my trust to anyone seeking it, but all i received was betrayal!”

“I was willing to offer my help to anyone needing it, but all i got was being used by others!”

“I don’t accept this!”

“I kept my blood from turning cold, why did I end up like this?! WHY?!”

“My heart……wasn’t cold!”

“WHY WHY WHY!!!!!”

Questioning the heavens over his unjustified fate, under the chaos of the arachnid sea…… Reef shut his eyes, impaling a shimmering sword deep into the ground, supporting his body as he knelt in anguish!

His heart was dead,

He harbored no more hope!!!!!

But at this seemingly hopeless moment,

When Reef had determined the whole world had given up on him,

The glaring sun rays beated down on him. A tremendous domineering pressure rained down from above. “Thud!” Heavily landing behind him….this feeling, this feeling of security and reliability! It caused the stone armoured body of Reef to unconsciously tremble intensely.


Following that was an unimaginable heat wave blasting across his face. Because of the intense heat, even his brows and hair released a burning odour. Yet Reef found an unexplainable solace within this heat. In the deepest darkest depths of his abyss, he found a comrade standing alongside him. This feeling……

“This should be the memory flashes before a person dies.” Reef continued shutting his eyes, rotted to the ground. Suddenly, a ferocious kick struck against his butt. The power was relatively immense, Reef roared out in rage as he opened his eyes. But upon viewing the current scene, tears unconsciously welled up in his eyes. Someone who wouldn’t even cry or plead even in the most desperate of situations!

Then shockingly, an outstretched arm unfolded to him!

A huge thick hand, with solid patches of callouses covering the fingers.

An outstretched arm of hope!!!

Simultaneously, Mogensha’s tyrannical voice boomed out.

“Give me your hand! Don’t F***king get distracted. I do not wish to become the disgusting slimy shit out of a zergling’s ass 3 hours later. Boss? Are you doing okay?”

Clutching his flamethrower, Sheyan didn’t reply as he slanted his head, raising a firm thumbs up. When he jumped down, his health was already half, but these zerglings weren’t elite. Their combined fury swipes could only wither away his health one bit at a time. Moreover, these zerglings didn’t possess high explosive hit rate, hence he could still at least last for several minutes. Instead, in a distant, the other surviving group had already been completely swallowed by the zergling sea, like sugar dissolving in water, without a sound……….

Sheyan triggered his flamethrower, as a fiery dragon as long as 20 metres roared out. Swirling around with his flamethrower, the fanatical blaze enveloped multitudes of zerglings, creating a distinct empty space around him. Mogensha controlled the Overlord to once again float near the ground. Sheyan grabbed Mogensha’s outstretched arm without looking, cleanly and simply borrowing his strength as he boarded the Overlord.

Of course, Sheyan wasn’t the only one that knew how to jump. Several ferocious zerglings pounced up furiously, tightly clawing against the long tentacles of the Overlord; tearing out numerous superficial wounds, and even tried chomping at it with their fangs. Even though the Overlord’s health wasn’t low, it was still defenceless against these savage assaults. Fortunately, there was the mutalisk escorting and protecting its side. Although the mutalisk was injured badly, the spore bullets it sprayed out was enough to kill off several weak zerglings.

“Oh, shit!” Mogensha couldn’t help cursing. Because right now, 3 of them had concurrently received the notification from the nightmare imprint:

Main mission: ‘Rescuing Roughnecks’, Failed.

Pointer: Lieutenant Johnny Rico/ Sergeant Dizzy Flores/ Sergeant Levy / Commander Rasczak has died.

Pointer: Your highest basic attribute has been deducted 3 points.

Pointer: Your achievement level is deducted by 5 points. But you have already exceeded the 6 points limit cap of this world, hence no deduction was made.

After being rescued, Reef had sunk into total silence. He suddenly voiced out.

“I’m sorry.”

Sheyan gazed towards Reef and laughed, earnestly offering.

“Saving you is our own decision, you don’t have to be sorry. If you really feel indebted to us, then help us with two of our ongoing difficult missions.”

Reef sighed, leaning his head against the internal flesh of the Overlord and bitterly smiling.

“Can I still help others? My previous party believed me, and look where it got them?! See crazy Harnik and the rest trusted in me, now their corpses weren’t even spared!”

Sheyan changed to a resolute and firm tone.

