Chapter 421  : Accumulation (Part One)

Although Fei was very close to the realm of Moon-Class and could easily defeat anyone in the Star-level, he still couldn’t stand and travel in mid-air with no support. Therefore, he used the skill [Raven] and summoned the big bird. After he stepped onto the back of the big bird multiple times in mid-air, he finally got into the ancient city safely.

He looked around, and he felt like this Death Ancient City looked scary under the moonlight.

The colossal stone structures were bright under the silver moonlight, but that also contrasted with the dark shadows cast by them. The broad streets were empty and quiet, and the only things that were moving were the blowing wind and the ghost fires, A.K.A. the Will-o’-the-wisps that were dancing on top of white bones. This city looked like a city that belonged to the ghosts.

Sand grains were everywhere on the street, and the dry water wells were filled with sand as well. The ragged shrines and statues could still be seen, and a huge palace that was more than 400 meters tall was still visible from afar. Perhaps this city was too old, the roof of the palace had already partially collapsed.

After comparing everything to the age of the city, Fei felt like this city was in good shapes.

The defense walls around the city were all about 100-meters tall. Dense battlements and watchtowers were kept fine, but the only thing was that a ton of sand piled over them.



Fei stood still and scanned the area using his massive spiritual power.

“No signs of life. A dead city. The structural integrity of the city is fine, and this city could hold 30,000 soldiers, but……”

He soon discovered something strange; it seemed like a magnetic field enveloped the city.

Fei saw traces of this as soon as he entered the city.

The items on him that were made from metal all shook as they were being pulled down to the ground. Any average person would stagger in this situation, and he or she might not even be able to walk around with metal items on them. Only when Fei put away the metal armor of the Druid Character and put on a robe made from cloth and a pair of leather boots, that phenomenon he was experiencing disappeared.


“Could it be that this strange magnetic field is the real reason why this city has fallen?”

Fei walked along the streets and carefully observed the surroundings.

He quickly rejected his hypothesis.

There were a lot of skeletons lying on the ground, and they were weak; as soon as Fei touched them, they would break apart easily. From the weakness of the skeletons, Fei could tell that they were all civilians when they were alive.

A phosphorus light shone on these broken skeletons.

None of the skeletons was complete; it felt like Demon Beasts attacked them or an invading troop killed them.

After Fei walked forward on the main street for a bit longer, he saw a tall stone pillar with a ton of wooden cages hanging on it. The cages contained a lot of skeletons, and some of the skeletons were reaching their arms out of the cage; Fei could tell that these people were struggling to survive when they were alive, and they died from starvation.

He also saw a few crowns and some prestigious accessories on a few skeletons, and he felt like they were the royals of the city, and they got tortured here by their enemies.

Beside this stone pillar, there were a ton of sands. However, Fei was still able to see thousands of skulls. There was a small mountain made from skulls, and a few iron spears with skulls on them were stabbed into the ground in front of this mountain. Blue ghost fires danced on this mountain, and it looked creepy and chilling.

“These people are massacred……. A bloody massacre……”

When Fei walked pass this mountain, he felt like he could still hear the hoarse screams and cries, and it seemed like the souls of these poor people were reluctant to leave.

Fei searched around this ancient city, and he still didn’t find any signs of life.

The nest of the Berserk Metal-Eating Ants was about 100-meters away from the city, and hundreds of millions of Berserk Metal-Eating Ants lived there. It was strange that those little creatures weren’t interested in this city; put it in another way, it seemed like these creatures were a bit scared of this city.

“It seems like something in this ancient city is a nemesis to those ants; that is the only reason why those ants didn’t occupy this city.”

After he thought about that, Fei felt comfortable placing his troop here. If those ants could get into the city, 30,000 soldiers weren’t even enough for a feast for all little creatures.

Chapter 421  : Accumulation (Part Two)

“However, it seems like there is a magnetic field inside this city; metal weapons and metal armors couldn’t be used at all…… Both Tanasha and Paris didn’t mention this in their notes. How can my soldiers be placed in here……”

Fei felt like there were some discrepancies between the reality and those two intelligent women’s calculations; these discrepancies shouldn’t exist……

“Could it be that this magnetic field only appeared after Emperor Yassin came here?” Fei shook his head and stopped thinking about that, “Let me find that secret tunnel first!”

