Chapter 238: It Will Be Hard to Find More Allies

Everyone thought that Vigilante A was being a gentleman. He wanted to force the Russians to give up willingly to eliminate any future threat, and that was why he just allowed them to revive their spirit bear totem.

Fang Ning knew the true reason why Sir System was acting that way. From the very first day it seized his body to “serve justice”, it had fully expressed its behavior. This System was the one who cleaned up a corpse with its Dragon’s Cloud-Searching Claw technique, and it never lost its initial intention…

It was just that Sir System helped the weak far too many times, and all these acts helped it in building a hero identity and fooled many people.

This System was just waiting for the boss to respawn…

As for those why Sir System could say such righteous and touching words without Fang Ning’s tutoring, it was not because of its high EQ.

For such a martial oriented System, saying such thing was like its instinct, plus it also gathered many lines like such from the internet, so that it could use them and improve its fame…



The following System Notification proved that the crap it was saying had a great effect… Especially towards its enemies.

[The System used the art of speaking to its enemy. The spirit bear is speechless and had nothing to say. It is losing its spirit.]

[Master-level Deterrence is activated!]

[The host of the spirit bear is being suppressed.]

[The System activated the Wind Dragon, Flame Dragon, and Thunder Dragon form.]


[The System activated the Wind Dragon’s Breath, Flame Dragon’s Breath, and Thunder Dragon’s Breath techniques.]

[The System activated the Body-Sword Unity technique and fused with the legendary flying sword Soaring Dragon. The System is now a Lake-level powerhouse for three minutes.]

[The System consumed ten morality bars and activated the Heavensward Sword technique.]

[The System consumed ten morality bars and activated the Strength in Unity technique. All techniques combined into the Vanquishing Slash of Heavenly Sword technique.]

[The System used the Vanquishing Slash of Heavenly Sword technique and attacked the spirit bear totem.]

[The System used the Butcher Dismembering a Bull effect and broke through its defense! Critical hit!]

[The System dealt 3,000,000 points of damage.]

[The spirit bear totem started bleeding and is losing 10,000 points of health every second.]


[The spirit bear totem is dead.]

[The System obtained 300,000,000 Experience Points.]

[The System eliminated a strong brutalist.]

[The System obtained an astronomical amount of reputation. The current reputation is World Legend, and cultural relevance has improved by 2 points.]

[The work of the System is being spread around the internet… Added one point to cultural relevance to 3 points.]

[The System obtained an astronomical amount of morality, and completely filled 50 morality bars. Morality is overflowing to the followers. The followers that have learned the Atmospheric Morality Technique will have their duration of training efficiency increment extended to 6 months.]

[Improved the relationship with Cloud Fog City in China to “Trustworthy”. Revealed the related area in the System Map.]

[The System saved the Cloud Fog City from its fate of complete destruction and showed its unbeatable ability. Greatly improved the friendship with the leader of Cloud Fog City, Yun Hu. Yun Hui also promised to always do the right thing and never treat the System as his enemy.]

[With the inclusion of a leader from a large organization as a friend, unlocked an ability in the Ally Module: Prosperity of the Righteous Path.]

[Effect: All allies, including all followers, can take advantage of overflowing morality. Every five allies including followers will provide a backup morality bar. When using Morality Shelter technique to shield allies, the System will consume its backup morality bars before its own.]

[Current allies: Three people from Zhao family, three people from Qiao family, Qi Yan, Zhao Ying, Ma Ping, Yun Hui, Sky Eagle, Chong Daqing, Tian Zhu, three citizens of Cloud Fog City. Total of 20 people including 4 followers and providing four backup morality bars.]

[Note: The person must reach “Trustworthy” friendship level with the System to be considered as an ally, while not betraying the System under normal circumstance.]

Fang Ning finally finished reading the System Notification and said, “Sir, you really got a lot out of this, and there’s another wave coming…”

The System replied, “The real powerful thing that I obtained is actually the Ally Module and its ability. So long as I continue to garner more allies, I will never need to worry about my morality value anymore, even if that stupid book steals my morality.”

