Chapter 200: Second lieutenant

Naturally, option A – ‘Steroids fury’ was prefered by offensive type contestants. Option B – ‘Healthy mister’ was more suitably for defensive type contestants. For example summoners and support class contestants would choose option B. Sheyan considered for a moment, he still believed that staying alive took priority. He particular experienced that during the vicious hurricane created by the winged keys. Thus, he selected option B.


Following the direction of his nightmare imprint, Sheyan swiftly returned to the marketplace. When he was approaching the middle region of the district, he suddenly felt the ground beneath vibrating a little. The tile beneath him suddenly lifted him up, three red tentacles erupted from the ground coiling and weaving around Sheyan forming a sealed but spacious fencing. It was to prevent others from falling in. Using his hand to touch, he could feel a spongy texture followed by a metal core within, it was slightly warm but extremely solid.

Riding on this ‘elevator’, Sheyan was lifted towards the summit of the realm. Upon reaching its goal, the tile beneath him dissolved into the lateral wall. Ahead of him was a hexagon shaped metal tunnel. The metal tunnel gave on an unfathomable feeling, even time could not leave a mark on it! As Sheyan walked through, 3 beams of green rays burst out and started scanning him. Any unnecessary movements would surely result in instant death.

At the end of the tunnel was a metal chair. The chair was embroidered with huge oval crystals. Sheyan sat down, a hologram screen ejected from the ground:

“Serial no.1018……analyzing”


“Confirming identity……”

“Your current nightmare imprint ranking is: Recruit.”

“Conditions met to promote your military ranking. Do you wish to promote? Yes / No?”


“Your current nightmare imprint ranking is: Private First Class.”

“Conditions met to promote your military ranking. Do you wish to promote? Yes /No?”




Following that, Sheyan consecutively jumped 3 ranks. He directly leapt over the critical junctures of Corporal, Sergeant and Staff Sergeant ranks.

achievement points was the doorstep of the 2nd Lieutenant rank. Sheyan’s achievement value had already reached 53 points, and fulfilled the adequate requirements. This time promoting from staff-sergeant to captain was definitely not a simple path. Even in the present world, 2nd lieutenants makes up the majority of officers and were considered the lowest ranking for commissioned officers. It represented the transformation from a soldier to an officer! From here on, the led will become the leader!

All these promotions were directly announced by the hologram screen. Suddenly a disturbance static surfaced on the screen, after a brief moment, a hoarse voice transmitted over.

“Wa oh! Yet another guy who has pass through the preliminary refining. Keke.”

“Very well done, let me see. Contestant no.1018, congratulations on successfully become a 2nd lieutenant.”

Sheyan amazedly replied.

“Who are you?”

“Don’t fret, don’t fret! I’m not an enemy. In truth, I am also a human same as you, but instead I am from the future.”

“Future?” Sheyan was even more bewildered.

The hoarse voice coughed twice before continuing.

“That’s right. Actually, strictly speaking your ranking is what we would’ve recruited you the previous decade. But based on your strength now, you don’t meet our standards. Until you’ve matured further, you’ll be naturally contacted again.”

“Military recruitment?” Sheyan felt a wave of fury rushing up. Thinking of the various dangers he had faced so far in the nightmare realm, his life hanging on a thread.

“You guys let me struggle between life and death, treating us just like ants! Is that called recruitment?”

“Don’t be agitated young lieutenant!” The voice sounded like it usually faced such scenarios, calmly continuing.

“To gain, one has to first lose. To enter this realm, one has to possess intense reluctance and indomitable willpower. They long for somewhere to vent their frustrations, but we can satisfy your wishes. Naturally, you’ll have to fight for us. Isn’t this just a fair trade? Let’s take you for an example, has the realm forced you to join?”

“But……” Sheyan was loss for words.

The hoarse voice gently continued.

“If you feel that our actions are wrong, then we will give you a chance. Immediately leave the realm, and your nightmare imprint will disappear. All your memories will be erased. You can continue living as an ordinary person in the 21st century.”

“NO!” Sheyan was appalled. He immediately raised his voice. “I haven’t acquired the regenerative medicine to treat Uncle Dasi’s fingers, how can I leave?”

“Ok, ok.” The hoarse voice chirped. “You see, you see, between us is definitely a fair relationship.”

“……Alright, I understand. I take back my earlier words.” Sheyan dejectedly replied. “Then award me my title.”

The hoarse voice lauded him.

“Very good. The next time I see you, I hope that you have reached a level that we can use. You must know, the place to earn the greatest achievements is on our battlefield.”

“My last advice, is solely for you. Young lieutenant, only few talented contestants can receive that privilege.”

Sheyan earnestly nodded his head.

“I will keep this to heart.”

“Cherish your achievement points, like how you cherish your lover. Be as stingy with it….if not believe me, you will certainly regret squandering in the near future.”

Sheyan suddenly recalled another matter.

“Earlier I’ve learned that achievement points can be exchanged. How about purchasing some?”

The coarse voice simply replied.

“I don’t encourage such a behavior, that is a foolish idea. Moreover you are only a second lieutenant now, you cannot engage in trades with others anymore. Haish, Let’s put it like this. Soldiers would trade away their achievement points, do so only to increase their survivability chances and self-benefits. Regarding your current stage, I can only tell you that lieutenants who achieve their rank through trading will never receive our acknowledgement or commendation. And their promotion privileges are lesser. More importantly, it is so they can establish their own parties….. I’ve said too much already. Good luck young lieutenant, hope to see you again.”

Consecutively, Sheyan ear’s resounded with notifications:

“You have been promoted to: Second Lieutenant.”

“Your nightmare imprint has received the following privileges.”

“You can purchase the related military items within the nightmare realm.”

“Your personal interspatial area has increased by 100%.”

“You can establish a lowest grade party, party cannot exceed 5 people.”

“You can appoint an assistant, but his rank must at least by sergeant/ sergeant (Reserve). Appointing will require a small fee of achievement points.”

“You received a one-time privilege purchasement of military item for free.”

“You receive the authority to initiate entry into the nightmare realm after 2 weeks in the present world. Initiating entry will provide an additional stay over period of 180 minutes. At present, every completion of a nightmare world would provide a 48 hours accumulative stay over period.”

Warning: Once your achievement points reduced to below 50, your acquired privileges will be taken away, your rank will be demoted.

Sheyan glanced through this list and felt rather satisfied. Previously in the Pirates of the Caribbean world, he found out achievement points could be traded. It looks like those budding phase parties utilized this swift method to establish their party. He suddenly recalled something else, loudly inquiring out.

“May I ask how you determine the amount of utility points, potential points, and free attribute points after completing a test?”

