Chapter 188: For the future (2)

The morning road was filled with various vendor carts selling different foods to farmers and construction workers heading to work. They stopped by each of the carts to have their fill. The worksite and fields were filled with people from different races: Magnos working as managers and humans working for them, or vice versa. People quarreled heatedly as they worked quickly, but fights did not break out. People seemed to be happy as no one was starving or living in poverty. The kids also seemed lively and were not afraid of others. It was happy times for all the people in the city.

“Is it true? Will the house really become mine? And the land?”

“Yes, Lord Joonbum promised it himself. He will instantly give out land to anyone who signs up to be a soldier.”

“Amazing! But… what if he gives out some barren land with monsters?”

“What? How dare you doubt his words!”

“Go away! Leave this place if you don’t want it!”


People began fighting over it and others casually ignored it. It was a very common occurrence where doubtful people grew suspicious and got mocked by others.


‘It’s like a religion now,’ Joonbum thought as he walked past the road. His name was being used in children’s fairy tales and plays. Adults praised his name for being a hero and a savior.

“This is a bit too much.”

“It’s okay, sir. I think it’s little lacking.”

Joonbum frowned at Jackson. It seemed like Jackson loved the idea of Joonbum being praised.


“It’s not enough, sir.”

“Why? It will also have bad side effects.”

“Yes, but it is how we bring all these people into one. We have various cultures and languages here. Only thing that ties them together is the food and you. Food will lose its importance over time, but your name will not. We should encourage it. There might be problems, but that will be taken care of.”

Joonbum understood what Jackson was explaining, but it wasn’t so welcoming.

‘I’ve come too far,’ Joonbum thought to himself.

“Oh, you know the ‘soccer’ sport that you showed me before?”


“We should spread it.”

Joonbum turned to Jackson. Jackson had seen various sports from Earth before already.

‘Another way to unite people.’

Sports had that power. Joonbum glared at Jackson.

“It will help people focus and come together as one. It will be very useful.”


Joonbum thought about the sport. It was a very popular sport back on Earth. It was sure to be popular if it were introduced here.

“Okay, let’s do it.”

“We should introduce the kids to soccer, basketball, and volleyball. We have plenty of balls so it will be easy.”

Joonbum laughed as Jackson knew Joonbum’s list of goods so well.

“We will then form a team when it becomes known and make them compete.”

Jackson began explaining the plan. It seemed like he had been thinking about it for a while.

“It’s here.”

They came to their destination as they spoke about the plans of spreading sports to the world. Jackson pointed to the creek at the front. It was glowing red.

‘Iron mine!’

Joonbum remembered the shocked Jackson coming to report him while ago after discovering it.

“Did you double check this?”

“Yes, a Magnos miner came to check on it last time. It has high-quality iron deposits.”

“Sounds good.”

“Yes, he told me the whole region is filled with such deposits. We just dug up some of the layers and found the deposits easily.”

“This is all thanks to the waterway. Nobody would’ve noticed if we didn’t let the water flow through here.”

Jackson mumbled. They both looked to the creek glowing red.