“That is why, this time, it is your turn to trust us. Actually your earlier failures are very simple. It is because you were forced into an unsuitable position within the party. It is just like a diamond being used to cushion out a table, the table wouldn’t even be stable. A flower prince using a diamond to wipe their butt will result in hemorrhoid……”

Reef”s vision turn dark, unfolding his arms and laughed reluctantly.

“……thanks for your console. But I think that last example was a little too much eh?”

After an incomparably vicious battle, everyone was exhausted to death. The broken-hearted Reef bluntly laid down onto a wrap of tentacles and fell into deep sleep.

At this moment, god knows where did goblin Jinkuang suddenly popped out from. With his crafty and sly rat eyes, he examined the sleeping Reef. Afterwards, he transmitted an agonizing message over to Sheyan through the nightmare imprint.

“Master! That foolish and rash decision you made just now, it at least cost us future losses in at least 13,219 utility points!”

Sheyan wrapped his wounds as he laughed and replied with his nightmare imprint.

“My friend, some things cannot be measured with money.”

Jinkuang’s round eyes because extremely flustered.

“Oi, my master, you you you….. Are really too naive!”

Sheyan shook his head, answering with great wisdom.

“Saving Reef, our losses is 3 basic attribute points, 6 achievement points right? If we rescued Tulip and the rest of the storyline characters, then our main mission would succeed, and we’ll have additional ample rewards. With this mission difficulty, we should at least get 6 free attribute points, 12 achievement points reward. After calculating fully, that’s 9 basic attribute points, 18 achievement points of difference. Am I right?”

Goblin Jinkuang fished out a random old-fashioned calculator, furiously tapping it. He then replied in annoyance.

“Time is money, master. Just say what you want to say.”

Sheyan’s eyes faintly squinted, as he gently replied.

“According to my current development, to acquire 9 basic attribute points, and 18 achievement points would require going through at least 2 nightmare worlds. But! From Mogensha’s and the other’s reaction, I can infer that a contestant with an innate defensive ability is extremely rare.”

Until here, Sheyan’s eyes were combusting with a rigorous blaze, and hefty ambition! He stared at goblin Jinkuang as he explained clearly.

“My beloved friend, please tell me. To encounter a semi-matured innate defensive core (Main Tank) that is about to give up on life and has nowhere to go, how many worlds must one experience before having the luck to meet one? 10 worlds? 20 worlds?”

Goblin Jinkuang’s blankly scratched his head. Raising his brows up and down.

“Hmm, that actually sounds pretty logical.”

Sheyan continued.

“Cut that act of thinking….. Right, Jinkuang ah. Recently my hands are rather tight, can I borrow some money? If there isn’t, then that soul equipment……… Oi oi oi! Slut, he can actually just vanished inside this Overlord. Where’d he go?”

Reef woke up after resting for one hour. He was actually startled awake by the nightmare imprint. Because the main mission had failed, he would be forcefully transported back to the nightmare realm. However, the 3 were still part of the temporary party. Thus, Sheyan attempted to offer him the human side mission: ‘Eradicating the Spore Colonies’ and the side mission of the Blackthorn tribe ‘Blackthorn tribe’s predicament’; sharing them both to Reef.

Reef naturally felt indebted to them, he didn’t even bother looking at the details and bluntly accepted them. He then received a time extension to stay. After Reef accepted the Blackthorn tribe side mission, his relationship/reputation immediately raised from ‘Hostile’ to ‘Cold’. Now, the Blackthorn arachnids wouldn’t proactively attack him.


Chapter 253: Terrifying Reef

Witnessing the two of them sharing their mission, Mogensha’s eyeballs almost protruded out. Never forget, this pitiful man didn’t accept the ‘Eradicating the Spore Colonies’ mission. While Reef was going through the mission details, Mogensha attempted to get Sheyan to share that side mission with himself. However, this was the merciless transmission he got from the nightmare imprint:

“You’ve already rejected this mission, unable to accept contestant no.1018 shared mission.”

Faced with the cruel reality, Mogensha hugged his golden AK as he dwelled in his self pity. Actually, as long as there was enough manpower and time, there were loads of side missions to be exploited around the vicinity. The destruction of Whiskey base would no doubt attract the movements of other human bases; most likely that would release missions to eliminate the arachnid tribes here. Or perhaps even a new mission depicting construction of a new Whiskey base…… but based on the principle of not wanting to bite off more than they could chew, Sheyan decisively gave up on those tiny skirmishes. At present, they had left the Blackthorn tribe for nearly 4 hours, his heart contained a slight worry that the Redliner tribe had engaged in battle with the Blackthorns. Hence, he spared no haste in rushing back.

