Chapter 776: Reef’s internal conflict

Half an hour later, Sheyan stared gloomily at the necklace being roasted and sighed.

It had been 35 minutes, yet not a single reaction came from the necklace; devoid of any distinct indication.

Bang! Glass shattered near Brother Black as he exclaimed to Sheyan.

“How long more?”

Sheyan unfolded his arms and replied.

“Only god knows.”


The panting Brother Black continued.


“Boss, their firepower is practically comparable to a terrorist group! More crucially, I’m running out of ammo.”

Sheyan hesitated briefly and replied.

“Let’s wait another five minutes.”

Mogensha nodded and abruptly shifted his neck to dodge an incoming bullet.


“Screw this why haven’t the police arrived.”

Sheyan smiled.

“Why would a drug lord allow the police to intervene? Who’s to say the police aren’t in cahoots with them.”

At this moment, black fumes suddenly spiralled up from the dark-gold grade necklace into the air. Noticing the necklace seemingly being burnt, Sheyan picked it up and instantly received a nightmare realm notification.

[ Note: Smith Matrix Microchip is modified, please inquiry of status in the nightmare realm ]

“Success!” Sheyan excited called out.

Meanwhile, Brother Black suddenly retreated back with a reluctant expression.

“Boss, magazine’s empty.”

“Let’s go.” Sheyan bluntly instructed.

Sheyan then pushed through the door and sauntered out casually. Coincidentally, a gang member was rushing in and immediately unloaded a clip of bullets. Da! Da! Da!

Using his arm to block his head, the bullets struck against his belly. However, the bullets could only split his skin but fail to pierce into his flesh before landing. Acting as though nothing major was happening, Sheyan picked up a chair and hurled it ferociously, Instantly, the gang member cried miserably as he was knocked to the ground.

The indignance on the gang member’s face clearly wrote the words ‘shameless bastard wearing a bulletproof vest’.

Thus, the duo proceeded straightforwardly in a domineering fashion. To prevent any complications, they avoided the elevator and rushed down the fire escape stairs. Concurrently, the hoodlums chasing them cursed and descended with the help of the elevators.

An average individual would definitely be breathless after running down eleven floors, only to find the gang members waiting sternly at the stairways exit.

Instead, to perverse superhumans like Sheyan and Mogensha, after charging out of the stairways exit, they noticed the few gang members just exiting the elevator as well. They sprinted over while panting heavily, and were shout for other comrades by the cars to hinder the invaders.

Yet how would those three extra men rival the duo? While scrambling to pull out a pistol, the first man was punched flying by Sheyan and eventually crashed onto a windscreen before passing out on the car. Concurrently, Mogensha wrestled out a pistol from the next man and fired off at the gangsters pursuing behind. Bang! Bang! Those gangs immediately dove for cover.

Following that, Sheyan blatantly hopped onto the nearest vehicle, dragged the driver out and immediately stepped on the gas pedal.

Tire screeching sounds immediately pierced out from the car as white fumes rummaged through the air. The sounds gradually died down as the car scraped out a long streak of sparks, before nimbly drifting into the highway.

Of course Mogensha and Sheyan weren’t afraid. If they were willing, would it matter if they killed some hoodlums?

Still, they didn’t wish to create such a massive commotion in the real world. Besides, an injured Mogensha here would mean an immense plunge in combat prowess. Also, the consequence of killing here was more serious. Moreover, slaughtering wouldn’t result in any utility points or milestones to accomplish. The government could close one eye and open the other for cases of few tragedies, but if the city experienced a public massacre, they definitely couldn’t sit idle anymore.

Sheyan enjoyed the breeze of speeding along the highway. It was truly an unparalleled sensation. Meanwhile, the bored Brother Black was repeatedly dissembling his pistol and assembling it again within mere seconds. This was just a hobby of his that had evolved into a habit. If he didn’t do that every day, he would feel rather uncomfortable internally.

Very quickly, Sheyan drove into a suburban district which was roughly out of the vicinity of Silicon Valley. The traffic here was relatively sparse while the land area seemed endless. Concrete buildings appeared to be retreating through their windows as Brother Black inquired curiously.

“Boss, where’re we headed to?”

Sheyan shrugged his shoulders and replied.

“No idea, I just feel the chances of encountering cops on this road are slimmer.”

At this moment, two glaring headlights beamed in from behind. Glancing back, several cars were speeding in from roughly a kilometer away, rumbling in with malicious intents.

Sheyan frowned and spoke.

“Those brats are really persistent.”

He accelerated the car while speaking, but due to the quality difference between the cars, the few cars behind gradually caught up.

Brother Black released a shot behind. Instantly, the nearest car went out of control; a friction sound pierced out as the car drifted from side to side before rolling off the main road. Its tire was indeed punctured by Brother Black.

The pursuers frantically opened fire as well but compared to Mogensha, the disparity was akin to a heavenly moat. Although they shattered the rear screen of the car, they failed to threaten the duo at all.

One of the cars sped ahead of Sheyan but soon met with a calamity. After a bullet shattered its rear screen, the driver, either shot or frightened witless, lost total control of the car. In the end, it collided into another car from behind. The gangsters of both cars were shooting frantically, but merely 10 seconds after the first car lost control, the two cars became a burning wreckage of black fumes by the side of the road.

Although Sheyan managed to widen the gap between the remaining cars, his car was ultimately lacking in technology and the hostiles caught up again. Brother Black aimed at a head sticking out from the sun roof of the pursuing car and fired off.

A bullet whizzed out from his pistol and drilled into the muzzle of the gangster’s pistol. That gangster was about to fire, but when Mogensha’s bullet collided into his own bullet inside the bullet, an eruption occurred!

A violent explosion!

Following that, Mogensha punctured the remaining wheels of the incoming cars. Despite over ten cars pursuing them, the pursuit ultimately ended in failure.

After pulling to a stop and opening the trunk of their car, Brother Black shockingly discovered a silver briefcase which contained nothing but white powder…….

Sheyan and Mogensha exchanged glances before smiling wryly. As it turns out, they had unintentionally plundered the opposition’s goods. No wonder the other party was so relentless in their chase.

Still, the duo weren’t interested in the goods and left the briefcase in the car. When they arrived at the next city, they abandoned the car and proceeded to rent a new ride.

After some time, Sheyan gave Reef a call. It seemed Reef was working out or exchanging bodily fluids with another party, he sounded rather breathless.

“What’s up, boss.”

Sheyan directly questioned Reef.

“How many siblings do you have, brothers and sisters included.”

Reef answered in puzzlement.

“I’m a single child.”

