Chapter 170  : Conquer the fortress, leave no lives behind! (Part one)

“I’m the king of Chambord.”

Every time Fei said it before, he felt very cool and dominating. If exaggerated a little bit more, one could say that he had an aura around him, as if he was the king of the world. However, when he said it this time, he felt like he could only look at the two people in front of him.

However, elder Zolasc was obviously stunned.

The expression on his face turned from loss to shock, to wild joy, to indescribable excitement and finally chagrin. Like a little kid who had been bullied and finally saw his parents, he hugged onto Fei’s thigh and stared crying out loud.


He suddenly let loose all the emotions that were oppressed inside of him.



The elder’s voice was hoarse and dry, as if his tongue that was cut off didn’t grow back yet. The sound shot directly out of his throat. It sounded like the cry of a dying beast, like the surging current of a river that broke through the dam, like a hundred meter long defense wall collapsing under the strike of a huge force. and like the roar of a sprout that grew from under a heavy rock. Fei always disliked men who cried, but for some reason he felt his eyes getting a bit wet upon hearing this complex, yet straightforward sob.

The thin and bamboo-like young boy Modric was completely stunned beside the elder.

“He is the king of Chambord?”

“This is this Saint King who passed the saint-like statues and the law?”

“This is the Saint King of Chambord who swiped the joint force from nine other kingdom that uncle Zolasc was talking about?”


“Yeah.” The more Modric thought about it, the more he understood, “It must be him! Except for our king of Chambord, who else could arrive in front of me from the sky with other powerful warriors, and who could kill all the demon soldiers of Blackstone for a little Chambord boy like me? Who else could heal uncle Zolasc who was on the verge of dying like a god?”

“It can’t be anyone else except for him!”

A huge sense of satisfaction and thrill filled this thin boy’s body.

“Your majesty… You… you are finally here…” This was the first thing that the elder said to Fei. Zolasc was a very wise person who had experienced a lot of things. After a short moment, his cool returned. He pointed at the mountain made out of corpses in the pit with his finger as tears dripped down his wrinkly face. With his eyes filled with anger and hate, he said, “They are all our Chambord’s citizens…”

“What?” Fei was shocked; he felt like he was mishearing, “All… all of them?”

In the pit, there were more than a thousand cold corpses. From the injuries, Fei could tell that they were all tortured to death. A missing leg or an arm was very common as there weren’t any complete corpses; the scene was terrifying… Fei thought this was the burying pit for all the slaves who died from exhaustion or beating in the mines, but all of these people were from Chambord?! Since when did so many people from Chambord end up being enslaved here?

“… For all these years, Blackstone Kingdom has been behind all this. There are at least three to four thousand people from Chambord who were captured by mercenaries, by groups who captured people for slavery, and by other kingdoms due to war. They were all brought here to work in these mining pits. Everyone who came here three to four years ago had all died; no one could survive the dark mining pits, the lack of food, and the beating of the supervising soldiers for more than three years. Also, since Chambord and Blackstone were enemies with deep hatred towards each other, slaves from Chambord suffered the most out of all the slaves here; there were slaves from Chambord who were almost beaten to death by the guards using iron chains every day. In the last month, your majesty’s name and your story of beating the joint forces from the nine kingdoms has been spread around, and that threatened the king of Blackstone. Under his anger and hatred, the torture that Chambord’s citizens experience became even worse. For the last half month, these inhuman demons tortured and killed more than a thousand slaves from Chambord!”

Elder Zolasc’s thoughts become clearer and clearer. He used the simplest words to describe the tragic history of the Chambord slaves at these mining pits. Fei stared at every single cold corpse in the pit in silence; he could see every that single one of his citizens suffered a horrifying death from all the torture and screams. He could almost see the wronged souls that were floating in front of him and telling him about the cruelties of Blackstone; he felt like they were asking him where the king of Chambord was when they were suffering through this.

Resentment soared into the sky, and everyone at Blackstone Fortress felt it.

Chapter 170  : Conquer the fortress, leave no lives behind! (Part Two)

The sky was bright, but suddenly the wind started to blow. Then, a ton of dark cloud started to appear from a side of the sky. Soon, the clouds covered the entire sky and made everything very dark as everyone felt a terrifying storm in the making.

“Who else is still alive?” Fei asked: “Where are they now?”

