Chapter 276: I Can’t Shake The Feeling That I’ve Heard This Voice Before

“Yu Linling, our liege,” the Cold Song of Muye’s voice rang out once again.

Yu Linling laughed lightly, it sounded like a bell ringing underwater. It murmured in everyone’s ears seductively. “You don’t need to refer to me as your liege. I’m not from the industry and it’s quite awkward to hear someone refer to me as such.”

Xu Moyan felt she was about to faint. How could a laugh sound so provocative? She could feel herself go weak in the knees.

Someone was already crying on screen, “My liege, can you laugh again? It sounds so good!”

“My liege, please make appearances more often.”

“Sob sob sob sob, I can’t go home and face my boyfriend’s voice now.”



“No matter what, you’re a legend within our industry. Even if we don’t refer to you as our liege, I’m still going to call you my sovereign one. It doesn’t feel right when you’re not referred to in respect,” said the Cold Song of Muye. He was a well-known personality himself but was now acting like a fan when Yu Linling appeared.

Another sound of laughter could be heard from her earphone and Xu Moyan felt lucky that she had put on her earphones. It sounded like he was laughing right into her ears and it made them burn red.

“My sovereign one, I’m going to ask you some questions,” said the Cold Song of Muye.

“Please go ahead,” Yu Linling replied calmly.

“Well, it’s like this. Your fans had first got hooked to your voice when you did the voiceover for the character Qi Shaofeng in ‘Massacre’, but after that, you didn’t appear in anything else. Why is that?”


“I’m not from the industry and don’t understand it much,” Yu Linling replied seriously.

When Xu Moyan heard his reply, she finally understood for the first time how a serious man could be so attractive.

“When I did the voiceover for Qi Shaofeng, it was to help out a friend. I’m not a professional voiceover actor and it’s not my interest to be one either. I’ve never thought about accepting another job like this after I helped out this friend,” explained Yu Linling.

“We have a piece of big news to share with everyone, which I believe even the fans are unaware of. We wanted to leave this news for last to give the fans out there a big surprise. The upcoming online game, ‘Massacre OL’ with the NPC Qi Shaofeng, will still be voiced by our sovereign one.”

The screen went wild after the Cold Wind of Muye made the announcement.

Xu Moyan rubbed her palms together and prepared to download this online game. All she wanted from the game was to listen to Qi Shaofeng’s voice.

“That’s right. I’m helping out a friend for this as well. He knew that I did the voiceover for Qi Shaofeng previously and it received positive feedback. So, he had gotten my help to promote this game. To be honest, I’m taking part in this event because my friend had asked me to help. So, I hope everyone will support ‘Massacre OL’.”

A surge of messages flooded the screen to declare their support for the upcoming game.

“I’ll play this game for the sake of my liege’s voice.”

“I’ll lick the screen ten thousand times a day.”

“Would you provide voiceovers for other productions after this?” Cold Song of Muye asked the question every fan wanted to know.

“Hmm…” Yu Linling murmured. Xu Moyan pressed her hands to her heart reactively at the sound of his husky tone.

“I can’t say for sure. If my friend needs help, I’ll definitely do more voiceovers.”

“That means you won’t be accepting any commercial work on your own accord but would only take up voiceover work when your friend asks for your help?” Cold Song of Muye asked.

“You can put it that way. However, I won’t be doing voiceover work for any main characters. I’m very busy with my regular job and can’t place too much focus on this. So, I’ll only accept work for characters with minimum dialogue,” Yu Linling replied very seriously.

The fans were not disappointed with this answer. They had waited six years to hear him again. Who knew if there would be other friends he had who would ask for his help again?

“We’ll let the fans take the next round of Q&A. We’ve got some questions from fans for you here. Here’s the first question: My sovereign one, where did your name come from?” Asked Cold Song of Muye.

Yu Linling gave another light laugh. He had laughed several times during the event. Xu Moyan had no resistance to his voice. She wanted to hear more from him.

“I had no interest to expose my identity and the film had to put in the name of the voiceover actors during the credits. The first name I thought of was this epigraph, so I gave it to my friend for the credits.”

“Another fan is asking for you to get a Weibo account. Even if you don’t do voiceover work often, they would still like to visit your Weibo account sometimes,” said Cold Song of Muye.

“Oh, this should be no problem. I’ll register for one later,” Yu Linling agreed readily.

“That’s great news. Okay, now we’ll begin the biggest segment of the night. We’ll be picking a lucky fan to turn on their microphone and ask our sovereign one a question they’ve been dying to ask. I’ll be changing this into free mode, so everyone can fight for the microphone. I’ll be counting from one to three. Get ready, everyone,” said Cold Song of Muye.

Xu Moyan held on to her mouse as her palms sweated nervously. She heard the Cold Song of Muye start counting, “One… Two… Three!”