Sheyan then asked.

“Oh fine then, any cousins or anyone closely related to your family?”

“None.” Reef still responded in confusion.

Sheyan smiled bitterly and replied.

“Fine then, you sure? Okay, one last question. If you were to lose your right of inheritance, who stands to gain the most?”

This time, Reef bluntly replied.

“My uncle……..Pierre.”

“Be wary of him.” Sheyan advised forthrightly.

“He is starting to watch us. If I’m not wrong, he probably realized you have become strangely related to two random foreigners during this period. Therefore, he is trying to exploit us to deal with you.”

“….no way?” Reef was appalled.

Sheyan chuckled.

“So, who knows of us flying to California and transforming our looks?”

Reef answered directly.

“My house butler, Motes.”

Sheyan replied.

“We were entrapped and assaulted by men upon landing, they were clearly there for us….”

Sheyan didn’t go into much details. After all, Reef was a pious individual but definitely not a fool. Once his vigilance was incited, he naturally knew what to do next. Some matters were better left in the dark, and once they were brought into the daylight, they would no longer be worth mentioning.

After a momentary silence, Reef then inquired about their current situation and agreed to assist them with the flight back home.

Roughly 24 hours later, Sheyan was back in Xiwu pier and went to visit Uncle Dasi first.

At present, Uncle Dasi was wearing a pair of wool gloves and was excitedly instructing sailors on board the Fuyuan to unload cargo.

After affirming that Uncle Dasi was doing well, Sheyan proceeded to inquire of Sanzi. Instead, Uncle Dasi sighed and shook his head; citing that Sanzi was currently depressed and indulged in an internet cafe all day.

Chapter 777: Sanzi’s frustration?

There was only one internet cafe in Xiwu pier and its business was thriving. This was because all other competitors had been defeated into closing in this tiny pier.

After rummaging through this dim, cluttered and smoke-filled internet cafe for a good long period, Sheyan finally located Sanzi.

Sanzi was currently lying on the table in deep sleep. He appeared as though he had been staying here for several days, as his body emitted a foul sour odor. On a stool next to him were snacks and cases of instant noodles….

Sheyan didn’t plan to wake him up. He realized the little rascal’s computer screen was still on. After clicking on the mouse, the computer awoke from sleep mode and displayed the QQ platform.

(TL: QQ is something like the main China social media platform)

Sanzi’s QQ name was extremely inelegant, called ‘Make Love then love simply’ and his account used the default penguin as the display photo, where his online friends addressed him as ‘lovemess’. His latest description autograph was rather vulgar.

‘Don’t say you love me with a mouth that licked another’s xx…….’

Sheyan became speechless upon viewing that sentence.

He was now aware of the source of Sanzi’s depression – definitely failing at his first love who had speedily ran into the embrace of other males…..

To an adolescent, the feeling of having one’s first love disappearing away was indeed akin to the sky collapsing and the earth crumbling.

Sheyan obviously wouldn’t be so nosy as to ‘discipline’ Sanzi’s love rival, and help his brother regain that girl. That was the worst method. Falling out of love and getting hurt was an inevitable maturing process a boy will go through. Though the heartache would be immense, time would slowly heal all wounds…..

At this moment, Sanzi’s QQ symbol nudged again.

“Are you a dumbass? I already told you Xiaoli is a whore, yet you didn’t believe me and willingly allowed her to two-time you…”

Viewing that, Sheyan affirmed his resolution and shook his head with an awkward smile. He wanted to wake Sanzi and bring him home, but instead noticed Sanzi slumbering so soundly that his saliva was already dripping onto the table, which then dropped to the floor….thus, Sheyan shook his head and left him be.

Upon returning home, Sheyan was at a loss; he suddenly couldn’t think of anything he was supposed to accomplish. The procedures at the Fuyuan seemed rather neat under the commands of Uncle Dasi, while Sanzi was maturing amidst the tempest called love; albeit a painful but needed experience. It seemed like he didn’t have to get involved with both of their renewed lives, and could finally settle for some personal affairs.

After idling for a while, Sheyan’s phone vibrated. This phone was specially arranged by Reef and would never display a caller ID to anyone. Thus, Sheyan’s heart was stirred as he picked it up to receive a foreign number.


“Seaman?” A gentle yet alluring voice drifted in, imprinting an image of a gentle beauty yet fostered with a firm and pristine determination.

“Zi?” Sheyan smiled slightly. “You got my number from Reef?”

Zi replied with a ‘mn’.

“I have some matters to discuss, face to face.”

Sheyan understood in his heart. After this period of contemplation, she definitely had made a choice in her heart for the future ahead. This was the moment she lay all her cards on the table, thus, he directly answered.

“Alright, no worries. Where are you now?”

Zi replied indifferently.

“France, Nice.”

Sheyan turned sullen upon hearing that and couldn’t help but sigh.

“Hais, how tragic. I was near your location when I just returned to the world.”

Zi asked curiously.

“What tragic?”

Sheyan replied gloomily.

“If I hadn’t flew to America from London, it would be perfect now.”

Zi revealed a faint smile on the other side of the line.

“So you’re in America now?”

Sheyan replied.

“No, I just flew back to Taiwan.”

Zi paused and seemingly instructed someone on the other side of the line. After ten seconds, she continued.

“Hmm, then are you free now?”

Sheyan shrugged his shoulders.

“Frankly speaking, I was just daydreaming before you called.”

Zi directly said.

“To my understanding, the earliest flight to Nice will depart from Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport in two hours. Therefore, if you are free, we can have a conversation in about 12 hours.”

“Two hours to rush over….shouldn’t be a problem.” Sheyan affirmed her calculations. “However, I need Reef to settle issues with verifications.”

Zi bluntly refuted.

“No need for the hassle, just board.”

Sheyan understood her. Following that, he proceeded to bid goodbye to Uncle Dasi and confirmed there weren’t any other matters to take care of. Stating he had a business conference to attend, he departed immediately. Uncle Dasi was naturally supportive and even hailed a cab for him to Taoyuan airport.

Due to a traffic jam, Sheyan helplessly reached Taoyuan Airport half an hour late.

Sheyan couldn’t wish for a flight delay and thus could only settle for the next earliest flight out.

However, when he exhibited his identification card to a slim attendant, the cold glint in her eyes instantly transformed into a warmth, envious and somewhat complicated expression. She then addressed him with a cordial tone.

“Mister Fang? Your flight is awaiting you. Please follow me.”

Sheyan was stumped. Did I luckily encounter a flight delay situation?