The answer changed to the robotic, emotionless tone of the nightmare realm. Obviously, the person that awarded Sheyan had left.

“Calculating your privileges……”

“Please pay 600 utility points, contestant no.1018.”

“Your current ranking is: 2nd Lieutenant. You only need to pay 500 utility points.”

Sheyan was speechless but still paid up the 500 utility points. In the realm, at all times it was efficient, hardless yet urging one to pursue his pinnacle. This was the hardless universal law from the beginning: How much you pay, that is how much you gain. It was that simple. It was that merciless and precise like a machine!

Very quickly, Sheyan received an answer.

“How many utility points you earn as reward, is related to your mission content exploration rate. The nightmare realm will evaluate and judge based on every single mission content against the ones that you have accepted and completed.”

“How many potential points is related to the exploration rate of the world itself. Also, it is related to the completion score of your completed mission.”

“As long as you managed to advance deeply into the exploration of various dangerous main storyline, important characters, or special scenarios; you will obtain additional free attribute points. Note: You can’t have both fish and bear paw. During a contestant’s earlier phase, if he doesn’t have the support of a mighty party, then trying to earn additional free attribute points would definitely restrict the amount of additional potential/utility points earned.”

(TN: *Chinese idiom which means you can’t always get everything.)

Chapter 201: Origins of strange objects

Looking at these notifications, Sheyan’s former confusion was swept clean. He felt that the 500 utility points was not wasted. He then examined his unknown strange object: ‘Vampire bat injected with digestive enzymes’. In the end, he was shocked to discover two options:

A) Sell it and earn 5,000 utility points.

B) Offer it to the realm and earn 1 achievement point.

The implied meaning of this was an unknown strange object was a classification that was rarely seen. It was like mutated species after reaction with nuclear radiation, those hybridized species. Hence, the realm didn’t contain the relevant data, and was research worthy.

If it was before his promotion, Sheyan would really have chosen that 5000 utility points. But after hesitations, he selected achievement point. Next, he browsed through the related military ranking merchant. But he realized the amount of purchasable merchandize hadn’t greatly increase. It was only extra bandages, medicines and several related military medals.

Medals could be bought with achievement points, using it will raise one’s reputation/impression level. It ranged from 1000 points to 5000 points, and was extremely useful. Taking Sheyan for an example, if he used it on Hagrid previously, then his impression would have soared to an unattainable value. Thus, he wouldn’t have the need to work so hard.

Facing this dazzling array of merchandize, Sheyan was really moved. The most enticing one was undoubtedly that ‘Cell restoration dosage’ that could instantly restore 100% HP and simultaneously increase all attributes temporary by 3 points (Duration: 1 hour). Next was the medal. Yet the former required a whole 10 achievement points, and the latter required 5000 utility points + 2 achievement points!

To Sheyan, surviving in a crisis was not difficult, he could surely find other alternatives,. Instead that one-time free purchase, was reserved to treat Uncle Dasi’s crippled fingers. Hence, after considering deeply, he could only endure the temptation.

After settling all these complicated matters, Sheyan once again descended the ordinary marketplace. The next thing to do was naturally to use that item: ‘Troll’s Horcrux (Silver storyline grade)’.

Following the nightmare imprint’s guide, Sheyan arrived at the west military district of the realm’s transaction hall. Here was a layer of inlaid sealed telephone booths along the wall. After a contestant entered, the door will automatically close. He can work privately in that secret confined space, and not be bothered by anyone else.

The prerequisites of upgrading a black grade equipment to a silver storyline class was possessing its own ‘soul’. The item: ‘Troll’s Horcrux’ possessed the sealed troll’s soul. But whether it succeeds depends on the compatibility of the horcrux and the equipment. If the compatibility was low, then the chances of success would be lower. Even if it succeeds, certain mismatch and laughable attributes would appear like a ‘long range weapon possessing close combat abilities’.

Undoubtedly, ‘Troll’s horcrux’ possessed the brutal and crude soul of the troll, the compatibility would certainly be disastrous with any black grade magic type equipments. Besides, the only black grade equipments Sheyan possessed were all pertaining to physical aspects. Therefore, there was no such worries.

After a series of examinations, Sheyan discovered that the ‘Troll’s horcrux’ had the most compatibility of 95% with the black grade weapon: ‘Troll’s Legbone’. It had a compatibility of 86.7% with the black grade ‘Obsidian fossil anchor’, but only 65% with ‘Ambition’. Naturally, based on this calculation the best option would be to integrate the ‘Troll’s horcrux’ with the ‘Obsidian fossil anchor’.

Ultimately, Sheyan still had to spend an additional 1000 utility points and 1 potential point to successfully merge the two. Sadly, he had to wait 32 hours to retrieve the acquired attributes upgrade. Sheyan pondered a moment before renting a personal stall for himself. He then projected the 3D images and information of his selling items, and indicated that he would approximately be back after 15 days in the present world.

Sheyan’s actions were like throwing out an advertisement. Afterwards, he planned to return to the present world and return after 15 days. Moreover he had 48 hours before being forced to leave after the next mission arrives when he returned to the realm. The law of time and space in the realm was different than the present world. If contestants sincerely wished to purchase anything, he would naturally wait patiently and prepare adequate utility points.

After making up his mind, Sheyan returned to his personal room. On returning, he directly bumped into Jinkuang. This Jinkuang seemed extremely busy, his head and face covered in dust as though he came out from a fireplace. This nose was greasy. It was unknowned what he was busy with.

Sheyan only wished this wretched goblin wouldn’t find him trouble. If he was happy then that was good enough, why would Sheyan bother him? Instead, he heard Jinkuang calling master. Thus, he could only compliantly run over to him. His heart was thumping as though he was afraid. Sheyan bitterly smiled.

“Jinkuang ah, I really don’t have any money now……”

Jinkuang shook his head and replied with his piercing voice.

“Master, just now I overheard others talking. They said they found information of a contestant in the present world, and wants to get rid of him. You must be careful.”

Sheyan’s heart shuddered. Truthfully speaking, to acquire that glass of ‘Maotai pulp liquor’ he had gotten himself involved with that political conflict in Singapore! That consequence left him slightly worried. Presently, after he heard Jinkuang’s warning, he replied hesitantly.

“There’s so many people in the present world. Moreover, a contestant cannot wear his equipments and cannot activate abilities. To ambush any contestant should be pretty tough.”

Jinkuang stealthily slipped away.

“Time is money, my master! The conversation with you has already caused me to lose at least 30 pennies!”