During their flight, Sheyan pondered for awhile before tactfully expressing interest in Reef’s attributes; this would facilitate his future planning. After experiencing a costly betrayal, he no longer longed for any authority; he had turned terribly discouraged during his stint as a party leader, thus he no longer cared for such things. Reef bluntly shared all his information to Sheyan.

Contestant no. 770123 (Number is based on genetic codes, not the sequence of entry)

Strength: 21 points (18+2+1)

Agility: 27 points (23+3+1)

Physique: 38 points (30+3+4+1)

Perceptive sense: 9 points (8+1)

Charm: 8 points (7+1)

Intelligence: 9 points (8+1)

Spirit: 10 points (9+1)


Awakened rank A- innate ability: ‘Steel’, Reduces physical damages by 22%, lowers duration of abnormal buffs by 50%.

Basic close combat lvl 7 , Basic footwork lvl 7, Basic meditation lvl 2, Basic awareness lvl 2

Base Advanced ability: ‘Expert Single-handed weapon lvl 6’

Base Ultimate ability: ‘Courage’. Castable on allies, cooldown duration of 15 seconds. Damage incurred to your ability target will be shouldered by you, next damage lessened by 15%.

Base Advanced ability: ‘Shield handling lvl 6’ (Additional effects when using a shield)

Base Ultimate ability: ‘Heavy shield handling lvl 1’ (Allows you to activate abilities of heavy shield, and obtain additional effects)

Basic attribute reward I (Reward when physique attribute reaches 20 points) : ‘Mister healthy’ (HP +100)

Basic attribute reward I (Reward when agility attribute reaches 20 points) : ‘Fuzzy’ (Avoidability +3%)

TN: basic attribute reward I is based on pure attribute, not with enhancement of items

Rank B+ passive ability: ‘Rude lvl 3’ (Current proficiency rate: 1135/3000). An ordinary attack against an opponent has a probability in creating an additional AOE damage. Attack damage will be 15% of the ordinary damage, but will not be lower than 10 points. Enemies affected by this damage will have a negative buff of 50% movement/attack speed. Duration: 3 seconds.

Every successful trigger, will increase proficiency by 1-3 points. Must max out proficiency rate to upgrade to the next ability rank.

Rank A active ability: ‘Shattering cardiac roar’ (Proficiency: Max) Release a ferocious roar, dealing a 20 metre radius damage of (physique x3). Causing movement speed to reduce by 50% – 70%, attack speed by 25% – 70%. Duration: Caster’s physique minus victim’s physique. If the victim has a higher physique, he will only receive the damage and not the negative effect.

Additional: No usage cost, cooldown of 1 minute.

Additional: Ability can still be activated within cooldown duration, but will consume 25% of health (Or not lower than 20 points). But all resultant damage and effect including duration will decrease by half.

Max rank additional effect: Once ‘Shattering Cardiac Roar’ affects a radius of enemy, any additional enemy will increase the damage of ‘Shattering Cardiac Roar’ by 10%, maximum increase of 50%.

When this ability is used in the context of a contestant battle, the duration of effect will be affected by the 40% limiter regulation.

-tiers innate ability: ‘Faith guard’ (Current cultivation of the 4th tier). Activating it will instantly form a layer of mental constructed formidable armour, armour possess 100 HP, 10 points of defence and duration of 300 seconds. After it is destroyed, it will restore 100 HP to user within 10 seconds. (Tier 5 cultivation will allow casting on others). Activation of ability requires 30 MP.

Main equipments:

Processed Alien Skull

Origin: Adult Alien

Equipment rarity: Silver Storyline class

Material: Chitin + Testosterone + Formic acid + SOD + Ant aldehyde + Leucocyte silk etc

Additional installation: Shield spike

Equipment position: Left arm

Equipment category: Mid-sized shield.

Weight: 5.2 kg.

Equipment usage requirements: strength 15 points, physique 30 points.

Durability: 131/200

Details: Lowers explosive strike rate by 10%

Details: Defence +15 (‘Shield handling lvl6’ will provide additional 5 points of defence and 50 HP)

Details: Resisting opponent’s attack rate +45%

Details: Physique +4

Characteristic: ‘Blood acidity’. Every time you successfully resist an opponent’s attack, chance of triggering the remnant acidic blood of the shield to spray out, dealing 7 – 27 points of acidic damage.

Characteristics: ‘Tough density’. The Alien Skull is made with an extremely tough density material. Using it to resist an opponent’s attack, results in only 33% probability of damaging the shield’s durability.

