Chapter 283: Xu Moyan Covered Her Face And Began To Roll Around On The Bed.

Looking at Xu Moyan, who turned silent, Zheng Yuntong decided to give her a clue. “You could hear it as well, right?”

Xu Moyan nodded. “Right, is your company cooperating with ‘Massacre OL?’”

“Of course. ‘Massacre OL’ was launched by Nan Yin. As such, public relations and promotional matters were handed over to our company.” Zheng Yuntong said.

“No wonder.” Xu Moyan muttered.

When Yu Linling was being interviewed last night, he said that a friend had asked for his help. This was the reason why he had participated in the YY event.

If Lin Yi was responsible for the promotion of ‘Massacre OL’, then it was typical for Wei Zilin, as the boss of Lin Yi to personally come forth and promote the game.



It did not matter whether he did it through participating in a YY campaign as Yu Linling or if he dubbed one of the NPCs in the game.

“What’s not surprising?” Zheng Yuntong blinked and asked curiously.

Xu Moyan told her what she was thinking, and it made Zheng Yuntong gasp in surprise. “So, you really do think that our boss is Yu Linling?”

“I think so. All the clues point to him.” Xu Moyan cleaned her face and climbed onto the bed to sit on it. “Moreover, the voices are too similar. All this pooled together is too much for it to be sheer coincidence.”

“I really couldn’t tell. Our boss is actually quite trendy, huh.” Zheng Yuntong’s mind started to float elsewhere. The ‘huh’ word at the end dragged on longer until it slowly faded away, at which point Zheng Yuntong snapped back to reality and looked at Xu Moyan.


“I was actually thinking about it. An online character that I can’t see and am unable to touch. All I can do is imagine his face and nature by relying on his voice alone. Such a thing is too unreliable. What if he sounds good, but his looks are not up to par? Or that his voice is nice, but he’s actually a scumbag?” Zheng Yuntong rubbed her calves with both her hands. “There are just too many uncertainties. However, if this person is actually my boss, then there should be no such problem at all.”

Xu Moyan rested her cheek on one of her hands, then she suddenly asked, “Hey, would I be overestimating my capabilities if I actually go after Wei Zilin?

“This… How should I put it? In our company, a lot of people have a crush on our boss. But, a crush is normally all there is to it since no one would actually come forth and confess. Even if they’re secretly in love with the boss, a more realistic target for them would be Shen Zongyi. It’s the real life, so no one will actually expect a Cinderella story. Even the person that’s obviously in love with our boss, Hu Yuesha, does not dare to genuinely pursue him or express even a little bit of affection toward him. The boss is too far away from us in all aspects. There’s not much to be said about his eminent and unapproachable existence; It’s just able to stop anyone from getting any closer.”

After Zheng Yuntong finished saying this, she suddenly grabbed Xu Moyan’s hand and said, “But it’s okay, just because they don’t have the courage to do it doesn’t mean that you can’t try. If you shoot your shot, I’ll be here to support you! I’ll be your most powerful internal assistant! During crucial moments, I’ll even drag Shen Zongyi over to your side! It doesn’t matter whether or not it’ll be successful, at the very least, there’ll be no regrets on your side if you at least try!”

“Don’t get too excited just yet.” Xu Moyan buried her forehead into her hand. “I haven’t made up my mind. To actually chase after Wei Zilin takes more than just courage. Furthermore, I don’t even have enough of that said courage right now. I’ll have to think about it. In truth, I’m already happy enough just to know the identity of my idol. At least I still have the opportunity to see him and hear his voice. This is already a benefit that the other fans can only dream of.”

Zheng Yuntong wanted to add that if the idol actually became her man, then that would be the most amazing benefit of them all.

However, even her courage could not match Xu Moyan’s, so she was in no position to say it out loud. Thus, she kept it to herself.

Initially, she was worried that Xu Moyan would fall for a stranger just because of his voice since this would be a hazardous matter. Thankfully, her having a crush on Wei Zilin now was at least slightly more reassuring. At least there was a chance, and it was way better than her liking a total stranger.

Xu Moyan remembered that Wei Zilin had promised to register for his Weibo account last night. However, there was no result when she had searched for it this morning, so now, she searched for it again.

She was not expecting to actually see that Wei Zilin had indeed registered for a Weibo account as Yu Linling. There was even a V added to it, and the words ‘Dubbed for Qi Shaofeng in the movie ‘Massacre’ and the online game ‘Massacre OL”’ written on his Weibo authentication.

His followers grew by the tens of thousands every time she refreshed the page. She was not sure when he had opened his account since she had not searched for it since that one time this morning. Nevertheless, now he had a million followers, but was following zero.

Since his account was created, he had only posted once in it. “Hi everyone. I’m Yu Linling. Please do give your support to the online game ‘Massacre OL’. I’ll be dubbing for Qi Shaofeng.”

This was followed by a link to the game’s official website.