“Congratulations, Silent M,” the free mode for microphones were turned off. Xu Moyan scratched her ears. She could hardly believe what she had just heard.

Xu Moyan had never won any lucky draw before. She could not believe that she had managed to get the right to the microphone!

She saw her name being displayed on the screen. “Silent M, you can start speaking now.”

Xu Moyan was in a daze. She was so surprised that she had forgotten to speak.

“Silent M, Silent M, are you there?” Cold Song of Muye called out.

“Here… I’m here,” Xu Moyan stuttered.

“It sounds like you’re too excited. What question do you have? You can ask right now,” Cold Song of Muye laughed.

Xu Moyan swallowed. “Urm. I’d like to ask…”

Xu Moyan’s mind was blank. “Yu… Yu Linling, do you need a girlfriend?”

Yu Linling, “…”

Cold Song of Muye, “…”

All the fans, “Kick her out! Kick her out right now!”

Xu Moyan woke from her reverie the moment she asked the question. She went stiff on her seat.

She, she, she… How could she ask him this kind of question?!

“I, I, I, I… I didn’t do that on purpose! I, I… I didn’t plan on asking you that question. Yikes, I have no idea what made me say something like this. Please… Please don’t be offended over this. I…” Xu Moyan covered her mouth. The more she tried to explain, the more awkward she felt. She was starting to tear up.

“I’m sorry. That’s a personal question, so I won’t be answering that,” said Yu Linling. The tone of his voice sounded like there was a slight smile on his face. It was accompanied by a husky, magnetic voice that flowed into Xu Moyan’s ears. It was enough to let her know that he was not angry over the question.

Xu Moyan pressed her hands on her heart. Her idol was the best!

Cold Song of Muye had taken Xu Moyan as a crazy fan. He was worried she would ask something even worse and quickly took her off the microphone.

Xu Moyan was depressed over her stupidity. She was so embarrassed that she wanted to exit the channel, but she could not bear to say goodbye to Yu Linling’s voice. So, she decided to soldier on red-faced.

Yu Linling answered a few more questions and left the channel. The event was officially over. The fans were left with their questions and a few CV took to chatting with the singer. Some songs were performed as a gift for fans.

At that moment, an icon was blinking at the right corner of Xu Moyan’s YY. It was an unfamiliar headshot.

Xu Moyan clicked it and saw the words flashed across her screen. ‘Hello, I’m the President of Yu Linling’s fan club. I hope you can apologize to Yu Linling and stop asking such rude questions. Yu Linling, our liege, has his privacy and fans should not invade it. What you did was embarrassing Yu Linling. As for your fantasy of becoming his girlfriend, you should forget about it.’

Xu Moyan frowned. She was just acting like a little fan and asked that question without realizing it.

This President was being a little too serious about things. It was nothing but a simple question. There were times when some fans said the wrong things because of their excitement. Yu Linling did not find anything wrong with it. Why should the President find fault with her?

She was sure this President had no connections with Yu Linling. He had disappeared into thin air after doing the voiceover for Qi Shaofeng. There were no traces of him online at all, not even a social media account to his name. This fan club was established completely by fans. Yu Linling himself might not even know this President was telling Xu Moyan off for ‘his own good’.

Xu Moyan was not an even-tempered person. This so-called President must be some young girl, but there was no way Xu Moyan was going to give in to her just because she was young.

Xu Moyan immediately retorted, “What do you mean by telling me this? I just said the wrong thing out of excitement because I was a big fan. I don’t even know what came over me when I asked that question. Besides, there was no bad intention and I didn’t poke into his privacy too much. I apologized immediately after that. Everyone could tell I was just being overexcited. Even Yu Linling didn’t mind it much, why should you come gunning after me? You’re just an unofficial President of a fan club set up by yourself. You’re not his agent and not even his girlfriend. Aren’t you being too much of a busybody as a fan giving yourself the right to voice out on behalf of your idol? From the tone of Yu Linling’s words, I’m pretty sure he is a mature adult who knows how to forgive and is a man of experience. I’m not some greenhorn student who’s still stuck in school. Two mature people would have treated his matter as a momentarily awkward situation. As for your attempts at protecting an idol, well, you can save it.”

Xu Moyan blocked this person and went offline after sending out the message. She did not even allow the other party to retaliate. Xu Moyan did not want to allow her to say what she wanted as a retort.

“Little girl, you’re too green to be battling it out with me,” Xu Moyan snorted as she got her phone out to access Weibo. She picked out a few fan comments to reply to.

However, she could not let go of that stupid act she did tonight. Xu Moyan scratched her head and walked to her bedside. She plunged into her bed with her face pressed into the mattress. Her lips were misshapen from the pressure.

She groaned and shook her head while it was still pressed on the bed. She flipped about on bed with both her hands on her head as she squeaked in frustration.

“Embarrassing, embarrassing, it was so embarrassing!” Xu Moyan punched her mattress a few times and climbed back up to pick up her phone before plunging back into bed.