Nevertheless, while the slim attendant led him through gates after gates of flight departure gates, Sheyan was stunned. There was only a public restroom up ahead. Could it be sudden raging hormones prompting her to bring me to a restroom and x and x first?

Instead, the attendant led him past the restroom…..and up an escalator. After walking through a stretch of red carpet, they entered a VIP lounge that even exhibited golden handles.

When Sheyan entered, he immediately saw four air stewardess with outstanding figures and looks whispering joyously amongst each other. There were both asians and westerners amongst them, and all of them wore red classy gowns. They looked natural and unrestrained with a sense of disciplined elegance.

The service attendant announced.

“Mister Fang is here.”

The four stewardesses bowed uniformly to Sheyan and greeted.

“Mister Fang, the crew of The Elizabeth will serve you today. Do you wish to take a rest or depart at once?”

Sheyan was utterly astonished. Still, he maintained a standard composure and calmly replied.

“Depart at once, I’m in a rush.”

The four air stewardess were trained elites. Two of them guided him while the other two released instructions through a telecom to others.

Sheyan was led into a private elevator and was soon transferred to a private boarding gate. Immediately, he beheld a small private jet by the side!

This private jet emanated a futuristic feel. It appeared as heavy as a commercial plane, but seemed as agile and incisive as a fighter jet. This was the most illustrious private air carrier – the supreme Gulfstream G650!

The supreme features of this jet didn’t need to be elaborated. The interior of this Gulfstream G650 was furnished exactly like a grand mansion house, and even included a kitchen and bathroom that could be customized in position.

While boarding, all the aviation attendants bowed in two rows along the ramp, as though they were escorting the president!

“Holy shit.” Sheyan couldn’t resist muttering to himself when he boarded.

“That girl, Zi, isn’t simple at all man.”

Sitting inside this plane cabin was akin to sitting inside five-star hotel VIP lounge. The four elite stewardess smiled and followed him before to await his command. Looking at their cordial appearances, Sheyan bet they would even help him wipe his ass……

Following that, before he even had the chance to take a sip of his coffee mug, Sheyan felt the private jet rolling forward.

He couldn’t help but asked.

“Aren’t we waiting for the other passengers?”

A sweet looking air stewardess replied.

“Mister Fang, we are specially instructed to pick you up. We were originally on call for Shanghai to receive the chairman’s delegation of Tristar Corporation. Instead, the headquarters made a last minute change to escort you to London. We wish you a pleasant flight with us.”

Sheyan couldn’t help but offer a wry smile. Such a ‘grand show of power’ prepared for him by Zi was indeed unthinkable. Although material wealth in the real world may seem useless to contestants, but it was actually qualitatively significance.

Looking in perspective now, Sheyan was incredibly moved by the amount of power and wealth that Zi possessed.

Chapter 778: The strongest MT’s…….path

In a mere 6 hours, this technologically advanced private jet arrived at Sheyan’s destination – Nice, CĂ´te d’Azur International Airport.

Soon after, Sheyan met with Zi in a fictional-looking private manor.

Her dressing seemed rather ordinary and was composed of a simple and plain maroon dress, nonetheless, it failed to conceal that noble air of austerity emanating from her. Beside her, was a female with black square-shaped spectacles who was carrying some documents.

Instead, Sheyan’s attention halted beside Zi, or accurately speaking, on the unimaginable sight of a ‘beast’ that would cause one to think of a lion.

Without a doubt, this was an enormous Tibetan Mastiff, and a purebred one.

The mastiff was lazily lying by her side. It swept a glance at Sheyan before lazily sinking its chin into its paws.

This Tibetan Mastiff was undoubtedly not the least bit interested in Sheyan.

As Zi and Sheyan stared at each other, for some unknown reason, an indescribable barrier seemed to congeal between them. The atmosphere was weird yet not awkward, as though each was unwilling to make the first statement which would be akin to admitted defeat.

Yet at this moment, Sheyan shot a cheeky smile as he mimicked a ‘sandbag’ carrying action. Zi immediately rolled her eyes which gave her secretary a massive shock. Of the seven years she had worked under Zi, she hadn’t seen her with such a demeanor before.

Yet strangely, it was actually a male who caused her to do so.

Moreover, it was a sloppy young man that was slovenly dressed!

This man appeared rather mediocre and if thrown into a crowd, it would definitely be like a salt thrown into the ocean; vanishing instantaneously. Individuals who discharged more power in the financial group could be found anywhere.

Yet Zi treated him favourably. Not only did she dispatch a Gulfstream jet, she even exhibited such an expression. This secretary was utterly bewildered.

Observing the seemingly casual Sheyan, Zi’s phoenix eyes revealed a hint of admiration and surprise. She reached out her hand and displayed a faint smile.

“Welcome to Darte Farm, my name is Su Lingzi. This is my secretary, Miss Anitta.”

Sheyan shook her hand which felt incredibly delicate and fleshy. His heart fluttered as he offered a slight smile.

“I am Sheyan. Thanks for the invite, the crew of The Elizabeth was extremely marvellous.”

Led by Miss Anitta, Sheyan and Zi soon arrived at a hillside by the side of this private garden. The green grass was like cushion and white fluffy clouds filled the blue sky. The majestic peaks of the french alps could be seen afar, precipitous cliffs emanating a striking grandeur. One could also gaze upon the famous blue beaches of Nice. It was truly a breath-taking scenery to behold. Sheyan loved the broadness and openness of this place. The threat of being eavesdropped by others here was nearly nonexistent.

Sheyan released a comfortable exhalation as he leaned back on a reclining couch of this hillside. He waited for Zi to speak here. Still, she calmly held a coffee mug while enjoying the wonderful scenery.

After a good long while, she finally broke the silence.

“You were daydreaming when I called you?”

Sheyan nodded and replied.


A glint of intrigue flickered in her phoenix-like eyes.

“A s…person like you should be planning his time to the finest seconds, I’m curious, you have periods of daydreaming too?”

Sheyan glanced back with a slight discomfort in his eyes.

“Before I answer you, answer this first. At the start of your sentence, why did you suddenly change your word?”

Puchi! She finally let loose a laughter and immediately cusped her mouth before replying.

“Fine fine, since you insist I will just tell you honestly. I meant to say scum! Ever since the Avatar World, I’ve been thinking; what kind of scum is this Seaman, therefore, once I saw you, I subconsciously associate you with that term.”

Sheyan folded his arms and didn’t argue with her over that. Instead, he straightforwardly answered her earlier question.

“The reason I was daydreaming, was because I discovered something strange. My friends and kin, I suddenly feel awkwardly disconnected with them. It is as though they live their own lives and I can no longer assimilate in.”