Initially, Sheyan didn’t place much emphasis on that news, yet the more he thought the more he felt he needed to value this problem. In the present world, his most crucial innate ability: endurance would be dormant. Unable to bring his equipments out, being ambushed and finished off by 5-6 regular gunmen would certainly be normal.

Previously he had slayed Qiao Gun and earned several benefits. If killing contestants in the present world was similar, then he believed those influential and powerful contestants in the present world would be obsessed with that. If that was the case, Sheyan’s agreement to be Lee Sian Hai’s chauffer/bodyguard was extremely unwise. If there was really a contestant who harbored evil intentions. Then his actions in the auction house previously would have garnered unwanted attention. Although the probability wasn’t high, he still couldn’t be complacent!

After settling his plans, Sheyan proceeded to return to the present world. Presently, after realizing that the stayover time spent in the realm was accumulative, he didn’t want to waste the precious time here sleeping. Very quickly, he traversed through the barrier between the realm and the present world. He was back in the grand mansion of Singapore’s rich tycoon, Lee Sian Hai.

The next day, Sheyan put forth his resignation request to Lee Sian Hai. To Lee Sian Hai, the previous auction house incident was just a mishap that could happen the next year. Such an assassination attempt was definitely intolerable for the second time. Following the stability of the government, and uprooting of his enemies, the chances of this happening again was close to zero.

Of course based on his financial powers, he had more than enough to spare to breed another hundred Sheyan. Hence if Sheyan wanted to leave, he wouldn’t stop him. Under Sheyan’s request, he opened a Swiss bank account, passing him the bank card with 500,000 USD inside. Once the bank card was withdrawn from, it would be untraceable. It was fast yet reliable, and normally drug deals employed such methods

After waiting for another day, one had to admit Lee Sian Hai’s network was exceptionally terrifying. In a mere 2 days, he directly sent Sheyan his required Britain’s ‘Chivas – Royal Salute whisky’ , Russia’s ‘Bereginka Vodka’ and France’s ‘Crystal champange’. Also through that same network, Sheyan managed to find several threads regarding Barcelona’s ‘Cava Sparkling wine’ and France’s ‘Sharke Cognac Brandy’, pertaining to certain purchasing connections for such luxurious goods. After that, Sheyan left Lee Sian Hai a note before disappearing into the public.


As the saying goes, a snake has its own path while a mouse its own route. Speaking about smuggling, Sheyan was naturally as smooth as the river streams. The only difference was previously he was the one smuggling others, while now he was the smuggled goods. After he hastily disguised himself, he found the most common smuggling ship headed for Hong Kong. For an international port like Singapore, there were at least dozens of smuggling boats daily. At least hundreds would enter and leave illegally. To exactly pinpoint all these illegal activities was something only God was capable of.

(TN: *Chinese idiom – everyone has their own ways of surviving)

Chapter 202: Try touching me

After several days of billowing stormy seas, Sheyan discretely arrived at Hong Kong. Others may have become seasick during the voyage, yet Sheyan’s spirits remained flourishing. Sheyan firstly cashed out some HongKong dollars from the black market before making his way to the first-rate luxury goods assembling plaza. In there, he arrived at Brillar shopping street where he managed to successfully acquire the Barcelona ‘Cava sparkling wine’.

Regarding the final France ‘Sharke Cognac Brandy’ it was indeed quite unique. Such a brandy was relatively special and could not be purchased with money. This was because such an alcohol was created by mixing Sharke brandy and Donetsk mead together. Its validity only lasted 2 hours, anything after its taste will degenerate, and couldn’t be hailed as a ‘Sharke Cognac Brandy’.

Therefore to sample that alcohol, Sheyan needed to patronize distillery of that alcohol. Actually to mix the two ingredients wasn’t easy, but it also couldn’t be described as difficult. The only problem was demand for such alcohol wasn’t high. Hence, the bartender had to possess the specific knowledge and experience to be able to mix out a glass of finest rate ‘Sharke Cognac Brandy’.

But which bar could provide this final glass of brandy, Sheyan had no clue. But Hong Kong was a long-established place, no matter if it was the hippie-filled Lan Kwai Fong or the pleasure-seeking Wan Chai – Lockhart Road, or the Kowloon district – Tsim Sha Tsui, they all contained uncountable amounts of bars. Sheyan wasn’t in a hurry, neither was he lacking in finances nor time. Hence, he slowly gathered information from the various bars and bartender.

As the saying goes, hard work pays off. After searching for an entire day, he ultimately managed to squeeze out news from a veteran bartender for a hundred USD. Who was able to personally mix the ‘Sharke Cognac Brandy’ he had no clue, but nearby there was a bar named ‘Scotland Bagpipes’. The boss, Peter, was personally demonstrating mixing, and his mixing skills were unequalled. He was also known to be amazing at mixing weird and rare alcohols. But the boss had a peculiar personality only showcasing his abilities once a month, and at most three cups per time before auctioning them. It was definitely not negotiable, but more importantly he doesn’t care if others belonged to the black society or not. As long as he decides not to, nobody can force him to it.

After hearing this, Sheyan only laughed and replied.

“My only worry now is that he doesn’t mix.”



Nightfall, 10 pm. Sheyan arrived at the ‘Scotland Bagpipes’. It was situated in a small alley, dense vines tangled the walls, zero neon lamps and no ear-splitting rock music. The outside of the bar was designed like the bow of a ship. Pushing the door to enter, the melodious music of a saxophone drifted into the ears.

Sheyan scanned his environment, the walls were built with rough logs with photos nailed into the logs. Most of the photos exhibited a lone person against the scenery, which probably detailed the owner of the bar and his travelling endeavors. A bear pelt was hung on the right wall – real, authentic bear pelt. It was probably a hunting prize of the owner.

Sheyan casually sat on a stool, gesturing for a glass of beer, the bill was rather costly, actually thrice of a usual bar. Using the same price, he could frequent the opposite stripclub for the same glass of beer while enjoying a heated up and sexy striptease. Sheyan silently sat, appreciating the peaceful and graceful atmosphere. His heart gradually quietened down.

The other patrons were the same, hence Sheyan didn’t attract any attention from others. At roughly 11, welcome cheers and claps resounded from the bar counter area. Sheyan raised his heads, as he saw a middle aged european male behind the counter. The man had long golden curls, his expression deep and once could see an old scar extending from the neck downwards to the chest. Perhaps due to excessive drinking, the scar had turned red and swollen, exactly like a furtive centipede.

The man smoothly handled his mixing tools. His movements were graceful like moving clouds and flowing water. With casual tosses and passess, the shimmering shaker spun in mid air spraying out a glistening, dreamy like sparkle. He raised 3 fingers up high, signalling 3 cups of shots. With a flurry of flowery moves, the 3 uniquely shaped cups were placed onto the counter. Brilliant colored liquid rippled within the cup, like an abundant fantasy.

