Chapter 381  : I’m Comfortable with Your Skill (Part One)

Under the sun, behind the hill, there was a mighty figure who was riding on a massive beast; no one knew when he appeared.

Since the bright sun was behind this man, tens of thousands of soldiers of Jax couldn’t see his face clearly. What all the soldiers of Jax could see was that the sunlight surrounded this man, and the combination of this man and his huge black beast gave them a ton of pressure.

This man was just sitting on the black beast in silence, but the soldiers of Jax felt like they were facing one full legion.

They all saw the bow in his hand, and they knew that powerful arrow came from him.

A few commanders on the side of Jax zapped their mouths; they couldn’t believe that someone could shoot an arrow that accurately more than 1000 meters away. “Who is he?” they thought.

“That……” Frank Ribry who was severely injured opened his eyes.



This general with the scar on his forehead was in a state of desperation, but he saw some hope now. But when he only saw one person on the hill, that hope was about to disappear like a straw in a tornado.

However, what happened next made his heart race.







Cavaliers appeared on the hill that was 1000 meters away one after another. These cavaliers were all showering in the golden sunlight, and they looked like warriors from heaven.

When Ribry saw the flag with a two-headed polar bar on it in the next second, tear rushed into his eyes.

“Finally! The reinforcement is here!”

“Woooooooo! Wooooooooooo! Woooooooooooo!”

Three deep and loud bugle noises sounded.

Ribry knew that it was the special command created by Emperor Yassin. After three bugle noises, all of the cavaliers should prepare to charge; anyone who failed to do that would be punished and executed!

Cavaliers of Zenit!

“Wolf Teeth!” the person who appeared on the hill first shouted, and his voice resonated in the sky.

“Wolf Teeth!!!” all of the cavaliers of Zenit repeated after him. This loud noise instantly excited all of the soldiers of Zenit.

“Charge!” that person who was on the enormous black beast shouted and led the charge.

“Wolf Teeth! Charge! Charge! Charge! Charge!” all of the cavaliers of Zenit shouted as a murderous aura surrounded them. They raised their spears and started to charge right after.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The ground shook violently as more than 6,000 mounts charged forward.

“Reinforcement from Zenit?” that haughty head commander of Jax woke up from the shock.

Since the reinforcement from Zenit was able to get here this quietly, it meant that all of his scouts in the area were taken out. There was no time for him to figure out whose fault it was; it was more important to stop these cavaliers of Zenit first. As long as the reinforcement from Zenit didn’t interrupt the siege, everything would be still under his control.

“Your Highness, let me kill that skilled archer for you,” a short yet bulky commander of Jax walked out and said. His hair was curly, his beard was long, and his hands got a lot of calluses on them; he looked like a typical warrior of the desert.

“Ok, General Zack! I’m comfortable with your skill! Go and capture that archer for me,” the haughty figure nodded in satisfaction.

This short and bulky commander was one of the few top-tier warriors under his command, and he was named [Bloody Zack].

“With his strength of peak Four-Star, he should be able to capture that archer. After all, he is brave, fearless, and has a ton of physical strength!” the haughty figure thought.

Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap!

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Chapter 381  : I’m Comfortable with Your Skill (Part Two)

General Zack charged at the reinforcement of Zenit on his Sand Tiger with the few thousands of Sand Tiger Cavaliers under his command behind him. His men were well-trained; they moved in unison and created an impressive aura.

All other commanders on the side of Jax were angry with themselves for not reacting fast though.

“This perfect opportunity got robbed by this tough man Zack!” they thought.

The haughty figure was delighted by the aura and presence the men under Zack showed.

“General Zack can kill those bastards of Zenit for sure!”

“Haha! This time, the reinforcement of Zenit is doomed as well! Two birds with one stone!……” a dark-skinned general praised Zack and tried to show-off his poor language skill.

As the cavaliers under the command of Zack and the reinforcement of Zenit got closer and closer, smiles on the faces of commanders of Jax got brighter and brighter; they were all waiting for the reinforcement of Zenit to be torn apart like a cloth in front of a knife.

At the moment, no one paid attention to Ribry who was too injured to even move.

However, the ones that got torn apart wasn’t the reinforcement of Zenit but the pride of Jax.

The expression on the face of everyone on the side of Jax got gloomy, including that haughty figure.

Although [Bloody Zack] shouted loudly like a tiger and his Warrior Energy was bright and flashy, he was as weak as a piece of dry breadcrumb in front of the enemy’s arrow. Before he could get close to that archer, he was destroyed.

He exploded after the arrow touched him.

A peak Four-Star Warrior who was very close to the level Five-Star got destroyed by his opponent like a toy; it felt like he was no different to the ordinary soldier of Jax who got killed by the arrow earlier.

This was a huge departure from the expectations of the commanders of Jax!

What happened next was more shocking!

The thousands of vicious Sand Tiger Cavaliers who were under the command of Zack got destroyed as well. After the first round of charge, they all quickly “melted” as if they were snowflakes in a hot summer day; it felt like they couldn’t even put up a fight.


All the commanders of Jax gasped on the hill that was their command center. “Too ferocious!” they thought.

Ribry, on the other hand, tried his best to stand up even though he was feeling an insane amount of pain.

At the moment, he clearly saw what happened through the eyes that were covered with blood.

“That commander of Jax got destroyed like a watermelon! Red and white matters flew everywhere! Like a god, that archer on the black beast shot out arrows one after another, and these arrows completely destroyed everything in front of them! This archery skill couldn’t be possessed by a human! Everything in the paths of these arrows was destroyed! They left multiple bloody trails! Unstoppable!” Ribry thought to himself.

“Sh*t! I will go kill him!” a thin commander beside the haughty figure got very angry; he was silent before, but now he jumped out and asked for the permission. Being attacked by a single archer this close to the command center was a huge shame in this commander’s eyes, and he couldn’t hold back his anger anymore.

“Great! General Duke! I’m comfortable with your skill!”

Joy appeared on the face of the haughty figure. He felt like this archer was at the level of peak Five-Star at best, and he knew that this subordinate of his could easily defeat anyone on that level.

Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap!

Another team of Sand Tiger Cavaliers rushed at the reinforcement of Zenit with General Duke leading the charge.

“No issue this time! The reinforcement of Zenit is done for!”

“Capture that archer alive and skin him!”

The commanders of Jax in the command center got excited again. This General Duke was much more powerful than Zack, and they were very confident that Duke was able to capture this archer this time.

Just like what they thought, Duke led the charge fearlessly and already chopped away three arrows that archer shot at him. The distance between Duke and that archer was getting closer and closer.

“Haha! As long as Duke gets to close-range, that archer is doomed! Huh? What? What is going on? General Duke…… died?”

The excited commanders of Jax were stunned.

They couldn’t believe their eyes.

What happened crushed their pride again.

They thought that archer would be in a disadvantage in close-range combat, but two huge axes appeared in the hands of that archer after a light flashed by. With a simple horizontal strike, Duke who was known as the best fighter among all the battalion commanders in the herald legion of Jax got killed; his head flew into the air before he could defend.

After seeing this, the lips of that haughty figure twitched violently.

The phrase “I’m comfortable with your skill” was full of irony at this moment.

However, there was no time for him to be angry.

Right after the two generals who were under his command got killed, the reinforcement of Zenit already charged into the troops of Jax from the behind; everything got chaotic.

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