Chapter 151: Corn, the miracle crop (1)

“It’s already so big!”

“What is this CORN?”

“It’s bigger than a child’s arm!”

“We just need to wait for two more months?”

“No one will starve!”

“I heard people and animals can eat it. Even the roots!”


“I was worried because we have so many refugees but with this…”


“It’s true! This was the blessed land!”

Everyone was amazed at the growth of the corn.

Not too long ago, the Magnos had arrived. The Ainos and all the refugees came out to watch their arrival. Yet unlike what they had expected from the stories and rumors, there were not many Magnos people who were stout and plump. Most of the Magnos were skinny as they were starved. People understood the hardships they had gone through and welcomed them in silence. The Magnos, who were all alert as they entered the village, looked dumbfounded at such a welcoming atmosphere.

Some women became teary at such a horrible sight and one of the women came out, blocking the way.


“I! I am Margot Hezzrah, head maid of the countess! All you Magnos kids will come with me to the cafeteria. Those who are not adults, follow me!”

About a hundred or so women came out of the crowd behind her. The Magnos at the lead frowned.

“We are Magnos…”

“I don’t care what you are one way or another. I will not see children starve. The countess ordered me to feed the children, so I do as she says. We will not accept refusal. Children, follow me!”

The Magnos man backed away as she stepped up to him.

“You are a Magnos warrior, so you should do what you must do. I will do what I must.”

Margot spoke calmly and turned away. The women who were behind her opened up a path for her to move.

“Bring the children to the bathhouse and clean them. Get them some warm milk, and then bring them all to the cafeteria!”

“Yes, ma’am!”

The women answered in unison. The Magnos were dumbfounded at what just happened, but the Magnos women soon became teary. It seemed that they were relieved to have finally arrived at a safe place.


An old Magnos from the back called to the man at the front. Guros nodded at the voice.

“Women, follow them with the kids.”

Everything went smoothly after that. The Magnos were sleep-deprived, starved, and in bad condition overall. The Gerekstal, known for their fierce prowess, were nothing like the legends. The Magnos and Gerekstal mounts were starved and skinny.

“Look! It’s only been two months and they’re now so fat!”

Someone pointed to the Gerekstals out in the field, grazing on the grasslands. They were now back to their former glory as they were fed non-stop to get them back in shape. Part of the field was fenced off to allow the Gerekstal to graze on. Durans, cows, goats, and all kinds of herbivores also stayed together.

As the corn and other crops began to reach fruition, it was enough to feed everyone. The village was now a beacon of hope to the people in the area. More refugees came to the village in hope of survival and a larger refugee camp was set up. However, it also caused problems. They began demanding more and compared themselves to the Ainos. They also fought each other because of greed.

Joonbum frowned each time something like that happened, but Jackson and Hectos took care of such problems easily.

“Next, he is Kotu. He raped a woman and murdered her afterward. The sentence is decapitation.”

The guillotine decapitated the man instantly and the head fell down on the ground.

“He murdered and to cover up… The sentence is decapitation.”


Then, it was onto the next. Jackson and Hectos carried out the sentencing and execution of criminals in place of Joonbum. The swift and powerful enforcement of the village quelled some of the troubles.

‘It’s always faster to rule this way.’

Joonbum always wondered why medieval times usually resorted to violence and terror to rule the people. These people were not educated enough to have ethics and it was hard to make them follow the rules.

‘Freedom will only make them starve to death.’

These people had no power to take care of themselves out in the wild and that was why they had gathered here in the first place. This village was the best there was.

Hectos initiated the machine again, cutting off the head of another criminal who had been leeching off people as he claimed that he was a noble.

“Splash water on him! Five whips!”

Water was poured upon a tied-up man and a soldier began whipping.

“Just five?”

“He needs to be hanged!”

“Five whips should be okay.”

“Maybe I should do it too.”

They saw the whip was not a regular whip. It was dirty with blood and had rotten flesh all over it and the whip itself was made out of a chain. After just one whip, the man fainted from the pain. All the onlookers were shocked.

Jackson smiled coldly as he felt the terror spreading through the crowd. Joonbum also nodded in approval as it was what he wanted. After a total of five terrible whippings, no one from the crowd dared to commit any crimes.