The bartender smiled and walked out, humbly bowing.

“The old rules, state your bids. First round: Scorching lips, lowest 500 HKD.”

The guest started bidding feverishly, finally the cup was stolen for a thousand dollars.

When the name for the glass boomed out, Sheyan’s heart faintly stirred. Because the words ‘Sharke Cognac Brandy’ which he had been bugging him for the past few days were spilled out from the bartender’s mouth.

“Second glass, Sharke Cognac Brandy, lowest price 1,500 HDK.”

When the name resounded out, it was welcomed instantly.

“2000 dollars!.”

Another person raised the price, swiftly inflating it to 3000 dollars.

The price for that cocktail was basically through the roof. Initially another person reluctantly bid 3500 dollars, which caused the majority to give up. But at this moment, screeching breaking sound pierced into the bar. Following that, the doors were swung open, as a sexy leather dressed young lady charged in. Her chest valley was deep, yet she appeared pretty and charming. She looked like a mix-blood from a wealthy family. After barging in, she roared out.

“Woah ah. I’ve finally reached. 5000 dollars!”

This valuation could silenced the entire audience. The young lady was about to snatch the cup. But from the corner of a bar, a lofty and gentle sound floated over.

“10,000 American dollars.”

Undoubtedly, the person who spoke immediately became the focus of attention. Yet Sheyan had already felt detached from this society long ago. Slamming his hands on the table, he drank a mouthful of beer and shouted out.

“If nobody else wishes to raise, then please deliver the shot here, waiter.”

Although the young lady was astonished that someone wanted to snatch what was hers, she smiled coldly after regaining her composure.

“10,000 american dollars and you want to snatch my thing? 50,000!”

“100,000 american dollars.” Sheyan dimly replied.

The young lady became hesitant. Although she was from a prosperous family, her upbringing was refined. If she reacted impulsively and wasted over 100,000 american dollars on a cup of alcohol, then she would certainly be rebuked heavily by her dad! Unknown if she was nervous or furious, the swollen chest was bobbing gently. This underripe fruit that was already matured was illusionarily alluring. Her pitch-black eyes rolled, craftily yelling out.

“Who knows if you really have 100,000 american dollars? The Scotland bagpipes doesn’t accept cards.”

Sheyan bent forward and picked up a silver pin-locked briefcase. Treating it as though nothing, he flung it on the table and bluntly opened it. Green greasy notes were wrapped in bundles.

“I invite you to check anytime… have 10 seconds to produce 100,001 dollar notes. If not, please hand the mixer to me, thanks.”

This young lady had spun a cocoon around herself. Although she could definitely afford it, who would even bring a briefcase of dollar bills around! Hence her expression turned rigid and green. The nearby bartender was confused, but after peeping at the boss’s emotionless face, he gritted his teeth and retrieved the mixer. Then he headed towards Sheyan.

But at this moment, the young lady sneered and waved her hand! “Bam!” That cup of ‘Sharke Cognac Brandy’ was struck out by her! Sheyan’s pupils contracted, he never anticipated such unruly behavior from her. In his rage, he slapped the table and stood up. The glass in his hands was shattered by his sheer force, as vicious glass shards mixed with beer sprayed out in all directions! In this instance, all eyes were glued onto him!

Sheyan’s face was covered by the shadows and slowly strode towards the sneering young lady who had her arms folded on here chest. He grimly issued.

“Well done.”

The young lady replied contemptuously.

“Moron, what do you want? What do you want to do? Try and touch me?”

Suddenly, two guests arose from the side. There were both huge and sturdy brutes. Obviously they were her envoys or bodyguard, as they walked up fiercely.

“If I were you, I would obediently scram.”

Sheyan spreaded out his hand and grabbed onto the nearest male’s hair, raising his knee as he smashed his face down onto it! Simultaneously, the other male roared out and lifted a beer bottle before crashing it down onto Sheyan’s head! The bottle shattered instantly, shards flying about. A stream of blood slithered down from his head. As though nothing happened, Sheyan loosened his hand letting the clump of hair and scalp float down. That heavily injured male bluntly crashed to the floor, had had already lost his consciousness.

Chapter 203: Black-iron title (Settling a debt 1)

The other male was alarmed yet furious, bending over to pick up a stool. But how would Sheyan give him this chance? Stomping his leg forward, the male instantly felt an insurmountable force against his waist. Directly flying off as he smashed against two tables and 3 person, before landing on the ground rolling. His waist felt numb from the intense pain. This was already Sheyan showing mercy.

At this moment, the young lady finally became frightened. It was like a wild beast prancing towards her. Blood trickled down his forehead slowly as Sheyan roared loudly.

“You…what do you want?”

Sheyan gripped her hand. By now she was screaming loudly and crying hideously, her other hand frantically clawing out. Sheyan mercilessly slapped her. Her struggles became more violent. Another slap! This moment, her voice turned husky her movements sluggish. The bar was in chaos, some called the police some secretly left, some shouted out furiously. But after that fiasco with the two bodyguards, nobody dared to approach Sheyan.

“Let go of her!” Suddenly a strong and pressuring fuming voice penetrated over. Sheyan swung his head slowly, and was greeted by a double-barreled shotgun from the boss, Peter.

Sheyan disdainfully laughed.

“You won’t dare to shoot. If you have the guts, then you wouldn’t stay here and build this small bar.”

Sheyan gripped the young lady’s neck, and casually tossed her aside. It was exactly like tossing away a sackcloth. Another crashing sound sounded out as three tables were overturned. Sheyan regretfully shrugged his shoulders.

“You should really slim down.”

Then he folded his arms, turning to face the speechless bar owner, Peter.

“You can tell right? I’m a vicious and merciless scoundrel. If I were you, then I’ll definitely consider keeping this 200,000 dollars, and mix another cup of ‘Sharke Cognac Brandy’. This is the fastest way to get me to scram.”

While speaking, Sheyan sat himself directly at the counter. Then he tossed the briefcase over. Peter shook his head.

“Oh no no. Its hard to believe you’re here just for a drink.”

Sheyan earnestly replied.

“The truth is indeed mysterious, sir. Why not put down that shotgun, and try serving a ‘Sharke Cognac Brandy’ to me? What will you lose? Don’t tell me you’re still insistent on your damned 3 glasses rule. I believe that is just your way of earning more.”

Boss Peter was rendered speechless, currently he didn’t know what to do. 20 seconds later, a glass of ‘Sharke Cognac Brandy’ was delivered to Sheyan’s front. Sheyan suspiciously examined the alcohol he crossed the ocean for, and drank it at one go. In his ear, the heavenly sound of the notifications rang in his ear.