Ability: ‘Tongue thrust’. After the shield absorbs 500 points of damage, it will release a thrusting hidden alien tongue at the enemy. Attack ignores 50% of enemy’s defence, dealing 100 points of fixed damage + (Strength damage x2). Stunning enemy for 3 seconds. (Minimum stunning duration of 1 second). Cooldown duration: 120 seconds.

Ability can be interchanged between passive or active. Interchanging duration of 30 minutes.

Description: Only a Alien Skull processed by a Predator can unleash both offensive and defensive capabilities. Not every Alien Skull is suitable to be forged into a shield. While paying attention to defending, one may forsake seeking the enemy’s weakness.

Centaurus Ionized Lightsabre (For practice)

Origin: Starwars

Equipment rarity: Black

Equipment quality: Restored after severe damage.

Material composition: Energy loop + Electric charge focal lens + Energy activation device + Superconductor

Additional installation: Slot already damaged.

Weight: 1.2 kg.

Equipment usage requirement: Strength 20 points, agility 15 points. Every single usage consumes 2000 utility points/10 force energy to satisfy the lightsabre. Effect will dissipate after half an hour.

Durability: nil

Details: damage raised by 33 – 34 points

Details: Attack speed increase by 45%

Details: Your attack has a chance of disregarding 5 points of armour.

Passive ability: ‘Ray refraction’. When resisting/dodging/blocking an attack, 30% chance of invoking the lightsabre energy to form a protective wall, repelling all long range attacks back to the enemy. Protection of damage unable to exceed 30 points.

Description: It’s horcrux (Weapon Soul) has been destroyed, unable to equip any spirit nature to it.

(Reef’s other equipments are all blue or dark blue class, purely increasing basic attributes or evasion/avoidability rate)


Observing Reef’s individual attributes, Sheyan’s lament over the importance of a party heavily struck him again. Reef’s basic attributes added up to 122 points, even without equipments, it was 115 points. As for Sheyan, even with the temporary 10 points of physique bonus, with his equipments his basic attributes only reached 108 points! Moreover, Reef’s blocking, evading and resisting rate were at least 3 folds of Sheyan. This was the ultimate product of an assembled party, focusing their resources on a ultimate defence warrior; high HP, thick defence, and even possessing area controlling abilities!

Then Sheyan saw Reef’s innate ability, leaking out an astonished look….

“So you……….”

Mogensha interrupted as though accustomed to it.

“This is very normal alright? Within the context of a new party, disguising their figures is extremely normal. One only needs to proof that they are indeed an innate defensive type, fitting the criteria for a Main Tank (MT), that is enough.”

Sheyan smiled miserably.

“In terms of knowledge and experience, that is indeed my shortcoming.”

As the saying goes, one doesn’t fear ignorance, but fear comparisons. Comparing himself to Reef’s long list of attributes and abilities, Sheyan obviously felt rather un-pro. But Sheyan’s talents lay in his scheming and innate ability, he could often seized the golden opportunities to exhibit his maximum potential; this was the reason Reef could never outmatch him.

Currently, even though Reef was well and lived, he was still depressed and dispirited in his heart. Mogensha still did not really understand why Sheyan would choose to forsake the main mission to rescue Reef. An awkward silence presided within the peaceful cavity of the flying Overlord.

Chapter 254: Hydralisk earnings

The trio reflected on their own things, causing the atmosphere to turn awkwardly silent. Sheyan then produced out his 2 key loots from the rare elite hydralisks.

When the first dark blue chest opened, Sheyan was instantly dumbfounded – there was nothing inside! Instead, a mind blowing heap of utility points! Instantly transferred into the account of his nightmare imprint; the numbers were bouncing up furiously. Looking at the wild constant influx of wealth, unclear of when this would stop; this really warmed the heart and pleased the eyes, causing one to brim with expectation.

Mogensha was initially lazing by the side, but after noticing this scene; he gritted his teeth in shock.

“Woah woah! Boss you’re rich! This is the first time I’ve seen such a huge explosion of utility points. Previously, I encountered one that exploded with equipments and nothing else; but only blue class equipments for a total of 5 pieces. Sadly, not a fking one was useful to me. Coincidentally I was lacking in finance, and directly sold them away.”

The soaring exorbitant wealth account finally slowed down. Finally, Sheyan observed as he was now richer by 8000+ utility points, this was a pleasant surprise. Next, he exhibited his shimmering silver key out and grinned.