Zi paused briefly before addressing him.

“You are wrong, it isn’t that you are disconnected with them. Instead, after becoming a contestant, that will inevitably happen.”

Sheyan was an extremely intelligent person. After some pondering, he immediately deciphered an underlying meaning. His face turned unsightly as he became abruptly silent. Zi continued.

“Can you assimilate into the life and activities of a bird? Can you reach a deeper level of conversation and interaction with a fish? Of course not. The paradigm of their lives and yours is completely different, how can you achieve those?”

Sheyan sighed deeply and responded despondently.

“Indeed, what you say is right. Ever since becoming a contestant, I’ve trodden further and further away from the path of humanity. There isn’t a vast difference between my kin and I now, but if this progresses on…..there will come a day, that cruel reality will happen.”

Zi leaned back in silence before speaking.

“You’ve just now discovered it, I’ve already been feeling this for a very long time.”

The atmosphere momentarily turned solemn; it wasn’t awkward or cold, just particularly silent.

Even without the exchange of words, the emotions of each other could still be felt between them. This was truly a mystifying experience.

After a very very long time, or perhaps just a quick instance, Zi gently announced.

“I have three reasons for inviting you here.”

Sheyan nodded.

“Go on.”

Zi glanced at him and continued.

“Do you know why Zeus is constantly unresigned in regards to me?”

Sheyan wasn’t expecting her to raise this topic. After pondering a little, he laughed heartily.

“Of course, your unreachable charm has brought him down to your jeans.”

Zi rolled her eyes and continued.

“I don’t wear jeans. Whatever, he definitely wants me to merge into his party, otherwise, he will definitely kill me. This is because I possess a secret, a monumental secret that involves an MT! Zeus only knows a fraction of this secret, therefore, unless necessary, he is definitely unwilling to confront me directly! Because, his wrong understanding has misled him into thinking, that I hold the might to bring him down with me!”

Sheyan quietly listened, knowing that what Zi was saying was surely related to him.

Zi glanced at Sheyan and continued.

“According to what I know, there are many forms of MT. Zeus’ MT prowess originates from the earth and is a nature element MT, while Skull’s MT prowess originates from metal and equipments; a metal element MT. Apart from that, I’ve seen before a spirit element MT, whose MT prowess comes from the spirit. His HP may be similar to ordinary Growth-Hunters, but is supplemented with otherworldly defensive and survivability methods; constituting fully from his MP guard…..”

“However, this secret that I’ve grasped, points to the legendary strongest path of an MT!”

“Strongest…….MT’s path?” Sheyan replied emotionally.

“Yes.” Zi resolutely declared. “Nevertheless, it is merely a path. To become the strongest known MT, that will depend on whether the individual is capable enough to reach the end of this path.”

Sheyan squinted his eyes at Zi and said.

“So, you intend to transmit this secret to me?”

Zi nodded.


Then, she raised her palm and snapped her fingers. Immediately, that incredibly fierce Tibetan Mastiff slowly trudged over. Zi rubbed his head gently before retrieving an exceedingly ordinary looking bead from its collar.

“This is it. Oh right, when I slew that Wild Dog of Skull Party, I acquired a silver storyline grade item – ‘Bioguard Rite’. This is useless to me, I will mail it to you guys after returning to the realm.”

Sheyan then received the bead. There was nothing special about it just that it was oddly heavy. Zi then advised seriously.

“When you possess sufficient strength, it will naturally reveal itself.”

Sheyan attempted to store the bead in his personal storage. Instead, the nightmare realm transmitted a list of notifications.

[ You obtained an unknown object: ????? ]

[ Unable to store object in personal storage ]

[ You possess insufficient strength to obtain detailed information on this object ]

[ You possess insufficient strength. Unable to bring object into a nightmare realm or world ]

[ Please quickly promote to become a Growth-Hunter and satisfy the basic requirement of appraising this object ]

After seeing the notifications, Sheyan became aware that this object wasn’t mere junk. He spoke with a solemn tone.

“Thank you.”

Zi offered a gentle smile.

“Helping you is akin to helping myself. The next thing is regarding that soul equipment I acquired, ‘Memory Pen’. To receive a perfect score for this real world mission, I will need your help. Are you free?”

Sheyan shrugged his shoulders and replied.

“Can I say no?”

Her brows slanted upwards as she replied with a smile that was not a smile.

“You can try.”

Sheyan shamelessly withdrew at once.

“Fine, I won’t try.”

“The third thing.” Zi gazed into his eyes and earnestly uttered. “I’m leaving Party Ace.”

Chapter 779: The truth from the start

Upon hearing that, Sheyan smiled without showing any surprise. He gazed at Zi with subtle emotions.

“You really are a prideful individual, saving this matter for the last.”

Zi rolled her eyes and remained silent.

Sheyan pondered a little and said.

“In the last world, we accepted Demondream’s plea to save you. Hence, we rescued you based on that, you don’t owe us anything. Moreover, with your assistance, we reaped quite a handful of benefits as well which puts us on equal terms. Strictly speaking, we earned more actually.”

Zi snorted and continued keeping her peace.

Sheyan went on.

“However, you received two green grade set equipment from us, and relinquished Illume-union to us. Is two green set equipment worth a large scale party? This is hard to determine and opinions differ between individuals. Even in a crisis, a single honorary medicine can be worth 10 dark-gold grade equipments! Hmm, hence, to you, you feel that you owe me and thus divulged this ultimate MT path secret to me. Now that both sides are even, you are finally willing to raise the matter of leaving the party?”

Zi’s elegant dress wrapped around her tightly after she sat down, and smoothly outlined her curvy buttocks. Sheyan’s attention congregated at her Gucci heels of exquisite craftsmanship and superior quality, before slowly moving up her slender black stockings till her perfect thighs; which exuberated a certain allure.

Zi obviously noticed his invading gaze and immediately withdrew her legs with discomfort before fuming.

“Ahem, what’re you looking at?”

Sheyan chucked and scoffed in his heart; daring to show off, does this daddy dare not look?

He then said.

“You wish to leave the party? Possible, but not right now. You can do it back in the realm.”

Zi was evidently startled.

“You agreed?”

Sheyan earnestly replied.

“Of course.”

The puzzled Zi exhibited some doubt in her phoenix eyes.

“You’re not asking for a reason?”

Sheyan laughed loudly.

“Why ask when I already know the reason.”

Zi pursed her lips and seemed rather unconvinced.

“Fine then.”

Sheyan folded his arms and lazily leaned back before saying.