It was two very simple sentences, accompanied by an official poster by ‘Massacre OL’. Other than the game’s logo and characters, there were also distinguishing features of the game on the poster. It was a very obvious Weibo advertisement.

Despite this, there were already thousands of comments on it.

Xu Moyan opened the comment section and saw that the comments could roughly be divided into three types. The first type were the ones that said they would support the game and asked whether Yu Linlin would play it. The other type were the ones that expressed their love for Yu Linling and constantly referred to him as their hubby. The last type were the people showing how touched they were about Yu Linling’s account registration.

Xu Moyan clicked on the follow button without the slightest hesitation. She began to feel like a nobody, since, in Wei Zilin’s eyes, she was merely Lin Chu’s friend and Zheng Yuntong’s roommate. Even though Zheng Yuntong had told Wei Zilin her Weibo ID this afternoon, he might not have remembered it.

Even if he did, he had too many followers. The notification about her following had long since disappeared amongst the vast sea of people, so he would probably never know about it.

After this, Zheng Yuntong yawned and went to sleep while Xu Moyan transferred the interview recording of Yu Linling that she had downloaded last night into her phone. She put her earphones on and listened to his voice as she went to bed. Since, she did not have a recording of him counting sheep, this could temporarily serve as a stopgap.

Yu Linling’s fans were probably fans that were great at improvising.

As she listened to Yu Linling’s voice, Wei Zilin’s face involuntarily popped up in her mind. Yu Linling has initially been an imaginary person. However, now that person had become three-dimensional. It was difficult to like his voice as simply as ignorantly as before. Nevertheless, slowly but surely, she started liking it even more; She felt as if Wei Zilin was by her side, saying all these words into her ear.

That low-pitched pleasant laughter of his gently grabbed her heart. It was ticklish, and eventually spread to places on her body that made her squirm quietly. As goosebumps spread across her body, Xu Moyan’s mind began to wander. Then, she remembered the scene this afternoon of her eating at the same table as Wei Zilin.

She still remembered, every word, pronunciation, and enunciation he had made with crystal clear clarity. Then, she recalled the moment when he had exchanged the small portion of steak with her…

Xu Moyan moaned faintly. Then, she covered her face and began to roll around on the bed.

If she continued to indulge in these thoughts, it seemed… it seemed like she would end up with an erotic dream tonight.

Xu Moyan was still thinking of a way to see Wei Zilin more often. Judging by his attitude toward Liang Wenyin, he did not seem to like intense women that took the initiative.

Moreover, to cause trouble for the other party by forcing herself onto them was a matter that even Xu Moyan could not accept.

Since she had already established that Wei Zilin was Yu Linling, he was now her idol, and she could not do anything that her idol disliked.

In the past, she did not frequently go to Lin Yi to look for Zheng Yuntong. Normally, she would not even go unless something urgent had occurred. Furthermore, her intentions would be too obvious if she were to go after Wei Zilin immediately after seeing him yesterday.

At this moment, she received a phone call from Lin Chu whilst still struggling internally.

Lin Chu had just given birth to a baby boy. It was midnight, so Lin Chu had obviously called her right after she had given birth. The two did not talk much, and Xu Moyan urged her to get some rest before telling her she would come to visit her on Saturday morning.

Xu Moyan tried to plan her schedule. After visiting Lin Chu, she could go to the supermarket on the way home and get some ingredients. Then, she could come back just in time to cook for Zheng Yuntong and Shen Zongyi at noon.

Zheng Yuntong found out about this and wanted to tag along with her.

On Saturday, the two got up early. They had to go to Chu Tian Confinement Center, then the supermarket before coming back home. The journey alone would take up a lot of time, so they had to leave earlier in order to not to make it for lunch.

Lin Chu’s stay at the confinement center was quite heavily regulated. The confinement center would provide specialized nutritional meals for her, and professional nutritionists would prepare different meals according to each mother’s postpartum condition. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner would come precisely at a scheduled time, hence, Lin Chu had no chance to sleep in even if she wanted to.

When they reached the confinement center, it was 9 o’clock. Xu Moyan had not given birth before and thus had no experience in caring for new mothers. The knowledge she had found on the Internet did not seem to be accurate, as there were varying opinions. Because of this, she did not dare to prepare soup or any other kinds of food for Lin Chu. In any case, it would not have been able to compete with the confinement center’s specialized meals.

Therefore, she and Zheng Yuntong went to buy some little children’s clothes and toys instead. Children’s skin was delicate, so the two did not try to be stingy over the cost of the materials. On Friday evening, they had specially gone to children’s clothing store in a high-end shopping mall to get the stuff. Children’s clothes were cheaper than adults, but children would also grow into their clothes faster. As such, they would frequently need to change their clothes, meaning that a piece of clothing would be worn no more than a few times each. Thus, even clothing that costs only a few hundred Yuan would be deemed expensive.