Chapter 249: Fight for survival (3)

“It’s coming out again!”

The next monster that came from the Gate was a giant monster as tall as a four-story building, with the head of a lion and a body of a bear. Its huge paws had five-foot-long claws that looked very vicious. The monster began attacking the other nearby monsters as it exited the Gate.

“What the hell is that?!”

“Head of a lion and body of a bear…”

Doral muttered as he eyed the monster. He had studied the animals on Earth with Joonbum’s videos and books.



Joonbum nodded.


“Give’em stakes!”

Giant stakes were fired upon the monster. Tens of stakes pinned the monster down to the ground, making it scream in agony. The scream pierced all parts of the mountain. Terrifying as it was, the scream also gave the warriors hope that the monster was killable. It was something they could fight against.

“The giant monster is down! Attack harder!”

Then, a familiar-looking monster jumped out. It was a giant leopard-skinned rat.


“It’s a rat! But… it’s walking!”

‘N-no! That one’s dangerous!’

Joonbum looked at it in alarm. The rat glanced around quickly and instantly lowered its body, dodging the stakes fired at it. It then rushed like lightning out of the monsters and into the wall.

There was the sound of a crushing blow and it shook the wall.

“The wall is down!”

“Fix it!”

“Bring some wood over!”

Fortunately, the monster wasn’t saved by the attack. Also, the wall wasn’t entirely breached.

“Dammit! That stupid rat! Kill it! Fire! It destroyed MY fence!”

An old Magnos shouted angrily as the other Magnos and Ainos began firing their arrows and stakes at the rat monster that fell unconscious after charging into the wall.

‘It’s only the beginning.’

Joonbum looked up to the sky. He had no way of knowing, but he had some kind of a feeling that was warning him.

A train left the capital as the soldiers departed the city, with their families and loved ones sending them off.

“Sir, fifty thousand of our best men have departed for the Khalodian Mountain Range.”

“And the medics from the Red Cross?”

“They are with them. Five hundred doctors and thirty-nine hundred nurses with ten thousand men worth of supplies.”


Jackson groaned. It was a great number. The Red Cross was the busiest group out of the entire Khalodian Empire, watching over and healing countless people.

“It’s going well, but I’m concerned.”

The problem was the letter from Joonbum that arrived earlier. It ordered Jackson to prepare for the final battle.

‘I can’t believe it.’

The final battle was mentioned by Joonbum multiple times for the coming apocalypse as a partial joke. However, it was no joke this time.

“I must prepare accordingly. Todd, declare an emergency. Khalodian will prepare for the worst war imaginable. Recall Commander Jinpok and send messages to the entire army.”

“Yes, sir!”

-Citizens of Khalodian. The Khalodian Empire will now face a battle for the very existence of mankind. If you are willing to fight for the great cause, join us. If you are willing to prepare for your world, join us. If you are willing to defend the Empire, join us. However, for those who want to go back to your old way of life, you may flee Khalodian and go into hiding.

The official letter was posted everywhere in the capital as people began to gather. The news of such an emergency was also spread to the other kingdoms. They did not believe it at first, but news of a dire fight happening on the mountain proved that it wasn’t just a rumor or hoax. Kingdoms that bordered the mountain especially became more agitated and volunteered to help Khalodian fight. With Katzback being the first to step out, other countries also voiced their support to aid Khalodian.

“Commander Jinpok will be joining us in two weeks.”

Two weeks was too long, but that was the fastest Jinpok could return.

“The armies have arrived at the battlefront and have begun fighting alongside the Magnos and Ainos.”

Jackson moaned at the report.