“So, should we discuss about the specifics of your soul equipment? Hmm, with your power yet incapable of accomplishing the mission, I’m guessing it pertains to a restriction in manpower or completion quantity….oh, could it be you need a tanker?”

Zi glanced at Sheyan with slight surprise and whispered several words into her phone. Soon after, Miss Anitta strolled over with a document and left after casting a few curious glances at Sheyan.

Zi picked up the document and said.

“The soul equipment issued a relatively easy mission. Instead, the headache lies in finding the memories of this pen. I’ve already found some clues and after a series of investigations, can confirm that the previous owner of this pen is a Mister Sean Heim from Devon. He was a formal royal navy officer and after an incident in India where his spine was pierced by a stray bullet, he retired with a generous compensation of 87,000 pounds. An ordinary story but more importantly, he is still living blissfully.”

Sheyan asked in astonishment.

“How’s that possible?”

A Soul Equipment was an inheritance, which meant that the owner should be dead. Otherwise, why would there be grievances or regrets attached to it? Since one perishes in the nightmare realm, then the main body would officially perish as well in the real world….this was the law of the realm.”

Yet such an inconceivable thing had happened.

A living owner of a Soul Equipment!

“Could it be?” Sheyan suddenly developed a incomparably shocking notion, one that left him thoroughly stunned. He was about to sip on his coffee mug but due to the shock, forgot to do so and poured the scalding coffee onto himself instead. Still, he felt…..completely numbed.

Bear this in mind, Sheyan was normally a composed individual, being able to keep his cool and maintain his countenance even in the face of two MT-led parties. Yet this notion shook him entirely.

Noticing his absent-mindedness, Zi finally smiled. She felt rather delighted to witness a rare moment of Sheyan’s shock, prompting her to reveal an exceedingly rare smile. Even her eyes joined in and revealed an unmatched enchantment that could move one’s soul.

From afar, Miss Anitta was astounded. This was her first time seeing Zi smile so delightedly before.

Sheyan ignored his coffee-drenched body and frowned.

“The significance of this is too immense. No, tell me his address, I must verify this for myself.”

One could deduce a certain conceitedness in her smile as Zi replied.

“No need for that, I have another piece of information.”

At this moment, Sheyan noticed her smile and felt a sudden surge of itchiness, still he kept his cool and spoke.

“Do tell.”

“This happened back when I just got acquainted with Zeus. While he was conversing with Sable, I unintentionally overhead a discussion about an Oscar award recipient which was unexpectedly from a movie I hadn’t heard of before. Feeling curious, I inquired about some matters and immediately discovered, although their lives resembled ours in this real world, there were many differing aspects.”

Zi’s eyes revealed reminiscent expression as she continued.

“In their world, the winner of World War 2 was America and the allies. In their world, America experienced her first black president. In their world, Hong Kong had been completely assimilated into China. In their world, the Olympics is a quadrennial event. In their world, the author of the best selling novel is not Juantu…..”

Sheyan paused silently for a brief while and asked.

“Anything else?”

“There is.” Zi uttered. “Demondream also told me that her world history was also strangely different. In the world she lived in, the history differs from both our world’s history and Zeus’s world history…..”

Following a momentary silence, Sheyan squinted his eyes and said.

“I understand now, Zi. Since that’s the case, many things now add up. I must carefully dissect all these information, so, how shall we go about this ‘Memory Pen’ affair?”

Zi smiled and answer.

“Yes, now you understand. The ‘Memory Pen’ is probably left behind by someone from a parallel universe. The Sean Heim from that parallel universe became a contestant but died unfortunately. Hence, our world’s Sean Heim is still alive and well; a mere mortal.”

Sheyan realized something.

“This means that in another parallel universe, there is another me?”

Zi shook her head in response.

“No. According to my investigations, anyone who possess an extremely formidable innate is unique. Or do you think your innate ability is weak?”

Sheyan offered a wry smile and shook his head.

“Alright, how do we proceed with this Soul Equipment mission?”

Zi nodded and explained.

“According to my analysis, since I couldn’t find the original Sean Heim, I could only activate the grievances stored in this soul equipment with the Sean Heim of this world. Don’t look at me with that stupid look, I just needed some blood not a human’s life. Next, I may experience a trial which is limited to only one assistant. Oh, you are the only MT I can find now, although weak, I have no choice but to make do.”

“Oi oi oi.” Sheyan answered dejectedly. “Your last phrase sounds wrong, is this the correct attitude of a pleader?”

Zi nonchalantly replied.

“Aren’t you a basic realm contestant?”

This word pressed on Sheyan’s soft spot as he chided with annoyance.

“Say that again, and I swear I will become more of a hindrance than a help for your mission.”

Zi smiled once again and waved her hand. Several attendants from afar marched in and started serving a sumptuous dinner meal……

The following matters proceeded as normal. Sheyan and Zi was transported into a hallucinatory world conjured by the soul equipment, and passed the trial without expending much effort.

Furthermore, Sheyan also learned about some details regarding Zi during this period; like how she was a board director of the world renowned E.S Financial Group who possessed incredibly unbelievable wealth and power.

Next, Sheyan stayed inside this villa and continued tempering his body. He unexpectedly learned of a way to train his intelligence attribute and spirit, that wasn’t inferior at all to the realm. Hence, he wasn’t in a rush to return back to Taiwan, and decided to strengthen his two weakest attributes.

Finally, Sheyan received a notification and returned to the nightmare realm.

Party Ace congregated once again. Just when Sheyan received Zi’s application to leave the party, Brother Black strolled over and feigned a relaxed composure while revealing to the other three.

“Boss, I’m afraid I won’t be fighting alongside you in the next world.”

Chapter 780: Ace

Puzzled, Sheyan asked.

“Why not?”

Instead, Reef stammered with a deep voice.

“Could it be you……”

Brother Black squeezed out a smile which displayed his nervousness.

“Yes, I’ve made my decision. It is time to breakthrough as a Growth-Hunter.”

Sheyan asked with concern.

“Are you confident?”

Mogensha nodded and replied.

“Yes, after returning this time, my innate ability has upgraded again.”

“Very well.” Sheyan looked at Mogensha and advised. “Don’t force it, try again if you can’t make it, furthermore……I believe, accumulating more strength is better. A tower grows only with a solid foundation.”

Brother Black issued a bleak smile and replied.

“Boss, ever since following you, my prowess have matured rapidly, but…..what I worry most is being consumed by my own growth; like a boulder attached to my own feet.”

Hearing his words, Sheyan couldn’t help but shake his head and smile. He then nodded.

“Anything you need, all the party’s resources can be channeled to you.”