“You’ve drank ‘Sharke Cognac Brandy’.”

“You successfully completed the milestone: ‘Alcohol Master’.”

“You receive the black-iron grade title: ‘Alcohol Master’. Upon drinking any alcoholic drink, your explosive hit rate increase by 6%. Duration: 60 minutes. Additional restoration of 10 HP.”

Sheyan breathed out in satisfaction after seeing the effects of the ‘Alcohol Master’, The most pleasing aspect was definitely the additional restoration of 10 HP when drinking. This effect appeared to be chicken ribs, unless a contestant was a drunkard, who would bring alcohol with them during skirmishes? Furthermore, the healing effects wasn’t instant.

But because Sheyan possessed the soul equipment ‘Endless Spirited Vodka’, by drinking it he would be able to restore 25 HP, but now he could restore 35 HP instead!

Of course the next critical news was that titles actually had classifications! Moreover black-iron grade should be the most basic. Sheyan quickly inquired to his nightmare imprint. He received a crucial piece of information – “Grades above black-iron can only be obtained through synthesization.” After his goal was fulfilled, he didn’t stay and prepared to leave.

After exiting the bar, Sheyan discovered that it was drizzling outside and a Maserati was parked outside, probably belonging to that rich missy. The distant roars of a Ferrari could be heard, and arrived at the bar in a flash. Dazzling bright lights blinded Sheyan, as droplets of rain were like densely packed needles weaving through the sky.

“That’s him!” A guest pointed towards Sheyan exclaiming.

Before the Ferrari died down, a graceful figure clad in white trainers dove out from the car’s window, swinging a horizontal kick at Sheyan!

A perfectly stretched leg produced a kick that was explosive yet precise, piercing through the wind swiftly.

Sheyan couldn’t be compared to an average person. Even though he wasn’t equipped, based on his strength (12), physique (24) and perceptive sensing (13) alone, he was multiple times an average man. Sheyan raised his hand to block. Instead, the trajectory of the kick abruptly rose, “PA!” slamming directly onto Sheyan’s neck!

If he was an ordinary person, then Sheyan would instantly be thrown off the ground. But to the beastly Sheyan who possessed the 24 points of monstrous physique, this kick could only sway him a little.

The white elegant figure slapped the hand on the ground, borrowing the recoil from the kick to spin a round in midair, before swiftly releasing another kick. Sheyan managed to block once, but the third kick brought along a dancing beautiful onslaught, stomping onto Sheyan’s knee. The angle and force was perfect, causing Sheyan to lose his balance and fell to the ground.

Sheyan’s heart pounded, suddenly realizing that perhaps this was a legendary martial arts expert, the other possibility was the opponent was a contestant. Yet Sheyan could sense that, although this female’s battle technique and experienced seemed abundant, she was lacking the vicious murderous intent of a contestant who has battled between life and death! Hence, it was totally not threatening to him at all.

Although the female distorted his balance, the contestant’s formidable might was displayed. While falling, he pressed his right hand on the ground, and easily side flipped to the side without crashing to the ground. While panting, suddenly the female’s leg was swinging towards his face again! This dressed in white trainers, the female’s kicks were just like a spinning wheel, unceasing and continuous. Every movement complimented each other, as she stormed in like a torrential rain, leaving no room to breathe.

The kick viciously banged against Sheyan’s left cheek. A hidden immense force directly threw Sheyan over, his shirt soaked by the muddied ground as he rolled over. Concurrently, a fit of cheers and claps resounded from the side. Those bar guests rushing out were praising little missy Jin. That female humbly smiled, brushing her ponytail looking extremely pleased with herself.

Yet Sheyan didn’t feel a tinge of embarrassment, he only felt this missy Jin indeed had rather practical close combat abilities. A sudden flash of inspiration appeared in his eyes, the previously complicated ‘Grappling’ components were suddenly understood. He didn’t feel any special feeling from being kicked down, but instantly got up as he taunted this Jin missy with his middle finger.

Jin Missy felt her heart tense up. Formerly, her kick had already exhibited her complete strength, and it was already enough to ‘break 5 boards’ during training. A normal person would definitely have fainted after receiving that to his head. She never expected this guy to actually stand up again, and even taunted her obscenely. She fumed in anger, furiously charging towards Sheyan before releasing a backflip kick!

Sheyan’s strength vastly outweighed hers, easily blocking as he was only forced half a step back. Again this woman began her relentless tidal onslaught with her daunting kicks. The onlookers gasped in awe, cheering loudly.

Truthfully, Sheyan took delight in this outcome. Anyway his thick physique was impregnable, but more importantly he could learn certain battle insights from this battle. To Sheyan, this sudden comprehension could be the reason for victory in a future life and death battle! Then wouldn’t delaying his time here be worth it?

As the battle gradually prolonged, the onlookers started to feel something was wrong with this fight. Even though this Jin missy still dished out tiger like ferocious kicks at Sheyan, her panting completely sounded like a ‘princess’ who received 3 customers. Apart from the panting, the sweat beads on her forehead were distinct. But this was actually a normal process. In the present world, once a fight broke out it would probably end within 1 or 2 minutes. Anything longer than 5 minutes was already a war of attrition. What’s more this was a woman who was born with inferior physique and stamina?

Chapter 204: Street racing (Settling a debt 2)

Actually Missy Jin had reached her limits 2 minutes ago, and was only enduring based on her willpower. The strength from her leg was declining rapidly, which Sheyan naturally could feel. After completely analyzing her battle techniques, he felt rather dry. Blocking the last time, he turned and walked away. This was his way of letting this Missy Jin save her face, he believed this woman would not pester him.

Seeing Sheyan leaving, Missy Jin felt her vision blurring. Finally relaxing her close to exhaustion feeling. According to logic, this matter should have been put to rest. Yet in this moment, someone sprinted out of the bar, frantically crying out.

“Don’t release that murderer! Jessica was beaten dead!!”

That sentence was like a stone causing a thousand rippling waves. After Missy Jin heard that, her eyes turned bloodshot as she glared at Sheyan’s leaving back. Dashing forward, leaping, spinning 360 degrees in the air, she aimed her right leg and viciously chopped down towards her opponent’s head! This Taekwondo move could actually only be executed by a seventh grade black belt, and wasn’t something Missy Jin was capable of. But after hearing the grave news, she exceeded her limits and released this deadly strike.

Yet in this instance, Sheyan suddenly turned around as though his back grew eyes!