“Four days ago, all the survivors from Chambord were gathered together and locked up at the underground water dungeon in this Blackstone Fortress. I heard that the Blackstone King was getting ready to kill them all to vent his anger…” A concerned expression appeared on Zolasc’s face when he said that.

Fei held his fists tightly.

He looked at Blackstone Fortress below the cliff that looked very organized and tight with a decisive expression on his face. He made a decision, “King of Blackstone, humph! He will pay for his actions with blood. The entire Blackstone Kingdom will be wiped out… As the king of Chambord, I swear on it!”

“Let’s go!”

Fei grabbed onto Modric and Zolasc and jumped down the hundred meter tall cliff like a bird. When they were about twenty meters above the ground, Fei switched to Druid Mode and summoned a big bird in front of them. He stepped onto the back of this giant raven with his toes and to stop falling as he and the other two landed on the ground safely.

Modric, who had seen Fei’s power, was already used to this, but it was the elder Zolasc’s first time seeing anyone this powerful. He was shocked, but when he remember that this young man was the twenty fifth king of Chambord, he became every excited again. “All the rumors are true; the king of Chambord does have an unbelievable power!” He thought.

In a few leaps, he had already returned to that square.

At this moment, the situation changed.

The soldiers of Blackstone were already forming into groups and charging towards Chambord’s forces through all streets and back alleys. They soon tightly circled around Chambord’s Expeditionary Force. Shouting and battle noises sounded, and many corpses were on the ground at the battle’s frontline; however, they were all blacked armored soldiers of Blackstone.

Without Fei’s command, Chambord’s Expeditionary Force only defenced and didn’t attack.

Even so, more than a hundred Chambord’s soldiers were like large stones in a fast current. They weren’t backing off and were virtually indestructible. Every time the black flood rushed onto the stone, they were smashed into pieces and bled severely.


Fei roared as he raised his hand. The druid’s elemental power rushed and circled around his hand, and then a red beam of fire dashed into the Blackstone soldiers.

The dim red beam of fire was around the thickness of an arm. There was no magic surging around it, and it looked harmless. Therefore, the soldiers of Blackstone didn’t pay attention to it, and some of them even mocked it.

But that this moment, things changed –

When this red beam was about two meters away from the ground, this flame suddenly bulged and turned into a dark red spherical ball that was about three meters in diameter. Spider web-like slits and cracks were on the fireball, and every single crack emitted terrifyingly hot orange flames. It smashed onto the ground and instantly killed five Blackstone soldiers who couldn’t get away.

However, the nightmare wasn’t over.

When the fireball landed on the ground, it started to roll with the momentum towards the crowd. Everywhere it went, lava floated out of the cracks and created fiery walls about two meters high. The terrifying fires burnt the soldiers around it into ash; even their weapons and armors were turned into metal liquid…

It was the Druid’s skill – [Molten Boulder].

The chaotic elemental power summoned a huge lava stone that smashed all the enemies into ashes. It was one of the two Druid’s skills that Fei had aside from summoning and shape shifting skills. It was perfect for a ground battle.


A series of red beams of fire shot out of Fei’s hands, and all of them turned to [Molten Boulders]. Except for where Chambord’s Expeditionary Force was standing, everywhere else turned into a sea of fire. The screams and cries of Blackstone soldiers resonated in the sky!


Fei landed beside Lampard.

“Your majesty…” The six masters of Chambord came close to him. They relaxed when they saw that Fei was okay.

“Warriors’ of Chambord, listen to my order… Kill!” Fei passed Zolasc and Modric to soldiers around him as he switched back to Barbarian Mode. His hands reached into the air and he grabbed onto the purple and green dual swords as two lights flashed by. He shouted, “Kill! Leave no lives behind! Wipe this Blackstone Fortress clean!”

At this time, the [Molten Boulder] had already disappeared, and the elemental power dispersed into the air. The fire slowly went out, but these magic strikes had killed three to four hundred Blackstone soldiers. The unbelievable power scared these soldiers to death. Although they had a numbers advantage, they didn’t dare charge at Chambord’s soldiers anymore.

Under Fei’s command, the fifty Saint Seiyas turned into six groups under the six powerful warriors’ lead and charged into their enemies, and bloody rain started to fall from the sky.