“Wanna guess what this key will produce?”

Even the silent Reef, couldn’t help displaying his shock.

“You got that in this world?”

Sheyan nodded as he laughed.

“A minute probability chance. After slaying the two rare elite hydralisks, one of them dropped a dark blue key and the other is this.”

Mogensha immediately cursed.

“Oh, F! I should’ve just joined you into that f***king cave.”

Sheyan mockingly laughed.

“If you entered with me, I reckon we would have had more troubles than benefits.”

Then Sheyan started explaining his encounter with the two rare elite hydralisks in full details. As Mogensha listened, even his back felt a sweeping chill. Sheyan then triggered out the chest, and opened it; ultimately producing an item.

This item appeared extremely sinister, like a purplish black organ that was cut off and washed clean. 7-8 thick tentacles grew from the side, still dripping with dark violet fluids. The nightmare imprint then notified him.

“You’ve obtained an unappraised object: ‘Elite hydralisk’s rare acid gland’.”

“Item class: Silver storyline class.”

“You need to appraise it to obtain the relevant information.”

“Description: Any Mother nest from any arachnid tribe would wish to obtain this item to consume and genetically analyse it.”

Very obviously, the last statement indicated that – this item could be used to exchange for reputation points. Sadly, there were only 3 ways to appraise a silver storyline item.

The easiest was returning to the realm, paying to appraise it.

The next was upon reaching a relevant military rank, paying the nightmare imprint to appraise it. But such a method may expend achievement points.

The hardest was for the contestant to use a relevant ability to appraise. The first two methods would still retain the original attributes of the item; but if the the contestant used his own cultivated appraisal ability, then the attributes may even be raised!

The separate operation by Mogensha after he split off with Sheyan had also reaped several benefits. The fragments of ‘rubbish’ from the arachnids surmounted to 2000 utility points. It wasn’t only Sheyan’s luck that was thriving. While massacring the drones within the base, a extremely rare slavery scenario took place.

A drone that was about to be slayed was actually willing to surrender and become his slave!

That brat actually cost up to 5000 reputation points and 2000 utility points if purchased from the Blackthorn tribe! Such a happening, obviously Mogensha delightedly accepted. Looking at this unfortunate baby drone trembling in its own pool of greenish blood, wriggling sorrowfully on the ground; Mogensha was even worried it would die, and he carefully wrapped it with a bandage.

Although Reef’s emotions were an all time low, he still indicated a huge interest towards the Blackthorn tribe. These savage and cruel arachnids had left a deep impression on Reef, and now he had to fight shoulder to shoulder with them (Although it is also to defeat other arachnids). This fueled a rather complication feeling within him.

During their journey back, Sheyan and Mogensha managed to casually capture a mutated Scourge that had sharp piercing bones covering its entire body. Because such a variation was something the Blackthorn Mother nest did not possess, they wanted to try their luck to see if they could exchange it for reputation points.

After interacting with Reef, they could confirm one thing; these kind situation of reputation point transactions with the Blackthorn tribe was an extremely rare matter. It could only be fulfilled or materialized under severely harsh conditions/prerequisites. Therefore, earning more reputation points now was the right thing to do.

When the distant Blackthorn tribe came into view, Sheyan finally calmed down. The evolved ‘II’ Mother nest still possessed its towering grandeur. Two imposing and gigantically erected pillars looked like the upper half of an ancient malefice dragon. It was completely free from damage and blemishes.

Above the Mother nest were numerous Overlords drifting around, even mutalisk and genuine scourges were spiralling about. A genuine scourge required 25 units of Pandora crystal, 75 units of Vespene gas to spawn out 2 from each larva. Therefore, one requires 12.5 Pandora crystals, 37.5 Vespene gas.

These aerial beast were oddly rapid, but didn’t possess offensive capabilities. Its threat lies in its ability to self-destruct when approaching an enemy aerial unit, producing a devastating small radius damage. Few aerial units would be able to withstand 2-3 scourges exploded simultaneously. It seemed like Overmind Mozi was afraid the enemy may utilize a ‘kamikaze’ tactic, and thus was specifically strict with regards to his aerial territory.

After descending, Sheyan and the rest naturally submitted their captive mutated scourge, before probing about the current status. However, the Mother nest’s feedback analysis was extremely awkward.