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Chapter 152: Corn, the miracle crop (2)Jackson continued on with his merciless trials. Criminals begged for mercy, but they went unheeded. He continued so that everyone who watched would understand what the consequences would be if they committed a crime. Some of the criminals were so terrified that they even died of heart attacks.

‘It’s very effective.’

The crowds loved executions. They cheered at the deaths of others and enjoyed watching criminals executed. Joonbum didn’t like the sight as it was too savage. It was especially worse when compared to the Ainos. Joonbum still couldn’t accept such savagery as he was from a modern world where high education and ethics were commonplace.

“10 WHIPS!”


Criminals began crying and begging, but there was no mercy. All criminals were served what they deserved as the rules stated.


Jackson stood up and roared as he finished all the trials. The crowd watched him in silence as Jackson’s voice spread like a lion’s roar. The voice was so loud that some were even shocked and fell to the ground.

“This land is ruled by Sir Joonbum Khalodian, the son of Count Brant Khalodian! He has allowed you to live in the land of the Ainos out of courtesy, but if you forget his grace, there will be no place for you to live in this land! No one, including nobles, will be pardoned for committing crimes! DO NOT FORGET THIS!”

Jackson came down from the stage after his speech. As he walked, people watched him and found a fully armored man on a dark blue Galim in the distance. The man was surrounded by six enormous wolves. Everyone knew who it was. Jackson bowed to him and all the villagers kneeled as if they were paying respect to the Lord Count himself.

Joonbum grinned inside his helmet.

‘So that’s why he wanted to install speakers.’

Jackson was a smart man.

“Shall we go make money, then?”


Jackson adjusted his glasses and smiled. He seemed proud of what he had done just now.

“How many are waiting?”

“There are three,” Jackson answered.

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier that you had such a thing? Think of all the money… Ugh. Anyways, I think the lowest we should sell it for is two thousand gold.”

“Are you sure?”

Joonbum hesitated, but Jackson wasn’t surprised.

“You’ve never tried it, have you, sir?”

“Me? N-no…”

Joonbum shook his head. He had sunglasses once upon a time, but it did not suit him. He always had good vision.

“Everyone will buy one once they try it out. You don’t know how terrible it is to have bad vision. These people live in pain since they can’t see what they used to. They don’t care about how much it costs. The same goes for the hearing aid too.”

The goods that they decided to sell were glasses and hearing aids. A lot of nobles had problems with their sight and hearing. It was like god’s gift to them. Older nobles whose sight got worse as they got older would not hesitate to spend a fortune to have their vision back.

‘I knew this would work.’

Joonbum smiled as he remembered preparing those items in case he had the chance to sell them in the other world.

“Where are you going, sir?”

“They are going to give me a Gerekstal, so I’m going to the barn.”

Joonbum looked excited. Jackson looked at him from top to bottom.

‘Ah, so that’s why…’

Joonbum was armored as if he was going out to the battlefield. He was like a knight from a fairytale when he rode on the giant Galim. The women of the village were in love with him. They did not forget to get a glimpse of him as he rode past. Children to older women alike were all eager to share their lust over Joonbum.

-I would run away instantly if he would take me with him!-

-You tend to your kids! I think he eyed me yesterday.-

-You’re making things up. But he’s so amazing…-

-Ugh, these perverted women. Go home to your husbands. You’re not worthy of him.-

The women never got tired of talking about the knight. It was the same with the kids. They made up a play that starred Joonbum as a hero of the refugees and the protector of people.

Jackson shook his head.

“Want to go together?”

“Are you sure?” Jackson asked as he thought about the Magnos. They were not really fond of strangers. Since Jackson was one of those people who did not like the Magnos joining the village, he, in turn, wasn’t really welcome. Jackson hated these people because they didn’t seem to know how to be thankful. It wasn’t a part of their nature. They were a proud race that liked to keep their traditions and always clashed with Jackson who wanted to solve things in a realistic manner.

Joonbum also did not welcome all of their ways, but he tried to understand the difference.

“Haha, it’s interesting.”


“No, nothing. I just thought it was interesting to see you have a hard time with someone.”

Jackson nodded, his face flushed.