“No need.” Brother Black revealed a peculiar expression.

“After returning this time, I visited my hometown which I hadn’t seen for a long while. Suddenly, I felt that I’ve always been trying to run ever since entering the realm. For my Growth-Hunter boundary test this time, it is time I find the nature I’ve lost in my life.”

As Mogensha spoke, he removed his equipments, one by one, from his body. The Golden AK, the dark-gold grade pants, the Sparta long spear, the SN-9 Wasp……..eventually, he stripped till his shiny black muscles were revealed fully, and unexpectedly handed all his equipments to Sheyan!!

This meant that Mogensha wanted to make a pure breakthrough of the Growth-Hunter boundary test! The reason he placed all his equipments with Sheyan, was firstly, because he trusted in Sheyan, but more importantly, he could retrieve his equipments from his personal storage or party storage once he regretted.

Instead, by placing everything with Sheyan, he utterly severed all contingencies for himself once stepping into the nightmare world for Growth-Hunter test. With a determination of succeed or die, he wanted to squeeze out all his potential!

Upon viewing Mogensha’s unwavering resolution and wild imposing spirit, a glint flickered in both the experienced Reef and Zi’s eyes. Reef took a deep breath and lamented inwardly.

“If only I could possess such determination then…..”

After watching Brother Black leave the personal room, Sheyan patted Reef’s shoulder and proceeded to instruct Zi.

“Issue your application, you can leave the party.”

There were three methods for Zi to leave Party Ace. A forceful departure, being kicked by the party leader, or a peaceful resolution initiated by the nightmare realm. Not only would the former two incur wastage of utility points and achievement points, it would deduct party experience as well. With Party Ace’s grand prestige, a peaceful resolution would only require some utility points from both sides.

Zi took a deep stare into Sheyan’s eyes and asked with gentle fury.

“You aren’t even gonna try retaining me?”

She then issued her application. After Sheyan agreed, he sighed.

“What’s mine, will eventually return. What’s not mine, will eventually leave.”

Her face immediately blushed as she fiercely turned to leave.

Sheyan understood her skin was thin and his words offended her, thus, he hastily chased up. He followed behind her quick footsteps. After a long while, she finally turned and icily questioned.

“What do you want?”

Sheyan offered a faint smile and said.

“I know why Zeus couldn’t contain you.”

Zi’s expression darkened as she naturally felt embarrassed. Still, she was somewhat curious as well and developed a certain anticipation for his following words. Since they were alone, she decided to give him a chance.

She quietly glared at Sheyan. It wasn’t a vicious glare, but a cool and elegant one.

Instead, Sheyan didn’t say anything but produced an object.

“Since you’ve left the party, you won’t be inheriting our party’s world progress. Therefore, you should be able to utilize this.”

Zi was slightly stunned but Sheyan grabbed her hand and stuffed a book in.

“What’s this?” Zi asked suspiciously. “Journal Log of Bernard Fokke?”

Sheyan nodded and explained.

“If you intend to assemble the full ‘Ndipaya Set’, then explore this world.”

Zi then recited a phrase out. “Hidden world: Resident Evil Origins Chapter.”

Her face flushed with surprise as she said. “I initially believed that set was acquired from slaying others or a trade. Yet on hindsight, you actually obtained it from this hidden world.”

Sheyan nodded and replied casually.


Her expression turned queer and after a brief while she uttered.

“You….you’re a freak!”

What she was implying, was naturally Sheyan, being a contestant, but still being able to explore an Awakener level world and still reaping a bountiful harvest!

Sheyan smiled as he held her hand calmly, without any intent to let go as time seemingly came to a halt.

For a brilliant and overbearing female like Zi, wanting to blatantly subdue her into a one-night-stand was impossible. Only by chiselling, one step at a time. Firstly, one mustn’t disgust her. Secondly, one must be stronger and more domineering in certain aspects to let her be convinced and crave. By pressing in, step by step, Sheyan would definitely change her heart one day.

After some time, she suddenly realized her hand was being rudely occupied by Sheyan and immediately raged out.

“Let go.”

Although she said that, her hand remained gentle and her voice indicated a non-furious form of annoyance. Sheyan directly released her hand and said.

“If you entered the hidden world while being in our party, you would have faced the aftermath of our conclusion. In that respect, I will be less concerned as the danger will have lessened considerably. With your might, it shouldn’t be a problem. However, the possibility of acquiring the full set would become rather low.”

Zi snorted but could discern Sheyan’s subtle concern. Sheyan then continued.

“Now that you’ve left the party, you will inevitably encounter a whole new ‘Resident Evil Origins’ world. That world will definitely have some disparity between what we gone through, but the grand state of affairs should be consistent….”

Following that, Sheyan divulged out his experiences as Zi slowly listened. Eventually, Sheyan ended.

“…therefore, you must be cautious and prudent. Just be careful.”

Zi couldn’t resist feeling rather moved, where Sheyan very smoothly seized her hands again and said.

“I’m still left with 70,000 utility points, the consumption rate for utility points in a hidden world is tremendous. You should take some.”

She blushed again and struggled for a while before calming down and whispering.

“Let go.”

According to her temperament, she would’ve berated the other party long ago. Instead, her current relationship with Sheyan was rather ambiguous, particularly inside the underground laboratory of the Jurassic Park World. Back then, she was in despair where the opportunistic Sheyan stole a kiss. The two were locked in at first base intimacy. Of course, his tiny little movements now could easily break through Zi’s defenses.

He once again released her hand and sincerely said.

“Be careful, now that I’m not there with you, you must rely on your own wits.”

His words were comfortably warm to her heart, yet her prideful self issued a discomfort. She glared at Sheyan. Nobody else could say those words to her but only Sheyan could!

At this moment, she remembered the previous world. His gentle conduct yet full of cards in his hands, tiding through hurdles with ease. When facing this man, he was indeed qualified.

Reflecting on that, Sheyan abruptly asked something that had been engraved in her heart for a long time.

“Our final situation in the previous world was extremely perilous. During then, I felt that you were giving your utmost. But if an unexpected mishap were to occur, could you still deal with it?”

“Yes!” Sheyan bluntly declared.

Her eyes flashed with craftiness as she shook her head.

“I don’t believe.”

Sheyan smiled faintly as he took a step forward, purposely positioning himself extremely close to Zi that with one additional move, she would be trapped in his embrace. Her face flushed with redness as she attempted to shove him away and chide him. Instead, Sheyan’s mouth was already beside her precious little ear.

“According to my deduction then, there was an incredibly minute probability of Skull and Zeus acting in tandem; one pressuring you from the front and the other pincering from the back, with the help of the teleportation portal. The final ace I left, was to deal with them.”