��Submitted mutated organism is completely worthless��

��Only under desperate situations of a class ‘I’ Mother nest, would it be spawned to in hopes of aerial superiority��

��Creature: Low output value (1 larva can only spawn 1). Resource consumption: high (150 units of Pandora crystal, 50 units of Vespene gas). Damage: low. Rejected.��

Fortunately, the next message allowed them some comfort. The Redliner tribe hadn’t made a move, probably still frenziedly harvesting crystals and building their force. Although they didn’t move now, once they did, it would certainly be earth shaking. But to the Blackthorn tribe, more time meant more preparation. Moreover, the Blackthorn tribe had occupied more Pandora crystals, therefore their production and development capabilities were inevitably much stronger than the Redliner tribe.

At present amidst the human trio, Mogensha hadn’t suffered any injuries. The black dude leapt down from the Overlord, excitedly carrying along his injured drone for treatment; before directly heading for the Pandora ore mines, naturally trying to see if he could leverage certain benefits on this poor kid. Sheyan supported Reef over to the Spawning pool of the Blackthorn tribe, intending to receive full treatment.

Previously, Sheyan had suffered severe corrosive wounds from the rare elite hydralisks, his left cheek was still a ghastly mess and his left eye blind. Worst was that the acid jet contained a poisonous corrosive effect. Sheyan only halted the rate of further damage, but still its deadly properties continued to suppress his own regenerative ability.

Reef was similarly badly wounded. His body was covered in lacerations, mutilated chunks, fractures and ripped organs. These wounds wouldn’t be able to regenerate individually within a short time. Facing such a treacherous and nerve-wracking situation, paying small reputation points and utility points to utilize the Blackthorn healing facilities was justifiable. But one point to note – If Sheyan had maintained his ‘Worshipped’ status, then entering the Spawning Pool would be totally free.

The Spawning pool within the Mother nest was the breeding ground for larvas. Even though wiggling fleshy walls and pulsating veins were everywhere, it would be fine after getting accustomed to it. Following Sheyan’s guidance, Reef directly soaked his body into the enormous womb, beside them were squirming larvas. The Mother nest’s amniotic fluids was able to extract the minerals from the Pandora crystals, converting the energy to speedily repair their injuries. Because the amniotic fluid exceeded their nose level, therefore they breathed through large overhanging umbilical cords.

Sheyan sustained heavy injuries, yet they were mostly external wounds; not as serious as fractures or lacerated organs etc. His injuries were comparatively lighter than Reefs, and very quickly his body recovered his optimal state. However, the acidic nature lingering on his body was exceedingly venomous, it was like a vestige of a lethal curse. If he wanted to quickly expel it, he had to head over to the Hydralisk Den for further advanced treatment.

Sheyan crawled out from the amniotic fluid. Waving at Reef, he headed out.

Chapter 255: Of course we snatch!

When Sheyan left, Reef still soaking in the womb opened his eyes. His eyes shone with a complicated brilliance. The wounds emitted out strands of black-reddish blood. His powerful physique was starting to recover to its optimal state. He was no longer depressed as before. The muscles spasmed and solidified intensely, forcefully patching and cooling like boiling casted metal!

“That Seaman, he really seems pretty outstanding. To be able to easily bring me into a grand arachnid base, and a sacred healing pool like this…….”

“Perhaps I’m really not suited to be a party leader, then I should just observe for now.”

“This gratitude cannot be expressed with words. This time, Seaman and Mogensha rescued me, their losses are undeniable as well. If Seaman is really a reliable talent, then following his command may not be a bad thing. If he isn’t reliable, then I’ll just leave after repaying this gratitude of grace.”

After deciding, Reef felt a void within his heart; as though a huge stone had been lifted from it. Currently, this body wounds were vividly healing and patching up, his fractured bones gradually mending together. Finally, his skin as smooth as before, the perfectly fine Reef rose from the amniotic fluid; the fluid rolling off his scarlet muscles like a waterfall.

“This rejuvenating sensation, it is indeed refreshing!”


When Reef strolled out of the spawning pool of the Mother nest, Sheyan was still undergoing his detoxification treatment. Hence, Reef could only randomly stroll about. Suddenly, he saw the black man Mogensha hugging his golden AK as he walked over with all smiles. After inquiring, he realized that the drone Mogensha had brought back had a pretty outstanding efficiency rate. It could harvest 30 units of Pandora crystal and 5 units of Vespene gas every hour, its workrate was about twice of the average drone.