In the notes those two women gave him, they both recommended Fei to use this deserted ancient city as a second base. This city and Dual-Flags City could compliment each other and sandwich the enemies in between.

Due to the existences of the Berserk Metal-Eating Ants, the vicious desert bandits never touched this place. Although it was rumored that a ton of treasures was placed in the city, the Moon-Class Elites had taken those away over the years, and this city was also not attractive in the eyes of adventurers.

The people of Jax also knew about this city.

However, they couldn’t enter this place.

The red quicksand moat that was more than 500 meters wide and all the Berserk Metal-Eating Ants living in it formed an excellent natural defense that no elite troops could get through.

However, in the messages Tanasha and Paris had to Fei, they said that they read a book written by Emperor Yassin in the Royal Library of Zenit, and they found out that Emperor Yassin came to this ancient city when Dual-Flags City was being constructed. Although Emperor Yassin didn’t find anything unusual in the palace in this city, he did accidentally discover an underground tunnel that bypassed the nest of the Berserk Metal-Eating Ants and led to a place outside the red quicksand moat.

Emperor Yassin didn’t tell anyone about this; perhaps this wise emperor kept the secret so that it could be used in the future.

Fei quickly found that secret tunnel by following the instructions Tanasha and Paris gave him.

Almost everything in this Death Ancient City was built using a type of black stone that had magnetic properties, and this underground tunnel was no different. This tunnel was about five meters wide and more than four meters tall; three carriages could travel side by side in this tunnel, and cavaliers could also charge in here.

An underground tunnel like this was magnificent.

However, it was apparent that the creators of this tunnel didn’t get to use it, and they were all killed.

Fei didn’t find any corpses or bones in the tunnel, and there weren’t any specks of dust. The only thing was that there wasn’t any air ventilation in the tunnel, and there wasn’t much oxygen. If Fei was an ordinary person, he would die after standing in the tunnel for too long.

Fei walked along the tunnel for about ten minutes, and he finally got to the end of it.

There was a huge two-sided stone gate that opened outward.

He was confident that a ton of sands was pushing on the other side of this stone gate.

Even if a Moon-Class Elite was here, he or she might not be able to open it.

Fortunately, the man standing in front of the stone gate was Fei.

After he switched to Barbarian Mode, he unleashed his crazy physical strength and pushed against the stone gate.

Boom! He pushed open the gate.

At this moment, all the sands rushed into the tunnel alongside the moonlight.

After air rushed in, it became easier to breathe.

Fei calculated the time and knew there were roughly five hours before dawn. He took out a pen and a piece of paper, wrote a letter, and summoned [Death Yellow Cape] Kashya from a blue portal.

“Ms. Kashya, please give this to Strategist Aryang in [Wolf Teeth Legion]; they are 30 kilometers to the southeast of Dual-Flags City.”


Kashya packed the letter and instantly dashed towards the direction of [Wolf Teeth Legion] like lightning.

Fe, on the other hand, switched back to Assassin Mode.

He set up many magic traps around the exit of the tunnel, and he went back to Diablo World afterward in satisfaction.


There was only one last quest left.

Fei and Elena had already entered [Worldstone Keep].

This was a magnificent building. Compared with the gloomy and chilly underground tombs and dark cities Fei and Elena had been in before, the inside of [Worldstone Keep] was as fancy as a king’s palace. The gold tiles with white cube decorations on the ground and the decorative ceiling all added to the luxuriousness of the building.

However, the laughter of the final boss Baal and the demons that were charging at Fei and Elena from all directions ruined it.

This was the most terrifying place in Diablo World.

All the demons and monsters here had great strength, and they had some basic intelligence. With magic weapons and armors, each of them was equivalent to a Four-Star Warrior in the real world.

There were three levels in [Worldstone Keep].

After four hours of killing, Fei and Elena finally got to the third level from the first level.

In the process, Elena had leveled up multiple times; she was now a level 84 Magic Archer and a level 46 Paladin.

Fei, on the other hand, was still at level 99. Although he got a ton of experience points, his level didn’t change.

However, Fei was already prepared for this.

He wasn’t worried; this was just an accumulation process. Once he got through [Worldstone Keep], entered [Worldstone Chamber], and killed final boss Baal, he would have completed all the quest in the normal mode, and the associated changes could occur.