Upon hearing this, Zi momentarily forgot about his present impudent bearing. She asked curiously.

“Your final ace? And what’s that?”

Chapter 781: Delayed notification

(Beginning of volume 11!!)

Sheyan whispered lightly into Zi’s ear upon hearing her question.

“My final ace is a secret, you absolutely cannot say it out.”

Zi scoffed.

“Don’t tell me if you don’t trust me then.”

Although she said that casually, her countenance suggested a devastating calamity if Sheyan didn’t divulge.

Under such circumstances, he earnestly answered.

“My final ace is being able to breakthrough the 50 point boundary and becoming a Reserve-duty Growth-Hunter anytime. However, that will utterly ruin my current plans. Once I transcend as a Reserve-duty Growth-Hunter, I dare not say I can defeat them both, but I can definitely delay them.”

As Sheyan’s warm breath brushed against her ear, Zi felt an unexplainable feebleness. She blushed once again from such a foreign, unprecedented sensation and hastily retreated several steps back with a complicated expression. Then, she turned to leave, but after walking a few steps, she turned around and spoke with hesitation.

“You take care too.”

Before they separated, Sheyan also gifted her the socket gem – ‘Lionheart’. He then reunited back with Reef.

Next, Sheyan inspected the properties of his dark-gold grade necklace. That unknown ability still indicated ‘? ? ? ?’, however, there were now new requirements of awaken it. To awaken this active ability, Sheyan needed to plunder three powerful souls as an offering.

Moreover, a special instruction revealed minor differences in awakened ability based on the type of plundered souls. If one plundered the soul of a long-range/close combatant, the awakened ability will lean towards close combat. If one plundered the soul of a mage type, the awakened ability will lean towards a mage type ability. Hence, it was best to plunder souls of similar type creatures.

In addition to that, a contestant’s soul was similarly equated as a powerful soul. Therefore, Sheyan reckoned that if he plundered the soul of a contestant, the ability would pertain towards contestant warfare.

At this moment, Reef asked.

“Boss, haven’t you noticed we have yet to receive the notification of our next world?”

Sheyan nodded and replied.

“Based on my conjecture, the realm should be evaluating me as a Reserve-duty Growth-Hunter now. Adding you, a Growth-Hunter, and only two members in our party, the difficulty of our next world should be comparatively easy. Therefore, with the delay in notifying us of the next world, it is highly likely due to the world difficulty being easy.”

Reef nodded and inquired.

“Why did you let Zi go? And didn’t even attempt to retain her?”

Sheyan chortled and replied.

“Because she will return. You probably told her about our present situation right?”

Reef asked curiously.

“How did you know?”

Sheyan pensively replied.

“A haughty woman like her possesses three reasons for leaving the party. First, she probably wishes to advance to the Awakener realm. Still, she lacks confidence and does not wish to affect us. By leaving the party, her failure will go unnoticed by us.”

“Second, she knows I’ve reached the threshold of advancing as a Growth-Hunter, needing merely three attribute points to attain my goal. If she joins us, our mission difficulty would undoubtedly increase. By leaving, she hopes that we can breeze through the next world, letting me acquire three attribute points with ease before charging to the realms of Growth-Hunter at optimum state.”

“Third, I’m guessing she owes a debt to someone. She feels that she cannot contribute much to the party now and isn’t willing to ask for assistance. Thus, she wishes to repay her debt on her own, so don’t worry, she will naturally return after settling her affairs.”

Reef was enlightened and uttered.

“I see, also boss, our harvest is pretty bountiful this time, how should we settle this?”

Sheyan browsed through the stock-take, and realized the party storage was indeed abundant.

‘+7 Chieftain’s Hobby’, ‘Voldemort’s Allure’, ‘Bioguard Rite’, ‘Aberration Horcrux’…..apart from those, the items were like glittering jewels that delighted the eye.

‘Pandora’s Egg’, ‘High-energy Crystal x1’, ‘Soul Crystals’, ‘A’ rank raw material ‘Shadowdrill Claw’.

If the trio did not learn the ‘Flesh Explosion’ ability, Sheyan believed their reserves would be even wealthier.

Of this array, Zi undoubtedly left behind the ‘Bioguard Rite’ for Brother Black. Reef and Sheyan possessed the ‘Life-link’ ability and didn’t care much for that equipment. Only the risky marksman, Brother Black, would require it to toy with his rivals.

Furthermore, for the sake of warming Zi’s lonely heart, Sheyan had given away most of his utility points. Thus, he decided to earn some back now.

Excluding him, Mogensha succeeded in enhancing his dark-gold grade pants earlier. In contrast, Reef needed to satisfy the prerequisite advance ability ‘Claw Weapon Mastery’ for his ‘Steelclaw’ weapon.

Although a ‘Claw Weapon Mastery’ scroll wasn’t hard to learn, it was rather uncommon. Since returning to the realm, Reef failed to locate any seller and once again attempted to tour around.

Meanwhile, Sheyan established a new stall in the marketplace with an extravagant name.

Massive Bleed Out!

He primarily promoted the ‘+7 Chieftain’s Hobby’, ‘Voldemort’s Allure’, ‘Aberrant Horcrux’ and the rank ‘A’ raw material, ‘Shadowdrill Claw’.

One didn’t need to mention the exorbitant value of those articles. Anyone who could purchase them would definitely bleed out. Non-buyers would spread the news and crowd around the stall to look, which would naturally generate hype.

Following that, Sheyan also displayed two ‘Deathmarsh Greatcroc Soul (horcrux)’.

Although the ‘Aberrant Horcrux’ and the rank ‘A’ raw material may not find capable buyers, the two lower grade horcrux were definite hot-sellers.

Moments later, Sheyan first sold of a set of arrows he obtained in the Storm Trooper World, which was sold to a bow-wielding contestant for 5,000 utility points. Following that, he sold off one ‘Deathmarsh Greatcroc Soul’ for 35,000 utility points.

Meanwhile, Reef managed to find a stall selling a ‘Claw Weapon Mastery’ scroll. As it turns out, this scroll was obtained after slaying a contestant, so Reef directly reached level 5 from learning it. It was truly of exceptional quality.

The seller was a Growth-Hunter that was about to venture into a dangerous world and urgently required battle enhancing items. Thus, after a long negotiation, Reef agreed to acquire the scroll in exchange for 30,000 utility points, a ‘Deathmarsh Greatcroc Soul’, Magic Oilbalm (gained in the Caribbea Sea world and can be used 17 times), and a single ‘Honorary medicine’.