In theory, every drone could only work for 16 hours per day; the 480 units of Pandora crystal and 80 units of Vespene gas could be directly sold to the nightmare imprint, or gifted to the Blackthorn Mother. The selling valuation was 2500 – 3000 utility points; but exchanging for reputation points would be more worthwhile, boosting several thousands of reputation points. Everything is great except for one small defect – the extracted Pandora crystals and Vespene gas were all raw ores, if he could process and refine it; their valuation would increase.

After listening, Reef curiously asked.

“That drone you caught, it really harvests Pandora crystals and Vespene gas?”

Mogensha immediately brought Reef along to observe. When he witnessed personally the drone extracting the minerals, Reef abruptly sighed.

“If I knew I could obtain Pandora crystals like this, why did I insist on carrying out the main mission?”

At this moment, Sheyan had completely his detoxification and coincidentally arrived. Asking curiously.

“What has the main mission got to do with Pandora crystals?”

Reef shook his head.

“At the Rum outpost base, they were selling Pandora crystals and Vespene gas. Because I had learned a forging type ability, a certain longing for these minerals emerged within me. But the prices they offered was so expensive it made my hair stand. Thus, I insisted on completing the main mission to raise my reputation. Haish……. I didn’t expect there was this method!”

Sheyan muttered out.

“If you really needed those crystal and vespene ore, then there are relatively many ways in doing so. The most dependable is raising your reputation to ‘Respected’, then you can directly purchase a drone to harvest for you. However, the payment is pretty expensive. Moreover, I don’t recommend such a method because after raising your reputation to ‘Worshipped’ here in the Blackthorn, there are incredible attribute enhancements.”

After finishing, Sheyan immediately regurgitated the purchasing menu out to Reef with his memory. After Reef absorbed the facts; he was no fool, he instantly understood the hidden benefits behind those exchanges. But still, he couldn’t help asking.

“Then what is the other method?”

Sheyan laughed, putting it bluntly forward.

“Of course it’s to snatch!”


minutes later, the rested trio once again boarded their acquired ordinary Overlord. Scouting a kilometre ahead, was that mutalisk. Although previously the Blackthorn tribe had assumed dominating aerial superiority, the Redliner tribe did not give up easily. They changed their warfare tactics, producing Scourges and multitudes of hydralisks to deal with the situation; hence, they successfully destroyed the total aerial monopoly of the Blackthorn tribe. Thus, Sheyan and the rest cautiously proceeded like a thousand year boat.

Reef was concentrating his attention onto the electronic map. On the map, Sheyan’s previous marking was still extremely vivid in his mind; as though his steady and calm voice repeatedly resounded within Reef’s ears.

“There are two arachnid tribes within a thousand kilometre vicinity from here. One tribe is our ally, and the other our enemy. Therefore naturally, our heist target would be the Redliner tribe….. Demu (Mogensha), cast away your damned astonished expression and carefully listen to me. Am I an idiot that will directly assault the enemy’s Mother nest? The Redliner tribe has eradicated several other arachnid tribes, to be able to reach their current scope of development. Those expired arachnid tribes probably hadn’t harvested fully their pandora crystals, except the contents wouldn’t be as abundant. Obviously, their previous Mother nest should have already been colonized by the Redliner tribe.”

“But note, the relations between the Redliner tribe and its subsidiary bases aren’t considered inseparably close. Even the nearest base is at least 50 kilometres away. For the Redliner tribe, after losing their aerial fleet, they would at least require half an hour to send reinforcements to the subsidiary base.”

“First, we will commence a one-off surprise raid on every subsidiary base, as a harassment method. Every surprise raid will last only several minutes. Most importantly, our goal is to investigate which subsidiary base holds more Pandora crystals. After the Redliner tribe has been taken for a round trip and has no clue where our primary target is, we will once again raid that certain base. Naturally, we can plunder them forcefully.”

Looking at the map ahead, Reef earnestly tried to analyze. Ultimately, he looked at Sheyan, desiring to speak but preventing himself. Sheyan laughed.

“My methods are not free from careless oversights. If there’s a problem, just say it. It beats going into the battle with a misunderstanding or fear.”

Reef earnestly started.

“The Redliner tribe has since lost its aerial dominance, thus their forces should be primarily concentrated around its main base; there’s no doubt the subsidiary bases are defencely hollow. But never forget, the arachnid base still contains a powerful defence mechanism – Sunken Colonies. That thing is extremely destructive, its offense is deadly and its range vast. If there are more than 3 of those, in addition to the bits of arachnids; there is no chance for victory.”

Sheyan shook his head, confidently replying like he had planned it all out.