The glaring headlights shone in, yet Sheyan’s eyes seemed to be combusting with flames. His pupils dilated, as though he was not affected at all. At this instance, Missy Jin felt an insanely chilling murderous aura, sinisterly pressing against her! She screamed wildly, her muscles tensing and even her bowels seemed to loosen up.

Concurrently, Sheyan released a punch colliding against her incoming leg!

Fist and leg collided. Based on logic, the fist should be disadvantaged.

Instead, Sheyan remained unmoving while Missy Jin’s face turned ghastly pale as she groaned sorrowfully before crashing to the ground. She clutched onto the collided leg, her body convulsing excessively and her lips trembling on her pale face.

Suddenly, a miserable looking young lady rushed out of the bar, holding her left arm as she snarled.

“Jin, get away from that man. He’s a devil, a scoundrel! The one that spilt your drink is me, leave Jin alone!”

Her body drenched in blood, she pressed on forward and obstructed Sheyan in vain. Sheyan sneered and casually scoffed.

“If I intended to kill, then you guys would’ve died a thousand times already.”

After speaking, he lackadaisically strolled away. The police sirens abruptly halted his movements, as he arched his brows. Police could only meant trouble. His shot his gaze towards that Maserati sports car, and asked Jessica.

“That’s yours?”

With her pale face exhibiting her agony, she still maintained that haughty character.

“Why? This bumpkin has never seen one before?”

Sheyan impatiently shackled her neck, dragging out towards the Maserati.

“Cut the crap. You’ll be my guide, do a good job and I’ll let you leave!”

The surrounding onlookers gasped in astonishment.

“I don’t lack money, and I have no grievances with her. I’m just using her to shake off the police. If there are no accidents, she will be back in half an hour. But if you guys dare to utter rubbish to the cops, then I believe you know what will happen.”

Finished speaking, he immediately entered the car and sparked the engine to life. Two puffs of fumes exited the exhaust, as the powerful Maserati left stupefied onlookers far behind. The car was extremely powerful yet stable, Sheyan couldn’t help whistling in delight. Finally, he turned to address the bloodied Jessica.

“Oi, which way to Yau Me Tei?”

(TN: Also called Waterloo in Kowloon, Hong Kong)

She remained silent, her face terribly pale and she continued to grip her left hand tightly. It seemed like the she suffered a heavy knock after being thrown away by Sheyan, shivering and curling up in the front passenger seat. Droplets of tears rolled and splashed onto the seat, fearful and in pain. Sheyan couldn’t bear watching this miserable scene, scooping out his ‘Endless spirited vodka’ he tossed it over and impatiently demanded.


Jessica glared at him with rage, and she was about to fling the alcohol cup out of the window. Sheyan instantly jammed on the brakes, snatching it back as he forced the drink into her mouth. This young lady started coughing violent, her pale face regaining color. Sheyan ignored her, leisurely scrolling through the car audio system for a nice song. Jessica’s face became terribly red from the coughing, and finally managed to squeeze out an angry hiss.

“Idiot, are you trying to kill me?”

Sheyan ignored her, swiftly stripping off his outer coat, very quickly and simply he ripped off several strips of cloth. Then he chopped of a thick chunk out of the nearby tree bark, and cruelly forced Jessica to the side. Pressing onto her left arm, she probably fractured her arm. Cleanly and smoothly, he wrapped up her injured arm.

Jessica was just an ordinary girl, her life was probably at most 50 HP. Moreover, the ‘Endless spirited Vodka’ could heal 35 HP, and she was rejuvenated back to her optimum condition. Of course, the fractured arm was impossible to be mended in such a short time. But to Jessica after drinking the vodka, her injuries had closed up and wouldn’t feel any pain if she didn’t touch it. She was back to usual.

Sheyan selected a ‘Home’ saxophone music and started the engine again. He impatiently snarled.

“No more pain right! Hurry up and lead the way, Yau Ma Tei 18th street! Once we reach I’ll immediately let you go.”

Jessica faced was still filled with shock as she observed her securely bandaged arm. She immediately yelled out furiously again.

“Why is it not painful suddenly? What the heck? You….you scum, you must have placed a shake head pill inside!”

(TN: Ecstasy is called Shake head pill in China)

Sheyan was extremely speechless, “PA!” he smacked Jessica’s left arm causing her to shriek out in agony. Her face cringed and she cried out.

“You bastard!”

Sheyan gently replied.

“Yau Ma Tei 18th street, lead the way don’t make me say it the third time.”

Jessica angrily replied.

“Left turn and increase your speed, there’ll be a sign ahead.”

Sheyan nodded his head.

“Put on your seatbelt and close your eyes.”

Jessica suspiciously asked.

“What are you trying to do?”

Sheyan’s tone turned cold.

“I’ve never lied before. Just now I told them I’ll release you after half an hour, then I will definitely do so. Because you dragged and delayed for so long just now, this wasted time has to be compensated.”

“You’re~~ Craazyyy ~! ”

Jessica’s first word was clear, but onwards it turned into a soft squeak from the fear, and the roaring engine drowned her out.

minutes later, the maserati executed an extremely beautiful drift before directly stopping at Yau Ma Tei street 17. Faint white fumes were emitted from the wheels and the exhaust. After that street racing, Sheyan felt extremely refreshed as he hopped off the car, closing the door behind him. Next, an ashen face Jessica struggled out of the car and seemed like she was about to vomit.

“You’re free. Also, remember to give your friend a call. If not…..If I hear the news tomorrow that a certain someone was kidnapped, then I’ll surely expose that false news!”

An old restaurant was situated here, its sign read ‘Gel tasting residence’. Because their signature dish was fish maw and flower gel. Because the signboard was worn out, the ‘tasting’ word was covered in dust. If one was careless in read it, he would read the shop name as ‘Gel Oral residence’. It was a wonder why the boss hadn’t repair it.

(TN: ζ is the chinese word for tasting, but the δ was covered in dust, and only the �� is left which means mouth or oral)

Sheyan frequently heard of this place as a seaman previously. His comrades praised the dishes here, but Sheyan always never had the chance to sample. Thus, he specially travelled here to satisfy one of his life’s regret.

Sheyan ordered a plate of finest flower gel (Fish maw), Wan Chai wing, a vegetable dish, pig organ soup and plum cereal prawns. The dishes were served quickly, and indeed its reputation didn’t disappoint. Sheyan rummaged through the dishes, joyfully enjoying his meal.

While Sheyan was wolfing down his meal, a young lady tiptoed in. She glanced at Sheyan and exclaimed in astonishment.

“…you. You still dare to have a meal here?”

Sheyan was currently drinking his soup, and instantly sprayed it out in shock from her voice.