Nobody could tell who gained or loss from this transaction. Besides, claw weapon types were rather uncommon. Meeting a patient buyer and purchasing it for 5-6 times the valuation was also possible. For a seller in urgent need, this was undoubtedly a good deal.

Reef’s combat prowess was upgraded substantially after learning the ‘lvl 5 Claw Weapon Mastery’ ability, earning a 10% damage boost when using claw type weapons and increasing blood loss damages by 33%. Apart from that, his blocking chance was raised by 3%.

Nonetheless, learning an advanced mastery ability burnt his pockets as well. Reef originally desired to enhance his shield and new weapon to +3. Yet when he saw the enhancing fee, he was utterly flabbergasted. That was probably because the weapon was counted as extremely rare. Without the support from the party, an awkward situation of being able to procure a weapon but not capable of employing it would’ve occurred.

At this moment, nearing the timely entry into a nightmare world, Sheyan and Reef finally received the delayed nightmare realm notification.

[ Present military rank: Major ]

[ Silver Prestige Party: Party Ace ]

[ Present party members: 1 Growth-Hunter, 1 contestant ]

[ Determined next venturing world: Lord of the Rings ]

[ Progress of world is hosted by party leader no.1018 and party members. Main features will be retained or substituted equally ]

[ After calculating, main mission difficulty: B+ ]

Upon realizing it was the Lord of the Rings world, both Sheyan and Reef exhibited rather odd expressions. Especially Reef, who glanced at Sheyan with a look of amusement as he blurted out.

“Luckily she left.”

Sheyan ignored Reef’s joke and mused after a while.

“Our main mission difficulty is ‘B+’ but why was the notification delayed?”

Reef suggested.

“Maybe the realm thinks we possess an overwhelming advantage to this world? Hence, the late notification is to prevent us from any preparations?”

Sheyan nodded.

“That is quite likely, still remember the arrangements we left before departing the world? To hide away those precious metals like mithril, and allow Melody to deliver them to an elder in Rivendell to elevate her status amongst the elves. Also, with her sacred identity as a twilight elf…..hoh, looks like she did an exceptional job.”

Reef’s eyes instantly brightened.

“That’s simply wonderful, boss.”

Sheyan smiled and nodded.

“Indeed, if that is really true, our journey in the Lord of the Rings this time, will be fairly relaxed and pleasant. However………it is hard to upgrade my ‘Black Art Mix Technique’ anymore, and based on the current state of affairs, Saruman is definitely still an insurmountable and unchallengeable existence.”

Chapter 782: Treated as prisoners to prey

Sheyan’s mood was far from calm upon realizing his next venture was the Lord of the Rings world.

How could he forget the innocent and naive maiden Melody? How could he forget the colossus Ocean-freak Moria and its scene of epic tragedy.

That was the first time since entering the nightmare realm he had fallen into such perilous state, being oppressed by such overwhelming difficulty and terrors all around!

Unwilling to succumb to death, Sheyan surpassed his potential and accumulated sufficient experience in the world. Only with such foundations, did he manage to exploit the ‘Resident Evil Origins’ world and acquire the ability of ‘Pestilence Monarch’….

As time trickled away, Sheyan and Reef prepared to enter the world transportation portals.

While observing the rippling undulations of the radiating portal, many thoughts flooded Sheyan’s mind. Has Zi entered that nightmare world? How are Mogensha’s preparations going? Which world is the casualty inflicted Glory Party venturing into……..

While lost in his thoughts, Reef finally tugged him back to reality. The transportation portals had initiated for a long while, and the duo hastily trudged into the mid blue radiance of the portal.

[ Commencing entry into nightmare world…. ]

[ Initializing data….. ]

[ Matching….. ]

[ World selected. Initializing characters and world assimilation…. ]

[ World begins……. ]

[ Valinor, the undying lands, beckon the elves to return ]

[ The hesitation of a twilight elf ]

[ Sauron’s might encroaches towards Middle-earth ]

[ Magical rings enticing the souls of all ]

[ The peace in imminent danger as weakness abounds ]

[ Righteousness or evil ]

[ Protection or destruction! ]

[ It is your decision…]

“Ahh what the hell, what’s with this treatment even in this low difficulty?”

Sheyan and Reef awoke with a grievance.

They soon discovered, they were pathetically tied to a cross.

The cross was crudely chopped out with a hatchet and splinters pricked against Sheyan’s back. Any slight frictional movement released a throbbing pain. This cross was cumbersome, enduring and issued a distinct impression of filthiness.

The surface of the cross was smeared with dried stains of black or red, and it emitted a foul smelling stench; the stench of an accumulation of blood, inducing a nauseating sensation to all.

Judging from its characteristics, Sheyan quickly determined that this wasn’t link to any religious faction. After all, christians would never profane their sacred object.

In truth, the first invention of the cross was to nail sinners to death…….

Reef wasn’t spared of this pathetic fate and his cross seemed to be much heavier.

He was in a far more miserable state. A crude wooden bowl was placed atop a rock right beneath him, which was brimming with maggot infested organs…the stench fumigated into Reef’s nose. It was no wonder he looked incredibly vexxed.

Behind Reef, was a wooden fence that was crafted in a style that was familiar to Sheyan.

Crude wooden fences surrounded them with gruff branches constituting as a roof. This was essentially a spacious wooden canopy. The crude craftsmanship of this wooden canopy indeed left a distinct impression on viewers.

By their sides, were five other identical cross. Two were empty while three had individuals tied to them.

Sheyan noticed that those three individuals were still unconscious while Reef and himself had awoken first. This was probably related to one’s physique. Without a doubt, this indicated that Reef’s resistive capabilities led his own by quite a distance.

Reef angrily fumed when he noticed Sheyan waking.

“What a surprise from the realm! An unprecedented surprise, I’ve never experienced such a crappy beginning before.”

Sheyan couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Oh hoh, god’s servant shouldn’t say such filthy words.”

Reef angrily scoffed.

“Boss, our priority now is escaping this terrible place. Ahhhh! I’ve had enough of this stench. Ahhhh how infuriating!”

Sheyan attempted to wrestle free but quickly realized he couldn’t. After a careful examination, he realized the vines and branches used to constrict him weren’t special at all. Evidently, they were being restricted by the realm and the official storyline hadn’t yet commenced.

Sadly, the nauseous Reef could only accept the harsh reality…and endure in despair.

“My buddy, do you still remember events the previous time we were here?” Sheyan asked Reef.

Reef raised his brows and replied.

“Being pursued, then imprisoned, and pursued again.”

Sheyan sighed.