“That’s not correct. Take a look at the terrain nearby. The Redliner tribe’s main base coincidentally is situated in front of the subsidiary bases. For the Blackthorn tribe to engage in assaults, it is impossible to bypass the Redliner tribe’s main base without being discovered. Furthermore, even though the Blackthorn tribe has occupied aerial dominance, the Redliner tribe’s tactic of hydralisk + Scourges allows them aerial authority of their controlled region. This eliminates the possibility of going airborne by using a grand scale of transporting Overlords .”

“From the Redliner tribe perspective, their greatest wariness is a sneak attack from the highly mobile mutalisks! Therefore, I dare to say that within their subsidiary bases, it is a combination of Spore colonies and groups of zerglings. In this manner, their strength to deal with aerial attacks or direct frontal assaults is segregated. This way, they can deal with the majority of scenarios.”

“Lastly but most importantly, from an economic perspective; the current Redliner tribe should be relatively lacking in vespene gas. The combination of Spore colonies and zerglings, completely does not require expending Vespene gas – This is also the primary reason and method in dealing against both aerial of direct frontal assault.”

Reef pondered for a brief moment.

“You are right, but the sheer quantity of zerglings is another headache.”

Sheyan laughed.

“Don’t worry, just leave that problem to me.”

“Right.” Mogensha suddenly interrupted. “Why haven’t I seen a single flaming beetle ever since we started battling for so long? Is there a chance of encountering that?”

Sheyan very confidently replied.

“I’ve already enquired about that with Overmind Mozi. After they obtained ‘Scorching Mouth”s nucleus, they’ve already completely uncovered the base genes of that arachnid creature; possessing the ability to spawn out flaming beetles. Furthermore, following the flaming beetle’s genetic code direction of research, the Blackthorn tribe managed to create a new strand of hormone within the hydralisk’s acidic jet. That hormone is able to unleash fatal damages when interacting with a flaming beetle. The costs of spawning a flaming beetle is ridiculously high, similar to producing 20 hydralisks with the same amount of Pandora crystals. Hence, the Redliner tribe will definitely not spawn out flaming beetles anymore. Of course, the Blackthorn tribe’s flaming beetle similarly suffers from this.”

Mogensha was stunned.

“So that was the case. Then the flaming beetle is only useful against arachnid tribes that hadn’t analyzed its genetic code.”

Sheyan nodded his head.

“That is the rough idea.”

Chapter 256: Trying out, first collaboration

Very quickly, they arrived at the outskirts of a Redliner subsidiary base; after communicating with the nearby flying Blackthorn tribe’s mutalisks, Sheyan and the rest received a list of relevant information about their defensive layout. Because the Redliner tribe’s primary defensive efforts were towards a mass scale aerial invasion; the pocket sized squad consisting of Sheyan’s Overlord and his mutalisk very easily infiltrated through.

Bustling hardworking drones, tremendous scarlet organ structures, viscous organism carpet stretch through the floor. Everything was identical to the Blackthorn base; its only difference was that distinct red scar across the structures and their arachnid units.

Around the surface of the base, were at least 10 scattered Spore Colonies. Their features were extremely queer, looking like a severed pig nose erected over the ground. It was painted fully brown, and thick burly tentacles wriggled out from the ground around it, fastening the Spore cannon to the ground. Intertwined vine like vasculars covered the surface of the Spore cannon; although it wasn’t mobile and could only target flying units, its range of attack was relatively far. Once it discovers a hostile flying unit, it will regurgitate an acidic spore; repeatedly blasting towards the enemy.

According to the combat analysis report given by the Blackthorn tribe; under normal circumstances, 1 Spore Colony would be able to slay several heads of mutalisks, its threat was considerably great. Moreover, to construct it would require only 175 units of Pandora crystals. Of course, being unable to move and constant supplication of nutrients was its weakness.

Looking at the Spore Colonies beneath them, Reef couldn’t help saying.

“It looks like the Blackthorn tribe had already assaulted this area before; look at some of the Spore Colonies there, they are spurting blood fluids from their injuries.”

Mogensha squinted his eyes to survey the distant scene.

“Mmm, previously there should be only 5-6 Spore Colonies, the rest were new additions after the assault. Looks like the damaged done by the Blackthorn tribe wasn’t light. Beside one of the larger lair storage of Pandora crystals, there is only 1 Sunken Colony.”

“Good.” Sheyan was already starting to display an aura of a party leader. “Have you caught sight of that Spore Colony a kilometre west from here, on the mountain cliff? Our target is that. I’ll deal with the ze