“Oi oi oi, can’t you ask a smarter question? If not at a restaurant to eat then what? Why haven’t you left?”

Jessica became frantic.

“But…but you should have clearly fled, and run off quickly!”

“That’s a criminal, thanks. Sheyan gently replied. “I’m just a person who wants a drink, why should I run? Furthermore, I don’t want any trouble, this doesn’t mean I’m scared of trouble. Even if I sat here, would the Hong Kong police come and catch me?”

Chapter 205: Monstrous fighting spirit (Settling a debt 3)

“…..” for the first time Jessica couldn’t find the words to say. She had experienced tremendous fear and shock today, after seeing the steaming food, she couldn’t help swallowing her saliva. She sat down opposite Sheyan.

“What’s so nice to eat over here? As long as you agree to something, then this missy here will overlook your barbaric behavior. I’ll even bring you to those international shop for Lobsters!”

Sheyan grimly uttered.

“I refuse.”

“You…..” Jessica turned flustered again. This was the first time encountering such an unreasonable person. “You haven’t even heard me yet but you refuse?”

Sheyan rebutted.

“How long have we interacted for? What do you see in me? Isn’t it just to street race for you?”

“You…. I’ll give you money alright? State your price?” Jessica powerlessly bickered.

Sheyan laughed coldly.

“Do I look like someone who lacks money?”

Jessica immediately recalled his overbearing attitude when he tossed out 200,000 american dollars just for a glass of ‘Sharke Cognac Brandy’. She turned silent. At this moment, the waiter served a dish over. Thinking that Jessica was Sheyan’s partner, he served her a bowl of rice. The sweet and sour meat had an alluring appearance. Jessica was so famished she couldn’t resist taking one bite, her eyes popped out widely. This damned sweet and sour taste, such crisped texture and the meat is so soft and tender. What an amazing blend of flavours. After that piece, she couldn’t help scooping up the rice.

Her actions didn’t stop there. After consuming several sweet and sour pork, Jessica starting aiming the surrounding plum cereal prawn. This prawn, so fresh and meaty. The wonderful plum, garlic and scallion fragrance mixing perfectly with the prawn and the plum. This sweet and sour taste, yet the freshness of this prawn is still distinct. Amazing.

At present, Sheyan was only a 20 year old youth. In the nightmare realm, he wrestled with live, pressured daily and didn’t have any leisure hobbies back in the present world. He realized this similar aged Jessica didn’t really have a bad personality, she was only a little spoilt. Hence, he didn’t repel her away, pointing at the veggie pork soup.


Frankly speaking, the soup had a terrible appeal. Normally, Jessica wouldn’t even take one glance at it, but after feeling Sheyan’s piercing gaze she didn’t dare refuse as she embarrassedly it scooped a little and drank. Her eyes popped open. The sweet, crispy yet delicate seaweed. This thick pasty looking soup is actually so smooth. The white peppercorn taste is strong yet doesn’t conceal the pork taste. What a refreshing soup.

After finishing the ladle, she couldn’t help but reach out for another mouth. But Sheyan obstructed her, turning to the boss.

“Get her a spinach pork liver soup.”

Jessica immediately yelled out.

“No, I only want this. I’ve never liked pork liver!”

Sheyan turned a blind eye to her resistance, firmly replying.

“You just got injured, Spinach pork liver soup can enrich your blood.”

Jessica was originally very reluctant and trying to steal a mouthful of soup. But after hearing Sheyan’s words, it was like she was jolted by lightning. She peacefully sat upright on her stool. Until the steaming spinach pork liver soup was served, she slowly drank. Her tears incessantly flowed out of her reddened eyes, and dripped into the soup.

Often times, a careless word or incident can thoroughly destroy a woman’s heart. Although Jessica was a rebellious young woman, deep in her heart she yearned for warmth and love. Yet the people around her constantly neglected that, and their concern was always full of insincerity and motives. To here, Sheyan may seemed like a crude and emotionless passerby, but his random caring action, was filled with sincerity and thoughtfulness. It directly pierced deep into her heart.

At this moment, Sheyan was full. After paying the bill, he stood up and was about to leave. Jessica immediately raised her head and asked.

“Where are you going?”

Sheyan laughed.

“Of course to home for a rest. Oh right, your friend should be here soon. Hurry up and go home, remember to visit a doctor tomorrow for a proper dressing.”

After speaking, Sheyan walked away leaving this young lady as she stared longingly towards his back.

Next, Sheyan cautiously operated and continued staying in Hong Kong after making sure the uproar at the bar wasn’t divulged. Actually it was considered overly cautious, these sort of fights broke out frequently. The Hong Kong police couldn’t even solve their murder cases, why would they put this matter to heart?

Hence, Sheyan utilized his former relations to begin his search for Uncle Dasi and the rest. He was constantly concerned, moreover that night was stormy and the sea was churning. There was a great chance of the ship capsizing. This continued for several days, and after dragging for another week, he casually located a building. Hastily dashing down the stairs, he returned to the nightmare realm.

The first crucial matter was naturally the attributes of that new ‘Obsidian fossil anchor’! It was like this sprinting behavior through the marketplace to the western military district was common to the to the contestants. Some even wished sinisterly in their hearts for the anxious figure to fail. Sheyan couldn’t care less, he straightforwardly entered an empty service space, and requested for his previously fused equipment. In a brief moment, and entirely new ornament surfaced into his view.

Monstrous fighting spirit

Equipment rarity: Silver storyline class

Equipment: (Strength/ Agility/ Physique) +2

Equipment: Charm -5 (Trolls are originally hideous and vicious creatures. Their souls carry a dislikable aura)

Equipment passive ability: ‘Pain accumulation’, Everytime you receive damage, you physique will temporary increase by 5 points, duration: 300 seconds. Once this effect is stacked by 2 layers (Maximum), the troll’s soul will surface bestowing his life to you. Your HP will receive an additional 50 points, and your close combat abilities raised by 15%.

Equipment passive ability: ‘Troll’s spirit’ , Causes your attack interval to increase by 5%, but increases your accuracy by 8%. Can also cause enemies to be repelled.

Equipment requirement: Physique must be at least 25 points.

Equipment position: Accessory.

Material: Obsidian

Weight: 104g.

Description: Although the troll is inclined to offense and not defence, this soul accessory is immensely formidable.

Evaluation: Scarface Harry’s print has been completely erased. Your enemies will tremble in fear. Try giving it a nickname, like ‘Troll’s Testicle’.