Fang Ning agreed to that, but when he realized the note that was written in the System Notification he shook his head.

This stupid System was so naïve that he had no need to worry too much about it…

The Sir System noticed his action and asked in confusion, “Yi, is there something you are concerned with, Richman Host?”

Fang Ning replied, “You keep thinking of getting more allies, but you have no idea this will be different than how you grind those monsters. Don’t you realize that even after you saved the Cloud Fog City, there are only three allies out of ten thousand people in the city?”

The System said, “Of course I noticed it. I was just thinking about it. Can you help me check if there’s a bug in the System rule? It might have accidentally taken away few thousand allies that I’m supposed to have…”

Fang Ning replied helplessly, “Sir, are you questioning yourself? I don’t think it was taken away. Look at those other allies. Every single one of them is a righteous person, and you saved their lives previously, excluding that few foodies…”

The System said, “I also saved those in the Cloud Fog City. If I never helped, I think more than half of them would not have been able to escape in time and all of them would be dead by now.”

Fang Ning laughed and replied, “You have no idea how humans think. There are many people who appreciate you for that moment, but only a select few will remember you for life. That is basic human nature. I can tell you, it will be hard to find more allies.

“Look at the three people from Qiao family. They are all involved in the Truth Department. Even though we helped them so much, they only managed to become our friends due to their positions and restrictions. Although we have no idea how they managed to get over their restrictions, this shows the difficulty in trying to gather more allies.”

The System said, “Ai, what you say is correct. Looks like we can only leave it to fate…”

“En, allies are not monsters. People can change their thoughts, and you cannot just try and rush it. You better work hard on that and don’t try to cheat…” Fang Ning warned the stupid System so that it wouldn’t cause him trouble…

The System replied, “Alright then, I won’t take any shortcuts. I will use my heart to increase the number of allies we have.”

Fang Ning was speechless, “I’m an idiot if I believe in your words… I’m not cleaning up your ass if you try something shitty.”

While Fang Ning and Sir System were talking, the Russians had revived the spirit bear.

As it revived, its eyes were filled with anger and hatred, along with shame. It promised to itself that it must kill that bastard that just impaled its body!

However, when it was ready to attack, Vigilante A disappeared, and the same sword fell from the sky again!

The sword penetrated the spirit bear again!

The observers were shocked and stunned by that. Everyone was mind blown by the fact that such a crazy technique could be used continuously!

Where’s the balance, where are the rules!?

Fang Ning said to himself in disdain, “Sir System now has 54 morality bars and the Atmospheric Morality Technique. If it activates it, it can immediately refill all 54 bars, so that makes it 108 bars. It will consume 20 morality bars to activate its Body-Sword Unity technique, so Sir System can use it for 5 times in total. Plus, every time it kills the spirit bear, it will regain a huge amount of morality, so it can still continue to kill that spirit bear multiple times…”

The internet exploded.

“This feels so good!”

“This is impossible. He can use that crazy technique multiple times?”

“Everything has its limit. I guess he can still use it for one more time.”

“Waiting to be proven wrong…”

Everyone in the Justice Cavalry was looking at each other in shock. All of them were losing their confidence after they saw how their spirit bear was defeated once again.

The three priests no longer rush to revive the spirit bear. They were looking at their leader, Lord Knight Ivan, who was hiding under his armor.

“Summon it once more. I don’t believe he can still use that technique!”

Ten minutes later, the spirit bear reappeared.

However, when it looked at Vigilante A, those bloodthirsty red eyes no longer had its murderous intent but was replaced with bottomless fear.

It laid flat with its head on the ground with no intention of trying to attack.

Some of the observers even realized that it was shaking!

Bears were never fearless. When it was angry it might look fearless, but when it lost its anger, even a small hunting dog could send it running with its tail between its legs. There are many videos on the internet that could prove that.

Lord Knight Ivan was furious when he saw it!

He could accept the fact that the spirit bear could be defeated easily, but he would never allow the bear to lose its fighting spirit!

“Stand up and fight, you piece of rubbish! Even if you’re going to die, die like a true Russian!”