She hesitantly updated her Weibo. “I embarrassed myself in front of my idol. I didn’t mean to tease my idol, (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) ”

Not long after she updated it, there was a knock on her door.

“Come in,” Xu Moyan was still rolling about in bed. She was wrapped up in her blanket like a burrito and sounded listless.

Zheng Yuntong flew into the room quickly with her hand on her phone.

Xu Moyan hugged her blanket and asked, “You’re done with the television?”

Zheng Yuntong climbed into her bed and showed her the phone. “I’m done. What’s with this update? Do you have an idol? How did you tease him?”

Xu Moyan opened her eyes. “It’s that Yu Linling I told you about. There was a fan activity where we had to fight for the right to the microphone. The one who got it could ask him a question. I managed to get the opportunity, but in the end…”

“What happened in the end?” Zheng Yuntong gave her an encouraging push.

Xu Moyan covered her face and said in anguish, “I asked if he needed a girlfriend. I’ve lost all dignity in front of my idol. I feel so terrible.”

“Hey, I thought you said you were a fan of reason. Your idol has so many fans, he won’t remember you at all. Don’t overthink this,” Zheng Yuntong consoled her.

Xu Moyan caught hold of Zheng Yuntong red-faced. “Even if it was something embarrassing, I’d still want him to remember me!”

Zheng Yuntong gave her a strange look. Xu Moyan suddenly felt self-conscious by it and she let go of Zheng Yuntong. She asked quietly, “Why… Why are you looking at me that way?”

She lowered her head and pretended to scroll through her phone for new comments.

“My Goddess, don’t cry. It’s not you. You’re completely overturning your image in my heart as my Goddess!”

“My Goddess, your hands are so pretty, but you have such a manly personality!”

“I want to know who is my Goddess’ idol.”

“My Goddess, you have such culinary talent, tie your idol down by his stomach.”

Xu Moyan was silent. She was wondering what her idol looked like and what was his job. She did not even know how old he was.

Even though she had confidently told that fan club President that Yun Linling must be a mature man, but voices were not dependable. He might turn out to be younger than her.

“Moyan, you aren’t really attracted to him just because of his voice, are you?” Zheng Yuntong asked faintly.

Xu Moyan nearly dropped her phone, but quickly grabbed it. She continued pretending busying herself on the phone.

“How could I be? I just like the sound of his voice, that’s all. You know that I’m pretty much a logical person. I’m not a young girl, I don’t fantasize about things like this.”

Zheng Yuntong sat cross-legged on the bed. She had been housemates with Xu Moyan for quite a while and understood her quite a bit. “You can try telling yourself that, but you should know best and think about how you really feel about it. I don’t object to you having an idol. I have idols too, but maybe because my idols are celebrities and there’s a sort of gap between us, so I don’t think too much about it. As for that Yu Linling, he gives an impression of someone you could bump into easily and get into a relationship with. You should think clearly about this. You can’t be staying single because of a voice. You’ll miss out on potential relationships.”

Xu Moyan murmured an ‘okay’ with her head lowered. She was not able to convince herself about this at all.

Zheng Yuntong gave Xu Moyan a poke. “Sigh. Just how wonderful is your idol’s voice to make you think about him day and night? Just because of a voice, you start rejecting other men.”

The mention of this perked Xu Moyan up. She crawled towards her computer.

As an experienced fan of a good voice, she had the habit of recording it. She clicked open a folder saved on her desktop and played a clip for Zheng Yuntong.

As she watched Zheng Yuntong become silent, Xu Moyan thought Zheng Yuntong had fallen under the spell of the voice. She turned off the clip and raised her eyebrow proudly at Zheng Yuntong. “How was it? Unforgettable, right?”

Zheng Yuntong scratched the side of her head. “It’s a nice voice, but I can’t shake the feeling that I’ve heard this voice before.”

Xu Moyan immediately thought of something. “Have you? You must have watched the movie ‘Massacre’ before, right? He was the voiceover for Qi Shaofeng. It was an unforgettable voice, which is why you still remember it. It’s only normal that you find it familiar.”

“That could be it,” Zheng Yuntong hesitated. She still felt that she had heard it somewhere before.

Zheng Yuntong was not as sensitive to different voices like Xu Moyan was. Moreover, she was not a big fan of a good voice. She thought it sounded similar to everything else and did not pay much attention to it just because it sounded nice.

It could be because Zheng Yuntong was tone-deaf and did not have a good understanding of different sounds. It was just a voice that she found familiar but could not figure out where she had heard it before.

The next day, Xu Moyan left for work as usual. There was not much happening on the way, so she clicked on her Weibo to search if Yun Linling had set up an account. Even if he did set up one, she had to wait for the ‘V’ to confirm that it was him. This was because there were too many fake accounts online and it would take a while for Weibo to verify it with a ‘V’.