Chapter 409 Epilogue 2  

In the middle of a wide backyard, a ten-year-old boy was swinging a wooden sword. He was crying as he kept on swinging the wooden sword up and down. The ten-year-old boy had a familiar looking face that most people would know. This was because, except for his amber hair that he inherited from his mother, his overall look was the exact replica of his father who was a famous hero.

This boy who was crying while swinging a wooden sword was noneother than the son of the hero and the saint, Lyner and Anita Resteti. His form as he swung the wooden sword was near perfection itself, if it was before the change, he would be considered a once in a generation genius. But now he was someone who had no ability, and to add to that he wasn’t even granted the strength boost that most unchanged have. He was, in short, the only Old human left, the new organ that everyone has in them was forcefully removed by his mother from birth. This led to his overall characteristics being exactly the same as the old humans. Which made him biologically weaker than everyone else, as even the unchanged had a bit of an upgrade after the incident.

"Sigmund, why are you crying?" Anita came to the backyard and saw her son swinging a wooden sword, but she then noticed that he was crying.

Seeing his mother approach him, Sigmund stopped swinging his wooden sword and started running towards Anita. He then hugged Anita tightly while burying his face on his mother’s chest.

"Can you tell mommy why you’re crying?" Anita gently hugged her son while patting his back.

"Everyone’s making fun of me."


"Why are they making fun of you?"

"I went out today to play with some of my school friends, and I learned that all of them got their powers during the summer break. They were all showing off their superpowers and when they asked me what kind of superpower I have, I told them I don’t have any powers. The other kids then said they don’t want to play with an unchanged like me. Then even my friends asked how was I the son of a hero if I can’t even use any superpower."

"Oh, you don’t need any superpower to become great. Your father was way more powerful than any other person with a superpower, and he was like you."

Sigmund took a little peek at his mother and asked, "really?..."

"It’s true, you can go ask Alex and the others about him. I’m sure they’ll tell you that even they with all their abilities couldn’t match up to your father."

"Really big bro Alex and everyone in the Mercenary Club, can’t win against dad?"


"Of course, you can go ask them anytime." Hearing what his mother said, made Sigmund feel a bit better as he wiped away his tears. He was then about to go back to practicing his sword swings when he heard three kids calling for him.

"Sigmund nii-san"


"Sigmund nii-chan!"

Three kids came out to the backyard, they were Alex’s children. Amelia Samarita, Rachel and Alex’s eldest daughter. She had long black hair tied in a ponytail, like her father Amelia’s facial expression looked devoid of any emotion. She greeted Sigmund and bowed her head. She was currently eight years old.

The next one was Randolph Carlo Samarita, Alex’s only son that he had with Evangeline. He was given a second name that was similar to Alex’s adoptive father’s name. He had a fierce look about him, with his silver hair that he inherited from his mother, he looked like a character that came out of an anime. He was also eight years old and only a few months younger than Amelia.

Last but not least was the cutest of the Samarita children, Hime Samarita. She was the youngest daughter and her mother was Rachel. With her big round eyes, her twintails that resembled her mother’s, and her cute smiling face, she was a force to be reckoned with. She was now five years old.

"I’m sorry auntie Anita, I need to go to an important meeting, and no one else is home right now. Can I leave the children with you for a while?" Rachel came to the backyard running after the children.

"Of course it’s alright, I like it when they’re here. It’s always lively when the children are here."

"Thanks, auntie, everyone mommy will be going to work now. So all of you need to be good children and listen to Nana Anita."

"YES!" The three responded in unison. After thanking Anita one more time, and kissing her children goodbye Rachel immediately left.


"Aniki, look at this!" Once Rachel was gone, Randolph suddenly created a block of ice. Sigmund was surprised to see this. Usually, children of the new generation would gain access to their abilities when they reached nine to ten years old. But Randolph was able to do it a year earlier.

"Awesome right! Now I have the same ability as Kaa-san. Even nee-san can use the same ability as Kaa-chan."

To show Sigmund that Randolph was telling the truth, Amelia summoned a ball of flame on her fingertips. Hime happily clapped her hands as she watched her two older siblings showing their new abilities. She then looked at Sigmund with sparkling eyes.

"Sigmund nii-chan, show me your ability! I’m sure it’s going to be awesome!"

"I want to see as well Aniki." Amelia nodded her head agreeing with Randolph’s statement.

Seeing all the attention was on him, Sigmund couldn’t handle it and ran away. The three Samarita siblings looked bewildered by Randolph’s sudden escape. Anita who was watching the whole situation could only sigh. She didn’t plan on following her son since she wanted her ten-year-old son to figure things about his own feelings by himself.

As the son of Lyner Resteti, this was a trial he needed to overcome by himself.


A few days later Sigmund was still being teased at school, and his usually smiling face could no longer be seen. Anita really wanted to comfort her son, but this was something she believed Sigmund needed to overcome by himself. Still, it should be alright to help him out a bit.

"Sigmund I made your favorite, buffalo wings!"

"Oh, thanks, mom," Sigmund responded with less enthusiasm than Anita expected.


The following day while Sigmund was heading home from school he took a detour and arrived in front of a statue. This particular statue was something he used to love seeing, but nowadays he had complicated feelings about it that he couldn’t understand. This was the statue of his late father Lyner Resteti.

Sigmund looked at the statue that practically radiated pride and punched it.

’Why?! Why am I so weak! Why am I different from everybody else!’ Sigmund was irritated when he found out that he was the weakest person in the class. Even the other unchanged like him were way stronger than him. He used to be the strongest in class but now everyone, even the unchanged were mocking him.

Sigmund then looked up at his father’s statue and gnashed his teeth. ’If you’re able to become the strongest, that would mean I can do it too! I am after all the son of the hero!’

It was at that very moment Sigmund vowed to himself that he would become stronger than his father, stronger than Alex, stronger than Rika Saunter, stronger than anyone else.