The spirit bear just whimpered, and the Russian man started talking, “I am sorry, lord knight. I want to continue to fight, but I’ve lost control of this spirit bear. It developed a fear towards the sword. In its mind, if it stood up and try to attack, it will be pierced again like a bear barbeque… It is disobeying my order to stand up.”

“Damn it! Go to hell!”

The face of Lord Knight Ivan had turned as red as a tomato. He felt that everyone was looking at him laughing. The pride of the great Russia was completely wiped off at that moment!

The observers were discussing among themselves.

“Look, that Venerable Dragon God is a true gentleman. That spirit bear was so afraid it lost its defense, yet he never tried to take advantage of it or harm it.”

“That’s right. Previously some people suspected that the Venerable Dragon God was training some murderous ritual and speculated that the more he kills he got the better he gets, and that was the reason why he was helping everyone. Now that everyone can see, it was obvious that he is not that crazy mindless killer, but a true hero for justice!”

“Yes, but the Russians are really humbled today. The totem they summoned was defeated, twice, and it has already succumbed to its fear. What a joke.”

“I wonder if they can change their totem. I remember that every country has multiple totems that their people worship.”

“Haha, then the Russians must be ready to change theirs into one that has no fear…”

The comment sections of live streaming websites exploded as many people were surprised by the situation.

“I hypothesized many endings but I never predicted that the fierce bear would become so weak after dying twice!”

“You are so stupid. I saw before a video online where a bear was being chased by a dog… Bears are not brave.”

“How dare you compare our Dragon God to a dog! I am going to find you and kill you, the one that commented above!”

Vigilante A was standing in midair and staring down, emotionless.

Everyone thought he was a real gentleman that never took advantage over anyone.

However, no one knew that Sir System was actually bored.

The System said, “Piece of rubbish. I just killed it twice and it no longer dares to attack. It will never die so what’s the point of being afraid? Such a weird monster. Right now, it is in a PvE 1 stage. Richman Host, help me change it toPvP 2 mode.”

Fang Ning looked out and saw that large white bear was sitting on the floor while holding its head with its bear claws. It was acting cute and weak to beg for forgiveness.

Is this really that fierce and roaring bear?!

This bear was worse than Black Dog and Yellow Dog!

No wonder those in the Justice Cavalry were looking terrible.

This was their totem! Their representative was being beaten to this level by someone else! They should have just stopped reviving it!

Dying in battle wasn’t something to be ashamed of. It was a glory after all. No matter how fast one was defeated, you could still say that there was a difference in their combat level.

However, the way the bear was acting would lead to all the laughter when the Russians were to go up against other enemies. Why should they be afraid of a scared bear?

How are they supposed to intimidate their neighboring countries?

“Give me a moment,”

After a while, Fang Ning waved his hand and said helplessly, “I can’t do it. My thoughts have no use against it in its current state. It poses no threat to us.”

The System was not ready to give in, “Try again. Just now I managed to get 100,000,000 Experience Points and a lot of fame, so there’s no way I am letting it go.”

Fang Ning heard him and suddenly realized, “I understand now why it is so afraid of us. You only received 100,000,000 Experience Points after you kill it for the second time. This spirit bear is surely not a Lake-level now!”

The System said, “Eh, you can sense it too? Now it’s only at Pond-level, but at least it still can give me 30,000,000 Experience Points if I beat it. My rule doesn’t reduce the Experience Points I get from repeated victories. It’s the bear that’s getting weaker.”

Fang Ning replied, “This must be because their population is high but highly dispersed. The bear is not receiving enough worship. I think not even one-third of that 150,000,000 people in their country are really worshipping this bear.

“When it revived, it didn’t receive enough spiritual energy since those people never trained basic cultivation of their spirit. Most of the worshippers are normal people so they could only release a limited amount of spiritual energy. Now that it is just a Pond-level PvE monster that is surrendering, it no longer poses as a threat and so I cannot transfer my obsession to its brain.”

The System said, “Ah, I see. Then we will let it go this time. I will beat it again one it gets stronger.”

Fang Ning tried to comfort Sir System, “Relax. Those Russians won’t give up so easily. When their totem gets stronger, they will surely come again.”