Equipment battle score: 28

Comparing to the previous ‘Obsidian fossil anchor’, this equipment negative aspects were compounded to two. Charm -5 and time interval between each attacks increasing by 5%. But the enhancements were extremely clear, the three close combat attributes of strength/agility/physique +2 was exceedingly worthwhile. Furthermore, there was an additional bonus of 50HP and 15% attack bonus. Calculating this, Sheyan’s peak life points was as high as 530 points! He also had a terrifying 19 defense points!

Naturally, Sheyan was relatively pleased with this time’s fusion. Hence, he unhesitantly fished out his hidden item: ‘i Shape metal dissolution liquid mixture’. He then bluntly used it to improve this silver storyline class equipment: ‘Monstrous fighting spirit’. After a continuous unbroken flashes of light, Sheyan received the notification:

“You can immediately retrieve this equipment, but the effects of the ‘I shape metal dissolution liquid mixture’ will not be fully extracted. Hence, the item will only receive an ordinary improvement.”

“You can choose to store his equipment into a Petri dish, postponing the retrieval of the equipment. But the ‘I shape metal dissolution liquid mixture’ will be fully extracted, and receive the maximum improvement.”

“Warning: Because the ‘I shape metal dissolution liquid mixture’ is not stable, the time needed to produce the maximum effects has increased.”

Sheyan wasn’t very disturbed by this notification, he wasn’t a person that purposely pursues perfection. If he could receive the maximum effects that would be great, but if not then it didn’t matter. Ultimately, once he entered any world he needed to collect back the ‘Monstrous fighting spirit’. Nevermind it having an ordinary improvement. If for the sake of a bigger bonus effect he subjected his life to tremendous danger, then there would be foolishness beyond hopes!

After settling this matter, Sheyan returned to his personal room. Once inside, he got a huge shock. The goblin Jinkuang was bluntly sleeping on the floor, flowing beneath his yellowish beard was a streak of glistening saliva flowing down. He was having such a sweet rest and even emitted faint snoring sounds. Yet his whole room had transformed into a miserable filthy garbage chute. Dark spots bleached the surrounding walls, and there was even a simple stove made with red bricks by the side. Over it, an old aluminium kettle was steaming and releasing a popping noise. Bottles of beers were pushed to the corners, along with soft drink cans and waste paper thrash. Who knew what other scraps of rubbish was around.

Sheyan felt his vision blurring, he pressed his temple as a headache formed in his head.

“God how did my place become a scrap house??”

The goblin Jinkuang opened his eyes, wiping off the saliva as he lazily replied.

“Master, if you touch these treasures I painstakingly gathered, I will feel very hurt alright.”

Sheyan felt his brain aching, no, his brain exploding. He directly stomped onto the rotten mess, loudly shouting out.

“Throw them out immediately! Now!”

Chapter 206: Untitled

The goblin shot Sheyan a heartbroken and grievous look, after his loud rambling. A surge of terrible premonition welled up in Sheyan’s heart, he was stunned as the nightmare imprint transmitted the notification:

“Warning: Your servant ‘Old goblin who has lost his memory’ loyalty level is plunging devastatingly!!”

“Warning: Because your charm is only 2 points, your servant’s loyalty level is now a dangerous 80 points.”

“Warning: Because your charm is only 2 points, your servant’s loyalty level is now a dangerous 75 points.”

“Please raise back the loyalty level to 100 points within the 24 hours buffer time, if not your servant may defect.”

“AHHHHHH!” Sheyan howled in horror as though stab by dozens of daggers. He urgently rush to pick up and organize the rubbish on the floor, restoring them to their original state. After the kettle finished boiling, he hastily poured a bowl of water for the goblin. Yet the damned loyalty level didn’t change one bit, and he could only endure as he gritted his teeth and handed a thousand utility points to tap on the goblin’s biggest weakness. The loyalty level between them finally rebounded back, and Jinkuang happily laid back down hugging his tattered sackcloth bag to sleep.

Sheyan sighed deeply and wiped off his cold sweat. He only dared to lament to himself secretly in the corner.

“What kind of servant is this! I’m the F***king servant, while he’s the grand dad!”

Sheyan sat down with an ugly expression as he gazed upon Jinkuang. This filthy and wretched goblin had a face full of smiles, who knows what kind of dreamy fantasy he was in. He even smiled until his crooked yellowish teeth were showing. Sheyan sighed again, as he began skimming through the messages left for him.

Previously before leaving the realm, Sheyan had established a merchant stall and probably attracted several onlookers. It was impossible for contestants to directly contact another in the present world, thus they could only leave messages. Currently, Sheyan was browsing through these messages.

“Hey friend, your stuffs are dope. 1,500 utility points is a legit pricing.”

“I’ll exchange my light blue accessory with you, of course you need to add on some cash.”

“Bro, my wallet is a little tight recently, some discounts please?”

“Kiddo, I’m the boss of the Mocha gang. If you’re smart you’ll tactfully hand over these things.”


After reading all these fraudulent messages, regrettably there was nothing of use to him. It seems like trading himself is the more suitable trend. Moreover, he already stated when he would be coming back, thus there should be people waiting. As Sheyan was about to leave in a hurry to set up store again, he accidentally chance upon a torn paper bag. It was the kind of scrap wrinkled paper bags used to wrap exercise books. Sheyan dismantled it and consecutively received a notification:

“You discovered a poison: ‘Black venom powder’. This is a new venom created from the simple witchcraft of Hertz.Ruhr, blended with several vegetation herbs. He will smear the black venom powder over the weapon, and every successful attack will poison the opponent. Poison damage every 3 seconds for a duration of 15 seconds, every poison damage is 9 – 18 points (depends on the opponent’s resistance).”

“Usage: This powder can be applied on your weapon for the black venom effects. Every successful attacks will result in 50% chance of the opponent inflicted with the black venom poison. This bag of poison can be used 3 times, each time lasting 30 minutes.”

“Warning: Every pulse of poison damage may result in an explosive strike!”

“Warning: Ultimately, David.Beckham is the one writing the final description!”

“Warning: This poison belongs to the goblin Jinkuang. Any attempts to expropriate it will be determined as stealing.”

Sheyan looked at this list of information, his eyes flickering.

“Eh? This thing appears to be very useful eh?”

He surveyed in surroundings, quite-wittedly but sinisterly stashing this bag of poison into his clothes. Nervously waiting for the nightmare imprint’s notification but nothing came in the end. Sheyan instantly laughed out hysterically.

“So it is indeed like that, I am his master! His things are mine! Therefore taking my own thing doesn’t count as stealing.”

After obtaining some cheap thrills, Sheyan sneakily slipped out as he finally relaxed. It didn’t matter if Jinkuang discovered his item went missing. Sheyan finally understood this servant was immeasurably crafty, using loyalty points